Sen. Iris Y. Martinez
Filed: 2/24/2004
09300SB2726sam001 |
LRB093 19921 BDD 47997 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2726 on page 3, by |
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| replacing lines 31 through 33 with the following: |
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| " to visit either by federal or State law. Under the supervision |
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| of a regional ombudsman, volunteers may be used to investigate |
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| or resolve complaints, except those related to abuse and |
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| neglect, as prohibited by standards established by the |
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| Department. All volunteers must submit to "; and
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| on page 4, immediately below line 5, by inserting the |
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| following: |
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| " For the purposes of this Section, "abuse" and "neglect" |
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| have the following meanings. |
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| "Abuse" means (i) the willful infliction of injury, |
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| unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or cruel punishment |
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| with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish or (ii) |
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| willful deprivation by a person, including a caregiver, of |
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| goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm, |
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| mental anguish, or mental illness. |
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| "Neglect" means the failure to provide for oneself the |
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| goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm, |
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| mental anguish, or mental illness or the failure of a caregiver |
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| to provide these goods and services. "; and |
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| on page 8, by replacing lines 17 through 19 with the following: |
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| " (4) a regional long term care ombudsman program under |