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| of subsection (2) of Section 9902 of Title 42 of the United |
2 |
| States Code. |
3 |
"Financially qualified uninsured patient" means a patient |
4 |
| who is uninsured, whose family income is less than 200% of the |
5 |
| federal poverty level, and who satisfies the requirements under |
6 |
| a hospital's charity assistance policy under Section 20 of this |
7 |
| Act.
8 |
| "Hospital" means any facility that is required to be |
9 |
| licensed under the Hospital Licensing Act.
10 |
| "Medically necessary service" means any inpatient or |
11 |
| outpatient hospital service that is covered by and considered |
12 |
| to be medically necessary under Title XVIII of the federal |
13 |
| Social Security Act. Medically necessary services do not |
14 |
| include any of the following: |
15 |
| (1) Non-medical services such as social, educational, |
16 |
| and vocational services. |
17 |
| (2) Cosmetic surgery. |
18 |
"Uninsured discount" means, with respect to medically |
19 |
| necessary services rendered to a financially qualified |
20 |
| uninsured patient, a discount that is applied after the |
21 |
| hospital's charges are imposed on the patient, due to the |
22 |
| patient's determined financial inability to pay the charges. |
23 |
| "Uninsured patient" means a patient who has been an |
24 |
| Illinois resident for at least one year, who does not have |
25 |
| third-party coverage from a health insurer, a health care |
26 |
| service plan, Medicare, or Medicaid, and whose injury is not |
27 |
| compensable for purposes of workers' compensation, automobile |
28 |
| insurance, or other insurance as determined and documented by |
29 |
| the hospital. The term does not include any patient who had an |
30 |
| opportunity to obtain third-party coverage through his or her |
31 |
| employer but did not obtain such coverage.
32 |
| Section 15. Charity assistance policy. Every hospital |
33 |
| must adopt a charity assistance policy specifying how the |
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| hospital will determine the financial liability for medically |
2 |
| necessary services rendered to financially qualified uninsured |
3 |
| patients. Every hospital must specify in its policy how the |
4 |
| hospital will determine and apply uninsured discounts for |
5 |
| services provided to financially qualified uninsured patients. |
6 |
| The policy must include: |
7 |
| (1) Financial eligibility criteria. |
8 |
| (2) Responsibilities and information required of the |
9 |
| uninsured patient. |
10 |
| (3) A summary of the decision-making process. |
11 |
| (4) A description of how the hospital will consider |
12 |
| assets available to the uninsured patient in determining |
13 |
| whether the uninsured patient qualifies for an uninsured |
14 |
| discount. The following are to be considered exempt and |
15 |
| shall not be considered in determining whether the |
16 |
| uninsured patient qualifies for an uninsured discount: |
17 |
| (A) Homestead property. |
18 |
| (B) $2,000 for the uninsured patient, or $3,000 for |
19 |
| the uninsured patient and one dependant residing |
20 |
| together. |
21 |
| (C) $50 for each additional dependant residing in |
22 |
| the same household. |
23 |
| (D) Personal effects and household goods that have |
24 |
| a total value of less than $2,000. |
25 |
| (E) A wedding and engagement ring and items |
26 |
| required due to medical or physical condition. |
27 |
| (F) One automobile with fair market value of $4,500 |
28 |
| or less. |
29 |
| If the uninsured patient satisfies the requirements |
30 |
| established by the hospital to qualify for an uninsured |
31 |
| discount and the family income of the uninsured patient is |
32 |
| equal to or less than the federal poverty level, the uninsured |
33 |
| discount shall be 100% of the charges for the medically |
34 |
| necessary services provided to the uninsured patient. |
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| If the uninsured patient satisfies the requirements |
2 |
| established by the hospital to qualify for an uninsured |
3 |
| discount and the family income of the uninsured patient is |
4 |
| greater than 100% of the federal poverty level, but less than |
5 |
| 200% of the federal poverty level, the uninsured discount shall |
6 |
| be at least equal to the difference between the charge for |
7 |
| medically necessary services and the cost of providing |
8 |
| services. |
9 |
| Section 20. Patient responsibilities. |
10 |
| (a) A hospital's charity assistance policy may require the |
11 |
| cooperation of the uninsured patient, as a condition of |
12 |
| receiving assistance. That cooperation may include, but need |
13 |
| not be limited to, the following: |
14 |
| (1) The uninsured patient must cooperate with the |
15 |
| hospital in providing information on third-party coverage. |
16 |
| If the hospital finds that there is a reasonable basis to |
17 |
| believe that the patient may qualify for such assistance, |
18 |
| the patient must cooperate in applying for third-party |
19 |
| coverage that may be available to pay for the uninsured |
20 |
| patient's medically necessary care, including coverage |
21 |
| from a health insurer, a health care service plan, |
22 |
| Medicare, Medicaid, KidCare, FamilyCare, automobile |
23 |
| insurance, worker's compensation, or other insurance. |
24 |
| (2) The uninsured patient must provide the hospital |
25 |
| with financial and other information requested by the |
26 |
| hospital to determine eligibility for charity assistance |
27 |
| through the hospital. |
28 |
| (3) The uninsured patient or a person acting on his or |
29 |
| her behalf must request assistance from the hospital. |
30 |
| (4) The uninsured patient who has a payment obligation |
31 |
| to the hospital must cooperate with the hospital to |
32 |
| establish and comply with a payment plan. The uninsured |
33 |
| patient who enters into a payment plan with the hospital |
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| shall promptly inform the hospital of any change in |
2 |
| circumstances that will impair his or her ability to comply |
3 |
| with the payment plan. |
4 |
| (b) An uninsured patient who fails to satisfy his or her |
5 |
| responsibilities under subsection (a) may be billed by the |
6 |
| hospital and is subject to collection activities consistent |
7 |
| with the hospital's billing and collection policies and |
8 |
| practices for patients who do not qualify for assistance under |
9 |
| its charity assistance policy. |
10 |
| (c) A financially qualified uninsured patient who fails to |
11 |
| comply with a payment plan may be billed by the hospital and is |
12 |
| subject to collection activities consistent with the |
13 |
| hospital's billing and collection policies and practices for |
14 |
| the portion of the bill remaining after the uninsured discount |
15 |
| has been applied. |
16 |
| Section 25. Notice of policy. |
17 |
| (a)
Notice of the hospital's charity assistance policy must |
18 |
| be clearly and conspicuously posted in locations that are |
19 |
| visible to the public, including, but not limited to, all of |
20 |
| the following: |
21 |
| (1) The emergency department, if any. |
22 |
| (2) The billing office. |
23 |
| (3) The admissions office. |
24 |
| (b)
Notice of the hospital's charity assistance policy must |
25 |
| be available in brochures that are available to the public in |
26 |
| the hospital. |
27 |
| (c)
The following information must be included on or with |
28 |
| the bill sent to an uninsured patient: |
29 |
| (1) A request that the patient inform the hospital if |
30 |
| the patient has health insurance coverage, Medicare, |
31 |
| Medicaid, or other insurance. |
32 |
| (2) A statement that if the patient does not have |
33 |
| health insurance he or she may be eligible for Medicare, |
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| Medicaid, FamilyCare, KidCare, or the hospital's charity |
2 |
| assistance program. |
3 |
| (3) A statement indicating how the patient may obtain |
4 |
| information on how to apply for Medicare, Medicaid, |
5 |
| FamilyCare, KidCare, and the hospital's charity assistance |
6 |
| program. |
7 |
| (4) The hospital contact and phone number for financial |
8 |
| assistance programs. |
9 |
| (d) The written notices required under this Section shall |
10 |
| be available in English and any other language that is the |
11 |
| primary language of at least 5% of the patients served by the |
12 |
| hospital annually.
13 |
| Section 30. Application forms.
Every hospital must make |
14 |
| available, upon request by a member of the public, a copy of |
15 |
| the application used by the hospital to determine a patient's |
16 |
| eligibility for charity assistance.
17 |
| Section 35. Billing.
18 |
| (a) Every hospital must make reasonable efforts to obtain |
19 |
| from a patient or his or her representative information about |
20 |
| whether private or public health insurance or sponsorship may |
21 |
| fully or partially cover the charges for care rendered by the |
22 |
| hospital to the patient, including, but not limited to, any of |
23 |
| the following: |
24 |
| (1) Private health insurance. |
25 |
| (2) Medicare. |
26 |
| (3) Medicaid, FamilyCare, KidCare, or other |
27 |
| state-funded or county-funded programs designed to provide |
28 |
| health coverage.
29 |
| (b) If a hospital bills a patient, then upon request from |
30 |
| the patient the hospital must provide an itemized statement of |
31 |
| charges for services rendered by the hospital within 70 days |
32 |
| after receiving the request.
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| Section 40. Debt collection activities. |
2 |
(a) For at least 70 days after an uninsured patient's |
3 |
| discharge from a hospital, the hospital or its assignee or |
4 |
| billing service shall not file a lawsuit to collect payment on |
5 |
| the patient's bill. |
6 |
| (b)
If an uninsured patient complies with a payment plan |
7 |
| that has been agreed to by the hospital, the hospital shall not |
8 |
| otherwise pursue collection action against the uninsured |
9 |
| patient.
10 |
| (c) If an uninsured patient informs the hospital that he or |
11 |
| she has applied for health care coverage in compliance with |
12 |
| subsection (a) of Section 20 of this Act, the hospital or its |
13 |
| assignee or billing service shall not pursue any collection |
14 |
| action against the uninsured patient until a decision has been |
15 |
| made on the application for health care coverage or until there |
16 |
| is no longer a reasonable basis to believe the patient may |
17 |
| qualify for such coverage, whichever is sooner. |
18 |
| (d)
If an uninsured patient has requested charity |
19 |
| assistance from a hospital and is cooperating with the hospital |
20 |
| under Section 20 of this Act, the hospital or its assignee or |
21 |
| billing service shall not pursue any collection action against |
22 |
| the uninsured patient until a determination is made on the |
23 |
| uninsured patient's eligibility for charity assistance. |
24 |
| Section 45. Availability of policy.
Every hospital, upon |
25 |
| request, must provide any member of the public and the |
26 |
| Department with a copy of its charity assistance policy. |
27 |
| Section 50. Enforcement. |
28 |
| (a) The Department shall develop and implement a complaint |
29 |
| system through which the Department may receive complaints of |
30 |
| violations of this Act. The Department shall establish a |
31 |
| complaint system or utilize an existing Department complaint |
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| system. The complaint system shall include (i) a complaint |
2 |
| verification process by which the Department determines the |
3 |
| validity of a complaint and (ii) an opportunity for a hospital |
4 |
| to resolve the complaint through an informal dispute resolution |
5 |
| process. |
6 |
| If the complaint is not resolved informally, then the |
7 |
| Department shall serve a notice of violation of this Act on the |
8 |
| hospital. The notice of violation shall be in writing and shall |
9 |
| specify the nature of the violation and the statutory provision |
10 |
| alleged to have been violated. The notice shall inform the |
11 |
| hospital of the action the Department may take under this Act, |
12 |
| the amount of any financial penalty to be imposed, and the |
13 |
| opportunity for the hospital to enter into a plan of |
14 |
| correction. The notice shall also inform the hospital of its |
15 |
| right to a hearing to contest the alleged violation under the |
16 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. |
17 |
| (b) If the Department finds that a hospital is in violation |
18 |
| of this Act, the hospital may submit to the Department, for the |
19 |
| Department's approval, a plan of correction. If a hospital |
20 |
| violates an approved plan of correction within 6 months of its |
21 |
| submission, the Department may impose a monetary civil penalty |
22 |
| on the hospital. For a first violation of an approved plan of |
23 |
| correction, the Department may impose a penalty of up to $100. |
24 |
| For a second or subsequent violation of an approved plan of |
25 |
| correction, the Department may impose a penalty of up to $250. |
26 |
| The total penalties imposed under this Act against a hospital |
27 |
| in 12 month period may not exceed $5,000. |
28 |
| The Department may impose a civil penalty under this |
29 |
| Section only after it provides the following to the hospital: |
30 |
| (1) Written notice of the alleged violation. |
31 |
| (2) Written notice of the hospital's right to request |
32 |
| an administrative hearing on the question of the alleged |
33 |
| violation. |
34 |
| (3) An opportunity to present evidence, orally or in |
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| writing or both, on the question of the alleged violation |
2 |
| before an impartial hearing examiner appointed by the |
3 |
| Director. |
4 |
| (4) A written decision from the Director of Public |
5 |
| Health, based on the evidence introduced at the hearing and |
6 |
| the hearing examiner's recommendations, finding that the |
7 |
| hospital violated this Act and imposing the civil penalty. |
8 |
| The Attorney General may bring an action in the circuit |
9 |
| court to enforce the collection of a monetary penalty imposed |
10 |
| under this Section. |
11 |
| Moneys in payment of penalties imposed under this Act shall |
12 |
| be paid to the Department and deposited into the Nursing |
13 |
| Dedicated and Professional Fund. |
14 |
| (c) If the Department has a reasonable basis to believe |
15 |
| that a hospital has engaged in a pattern of violations of this |
16 |
| Act or has failed to adopt policies and procedures to comply |
17 |
| with this Act, the Department may issue a written certification |
18 |
| of the basis for that belief to the Attorney General. Upon |
19 |
| receiving such written certification, the Attorney General |
20 |
| may: |
21 |
| (1) Require the hospital to file a statement or report |
22 |
| in writing as to all information relevant to the alleged |
23 |
| violations. |
24 |
| (2) Examine under oath any person in connection with |
25 |
| the alleged violations. |
26 |
| (3) Examine any record, book, document, account or |
27 |
| paper necessary to investigate such alleged violations. |
28 |
| (4) Bring an action in the name of the People of the |
29 |
| State against such hospital to restrain by preliminary or |
30 |
| permanent injunction the use of policies or practices that |
31 |
| violate this Act.
32 |
| Section 55. Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. The |
33 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act shall apply to all |
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| administrative rules and procedures adopted by the Department |
2 |
| under this Act. |
3 |
| Section 60. Administrative Review Law. The Administrative |
4 |
| Review Law shall apply to and govern all proceedings for |
5 |
| judicial review of final administrative decisions of the |
6 |
| Department under this Act. |
7 |
| Section 65. Exemptions. The Department may grant an |
8 |
| exemption from this Act to a hospital that demonstrates that |
9 |
| compliance with the Act will, more likely than not, impose an |
10 |
| undue burden on the hospital. Factors to be considered by the |
11 |
| Department in deciding whether to grant an exemption include, |
12 |
| but are not limited to: the financial condition of the |
13 |
| hospital; the impact that compliance will have on the cost of |
14 |
| services provided by the hospital; the impact that compliance |
15 |
| will have on the quality of services provided by the hospital; |
16 |
| and the impact that compliance will have on the community's |
17 |
| access to health care services. |
18 |
| Section 70. Limitations. Nothing is this Act shall be used |
19 |
| by any private or public third-party payer as a basis for |
20 |
| reducing the third-party payer's rates or policies. Discounts |
21 |
| authorized under this Act shall not be used by any private or |
22 |
| public third-party payer to determine a hospital's usual and |
23 |
| customary charges for any health care service.
Nothing in this |
24 |
| Act shall be construed as imposing an obligation on a hospital |
25 |
| to provide any particular service or treatment to an uninsured |
26 |
| patient.
Nothing in this Act shall prohibit hospitals from |
27 |
| providing discounts to patients who do not meet the criteria of |
28 |
| a financially qualified uninsured patient under this Act.
29 |
| Nothing in this Act shall be construed as imposing an |
30 |
| obligation on a hospital to file a lawsuit to collect payment |
31 |
| on a patient's bill. |
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| Section 75. Home rule. A home rule unit may not regulate |
2 |
| hospitals in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this |
3 |
| Act. This Section is a limitation under subsection (i) of |
4 |
| Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution on the |
5 |
| concurrent exercise by home rule units of powers and functions |
6 |
| exercised by the State. |
7 |
| Section 95. The Hospital Licensing Act is amended by |
8 |
| changing Section 7 as follows:
9 |
| (210 ILCS 85/7) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 148)
10 |
| Sec. 7. (a) The Director after notice and opportunity for |
11 |
| hearing to the
applicant or licensee may deny, suspend, or |
12 |
| revoke a permit to establish a
hospital or deny, suspend, or |
13 |
| revoke a license to open, conduct, operate,
and maintain a |
14 |
| hospital in any case in which he finds that there has been a
15 |
| substantial failure to comply with the provisions of this Act ,
16 |
| or the Hospital
Report Card Act , or the Hospital Charity |
17 |
| Assistance Act, or the standards, rules, and regulations |
18 |
| established by
virtue of any
either of those Acts.
19 |
| (b) Such notice shall be effected by registered mail or by |
20 |
| personal
service setting forth the particular reasons for the |
21 |
| proposed action and
fixing a date, not less than 15 days from |
22 |
| the date of such mailing or
service, at which time the |
23 |
| applicant or licensee shall be given an
opportunity for a |
24 |
| hearing. Such hearing shall be conducted by the Director
or by |
25 |
| an employee of the Department designated in writing by the |
26 |
| Director
as Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing. On the |
27 |
| basis of any such
hearing, or upon default of the applicant or |
28 |
| licensee, the Director shall
make a determination specifying |
29 |
| his findings and conclusions. In case of a
denial to an |
30 |
| applicant of a permit to establish a hospital, such
31 |
| determination shall specify the subsection of Section 6 under |
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| which the
permit was denied and shall contain findings of fact |
2 |
| forming the basis of
such denial. A copy of such determination |
3 |
| shall be sent by registered mail
or served personally upon the |
4 |
| applicant or licensee. The decision denying,
suspending, or |
5 |
| revoking a permit or a license shall become final 35 days
after |
6 |
| it is so mailed or served, unless the applicant or licensee, |
7 |
| within
such 35 day period, petitions for review pursuant to |
8 |
| Section 13.
9 |
| (c) The procedure governing hearings authorized by this |
10 |
| Section shall be
in accordance with rules promulgated by the |
11 |
| Department and approved by the
Hospital Licensing Board. A full |
12 |
| and complete record shall be kept of all
proceedings, including |
13 |
| the notice of hearing, complaint, and all other
documents in |
14 |
| the nature of pleadings, written motions filed in the
15 |
| proceedings, and the report and orders of the Director and |
16 |
| Hearing Officer.
All testimony shall be reported but need not |
17 |
| be transcribed unless the
decision is appealed pursuant to |
18 |
| Section 13. A copy or copies of the
transcript may be obtained |
19 |
| by any interested party on payment of the cost
of preparing |
20 |
| such copy or copies.
21 |
| (d) The Director or Hearing Officer shall upon his own |
22 |
| motion, or on the
written request of any party to the |
23 |
| proceeding, issue subpoenas requiring
the attendance and the |
24 |
| giving of testimony by witnesses, and subpoenas
duces tecum |
25 |
| requiring the production of books, papers, records, or
26 |
| memoranda. All subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum issued under |
27 |
| the terms
of this Act may be served by any person of full age. |
28 |
| The fees of witnesses
for attendance and travel shall be the |
29 |
| same as the fees of witnesses before
the Circuit Court of this |
30 |
| State, such fees to be paid when the witness is
excused from |
31 |
| further attendance. When the witness is subpoenaed at the
32 |
| instance of the Director, or Hearing Officer, such fees shall |
33 |
| be paid in
the same manner as other expenses of the Department, |
34 |
| and when the witness
is subpoenaed at the instance of any other |
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| party to any such proceeding the
Department may require that |
2 |
| the cost of service of the subpoena or subpoena
duces tecum and |
3 |
| the fee of the witness be borne by the party at whose
instance |
4 |
| the witness is summoned. In such case, the Department in its
5 |
| discretion, may require a deposit to cover the cost of such |
6 |
| service and
witness fees. A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum |
7 |
| issued as aforesaid shall
be served in the same manner as a |
8 |
| subpoena issued out of a court.
9 |
| (e) Any Circuit Court of this State upon the application of |
10 |
| the
Director, or upon the application of any other party to the |
11 |
| proceeding,
may, in its discretion, compel the attendance of |
12 |
| witnesses, the production
of books, papers, records, or |
13 |
| memoranda and the giving of testimony before
the Director or |
14 |
| Hearing Officer conducting an investigation or holding a
15 |
| hearing authorized by this Act, by an attachment for contempt, |
16 |
| or
otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may |
17 |
| be compelled
before the court.
18 |
| (f) The Director or Hearing Officer, or any party in an |
19 |
| investigation or
hearing before the Department, may cause the |
20 |
| depositions of witnesses
within the State to be taken in the |
21 |
| manner prescribed by law for like
depositions in civil actions |
22 |
| in courts of this State, and to that end
compel the attendance |
23 |
| of witnesses and the production of books, papers,
records, or |
24 |
| memoranda.
25 |
| (Source: P.A. 93-563, eff. 1-1-04.)
26 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
27 |
| becoming law.".