Susan Garrett
Filed: 2/18/2004
09300SB3112sam002 |
LRB093 15774 DRJ 47592 a |
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2 |
| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3112 by replacing |
3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 |
| "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Safe |
5 |
| Bottled Water Act.
6 |
| Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
7 |
| "Bottled water" means any water that is placed in a
sealed |
8 |
| container at a water-bottling plant to be used for drinking,
9 |
| culinary, or other purposes involving a likelihood of the water |
10 |
| being
ingested by humans. "Bottled water" does not include |
11 |
| water packaged
with the approval of the Department for use in a |
12 |
| public emergency.
13 |
| "Department" means the Department of Public Health.
14 |
| "Private water source" means a privately owned source of
15 |
| water in Illinois, other than a public water system or private |
16 |
| water system as defined in the Illinois Groundwater Protection |
17 |
| Act, that is used for bottled or
vended water and meets the |
18 |
| requirements of an approved source for
bottled water as defined |
19 |
| in Section 129.3 of Title 21 of the Code of
Federal |
20 |
| Regulations.
21 |
| "Retail water facility" means any commercial establishment
22 |
| where vended water is sold, and placed in customers' |
23 |
| containers, or
placed in containers sold or given to customers |
24 |
| who come to the
establishment to obtain water.
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| "Vended water" means any water that is dispensed by a
2 |
| water-vending machine or retail water facility, or water from a
3 |
| private water source, and that is
dispensed by a water-vending |
4 |
| machine, retail water facility, water
hauler, or any other |
5 |
| person or facility for drinking, culinary, or
other purposes |
6 |
| involving a likelihood of the water being ingested by
humans. |
7 |
| "Vended water" does not include water from a public water
8 |
| system that has not undergone additional treatment. Water sold
9 |
| without further treatment is not "vended water".
10 |
| "Water-bottling plant" means any facility in which bottled
11 |
| water is produced.
12 |
| "Water-vending machine" means any self-service device |
13 |
| that,
upon insertion of a coin, coins, or token, or upon |
14 |
| receipt of payment
by any other means, dispenses a unit volume |
15 |
| of water to be used for
drinking, culinary, or other purposes |
16 |
| involving a likelihood of the
water being ingested by humans.
17 |
| Section 10. Licenses required.
18 |
| (a) No person may operate a water-bottling plant or a
19 |
| private water source in this
State, except pursuant to a |
20 |
| license issued by the Department. Bottled water must be |
21 |
| processed in conformance with 21 CFR Part 129 and must conform |
22 |
| to 21 CFR Part 165. If a
person has a valid water-bottling |
23 |
| plant license issued by the
Department, additional license fees |
24 |
| for a private water source
operator based and operating at the |
25 |
| same address
shall not be required.
26 |
| (b) Any bottled water
produced by a private
water source or |
27 |
| water-bottling plant that is not licensed in compliance with |
28 |
| this Act is
misbranded and may be embargoed.
29 |
| (c) It is unlawful for a water bottler, water distributor, |
30 |
| water-vending
machine owner,
retail water facility, or private |
31 |
| water source operator to
sell or otherwise distribute water |
32 |
| that is unsafe for use or that is
adulterated or
misbranded as |
33 |
| provided in the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
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| (d) The licensing of activities relating to bottled water |
2 |
| as
provided in this Section is an exclusive power and function |
3 |
| of the State. A
home rule
unit may not license any activities |
4 |
| relating to bottled water
that are
licensed under this Section. |
5 |
| This subsection is a denial and limitation of home
powers |
6 |
| and functions under subsection (h) of Section 6 of Article VII |
7 |
| of the
8 |
| Section 15. Inspections and related activities.
9 |
| (a) In order to carry out the purposes of this Act,
any |
10 |
| duly authorized representative of the Department may, at any
11 |
| reasonable hour of the day, do any of the following:
12 |
| (1) Enter a inspect a licensed facility or any place |
13 |
| where
bottled water or vended water records are stored, |
14 |
| kept, or
15 |
| (2) Inspect and copy any records, reports, test |
16 |
| results, or other
information required to implement this |
17 |
| Act.
18 |
| (3) Obtain samples of the water supply and finished |
19 |
| product.
20 |
| (b) The Department shall inspect every water-bottling |
21 |
| plant and private water
source at least once each year. The |
22 |
| Department
provide an opportunity for a representative of |
23 |
| the water-bottling
plant or private water source operator to |
24 |
| accompany the Department's representative
during the |
25 |
| inspection.
26 |
| (c) Any person who prevents, interferes
with, or attempts |
27 |
| to impede in any way any duly authorized
representative of the |
28 |
| Department from undertaking any activity
authorized by this |
29 |
| Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
30 |
| Section 20. Water intended for bottling; storage, |
31 |
| transportation, and processing. |
32 |
| (a) Water intended for bottling shall not be stored, |
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| transported, processed, or bottled through equipment or lines |
2 |
| used for any non-food product. |
3 |
| (b) Water intended for bottling shall not be stored, |
4 |
| transported, processed, or bottled through equipment or lines |
5 |
| used for any dairy product or non-beverage food, except that |
6 |
| filling equipment may be used for dairy products and |
7 |
| non-beverage foods in accordance with the following |
8 |
| requirements: |
9 |
| (1) When filling equipment designed for cleaning in |
10 |
| place is utilized for dairy products or non-beverage foods, |
11 |
| that equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized in |
12 |
| place in accordance with procedures specified by the |
13 |
| manufacturer and in 21 CFR Part 129 prior to being used for |
14 |
| bottled water. |
15 |
| (2) Fillers not designed for cleaning in place must be |
16 |
| completely disassembled for cleaning and sanitizing prior |
17 |
| to being used for bottled water.
18 |
| Section 25. License fee. The fee for any license issued |
19 |
| under this Act is
$150. The
fee must be paid to the Department |
20 |
| before a license may be issued. Licenses issued under this Act |
21 |
| shall be issued annually. Licenses must be renewed annually on |
22 |
| or before January 1 of the year for which they are issued. The |
23 |
| Department may impose an additional fee of $50 on a person who |
24 |
| submits an application for a license after the deadline. The |
25 |
| Department shall use all fees received under this Act for the |
26 |
| purpose of recouping the costs of providing the services |
27 |
| required to be provided by the Department under this Act.
28 |
| Section 30. Water-bottling plants located outside |
29 |
| Illinois. Every water-bottling plant located outside Illinois |
30 |
| that sells or distributes bottled water in Illinois must |
31 |
| annually register with the Department. The fee for registration |
32 |
| under this Act is $150. The Department may impose an additional |
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| fee of $50 on an out-of-state water-bottling plant that |
2 |
| registers after the deadline set by the Department. |
3 |
| Section 35. Safe Bottled Water Fund. The Safe Bottled Water
4 |
| Fund is established as a special fund in the State treasury. |
5 |
| All moneys
by the Department under this Act shall be |
6 |
| deposited into the fund. Moneys in
the fund
shall be used by |
7 |
| the Department,
upon appropriation, for the purpose of |
8 |
| administering this Act.
9 |
| Section 40. Denial, revocation, or suspension of license. |
10 |
| (a) The
Department may deny
any license application or
11 |
| revoke or suspend any license issued under this Act for cause. |
12 |
| The Department
inform the applicant or license holder of |
13 |
| the denial, revocation, or suspension
writing, stating with |
14 |
| particularity the reasons for the denial,
revocation, or |
15 |
| suspension.
The Department shall afford the applicant or |
16 |
| license holder an opportunity for
a hearing in accordance with |
17 |
| the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
18 |
| (b) For purposes of this Section, "cause" means a violation |
19 |
| of any
provision of this Act or any regulation adopted pursuant |
20 |
| to this
21 |
| Section 45. Potential contamination. |
22 |
| (a) Upon a determination by the Department that a
23 |
| particular water source is subject to potential contamination, |
24 |
| the
Department shall notify the appropriate bottler, |
25 |
| distributor, or vendor of
bottled water, owner or operator of a |
26 |
| water-vending machine,
water hauler, retail water facility |
27 |
| operator, or private
water source operator of the specific |
28 |
| contaminants or class of
contaminants that pose a potential |
29 |
| health risk.
30 |
| (b) Within 7 days after notification by the Department, the
31 |
| bottler, distributor, or vendor of bottled water, owner or
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| operator of a water-vending machine, water hauler, retail
water |
2 |
| facility operator, or private water source operator must
3 |
| conduct an analysis of the water source and submit the results |
4 |
| of the
analysis to the Department.
5 |
| (c) If evidence of contamination is found, the Department |
6 |
| may, by
order, require the bottler of bottled water,
owner or |
7 |
| operator of a water-vending machine, or private water
source |
8 |
| operator to conduct an analysis of the finished water product |
9 |
| for
the contaminants of concern in accordance with conditions |
10 |
| specified
by the Department. The water analysis must be |
11 |
| conducted and
reported on an annual basis, unless the |
12 |
| Department finds that
reasonable action requires either more |
13 |
| frequent or less frequent
14 |
| Section 50. Testing laboratories. All testing of bottled |
15 |
| water, bottled
water sources,
water distributed by water |
16 |
| haulers, water from retail water facilities,
and water from |
17 |
| vending machines must be done by competent laboratories
18 |
| approved by the Department or another state's regulatory |
19 |
| agency.
20 |
| Section 55. Water packaged for use in public emergencies. |
21 |
| (a) The Department, by its written permission, may allow a
22 |
| person to package water for use in public emergencies without
23 |
| obtaining a water bottling license if the emergency has |
24 |
| resulted
in the interruption of, or has compromised the quality |
25 |
| of, the public
drinking water supply. The Department's |
26 |
| permission may authorize the
of any provision of |
27 |
| this Act and related regulations.
28 |
| (b) The Department may at any time change or impose on the
29 |
| permittee any requirements, such as requirements concerning |
30 |
| testing, equipment,
documentation, that the Department |
31 |
| deems necessary to protect public
health, but in doing so, the |
32 |
| Department must consider the effect of those
requirements in |
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| light of the urgency of the situation. The
Department may grant |
2 |
| or withdraw this permission at any time.
3 |
| (c) Packing, distribution, and use of water under a permit
4 |
| shall be allowed only during the emergency period and shall end |
5 |
| upon
the restoration of adequate public drinking supplies as |
6 |
| determined by
the Department. Distribution of the packaged |
7 |
| water shall be limited to the area
Water so packaged |
8 |
| shall be prominently labeled "drinking water",
"for emergency |
9 |
| use only", and "not for sale", or similar wording
approved by |
10 |
| the Department.
11 |
| (d) This Section shall not be construed to restrict |
12 |
| licensed
water-bottling plants from providing water processed |
13 |
| in accordance
with this Act in emergency situations.
14 |
| Section 60. Violation; penalty. A person who commits a |
15 |
| violation of this Act other than a violation of subsection (c) |
16 |
| of Section 15 is guilty of a petty offense and subject to a |
17 |
| fine of not more than $1,000.
18 |
| Section 90. The State Finance Act is amended by adding |
19 |
| Section 5.625 as follows: |
20 |
| (30 ILCS 105/5.625 new)
21 |
| Sec. 5.625. The Safe Bottled Water Fund.
22 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January |
23 |
| 1, 2005.".