John M. Sullivan
Filed: 2/23/2004
09300SB2270sam002 |
LRB093 17023 MKM 47737 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2270 by replacing |
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| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
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| "Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and |
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| Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is |
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| amended by adding Section 2310-228 as follows: |
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| (20 ILCS 2310/2310-228 new)
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| Sec. 2310-228. Nursing workforce database.
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| (a) The Department shall, in consultation with the Illinois |
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| Coalition for Nursing Resources, the Illinois Nurses |
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| Assocation, and other nursing associations, establish and |
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| administer a nursing
workforce database. The database shall be |
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| assembled from data currently collected by State agencies or |
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| departments that may be released under the Freedom of |
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| Information Act and shall be maintained with the
assistance of |
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| the Department of Professional Regulation, the Department of
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| Labor, the Department of Employment Security,
and any other |
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| State agency or department with access to nursing
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| workforce-related information.
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| (b) The objective of establishing the database shall be to |
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| compile the following data related to the nursing
workforce |
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| that is currently collected by State agencies or departments |
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| that may be released under the Freedom of Information Act: |
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| (1) Data on current and projected population |
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LRB093 17023 MKM 47737 a |
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| demographics and available health indicator data to |
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| determine how the population needs relate to the demand for |
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| nursing services. |
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| (2) Data to create a dynamic system for projecting |
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| nurse workforce supply and demand. |
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| (3) Data related to the development of a nursing |
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| workforce that considers the diversity, educational mix, |
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| geographic distribution, and number of nurses needed |
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| within the State. |
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| (4) Data on the current and projected numbers of nurse |
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| faculty who are needed to educate the nurses who will be |
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| needed to meet the needs of the residents of the State. |
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| (5) Data on nursing education programs within the State |
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| including number of nursing programs, applications, |
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| enrollments, and graduation rates. |
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| (6) Data needed to develop collaborative models |
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| between nursing
education and practice to identify |
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| necessary competencies,
educational strategies, and models |
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| of professional practice. |
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| (7) Data on nurse practice setting, practice |
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| locations, and specialties.
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| (c) To accomplish the objectives set forth in subsection |
23 |
| (b),
data compiled by the Department into a database may be
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| used
by the Department, medical institutions and societies, |
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| health care facilities and associations of health care |
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| facilities, and nursing programs to assess current and |
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| projected nursing workforce shortfalls and
develop strategies |
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| for overcoming them. Notwithstanding any other provision of |
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| law, the Department may not disclose any data that it compiles |
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| under this Section in a manner that would allow the |
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| identification of any particular health care professional or |
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| health care facility.
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| (d) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as requiring |
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| any health care facility to file or submit any data, |