SB2424 Engrossed |
LRB093 20684 DRJ 46553 b |
1 |
| AN ACT concerning health.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and |
5 |
| Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is |
6 |
| amended by adding Section 2310-353 as follows: |
7 |
| (20 ILCS 2310/2310-353 new) |
8 |
| Sec. 2310-353. Cervical Cancer Elimination Task Force. |
9 |
| (a) A standing ad hoc task force on
cervical cancer |
10 |
| elimination is established within the Department of Public |
11 |
| Health. The task force shall be called the Cervical
Cancer |
12 |
| Elimination Task Force ("the Task Force"). The Task Force
shall |
13 |
| perform the duties specified in this
Section. |
14 |
| (b) The Task Force shall have 21
members. The directors of |
15 |
| Public Health, Public Aid, and Human Services and the Chair and
16 |
| Vice-Chair of the Conference of Women Legislators in Illinois,
17 |
| or their designees, shall be ex officio members of the Task |
18 |
| Force. The
following additional members shall be appointed: |
19 |
| (1) By the President of the Senate, as
follows: |
20 |
| (A) One member of the Senate. |
21 |
| (B) A representative of a women's health
22 |
| organization. |
23 |
| (C) A representative from the American Academy of
24 |
| Pediatrics. |
25 |
| (D) A certified schoolteacher. |
26 |
| (2) By the Minority Leader of the Senate: one member of |
27 |
| the Senate. |
28 |
| (3) By the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
as |
29 |
| follows: |
30 |
| (A) One member of the House of Representatives. |
31 |
| (B) A member of the Illinois Chapter of the |
32 |
| American Cancer Society who is
an oncologist. |
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LRB093 20684 DRJ 46553 b |
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| (C) A member of the health insurance industry. |
2 |
| (D) A member from the American College of
3 |
| Obstetrics and Gynecology. |
4 |
| (4) By the Minority Leader of the House of |
5 |
| Representatives: one member of the House of |
6 |
| Representatives. |
7 |
| (5) By the Governor, as follows: |
8 |
| (A) A member of the American Academy of Family
9 |
| Physicians. |
10 |
| (B) The State Epidemiologist. |
11 |
| (C) Two members at large. |
12 |
| (D) A news director of a newspaper or television
or |
13 |
| radio station. |
14 |
| (E) A licensed registered nurse. |
15 |
| The Governor shall appoint a Chair from among the members
16 |
| of the Task Force. The Task Force shall elect a Vice-Chair from
17 |
| its members. |
18 |
| (c) Each appointing authority shall
ensure, insofar as |
19 |
| possible, that its appointees to the Task
Force reflect the |
20 |
| composition of the Illinois population
with regard to ethnic, |
21 |
| racial, age, and religious composition. |
22 |
| (d) The appointing authorities shall make their |
23 |
| appointments to the Task Force not
later than 30 days after the |
24 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General |
25 |
| Assembly. In the case of a vacancy on the Task Force, the |
26 |
| original appointing
authority, using the criteria set forth in |
27 |
| this Section for the
original appointment, shall fill the |
28 |
| vacancy. |
29 |
| (e) The Task Force shall meet at least
quarterly or more |
30 |
| frequently at the call of the Chair. |
31 |
| (f) The Task Force Chair may establish
committees for the |
32 |
| purpose of making special studies pursuant to
its duties and |
33 |
| may appoint non-Task Force members to serve on
each committee |
34 |
| as resource persons. Resource persons shall be
voting members |
35 |
| of the committees. Committees may meet with the
frequency |
36 |
| needed to accomplish the purposes of this Section. |
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| (g) Members of the Task Force are entitled to a per diem |
2 |
| and reimbursement for their necessary travel and subsistence |
3 |
| expenses incurred in performing their duties. |
4 |
| (h) A majority of the Task Force shall
constitute a quorum |
5 |
| for the transaction of its business. |
6 |
| (i) The Task Force shall have the
following duties: |
7 |
| (1) To obtain from the Department of Public Health, if |
8 |
| available, the
Department's review of statistical and |
9 |
| qualitative
data on the prevalence and burden of cervical
10 |
| cancer. If such a review is not available from the |
11 |
| Department, the Task Force shall undertake such a review. |
12 |
| (2) To raise public awareness on the causes and
nature |
13 |
| of cervical cancer, personal risk factors,
the value of |
14 |
| prevention, early detection, options for
testing, |
15 |
| treatment costs, new technology, medical
care |
16 |
| reimbursement, and physician education. |
17 |
| (3) To identify priority strategies, new technologies,
18 |
| or newly introduced vaccines that are effective in
19 |
| preventing and controlling the risk of cervical
cancer. |
20 |
| (4) To identify and examine the limitations of existing
21 |
| laws, regulations, programs, and services with
regard to |
22 |
| coverage and awareness issues for
cervical cancer, |
23 |
| including requiring insurance or other coverage for Pap |
24 |
| smears and mammograms in
accordance with the most recently |
25 |
| published
American Cancer Society guidelines. |
26 |
| (5) To develop a statewide comprehensive Cervical
27 |
| Cancer Prevention Plan and strategies for implementing the |
28 |
| Plan
and for promoting the Plan to the
general public, |
29 |
| State and local elected officials,
and various public and |
30 |
| private organizations,
associations, businesses, |
31 |
| industries, and agencies. |
32 |
| (6) To identify strategies to facilitate specific
33 |
| commitments to help implement the Cervical
Cancer |
34 |
| Prevention Plan from the
entities listed in paragraph (8). |
35 |
| (7) To facilitate coordination of and communication
36 |
| between State and local agencies and organizations
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| regarding current or future involvement in
achieving the |
2 |
| aims of the Cervical Cancer Prevention Plan. |
3 |
| (8) To receive and to consider reports and testimony
4 |
| from individuals, local health departments,
5 |
| community-based organizations, voluntary health
6 |
| organizations, and other public and private
organizations |
7 |
| statewide to learn more about their
contributions to |
8 |
| cervical cancer diagnosis,
prevention, and treatment and |
9 |
| more about their
ideas for improving cervical cancer |
10 |
| prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment in Illinois. |
11 |
| (j) On or before April 1, 2005, and on
or before April 1 |
12 |
| each year thereafter, the Task Force shall submit a
report to |
13 |
| the Governor and the General Assembly. Each annual report shall |
14 |
| address the following: |
15 |
| (1) The progress being made in fulfilling the duties of |
16 |
| the
Task Force and in developing the Cervical Cancer
17 |
| Prevention Plan. |
18 |
| (2) The anticipated time frame for completion of the
19 |
| Cervical Cancer Prevention Plan. |
20 |
| (3) Recommended strategies or actions to reduce the
21 |
| occurrence of and burdens suffered from cervical
cancer by |
22 |
| citizens of this State. |
23 |
| (k) The Task Force shall expire on
April 1, 2009, or upon |
24 |
| submission of the Task Force's final
report to the Governor and |
25 |
| the General Assembly, whichever occurs earlier. |
26 |
| (l) The Department of Public Health shall use moneys
27 |
| appropriated to it to implement
this Section.
28 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
29 |
| becoming law.