State of Illinois
2003 and 2004 SB2544
Introduced 2/3/2004, by Terry Link SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
205 ILCS 205/1008 |
from Ch. 17, par. 7301-8 |
Amends the Savings Bank Act. Deletes a provision pertaining to temporary service booths at International Fairs in this State. Adds a provision to allow savings banks operating under the Act to make debt or equity investments in corporations or projects designed to promote the development of the community, subject to specified limitations. Effective immediately.
SB2544 |
LRB093 18778 SAS 44510 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning financial regulation.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Savings Bank Act is amended by changing |
5 |
| Section 1008 as follows:
6 |
| (205 ILCS 205/1008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7301-8)
7 |
| Sec. 1008. General corporate powers.
8 |
| (a) A savings bank operating under this Act shall be a body
9 |
| corporate and politic and shall have all of the powers
10 |
| conferred by this Act including, but not limited to, the |
11 |
| following powers:
12 |
| (1) To sue and be sued, complain, and defend in its |
13 |
| corporate
name and to have a common seal, which it may |
14 |
| alter or renew at
15 |
| (2) To obtain and maintain insurance
by a deposit |
16 |
| insurance corporation as defined in this Act.
17 |
| (3) To act as a fiscal agent for the United States, the |
18 |
| State
of Illinois or any department, branch, arm, or agency |
19 |
| of the State
or any unit of local government or school |
20 |
| district in the State,
when duly designated for that |
21 |
| purpose, and as agent to perform
reasonable functions as |
22 |
| may be required of it.
23 |
| (4) To become a member of or deal with any corporation |
24 |
| or
agency of the United States or the State of Illinois, to |
25 |
| the extent
that the agency assists in furthering or |
26 |
| facilitating its purposes
or powers and to that end to |
27 |
| purchase stock or securities thereof
or deposit money |
28 |
| therewith, and to comply with any other conditions
of |
29 |
| membership or credit.
30 |
| (5) To make donations in reasonable amounts for the |
31 |
| public welfare or for
charitable, scientific, religious, |
32 |
| or educational purposes.
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| (6) To adopt and operate reasonable insurance, bonus, |
2 |
| profit sharing, and
retirement plans for officers and |
3 |
| employees and for directors including, but
not limited to, |
4 |
| advisory, honorary, and emeritus directors,
who are not |
5 |
| officers or employees.
6 |
| (7) To reject any application for membership; to retire |
7 |
| deposit accounts
by enforced retirement as provided in this |
8 |
| Act and the bylaws; and to limit the
issuance of, or |
9 |
| payments on, deposit accounts, subject, however, to |
10 |
| contractual
11 |
| (8) To purchase stock in service corporations and to |
12 |
| invest in any form of
indebtedness of any service |
13 |
| corporation as defined in this Act, subject to
regulations |
14 |
| of the Commissioner.
15 |
| (9) To purchase stock of a corporation whose principal |
16 |
| purpose is to
operate a safe deposit company or escrow |
17 |
| service company.
18 |
| (10) To exercise all the powers necessary to qualify as |
19 |
| a trustee or
custodian under federal or State law, provided |
20 |
| that the authority to accept and
execute trusts is subject |
21 |
| to the provisions of the Corporate Fiduciary Act and
to the |
22 |
| supervision of those activities by the Commissioner.
23 |
| (11) (Blank).
24 |
| (12) To establish, maintain, and operate terminals as |
25 |
| authorized by the
Electronic Fund Transfer Act.
26 |
| (13) To pledge its assets:
27 |
| (A) to enable it to act as agent for the sale of |
28 |
| obligations of the
United States;
29 |
| (B) to secure deposits;
30 |
| (C) to secure deposits of money whenever required |
31 |
| by the National
Bankruptcy Act;
32 |
| (D) (blank); and
33 |
| (E) to secure trust funds commingled with the |
34 |
| savings
bank's funds,
whether deposited by the savings |
35 |
| bank or an affiliate of the savings bank,
as required |
36 |
| under Section 2-8 of the Corporate Fiduciary Act.
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| (14) To accept for payment at a future date not to |
2 |
| exceed one year
from the date of acceptance, drafts drawn |
3 |
| upon it by its customers; and to
issue, advise, or confirm |
4 |
| letters of credit authorizing holders thereof to
draw |
5 |
| drafts upon it or its correspondents.
6 |
| (15) Subject to the regulations of the Commissioner, to |
7 |
| own and lease
personal property acquired by the savings |
8 |
| bank at the request of a
prospective lessee and, upon the |
9 |
| agreement of that person, to lease the
personal property.
10 |
| (16) (Blank).
To establish temporary service booths at |
11 |
| any International Fair
in this State that is approved by |
12 |
| the United States Department of Commerce
for the duration |
13 |
| of the international fair for the purpose of providing a
14 |
| convenient place for foreign trade customers to exchange |
15 |
| their home
countries' currency into United States currency |
16 |
| or the converse. To provide
temporary periodic service to |
17 |
| persons residing in a bona fide nursing home,
18 |
| citizens' retirement home, or long-term care facility. |
19 |
| These powers shall not be construed as establishing a new |
20 |
| place or change of
location for the savings bank providing |
21 |
| the service booth.
22 |
| (17) To indemnify its officers, directors, employees, |
23 |
| and agents, as
authorized for corporations under Section |
24 |
| 8.75 of the Business Corporations
Act of 1983.
25 |
| (18) To provide data processing services to others on a |
26 |
| for-profit basis.
27 |
| (19) To utilize any electronic technology to provide |
28 |
| customers with
home banking services.
29 |
| (20) Subject to the regulations of the Commissioner, to |
30 |
| enter into an
agreement to act as a surety.
31 |
| (21) Subject to the regulations of the Commissioner, to |
32 |
| issue credit
cards, extend credit therewith, and otherwise |
33 |
| engage in or participate in
credit card operations.
34 |
| (22) To purchase for its own account shares of stock of |
35 |
| a bankers' bank,
described in Section 13(b)(1) of the |
36 |
| Illinois Banking Act, on the same terms
and conditions as a |
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| bank may purchase such shares. In no event shall the total
2 |
| amount of such stock held by a savings bank in such
3 |
| bankers' bank exceed 10% of
its capital and surplus |
4 |
| (including undivided profits) and in no event shall a
5 |
| savings bank acquire more than 5% of any class of voting |
6 |
| securities of such
bankers' bank.
7 |
| (23) With respect to affiliate facilities:
8 |
| (A) to conduct at affiliate facilities any of the |
9 |
| following transactions
and on behalf of any |
10 |
| affiliated depository institution, if so authorized by
11 |
| the affiliate or affiliates: receiving deposits; |
12 |
| renewing deposits; cashing
and issuing checks, drafts, |
13 |
| money orders, travelers checks, or similar
14 |
| instruments; changing money; receiving payments on |
15 |
| existing indebtedness; and
conducting ministerial |
16 |
| functions with respect to loan applications, servicing
17 |
| loans, and providing loan account information; and
18 |
| (B) to authorize an affiliated depository |
19 |
| institution to conduct for and
behalf of it, any of |
20 |
| the transactions listed in this subsection at one or |
21 |
| more
affiliate facilities.
22 |
| A savings bank intending to conduct or to authorize an |
23 |
| affiliated
depository institution to conduct at an |
24 |
| affiliate facility any of the
transactions specified in |
25 |
| this subsection shall give written notice to the
26 |
| Commissioner at least 30 days before any such transaction |
27 |
| is conducted at an
affiliate facility. All conduct under |
28 |
| this subsection shall be on terms
consistent with safe and |
29 |
| sound banking practices and applicable law.
30 |
| (24) Subject to Article XLIV of the Illinois Insurance |
31 |
| Code,
to act as the agent for any fire, life, or other |
32 |
| insurance company
authorized by the State of Illinois, by |
33 |
| soliciting and selling insurance and
collecting premiums |
34 |
| on policies issued by such company; and may receive for
35 |
| services so rendered such fees or commissions as may be |
36 |
| agreed upon between the
said savings bank and the insurance |
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| company for which it may act as agent;
provided, however, |
2 |
| that no such savings bank shall in any case assume or
3 |
| guarantee the payment of any premium on insurance policies |
4 |
| issued through its
agency by its principal; and provided |
5 |
| further, that the savings bank shall not
guarantee the |
6 |
| truth of any statement made by an assured in filing his
7 |
| application for insurance.
8 |
| (25) To become a member of the Federal Home Loan
9 |
| and
to have the powers granted to a savings association |
10 |
| organized under the
Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985 |
11 |
| or the laws of the United States, subject
to regulations of |
12 |
| the Commissioner.
13 |
| (26) To offer any product or service that is at the |
14 |
| time authorized or
permitted to a bank by applicable law, |
15 |
| but subject always to the same
limitations and restrictions |
16 |
| that are applicable to the bank for the product or
service |
17 |
| by such applicable law and subject to the applicable |
18 |
| provisions of the
Financial Institutions Insurance Sales |
19 |
| Law and rules of the
20 |
| (27) To make debt or equity investments in corporations |
21 |
| or projects, whether for profit or not for profit, designed |
22 |
| to promote the development of the community and its |
23 |
| welfare, provided that the aggregate investment in all of |
24 |
| these corporations and in all of these projects does not |
25 |
| exceed 10% of the unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus |
26 |
| of the bank and provided that this limitation shall not |
27 |
| apply to creditworthy loans by the bank to those |
28 |
| corporations or projects. Upon written application to the |
29 |
| Commissioner, a bank may make an investment that would, |
30 |
| when aggregated with all other such investments, exceed 10% |
31 |
| of the unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus of the |
32 |
| bank. The Commissioner may approve the investment if the |
33 |
| Commissioner is of the opinion and finds that the proposed |
34 |
| investment will not have a material adverse effect on the |
35 |
| safety and soundness of the bank.
36 |
| (b) If this Act or the regulations adopted under this Act |
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| fail
provide specific guidance in matters of corporate
2 |
| governance, the provisions of the Business Corporation Act of |
3 |
| 1983 may be
used, or if the savings bank is a limited liability |
4 |
| company, the provisions
of the Limited Liability Company shall |
5 |
| be used.
6 |
| (c) A savings bank may be organized as a limited liability |
7 |
| company, may
convert to a limited liability company, or may |
8 |
| merge with and into a limited
liability company, under the |
9 |
| applicable laws of this State and of the United
States, |
10 |
| including any rules promulgated thereunder. A savings bank |
11 |
| organized as
a limited liability company shall
be subject to |
12 |
| the provisions of the Limited Liability Company Act in addition
13 |
| to this Act, provided that if a provision of the Limited |
14 |
| Liability
Company Act conflicts with a provision of this Act or |
15 |
| with any rule of the
Commissioner, the provision of this Act or |
16 |
| the rule of the Commissioner shall
17 |
| Any filing required to be made under the Limited Liability |
18 |
| Company Act shall
be made exclusively with the Commissioner, |
19 |
| and the Commissioner shall possess
the exclusive authority to |
20 |
| regulate the savings bank as provided in this Act.
21 |
| Any organization as, conversion to, and merger with or into |
22 |
| a limited
liability company shall be subject to the prior |
23 |
| approval of the Commissioner.
24 |
| A savings bank that is a limited liability company shall be |
25 |
| subject to all of
the provisions of this Act in the same manner |
26 |
| as a savings bank that is
organized in stock form.
27 |
| The Commissioner may promulgate rules to ensure that a |
28 |
| savings bank that is a
limited liability company (i) is |
29 |
| operating in a safe and sound manner and (ii)
is subject to the |
30 |
| Commissioner's authority in the same manner as a savings bank
31 |
| that is organized in stock form.
32 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-483, eff.
8-23-01; 93-561, eff. 1-1-04.)
33 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
34 |
| becoming law.