State of Illinois
2003 and 2004 SB2550
Introduced 2/3/2004, by Denny Jacobs SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
625 ILCS 40/10-1.1 new |
625 ILCS 45/3A-21 |
from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 313A-21 |
625 ILCS 45/6-1 |
from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 316-1 |
Amends the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act and the Boat Registration and Safety Act. Provides that it is illegal to alter or remove the serial numbers of any snowmobile, snowmobile engine, outboard motor, inboard motor, watercraft sterndrive unit, or any of their component parts, or to knowingly buy, sell, or possess any of those items if a serial number has been removed from it. Provides that if a boat sustains accidental damage in the amount of $2,000 (rather than $500), or if a vessel is completely lost, the incident must be reported to the Department of Natural Resources. Effective July 1, 2004.
SB2550 |
LRB093 20475 DRH 46263 b |
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| AN ACT concerning transportation.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act is |
5 |
| amended by changing Section 10-1.1 as follows: |
6 |
| (625 ILCS 40/10-1.1 new) |
7 |
| Sec. 10-1.1. Unlawful removal of serial numbers. |
8 |
(a) A person may not knowingly possess or buy, receive, |
9 |
| sell, offer to sell, or otherwise dispose of a snowmobile, |
10 |
| engine, or any component part of a snowmobile or engine on |
11 |
| which the manufacturer's or assigned serial number has been |
12 |
| destroyed, removed, covered, altered, or defaced. |
13 |
| (b) A person may not destroy, remove, cover, alter, or |
14 |
| deface the manufacturer's or assigned serial number of a |
15 |
| snowmobile, engine, or any component part of a snowmobile or |
16 |
| engine. |
17 |
| (c) A violation of this Section is a Class 2 felony. |
18 |
| Section 10. The Boat Registration and Safety Act is amended |
19 |
| by changing Sections 3A-21 and 6-1 as follows:
20 |
| (625 ILCS 45/3A-21) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 313A-21)
21 |
| Sec. 3A-21. Offenses relating to titling; felonies. |
22 |
| Violation of any of the
following provisions shall constitute a |
23 |
| Class 2 felony:
24 |
| (a) No person shall alter, forge or counterfeit any |
25 |
| certificate of title
or a manufacturer's or importer's |
26 |
| certificate to a watercraft.
27 |
| (b) No person shall alter or falsify any assignment of a |
28 |
| certificate of
title, or an assignment or cancellation of a |
29 |
| security interest on a certificate
of title to a watercraft.
30 |
| (c) No person shall hold or use a certificate of title to a |
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LRB093 20475 DRH 46263 b |
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| watercraft
nor hold or use any assignment or cancellation of a |
2 |
| security interest on
a certificate of title to a watercraft, |
3 |
| knowing it to have been altered,
forged, counterfeited or |
4 |
| falsified.
5 |
| (d) No person shall use a false or fictitious name or |
6 |
| address, or make
any material false statement, or conceal any |
7 |
| material fact, in an application
for a certificate of title, or |
8 |
| in a bill of sale or sworn statement of
9 |
| (e) No person shall procure or attempt to procure a |
10 |
| certificate of title
to a watercraft, or pass or attempt to |
11 |
| pass a certificate of title or any
assignment thereof to a |
12 |
| watercraft, knowing or having reason to believe
that such |
13 |
| watercraft has been stolen.
14 |
| (f) No person shall have possession of, buy, receive, sell |
15 |
| or offer to
sell, or otherwise dispose of a watercraft , |
16 |
| outboard motor, inboard engine, sterndrive unit, or any |
17 |
| component part of a watercraft, outboard motor, inboard engine, |
18 |
| or sterndrive unit on which the manufacturer's
or assigned |
19 |
| serial number of the watercraft has been destroyed, removed,
20 |
| covered, altered, or defaced, knowing of such destruction, |
21 |
| removal, covering,
alteration or defacement of such |
22 |
| manufacturer's or assigned serial number.
23 |
| (g) No person shall destroy, remove, cover, alter or deface |
24 |
| the
manufacturer's or assigned serial number on any watercraft , |
25 |
| outboard motor, inboard engine, sterndrive unit, or any |
26 |
| component part of a watercraft, outboard motor, inboard engine, |
27 |
| or sterndrive unit .
28 |
| (h) No person shall possess, buy, sell, exchange or give |
29 |
| away, or offer
to buy, sell, exchange, or give away the |
30 |
| certificate of title to any watercraft
which is a junk or |
31 |
| salvage.
32 |
| (Source: P.A. 88-524.)
33 |
| (625 ILCS 45/6-1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 316-1)
34 |
| Sec. 6-1. Collisions, accidents, and casualties; reports.
35 |
| A. The operator of a vessel involved in a collision, |
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LRB093 20475 DRH 46263 b |
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| accident, or other
casualty, so far as he can without serious |
2 |
| danger to his own vessel,
crew, passengers and guests, if any, |
3 |
| shall render to other persons affected
by the collision, |
4 |
| accident, or other casualty assistance as may be
practicable |
5 |
| and as may be necessary in order to save them from or minimize
6 |
| any danger caused by the collision, accident, or other |
7 |
| casualty, and also
shall give his name, address, and |
8 |
| identification of his vessel to any
person injured and to the |
9 |
| owner of any property damaged in the collision,
accident, or |
10 |
| other casualty.
11 |
| B. In the case of collision, accident, or other casualty |
12 |
| involving a
vessel, the operator, if the collision, accident, |
13 |
| or other casualty
results in death or injury to a person or |
14 |
| damage to property in excess of
$2,000, or if there is complete |
15 |
| loss of the vessel
$500 , shall file with the Department a full |
16 |
| description of the collision,
accident, or other casualty, |
17 |
| including information as the Department
may by regulation |
18 |
| require. Reports of the accidents must be filed with
the |
19 |
| Department on a Department Accident Report form within 5 days.
20 |
| C. Reports of accidents resulting in personal injury, where |
21 |
| a person
sustains an injury requiring medical attention beyond |
22 |
| first aid
is incapacitated for a period exceeding 72 hours , |
23 |
| must be filed with the
Department on a Department Accident |
24 |
| Report form within 5 days. Accidents
that result in loss of |
25 |
| life shall be reported to the Department on a
Department form |
26 |
| within 48 hours.
27 |
| D. All required accident reports and supplemental reports |
28 |
| are without
prejudice to the individual reporting, and are for |
29 |
| the confidential use
of the Department, except that the |
30 |
| Department may disclose the identity of
a person involved in an |
31 |
| accident when the identity is not otherwise known
or when the |
32 |
| person denies his presence at the accident. No report
may be |
33 |
| used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal, arising out |
34 |
| of an
accident, except that the Department must furnish upon |
35 |
| demand of any person
who has or claims to have made a report or |
36 |
| upon demand of any court
a certificate showing that a specified |
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LRB093 20475 DRH 46263 b |
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| accident report has or has not been
made to the Department |
2 |
| solely to prove a compliance or a failure to comply
with the |
3 |
| requirements that a report be made to the Department.
4 |
| E. (1) Every coroner or medical examiner shall on or before |
5 |
| the 10th
day of each month report in writing to the |
6 |
| Department the circumstances
surrounding the death of any |
7 |
| person that has occurred as the result of a
boating |
8 |
| accident within the examiner's jurisdiction during the |
9 |
| preceding
calendar month.
10 |
| (2) Within 6 hours after a death resulting from a |
11 |
| boating accident,
but in any case not more than 12 hours |
12 |
| after the occurrence of the boating
accident, a blood |
13 |
| specimen of at least 10 cc shall be withdrawn from the
body |
14 |
| of the decedent by the coroner or medical examiner or by a |
15 |
| qualified
person at the direction of the physician. All |
16 |
| morticians shall obtain a
release from the coroner or |
17 |
| medical examiner prior to proceeding with
embalming any |
18 |
| body coming under the scope of this Section. The blood so
19 |
| drawn shall be forwarded to a laboratory approved by the |
20 |
| Department of
State Police for analysis of the alcoholic |
21 |
| content of the
blood specimen.
The coroner or medical |
22 |
| examiner causing the blood to be withdrawn shall be
23 |
| notified of the results of each analysis made and shall |
24 |
| forward the results
of each analysis to the Department. The |
25 |
| Department shall keep a record of
all examinations to be |
26 |
| used for statistical purposes only. The cumulative
results |
27 |
| of the examinations, without identifying the individuals |
28 |
| involved,
shall be disseminated and made public by the |
29 |
| Department.
30 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-828, eff. 1-1-01.)
31 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, |
32 |
| 2004.