State of Illinois
2003 and 2004 SB2598
Introduced 2/4/2004, by M. Maggie Crotty SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
305 ILCS 22/15 |
305 ILCS 22/25 |
Amends the Good Samaritan Energy Plan Act. Provides for the deposit into the Good Samaritan Energy Trust Fund of other moneys from any source that are designated for the Fund. Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity may contract with a tax-exempt not-for-profit charitable organization to administer the Fund, in order to make donations to the fund tax-deductible. Effective immediately.
SB2598 |
LRB093 18543 DRJ 44264 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning energy assistance.
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| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
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| Section 5. The Good Samaritan Energy Plan Act is amended by |
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| changing Sections 15 and 25 as follows:
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| (305 ILCS 22/15)
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| Sec. 15. Good Samaritan Energy Trust Fund. The Good |
8 |
| Samaritan Energy
Trust Fund is created as a special fund in the |
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| State treasury. The Department
shall administer the Fund. The |
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| Department shall deposit moneys received from
the following |
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| sources into the Fund:
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| (1) Voluntary donations from individuals, foundations, |
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| corporations, and
other sources.
14 |
| (2) Proceeds from fundraising events held for the |
15 |
| purpose of generating
moneys for the Fund.
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| (3) Other moneys from any source that are designated |
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| for the Fund.
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| (Source: P.A. 93-285, eff. 7-22-03.)
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| (305 ILCS 22/25)
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| Sec. 25. Administration of Fund. |
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| (a) The Department shall administer the Good
Samaritan |
22 |
| Energy Trust Fund with the advice and consent of the Low Income
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| Energy
Assistance Policy Advisory Council established under |
24 |
| the Energy Assistance Act
1989. Donations received for the |
25 |
| Fund shall be made available for the purpose
alleviating |
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| utility bill arrearages for households determined eligible for
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| LIHEAP, except
that the
Department may use up to 10% of the |
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| moneys donated for the Fund for the
expenses of the Department |
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| and the local area agency
incurred in administering the Fund.
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| Resources from the Fund shall be awarded to local area agencies |
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| that have
contracts with the Department to administer |