Rep. Michael J. Madigan
Filed: 6/25/2004
09300SB2258ham001 |
LRB093 15887 RAS 52225 a |
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2258 by replacing |
3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 |
| "Section 5. The Home Equity Assurance Act is amended by |
5 |
| changing Sections 4 and 9 as follows:
6 |
| (65 ILCS 95/4) (from Ch. 24, par. 1604)
7 |
| Sec. 4. Creation of Commission. (a) Whenever in a |
8 |
| municipality with
more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the |
9 |
| question of creating a home equity
program within a contiguous |
10 |
| territory included entirely within
the municipality is |
11 |
| initiated by resolution or ordinance
of the corporate |
12 |
| authorities of the municipality or by a petition
signed by not |
13 |
| less than 10% of the total number of registered voters of
each |
14 |
| precinct in the territory, the registered voters of
which are |
15 |
| eligible to sign the petition, it shall be
the duty of the |
16 |
| election authority having jurisdiction over such
municipality |
17 |
| to submit the question of creating a home equity program to
the |
18 |
| electors of each precinct within
the territory at the regular |
19 |
| election specified in the resolution,
ordinance or petition |
20 |
| initiating the question. If the question is
initiated by |
21 |
| petition and if the requisite number of signatures is not
22 |
| obtained in any precinct included within the territory |
23 |
| described in the
petition, then the petition shall be valid as |
24 |
| to the territory encompassed by those
precincts for which the |
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| requisite number of signatures is obtained and any
such |
2 |
| precinct for which the requisite number of signatures is not |
3 |
| obtained
shall be excluded from the territory. A petition |
4 |
| initiating a
question described in this Section shall be filed |
5 |
| with the election
authority having jurisdiction over the |
6 |
| municipality. The petition
shall be filed and objections |
7 |
| thereto shall be made in the manner provided
in the general |
8 |
| election law. A resolution, ordinance, or petition
initiating a |
9 |
| question described in this Section shall specify the election
10 |
| at which the question is to be submitted. The referendum on |
11 |
| such question
shall be held in accordance with general election |
12 |
| law. Such
question, and the resolution, ordinance, or petition |
13 |
| initiating the
question, shall include a description of the |
14 |
| territory, the name of the
proposed home equity program, and |
15 |
| the maximum rate at which the home
equity program shall be able |
16 |
| to levy a property tax. All
of that area within the geographic |
17 |
| boundaries of the territory described in
such question shall be |
18 |
| included in the program, and no area outside the
geographic |
19 |
| boundaries of the territory described in such question shall be
20 |
| included in the program. If the election authority determines |
21 |
| that the
description cannot be included within the space |
22 |
| limitations of the ballot,
the election authority shall prepare |
23 |
| large printed copies of a notice of
the question, which shall |
24 |
| be prominently displayed in the polling place of
each precinct |
25 |
| in which the question is to be submitted.
26 |
| (b) Whenever a majority of the voters on such public |
27 |
| question approve the
creation of a home equity program as |
28 |
| certified by the proper election
authorities, the mayor of the |
29 |
| municipality shall appoint, with the consent
of the corporate |
30 |
| authorities, 9 individuals, to be known as commissioners,
to |
31 |
| serve as the governing body of the home equity program. The |
32 |
| mayor
shall choose 7 of the 9 individuals to be appointed to |
33 |
| the governing
commission from nominees submitted by a community |
34 |
| organization or community
organizations as defined in this Act. |
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| A community organization may
recommend up to 20 individuals to |
2 |
| serve on a governing commission.
3 |
| No fewer than 5 commissioners serving at any one time shall |
4 |
| reside
within the territory of the program.
5 |
| Upon creation of a governing commission, the terms of the |
6 |
| initial
commissioners shall be as follows: 3 shall serve
for |
7 |
| one year, 3 shall serve for 2 years, and 3 shall serve for 3
8 |
| years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. All
9 |
| succeeding terms shall be for 3 years, or until a successor is |
10 |
| appointed
or qualified , and no commissioner may serve more |
11 |
| than 2 consecutive terms .
Commissioners shall serve without |
12 |
| compensation except for reimbursement for
reasonable expenses |
13 |
| incurred in the performance of duties as a
commissioner. A |
14 |
| vacancy in the office of a member of a commission shall be
15 |
| filled in like manner as an original appointment.
16 |
| All proceedings and meetings of the governing commission |
17 |
| shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the |
18 |
| Open Meetings Act,
as now or hereafter amended.
19 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-684.)
20 |
| (65 ILCS 95/9) (from Ch. 24, par. 1609)
21 |
| Sec. 9. Establishing a new guaranteed value and |
22 |
| registration date.
(a) A member has the option of applying for |
23 |
| a new program appraisal by a
program appraiser in order to |
24 |
| establish a new certificate of participation
with a new |
25 |
| registration date. The governing commission may exercise the
26 |
| right to require a second program appraisal in accordance with |
27 |
| the
procedures described in Section 6 of this Act. This new |
28 |
| guaranteed value
shall be subject to the following conditions:
29 |
| (1) A new guaranteed value established solely for the |
30 |
| purpose of
determining a property's increased value due to |
31 |
| inflation may not be
requested by the member until 5 years have |
32 |
| elapsed from the most recent
registration date.
33 |
| (2) A new guaranteed value established due to home |
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| improvements shall be
granted only when the value of the home |
2 |
| improvements exceed $5,000.
3 |
| (3) A member may not initiate a claim against the program |
4 |
| based upon the
new guaranteed value until 3
5 years after the |
5 |
| new registration date. Until
that time, coverage shall be based |
6 |
| on the most recent certificate of
participation which is at |
7 |
| least 5 years old and the guaranteed value set
forth in that |
8 |
| certificate of participation.
9 |
| (4) If the governing commission, by majority vote, |
10 |
| determines that the
application for a new appraisal is due to |
11 |
| substantial property improvements
on the guaranteed residence, |
12 |
| then the application fee for the appraisal
shall be one-half of |
13 |
| the registration fee then being charged by the program.
14 |
| (5) If the governing commission, by a majority vote, |
15 |
| concludes that the
application for a new appraisal is not due |
16 |
| to substantial property
improvements, the application fee for |
17 |
| the new appraisal shall be the amount
of the registration fee |
18 |
| then being charged by the program.
19 |
| (6) A new guaranteed value shall be subject to all of the |
20 |
| conditions,
stipulations, and provisions of this Act.
21 |
| (b) After following the above procedures, the member shall |
22 |
| be issued a
new certificate of participation which shall state |
23 |
| the new guaranteed value
and registration date.
24 |
| (c) A member may request a new guaranteed value and |
25 |
| registration date
only once per year.
26 |
| (Source: P.A. 85-1044.)
27 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
28 |
| becoming law.".