09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| or carried in a vehicle in such a way as it
is concealed from
2 |
| view of the public.
3 |
| "Department" means the Department of State Police.
4 |
| "Director" means the Director of State Police.
5 |
| "Fund" means the Retired Officers Security Trust Fund.
6 |
| "Handgun" has the meaning ascribed to it in subsection |
7 |
| (A)(h) of Section 24-3
of the Criminal
Code of 1961.
8 |
| "Permit" means a permit to carry a concealed firearm issued |
9 |
| by the Department
of State Police.
10 |
| "Permittee" means a person who is issued a permit to carry |
11 |
| a concealed
firearm by the
Department of State Police.
12 |
| Section 15. Retired Officers Security Fund.
13 |
| (a) There is created the Retired Officers Security Trust |
14 |
| Fund. The Fund shall
be maintained apart
from the State |
15 |
| treasury and shall be administered by the Department. Moneys
16 |
| from federal and State sources may be deposited into the Fund. |
17 |
| Fees from
applications for new,
renewal, corrected, and |
18 |
| duplicate concealed firearms permits shall be deposited
19 |
| the Fund. The Department may invest the moneys in the Fund, and |
20 |
| any income on
investments shall be reinvested in the |
21 |
| Fund.
22 |
| (b) The Department shall use the moneys in the Fund |
23 |
| exclusively for the
administration of this
24 |
| Section 20. Permit for concealed firearms.
The Department |
25 |
| of State Police is authorized to issue permits to carry
26 |
| concealed firearms to
persons qualified as provided in this |
27 |
| Act. Permits to carry a concealed firearm
shall be valid
28 |
| throughout the State for a period of 5 years from the date of
29 |
| issuance. Any person in compliance with the terms of the permit |
30 |
| may carry
concealed firearms
on or about his or her person. The |
31 |
| permittee shall carry the permit at all
times the permittee is
32 |
| carrying a concealed firearm and shall display the permit upon |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| the request of a
law enforcement
officer. The permit is valid |
2 |
| throughout the State.
3 |
| Section 25. Application for permit and qualifications of |
4 |
| applicants.
5 |
| (a) An applicant for a permit shall obtain the application |
6 |
| from the
Department of State Police. The
completed application |
7 |
| and all accompanying material plus an application fee of
$100 |
8 |
| for a new
permit or $100 for a renewal shall be submitted to |
9 |
| the Department of State
Police. The Department of State Police |
10 |
| may promulgate rules for the use of this fee that are not |
11 |
| inconsistent with this Act.
12 |
| (b) The Department of State Police, upon a person's |
13 |
| application for a
concealed firearms permit,
upon receipt of |
14 |
| the appropriate fees, and after compliance with the procedures
15 |
| set out in this
Section, shall issue the applicant a concealed |
16 |
| firearms permit if the person:
17 |
| (1) resides within the State of Illinois and has been a |
18 |
| resident for the
6 months and is a
permanent resident |
19 |
| of the United States;
20 |
| (2) has not been convicted of a crime punishable by |
21 |
| imprisonment for a term
exceeding one
year, or of a |
22 |
| misdemeanor evidencing violence, is not free on any form of |
23 |
| bond
or pretrial release for any offense that would |
24 |
| prohibit the person from obtaining a permit under this Act,
25 |
| and has no outstanding warrants for those crimes;
26 |
| (3) has no record of mental disease or mental illness |
27 |
| on file with the
Department of State Police, the Department |
28 |
| of Human Services, or any other State or federal agencies
29 |
| that would evidence incapacity, or lack of proper mental |
30 |
| capacity;
31 |
| (4) has not been committed to a state or federal |
32 |
| facility for the abuse of
a controlled substance
or |
33 |
| cannabis or has not been convicted of a misdemeanor |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| violation of the
Illinois Controlled
Substances Act or the |
2 |
| Cannabis Control Act or similar laws of any other state
3 |
| relating to
controlled substances or cannabis within a |
4 |
| 10-year period immediately preceding
the date on
which the |
5 |
| application is submitted; and
6 |
| (5) shows proof that he or she either:
7 |
| (A) is a graduate of a police training institute or |
8 |
| police academy, who after
graduating served for at |
9 |
| least
10 years as a sworn, full-time peace officer |
10 |
| qualified to carry firearms for
any federal or State
11 |
| department or agency or for any unit of local |
12 |
| government of Illinois and has
retired as a local,
13 |
| State, or federal peace officer in a publicly created |
14 |
| peace officer retirement
system; whose
service in law |
15 |
| enforcement was honorably terminated through |
16 |
| retirement or
disability and not as a
result of |
17 |
| discipline, suspension, discharge, or decertification |
18 |
| by the Illinois
Law Enforcement Training Standards |
19 |
| Board; or
20 |
| (B) earned the Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) |
21 |
| of a military police officer, investigator, or its |
22 |
| equivalent in any of the Armed Forces and served for at |
23 |
| least 10 years as a member of the United States Armed
24 |
| Forces, which service
was honorably terminated and not |
25 |
| as a result of discipline, suspension, or dishonorable
26 |
| discharge.
27 |
| Section 30. Contents of application. The initial |
28 |
| application shall be in
writing, submitted under oath and
under |
29 |
| the penalties of perjury, on a standard form promulgated by the
30 |
| Department of State Police,
and shall be accompanied by the |
31 |
| appropriate fees and required documentation.
The application
32 |
| shall contain only the following information:
33 |
| (1) the applicant's name, address, gender, and date and |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| place of birth;
2 |
| (2) a head and shoulder color photograph taken within |
3 |
| 30 days preceding
date on which the
application is |
4 |
| submitted;
5 |
| (3) questions to certify or demonstrate the applicant |
6 |
| has completed a
firearms and deadly use of
force training |
7 |
| and education prerequisites specified under this Act;
8 |
| (4) a statement that the applicant is a resident of the |
9 |
| State of
Illinois and
has been a resident for
the last 6 |
10 |
| months and is a United States citizen or a naturalized |
11 |
| citizen;
12 |
| (5) a waiver of privacy and confidentiality rights and |
13 |
| privileges
enjoyed by
the applicant under all
federal and |
14 |
| State laws governing access to juvenile court, criminal |
15 |
| justice,
psychological or
psychiatric records, or records |
16 |
| relating to the applicant's history of
17 |
| institutionalization, and an
affirmative request that any |
18 |
| person having custody of any such record provide
it or |
19 |
| information
concerning it to the Department;
20 |
| (6) a conspicuous warning that false statements made by |
21 |
| the applicant
result in prosecution
for perjury in |
22 |
| accordance with Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code of 1961;
23 |
| (7) that the applicant possesses a currently valid |
24 |
| Illinois Firearm
Identification Card,
together |
25 |
| with the card number, or is applying for the card in |
26 |
| conjunction with
the concealed
firearms permit |
27 |
| application;
28 |
| (8) an affirmation that the applicant has never been |
29 |
| convicted of any
30 |
| (9) the applicant's signature, under oath, attesting |
31 |
| to the following
statement: "I, the
undersigned, state,
32 |
| under oath and subject to the penalty of perjury, that I am |
33 |
| not a streetgang
member as defined in
Section 10 of the |
34 |
| Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act and |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| that
will not join or
become associated with a criminal |
2 |
| streetgang."; and
3 |
| (10) appropriate documentation to support that the |
4 |
| applicant meets the
requirements of clause (b)(5) of |
5 |
| Section 25 of this Act.
6 |
| Section 35. Submission of identifying information; fee.
In |
7 |
| addition to the completed application, the applicant must |
8 |
| submit the
following information to
the Department of State |
9 |
| Police:
10 |
| (i) a recent head and shoulder color photograph of the |
11 |
| applicant as required by Section 30 in a
size specified by |
12 |
| the
Department of State Police taken preceding the date on |
13 |
| which
the application is
14 |
| (ii) a non-refundable permit fee of $100 if he or she |
15 |
| has not previously
issued such a permit
by the |
16 |
| Department of State Police, or a non-refundable permit fee |
17 |
| of $100 for
each renewal of a
18 |
| (iii) a full set of legible fingerprints administered |
19 |
| to the applicant
Department of State
Police, or any |
20 |
| other federal, State, county, or municipal law enforcement
21 |
| agency; any cost of
fingerprinting shall be paid by the |
22 |
| applicant; and
23 |
| (iv) a photocopy of a certificate or other evidence of |
24 |
| completion of a
to show compliance
with Section 90 |
25 |
| of this Act.
26 |
| Section 40. Approval of application.
27 |
| (a) If the Department of State Police finds that the |
28 |
| applicant possesses a
valid Firearm Owner's
Identification |
29 |
| Card, meets the training requirements of this Act, and has
30 |
| provided the
documentation and paid the fees required for |
31 |
| issuance of a concealed firearms
permit and that,
as nearly as |
32 |
| it is possible to determine, nothing in the applicant's |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| background
or present
circumstances disqualify him or her from |
2 |
| possessing a firearm in Illinois, it
shall approve the
3 |
| application and issue the applicant a wallet-sized permit |
4 |
| bearing the
photograph of the applicant
within 90 days or the |
5 |
| Department may issue a new Firearm Owner's Identification Card |
6 |
| with an endorsement for the carrying of a concealed firearm.
7 |
| (b) If the applicant is found to be ineligible, the |
8 |
| Department of State
Police shall deny the
application and |
9 |
| notify the applicant in writing, stating the grounds for
denial |
10 |
| and informing the
applicant of the right to submit, within 30 |
11 |
| days, any additional documentation
relating to the
grounds of |
12 |
| the denial. Upon receiving any additional documentation, the
13 |
| Department of State
Police shall reconsider its decision and |
14 |
| inform the applicant within 30 days of
the result of the
15 |
| reconsideration. The applicant shall further be informed of the |
16 |
| right to appeal
the denial
in the circuit court of his or her |
17 |
| place of residence.
18 |
| (c) The Department of State Police shall maintain an |
19 |
| automated record listing of
permit holders, including their |
20 |
| names and addresses, and this information shall be available |
21 |
| on-line, upon
request, at all times to
all Illinois law |
22 |
| enforcement agencies. Except as provided in this subsection,
23 |
| information on
applications for permits, names and addresses, |
24 |
| or other identifying information
relating to permit
holders |
25 |
| shall be confidential and shall not be made available except to |
26 |
| law
enforcement agencies.
Requests for information about any |
27 |
| permit holder made by persons other than a
bona fide law
28 |
| enforcement agency shall be made to the Department of State |
29 |
| Police together
with any fee
required for the providing of |
30 |
| information. The Department of State Police
may, upon proper
31 |
| application and the payment of the required fee, provide to the |
32 |
| requester, in
written form only, a
list of names of any or all |
33 |
| holders in the State of Illinois licensed to carry
a concealed |
34 |
| firearm. No
identifying information other than the name shall |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| be provided, and information
for geographic
areas or other |
2 |
| subdivisions of any type from the list shall not be provided,
3 |
| except to a bona fide
law enforcement agency, and shall be |
4 |
| confidential. No requests for lists of
local or statewide
5 |
| permit holders shall be made to any State or local law |
6 |
| enforcement agency. No
agency of government other than |
7 |
| the Department of State Police shall provide
any information to
8 |
| a requester not entitled to it by law. The names of all |
9 |
| persons, other than law
agencies and peace |
10 |
| officers, requesting information under this Section shall be
11 |
| public records.
12 |
| Section 45. Revocation of a permit. A permit issued under |
13 |
| Section 40 shall
be revoked if the permit
holder becomes
14 |
| ineligible to be issued a permit under the criteria set forth |
15 |
| in clauses (b)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5)
of Section 25 or |
16 |
| subsection (b) of Section 40 of this Act. When the holder of |
17 |
| the permit has his or her Firearm Owner's Identification Card |
18 |
| revoked, when an order
of protection
is issued under Section |
19 |
| 112A-14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 or
under |
20 |
| Section
214 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 |
21 |
| against a person holding a
permit issued under
this Act, the |
22 |
| holder of the permit shall surrender the permit to the court or
23 |
| to the officer serving
the order. The officer to whom the |
24 |
| permit is surrendered shall forthwith
transmit the permit to |
25 |
| the
court issuing the order. The permit shall be revoked until |
26 |
| the order is
27 |
| Section 50. Notification of renewal. Not later than 60 days |
28 |
| before the
expiration of any permit
issued under this Act, the |
29 |
| Department of State Police shall notify the permit
holder in |
30 |
| writing of
the expiration and furnish an application for |
31 |
| renewal of the permit.
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| Section 55. Renewal of permit. The permit shall be renewed |
2 |
| for a qualified applicant upon receipt of the
properly |
3 |
| completed
renewal application and required renewal fee. The |
4 |
| renewal application shall
contain the same
required |
5 |
| information as set forth in paragraphs (1) through (9) of |
6 |
| Section 30,
except that in
lieu of the firearm education and |
7 |
| use of deadly force training, the applicant
need only
8 |
| demonstrate previous issuance of and continued eligibility for |
9 |
| a concealed
firearms permit.
10 |
| Section 60. Change of address, change of name, or lost or |
11 |
| destroyed permits.
12 |
| (a) Within 30 days after the changing of a permanent |
13 |
| residence, or within 30
days after loss or
destruction of a |
14 |
| concealed firearms permit, the permittee shall notify the
15 |
| Department of State
Police of the loss, destruction, change of |
16 |
| name, or change of residence.
Failure to notify the
Department |
17 |
| of State Police shall constitute a noncriminal violation with a
18 |
| penalty of $25 payable
to the Department of State Police.
19 |
| (b) If a person issued a permit to carry a concealed |
20 |
| firearm changes
residence within this State,
or changes his or |
21 |
| her name, the person to whom the permit was issued may upon
22 |
| payment of
$25 to the Department of State Police obtain a |
23 |
| corrected concealed firearms
permit with a change
of address or |
24 |
| change of name upon furnishing a notarized statement to the
25 |
| Department of State
Police that the permittee has changed |
26 |
| residence, or his or her name, and upon
submission of an |
27 |
| application as set forth in Section 25 and photograph as set
28 |
| forth in paragraph
(2) of Section 30 of this Act. A concealed |
29 |
| firearms permit shall be
invalid after 30
days if the permittee |
30 |
| has not notified the Department of State Police of a
change of |
31 |
| residence.
32 |
| (c) If a permit to carry a concealed firearm is lost or |
33 |
| destroyed, the permit
shall be cancelled, and the person to |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| whom the permit was issued may upon payment of $25
to the |
2 |
| Department of State Police obtain a new permit, upon furnishing |
3 |
| a
notarized statement
to the Department of State Police that |
4 |
| the permit was lost or destroyed and
submission of an
5 |
| application as set forth in Section 25 and photograph as set |
6 |
| forth in paragraph
(2) of Section 30 of
this Act.
7 |
| Section 65. Concealed firearms permit.
8 |
| (a) A concealed firearm permit shall authorize the person |
9 |
| in whose name the
permit is issued to carry concealed firearms |
10 |
| on or about his or her person or
vehicle throughout the State. |
11 |
| No permit issued under this Section shall
any person |
12 |
| to carry a concealed firearm into or
13 |
| (i) Any police, sheriff, or Department of State Police |
14 |
| office or station without the
consent of the chief law
15 |
| enforcement officer in charge of that office or station.
16 |
| (ii) The facility of any adult or juvenile detention or |
17 |
| correctional
institution, prison, or jail.
18 |
| (iii) Any courthouse, solely occupied by the Circuit, |
19 |
| Appellate, or
Court, or a courtroom
of any of those |
20 |
| courts, or court proceeding, except that nothing in this
21 |
| Section shall preclude a
judge, holding a concealed firearm |
22 |
| permit, from carrying a concealed firearm
within a |
23 |
| courthouse.
24 |
| (iv) Any meeting of the governing body of a unit of |
25 |
| local government; or
meeting of the
General Assembly or |
26 |
| a committee of the General Assembly, except that nothing in
27 |
| this Section
shall preclude a member of the body, holding a |
28 |
| concealed firearms permit, from
carrying a
concealed |
29 |
| firearm at a meeting of the body which he or she is a |
30 |
| member.
31 |
| (v) The General Assembly may by statute, and the county |
32 |
| or municipality
may by
ordinance, prohibit or limit the |
33 |
| carrying of concealed firearms by permit
holders in that |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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1 |
| portion of a
building owned, leased, or controlled by that |
2 |
| unit of government. That portion
of a building in
which the |
3 |
| carrying of concealed firearms is prohibited or limited |
4 |
| shall be
clearly identified by signs
posted at the entrance |
5 |
| to the restricted area. The statute or ordinance shall
6 |
| exempt
any building used for public housing by private |
7 |
| persons, highways or rest
areas, firing ranges,
and private |
8 |
| dwellings owned, leased, or controlled by that unit of |
9 |
| government
from any restriction
on the carrying or |
10 |
| possession of a firearm. The statute or ordinance shall not
11 |
| specify any criminal
penalty for its violation but may |
12 |
| specify that persons violating the statute or
ordinance may |
13 |
| be
denied entrance to the building, ordered to leave the |
14 |
| building, and, if the
employees of the unit of
government, |
15 |
| be subjected to disciplinary measures for violation of the
16 |
| provisions of the statute or
ordinance. The provisions of |
17 |
| this Section shall not apply to any
other unit of |
18 |
| government.
19 |
| (vi) Any portion of an establishment licensed to |
20 |
| dispense beer or
beverages for
consumption on the |
21 |
| premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily
22 |
| devoted to that
purpose. This paragraph (vi) does not apply |
23 |
| to any bona fide restaurant open to
the general
public |
24 |
| having dining facilities for not less than 50 persons and |
25 |
| that receives
at least 50% of its
gross annual income from |
26 |
| the dining facilities by the sale of food.
27 |
| (vii) Any area of an airport to which access is |
28 |
| controlled by the
inspection of
persons and
29 |
| (viii) Any place where the carrying of a firearm is |
30 |
| prohibited by federal
31 |
| (ix) Any elementary or secondary school facility |
32 |
| without the consent of
33 |
| (x) Any portion of a building used as a child care |
34 |
| facility without the
consent of the manager.
Nothing in |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| this Section shall prevent the operator of a child care |
2 |
| facility in
a family home from
owning or possessing a |
3 |
| firearm or permit.
4 |
| (xi) A riverboat gambling operation or horse racing |
5 |
| facility accessible
by the
6 |
| (xii) Any gated area of an amusement park.
7 |
| (xiii) Any stadium, arena, or collegiate or |
8 |
| professional sporting event.
9 |
| (xiv) A church or other place of religious worship.
10 |
| A violation of this subsection (a) is a Class C |
11 |
| misdemeanor.
12 |
| (b) A concealed firearm permit does not authorize the |
13 |
| concealed carrying or
transportation of a stun
gun or taser.
14 |
| Section 70. Immunity of Department, sheriff, municipal |
15 |
| police department, and
their employees
and agents.
The |
16 |
| Department of State Police, office of the county sheriff, or |
17 |
| municipal
police department, and any
employee or agent of the |
18 |
| Department of State Police, county sheriff, or
municipal police
19 |
| department is not liable for damages in any civil action |
20 |
| arising from
alleged wrongful or
improper granting, renewing, |
21 |
| or failure to revoke permits issued under
this Act.
22 |
| Section 80. Fees.
23 |
| (a) Fees collected under this Act and deposited into the |
24 |
| Retired Officers
Security Trust
Fund shall be used exclusively |
25 |
| for administering the provisions of this Act;
except that,
26 |
| commencing January 1, 2005, any excess moneys in the Fund may |
27 |
| be used to ensure
the prompt
and efficient processing of |
28 |
| applications received under Section 30 of this Act.
29 |
| (b) Fees for a concealed firearms permit shall be:
30 | | New permit ..................................... |
$100 |
31 | | Renewal ........................................ |
$100 |
32 | | Duplicate due to lost or destroyed ............. |
$25 |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 | | Corrected permit due to change of address |
2 | | or name ....................................... |
$25 |
3 |
| Section 85. Applicant training.
4 |
| (a) The applicant training course shall be the standardized |
5 |
| training course
furnished by the
Department and taught by a |
6 |
| qualified firearms instructor, consisting of:
7 |
| (1) Eight hours of classroom instruction, covering at |
8 |
| least the following
9 |
| (i) handgun safety in the classroom, at home, on |
10 |
| the firing range, or
carrying the firearm;
11 |
| (ii) the basic principles of marksmanship;
12 |
| (iii) care and cleaning of handguns; and
13 |
| (iv) by means of a videotape produced or approved |
14 |
| by the Department:
15 |
| (A) the requirements for obtaining a concealed |
16 |
| firearms permit in this
17 |
| (B) laws relating to firearms as prescribed in |
18 |
| the Firearm Owners
Card Act, |
19 |
| Article 24 of the Criminal Code of 1961, and 18 |
20 |
| U.S.C. 921 through
930; and
21 |
| (C) laws relating to the justifiable use of |
22 |
| force as prescribed in
Article 7
of the Criminal |
23 |
| Code of
24 |
(2) Live firing exercises of sufficient duration for |
25 |
| each applicant to fire:
26 |
| (i) a handgun from a standing position;
27 |
| (ii) a minimum of 20 rounds; and
28 |
| (iii) at a distance from a B-21 silhouette target, |
29 |
| or an equivalent as
approved by the
Department, of 7 |
30 |
| yards.
31 |
| (b) The classroom portion of the course may be, at the |
32 |
| qualified firearms
instructor's discretion,
divided into |
33 |
| segments of not less than 2 hours each.
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| (c) (1) An applicant training course shall not be open to |
2 |
| persons who are
less than 21 years of
3 |
| (2) An applicant training course students shall |
4 |
| complete a course
application form, which shall
include a |
5 |
| statement acknowledging receipt of copies of pertinent |
6 |
| statutory
provisions listed in
clauses (A), (B), and (C) of |
7 |
| subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (1) of subsection
and a |
8 |
| liability waiver.
9 |
| (3) The course application form may be obtained from |
10 |
| the qualified
instructor at the time
of the |
11 |
| course.
12 |
| (d) At the conclusion of the classroom portion of the |
13 |
| applicant training
course, the qualified
firearms instructor |
14 |
| shall:
15 |
| (1) distribute a standard course examination to the |
16 |
| students;
17 |
| (2) not leave the room in which the examination is |
18 |
| being held while the
examination is in
19 |
| (3) collect examination booklets and answer sheets |
20 |
| from each student at the
end of the
examination period;
21 |
| (4) not grade the examinations in the presence of |
22 |
| students; and
23 |
| (5) not divulge an applicant's numeric score on the day |
24 |
| of the examination,
but may indicate
whether an applicant |
25 |
| passed or failed the examination.
26 |
| (e) A person shall not:
27 |
| (1) make an unauthorized copy of the applicant training |
28 |
| course examination,
in whole or in part;
29 |
| (2) possess the applicant training course examination, |
30 |
| or questions from
the examination, unless
authorized by the |
31 |
| Department; or
32 |
| (3) divulge the contents of an applicant training |
33 |
| course examination
questions to another person.
34 |
| (f) (1) Students shall provide their own safe, functional |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 15 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| handgun and
factory-loaded ammunition.
2 |
| (2) Prior to conducting range firing, the certified
3 |
| firearms instructor shall:
4 |
| (i) inspect each applicant's firearm; and
5 |
| (ii) not allow the firing of a handgun that is not |
6 |
| in sound mechanical
condition or otherwise may
pose a |
7 |
| safety hazard.
8 |
| (g) Grades of "passing" shall not be given on range work
to |
9 |
| an applicant who:
10 |
| (1) does not follow the orders of the certified |
11 |
| firearms instructor;
12 |
| (2) in the judgment of the certified firearms |
13 |
| instructor, handles a firearm
a manner that poses a
14 |
| danger to the applicant or to others; or
15 |
| (3) during the testing portion of the range work fails |
16 |
| to hit the
portion of the target with
a majority |
17 |
| of 20 rounds.
18 |
| (h) Certified firearms instructors shall:
19 |
| (1) allow monitoring of their classes by officials of |
20 |
| any certifying
21 |
| (2) make all course records available upon demand to |
22 |
| authorized personnel
the Department;
23 |
| (3) not divulge course records except as authorized by |
24 |
| the certifying
25 |
| (i) (1) Fees for applicant training courses shall not |
26 |
| exceed $75 per student.
27 |
| (2) Qualified firearms instructors shall collect the |
28 |
| fee and remit $25 of
the fee to the Department.
29 |
| (3) Fees shall not be refunded to students who fail or |
30 |
| otherwise do not
complete the course.
31 |
| (j) An applicant training course shall not have more than |
32 |
| 40 students in the
classroom portion or
more than 10 students |
33 |
| per range officer engaged in range firing.
34 |
| (k) Within 3 working days after the completion of the |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 16 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| course, the certified
firearms instructor shall:
2 |
| (1) grade the examinations; and
3 |
| (2) provide to the student a certificate of successful |
4 |
| course completion if he or she:
5 |
| (i) answers at least 70% of the written examination |
6 |
| questions correctly; and
7 |
| (ii) achieves a grade of "passing" on the range |
8 |
| work.
9 |
| (l) (1) Students who score below 70% on the written |
10 |
| examination may retake
the examination one
time without having |
11 |
| to retake the course.
12 |
| (2) Students who do not achieve a grade of "passing" on the |
13 |
| range work
repeat the range
work one time without having to |
14 |
| retake the course.
15 |
| (3) Notices of failure shall include information on whether |
16 |
| the student
the written exam, the
range firing, or both.
17 |
| Section 90. Firearms instructors training.
18 |
| (a) Persons who are not qualified firearms instructors |
19 |
| shall not teach
applicant training courses.
20 |
| (b) Persons who are not qualified firearms instructors |
21 |
| shall not advertise or
otherwise represent
courses they teach |
22 |
| as qualifying their students to meet the requirements to
23 |
| receive a permit to
carry concealed firearms in this State.
24 |
| (c) Persons who are not certified instructor trainers shall |
25 |
| not teach
instructor qualification courses.
26 |
| (d) Persons wishing to become qualified firearms |
27 |
| instructors shall:
28 |
| (1) be at least 21 years of age;
29 |
| (2) be citizens of the United States; and
30 |
| (3) have been issued Firearm Owner's Identification |
31 |
| Cards.
32 |
| (e) Persons wishing to become instructor trainers, in |
33 |
| addition to the
requirements of subsection (d) of this Section, |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 17 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| shall:
2 |
| (1) possess a high school diploma or GED certificate;
3 |
| (2) have at least one of the following valid firearms |
4 |
| instructor
5 |
| (I) National Rifle Association Personal Protection |
6 |
| Instructor;
7 |
| (II) National Rifle Association Pistol |
8 |
| Marksmanship Instructor;
9 |
| (III) certification from a firearms instructor's |
10 |
| course offered by a
State or
federal governmental
11 |
| agency; or
12 |
| (IV) a similar firearms instructor qualifying |
13 |
| course, approved the
Director of
State Police or his
or |
14 |
| her designee.
15 |
| (f) (1) Applicants shall agree to background checks.
16 |
| (2) An applicant may be disqualified from taking |
17 |
| firearms instructor
or have his or her
instructor |
18 |
| qualification revoked, if the applicant:
19 |
| (A) does not meet the requirements of the Firearm |
20 |
| Owners Identification Card Act;
21 |
| (B) provides false or misleading information on |
22 |
| the application; or
23 |
| (C) has had a prior instructor qualification |
24 |
| revoked by the Department.
25 |
| (g) The training course to certify firearms instructors and |
26 |
| instructor
trainers shall include:
27 |
| (1) Sixteen hours of classroom instruction covering at |
28 |
| least the following
29 |
| (i) by means of a videotape produced or approved by |
30 |
| the Department:
31 |
| (A) the requirements for obtaining a concealed |
32 |
| firearms permit in this
33 |
| (B) laws relating to firearms as contained in the |
34 |
| Firearm Owners
Identification Card Act, Article
24 of |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 18 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| the Criminal Code of 1961, and 18 U.S.C. 921 through |
2 |
| 930;
3 |
| (C) laws relating to the justifiable use of force |
4 |
| as contained in Article
7 of the Criminal Code
of 1961;
5 |
| (D) the conduct of applicant training courses;
6 |
| (E) record-keeping requirements of this Act;
7 |
| (F) the basic nomenclature of handguns;
8 |
| (G) the basic principles of marksmanship; and
9 |
| (H) the safe handling of handguns.
10 |
| (2) A classroom demonstration, during which the |
11 |
| instructor candidate shall
receive instruction on
and |
12 |
| demonstrate competency in the ability to prepare and |
13 |
| deliver a classroom
presentation using
materials from the |
14 |
| applicant curriculum.
15 |
| (3) Range instruction and firing of live ammunition, |
16 |
| during which the
instructor candidate shall
receive |
17 |
| instruction on and demonstrate competency in the ability |
18 |
| to:
19 |
| (i) handle and fire a handgun safely and |
20 |
| accurately;
21 |
| (ii) conduct a function test and safety
inspection |
22 |
| of common types of handguns;
23 |
| (iii) clean common types of handguns; and
24 |
| (iv) supervise and conduct live firing
exercises |
25 |
| in a safe and efficient manner.
26 |
| (h) To qualify as a certified firearms instructor or |
27 |
| instructor trainer,
instructor candidates shall achieve:
28 |
| (1) a minimum score of 70% on a written examination |
29 |
| covering the material
taught during the
classroom portion |
30 |
| of the course;
31 |
| (2) a minimum score of 80% on range firing of a handgun |
32 |
| from the standing
position while aiming
at a B-21 PC |
33 |
| silhouette target or an equivalent as approved by the |
34 |
| Department,
with a minimum
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 19 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| (i) ten rounds from 7 yards;
2 |
| (ii) ten rounds from 15 yards; and
3 |
| (iii) a score of "passing" from the
course |
4 |
| instructor for demonstrating competency in each of the |
5 |
| following:
6 |
| (A) supervising and conducting live fire;
7 |
| (B) cleaning and inspecting handguns; and
8 |
| (C) preparing and delivering the classroom |
9 |
| lecture.
10 |
| (i) Instructor candidates who fail to meet the minimum |
11 |
| requirements of
subsection (g) of this
Section may retake the |
12 |
| examination, range work, or classroom demonstration one
13 |
| without having to repeat the course.
14 |
| (j) Qualified firearms instructor and instructor trainer |
15 |
| certificates shall
be valid for 3 years from
date of issue. |
16 |
| Qualified firearms instructors or instructor trainers may |
17 |
| renew
their certification by
successfully completing a |
18 |
| refresher course offered or approved by the
19 |
| (k) The fees for instructor trainer or refresher courses |
20 |
| shall be $100 per
21 |
| (1) The fees for qualified instructor courses shall be |
22 |
| no more than $100
per student. The
instructor trainer shall |
23 |
| remit $50 per student to the Department.
24 |
| (2) Fees shall not be refunded to those who do not pass |
25 |
| or otherwise fail
to complete a course.
26 |
| (l) Course participants shall provide their own safe, |
27 |
| functional handgun and
28 |
| (m) Prior to conducting range firing, the course instructor |
29 |
| shall:
30 |
| (1) inspect each applicant's firearm; and
31 |
| (2) not allow the firing of a handgun that is not |
32 |
| in sound mechanical
condition or otherwise may
pose a |
33 |
| safety hazard.
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 20 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| Section 95. Repeal. This Act is repealed on July 1, 2010.
2 |
| Section 97. Severability. The provisions of this Act are |
3 |
| severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes. |
4 |
| Section 105. The Firearm Owners Identification Card Act is |
5 |
| amended by
Section 13.1 as follows:
6 |
| (430 ILCS 65/13.1)
(from Ch. 38, par. 83-13.1)
7 |
| Sec. 13.1. The provisions of any ordinance enacted by any |
8 |
| municipality which
requires registration or imposes greater |
9 |
| restrictions or limitations on the
acquisition, possession and |
10 |
| transfer of firearms than are imposed by this
Act, are not |
11 |
| invalidated or affected by this Act , except that an ordinance |
12 |
| of
a unit of local government, including a home rule unit, is |
13 |
| invalid if it is
inconsistent with the Retired Officers |
14 |
| Security Act. It is declared to be the
policy of this State |
15 |
| that the regulation of the right to carry concealed
firearms is |
16 |
| an exclusive power and function of the State. A home rule unit |
17 |
| may
not regulate the issuance of permits to carry concealed |
18 |
| firearms or the
carrying and transportation of firearms. This |
19 |
| Section is a
denial and limitation of home rule powers and |
20 |
| functions under subsection (h) of
Section 6 of Article VII of |
21 |
| the Illinois Constitution .
22 |
| (Source: P.A. 76-1939.)
23 |
| Section 110. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by |
24 |
| changing Section 24-2 as follows:
25 |
| (720 ILCS 5/24-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 24-2)
26 |
| Sec. 24-2. Exemptions.
27 |
| (a) Subsections 24-1(a)(3), 24-1(a)(4) and 24-1(a)(10) and |
28 |
| Section
24-1.6 do not apply to
or affect any of the following:
29 |
| (1) Peace officers, and any person summoned by a peace |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 21 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| officer to
assist in making arrests or preserving the |
2 |
| peace, while actually engaged in
assisting such officer.
3 |
| (2) Wardens, superintendents and keepers of prisons,
4 |
| penitentiaries, jails and other institutions for the |
5 |
| detention of persons
accused or convicted of an offense, |
6 |
| while in the performance of their
official duty, or while |
7 |
| commuting between their homes and places of employment.
8 |
| (3) Members of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of |
9 |
| the United States
or the Illinois National Guard or the |
10 |
| Reserve Officers Training Corps,
while in the performance |
11 |
| of their official duty.
12 |
| (4) Special agents employed by a railroad or a public |
13 |
| utility to
perform police functions, and guards of armored |
14 |
| car companies, while
actually engaged in the performance of |
15 |
| the duties of their employment or
commuting between their |
16 |
| homes and places of employment; and watchmen
while actually |
17 |
| engaged in the performance of the duties of their |
18 |
| employment.
19 |
| (5) Persons licensed as private security contractors, |
20 |
| private
detectives, or private alarm contractors, or |
21 |
| employed by an agency
certified by the Department of |
22 |
| Professional Regulation, if their duties
include the |
23 |
| carrying of a weapon under the provisions of the Private
24 |
| Detective, Private Alarm,
Private Security, and Locksmith |
25 |
| Act of 2004,
while actually
engaged in the performance of |
26 |
| the duties of their employment or commuting
between their |
27 |
| homes and places of employment, provided that such |
28 |
| commuting
is accomplished within one hour from departure |
29 |
| from home or place of
employment, as the case may be. |
30 |
| Persons exempted under this subdivision
(a)(5) shall be |
31 |
| required to have completed a course of
study in firearms |
32 |
| handling and training approved and supervised by the
33 |
| Department of Professional Regulation as prescribed by |
34 |
| Section 28 of the
Private Detective, Private Alarm,
Private |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 22 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004, prior
to becoming |
2 |
| eligible for this exemption. The Department of |
3 |
| Professional
Regulation shall provide suitable |
4 |
| documentation demonstrating the
successful completion of |
5 |
| the prescribed firearms training. Such
documentation shall |
6 |
| be carried at all times when such persons are in
possession |
7 |
| of a concealable weapon.
8 |
| (6) Any person regularly employed in a commercial or |
9 |
| industrial
operation as a security guard for the protection |
10 |
| of persons employed
and private property related to such |
11 |
| commercial or industrial
operation, while actually engaged |
12 |
| in the performance of his or her
duty or traveling between |
13 |
| sites or properties belonging to the
employer, and who, as |
14 |
| a security guard, is a member of a security force of
at |
15 |
| least 5 persons registered with the Department of |
16 |
| Professional
Regulation; provided that such security guard |
17 |
| has successfully completed a
course of study, approved by |
18 |
| and supervised by the Department of
Professional |
19 |
| Regulation, consisting of not less than 40 hours of |
20 |
| training
that includes the theory of law enforcement, |
21 |
| liability for acts, and the
handling of weapons. A person |
22 |
| shall be considered eligible for this
exemption if he or |
23 |
| she has completed the required 20
hours of training for a |
24 |
| security officer and 20 hours of required firearm
training, |
25 |
| and has been issued a firearm authorization card by
the |
26 |
| Department of Professional Regulation. Conditions for the |
27 |
| renewal of
firearm authorization cards issued under the |
28 |
| provisions of this Section
shall be the same as for those |
29 |
| cards issued under the provisions of the
Private Detective, |
30 |
| Private Alarm,
Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004. |
31 |
| Such
firearm authorization card shall be carried by the |
32 |
| security guard at all
times when he or she is in possession |
33 |
| of a concealable weapon.
34 |
| (7) Agents and investigators of the Illinois |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 23 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| Legislative Investigating
Commission authorized by the |
2 |
| Commission to carry the weapons specified in
subsections |
3 |
| 24-1(a)(3) and 24-1(a)(4), while on duty in the course of
4 |
| any investigation for the Commission.
5 |
| (8) Persons employed by a financial institution for the |
6 |
| protection of
other employees and property related to such |
7 |
| financial institution, while
actually engaged in the |
8 |
| performance of their duties, commuting between
their homes |
9 |
| and places of employment, or traveling between sites or
10 |
| properties owned or operated by such financial |
11 |
| institution, provided that
any person so employed has |
12 |
| successfully completed a course of study,
approved by and |
13 |
| supervised by the Department of Professional Regulation,
14 |
| consisting of not less than 40 hours of training which |
15 |
| includes theory of
law enforcement, liability for acts, and |
16 |
| the handling of weapons.
A person shall be considered to be |
17 |
| eligible for this exemption if he or
she has completed the |
18 |
| required 20 hours of training for a security officer
and 20 |
19 |
| hours of required firearm training, and has been issued a
20 |
| firearm authorization card by the Department of |
21 |
| Professional Regulation.
Conditions for renewal of firearm |
22 |
| authorization cards issued under the
provisions of this |
23 |
| Section shall be the same as for those issued under the
24 |
| provisions of the Private Detective, Private Alarm,
25 |
| Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004.
Such firearm |
26 |
| authorization card shall be carried by the person so
27 |
| trained at all times when such person is in possession of a |
28 |
| concealable
weapon. For purposes of this subsection, |
29 |
| "financial institution" means a
bank, savings and loan |
30 |
| association, credit union or company providing
armored car |
31 |
| services.
32 |
| (9) Any person employed by an armored car company to |
33 |
| drive an armored
car, while actually engaged in the |
34 |
| performance of his duties.
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 24 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| (10) Persons who have been classified as peace officers |
2 |
| pursuant
to the Peace Officer Fire Investigation Act.
3 |
| (11) Investigators of the Office of the State's |
4 |
| Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor authorized by the board of |
5 |
| governors of the Office of the
State's Attorneys Appellate |
6 |
| Prosecutor to carry weapons pursuant to
Section 7.06 of the |
7 |
| State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor's Act.
8 |
| (12) Special investigators appointed by a State's |
9 |
| Attorney under
Section 3-9005 of the Counties Code.
10 |
| (12.5) Probation officers while in the performance of |
11 |
| their duties, or
while commuting between their homes, |
12 |
| places of employment or specific locations
that are part of |
13 |
| their assigned duties, with the consent of the chief judge |
14 |
| of
the circuit for which they are employed.
15 |
| (13) Court Security Officers while in the performance |
16 |
| of their official
duties, or while commuting between their |
17 |
| homes and places of employment, with
consent of the |
18 |
| Sheriff.
19 |
| (13.5) A person employed as an armed security guard at |
20 |
| a nuclear energy,
storage, weapons or development site or |
21 |
| facility regulated by the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission |
22 |
| who has completed the background screening and training
23 |
| mandated by the rules and regulations of the Nuclear |
24 |
| Regulatory Commission.
25 |
| (14) Manufacture, transportation, or sale of weapons |
26 |
| to
authorized under subdivisions (1) through |
27 |
| (13.5) of this
possess those weapons.
28 |
| (b) Subsections 24-1(a)(4) and 24-1(a)(10) and Section |
29 |
| 24-1.6 do not
apply to or affect
any of the following:
30 |
| (1) Members of any club or organization organized for |
31 |
| the purpose of
practicing shooting at targets upon |
32 |
| established target ranges, whether
public or private, and |
33 |
| patrons of such ranges, while such members
or patrons are |
34 |
| using their firearms on those target ranges.
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 25 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| (2) Duly authorized military or civil organizations |
2 |
| while parading,
with the special permission of the |
3 |
| Governor.
4 |
| (3) Hunters, trappers or fishermen with a license or
5 |
| permit while engaged in hunting,
trapping or fishing.
6 |
| (4) Transportation of weapons that are broken down in a
7 |
| non-functioning state or are not immediately accessible.
8 |
| (5) A person issued a permit to carry a concealed |
9 |
| firearm under the Retired Officers Security Act.
10 |
| (c) Subsection 24-1(a)(7) does not apply to or affect any |
11 |
| of the
12 |
| (1) Peace officers while in performance of their |
13 |
| official duties.
14 |
| (2) Wardens, superintendents and keepers of prisons, |
15 |
| penitentiaries,
jails and other institutions for the |
16 |
| detention of persons accused or
convicted of an offense.
17 |
| (3) Members of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of |
18 |
| the United States
or the Illinois National Guard, while in |
19 |
| the performance of their official
20 |
| (4) Manufacture, transportation, or sale of machine |
21 |
| guns to persons
authorized under subdivisions (1) through |
22 |
| (3) of this subsection to
possess machine guns, if the |
23 |
| machine guns are broken down in a
non-functioning state or |
24 |
| are not immediately accessible.
25 |
| (5) Persons licensed under federal law to manufacture |
26 |
| any weapon from
which 8 or more shots or bullets can be |
27 |
| discharged by a
single function of the firing device, or |
28 |
| ammunition for such weapons, and
actually engaged in the |
29 |
| business of manufacturing such weapons or
ammunition, but |
30 |
| only with respect to activities which are within the lawful
31 |
| scope of such business, such as the manufacture, |
32 |
| transportation, or testing
of such weapons or ammunition. |
33 |
| This exemption does not authorize the
general private |
34 |
| possession of any weapon from which 8 or more
shots or |
09300SB2188sam002 |
- 26 - |
LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| bullets can be discharged by a single function of the |
2 |
| firing
device, but only such possession and activities as |
3 |
| are within the lawful
scope of a licensed manufacturing |
4 |
| business described in this paragraph.
5 |
| During transportation, such weapons shall be broken |
6 |
| down in a
non-functioning state or not immediately |
7 |
| accessible.
8 |
| (6) The manufacture, transport, testing, delivery, |
9 |
| transfer or sale,
and all lawful commercial or experimental |
10 |
| activities necessary thereto, of
rifles, shotguns, and |
11 |
| weapons made from rifles or shotguns,
or ammunition for |
12 |
| such rifles, shotguns or weapons, where engaged in
by a |
13 |
| person operating as a contractor or subcontractor pursuant |
14 |
| to a
contract or subcontract for the development and supply |
15 |
| of such rifles,
shotguns, weapons or ammunition to the |
16 |
| United States government or any
branch of the Armed Forces |
17 |
| of the United States, when such activities are
necessary |
18 |
| and incident to fulfilling the terms of such contract.
19 |
| The exemption granted under this subdivision (c)(6)
20 |
| shall also apply to any authorized agent of any such |
21 |
| contractor or
subcontractor who is operating within the |
22 |
| scope of his employment, where
such activities involving |
23 |
| such weapon, weapons or ammunition are necessary
and |
24 |
| incident to fulfilling the terms of such contract.
25 |
| During transportation, any such weapon shall be broken |
26 |
| down in a
non-functioning state, or not immediately |
27 |
| accessible.
28 |
| (d) Subsection 24-1(a)(1) does not apply to the purchase, |
29 |
| possession
or carrying of a black-jack or slung-shot by a peace |
30 |
| officer.
31 |
| (e) Subsection 24-1(a)(8) does not apply to any owner, |
32 |
| manager or
authorized employee of any place specified in that |
33 |
| subsection nor to any
law enforcement officer.
34 |
| (f) Subsection 24-1(a)(4) and subsection 24-1(a)(10) and |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| Section 24-1.6
do not apply
to members of any club or |
2 |
| organization organized for the purpose of practicing
shooting |
3 |
| at targets upon established target ranges, whether public or |
4 |
| private,
while using their firearms on those target ranges.
5 |
| (g) Subsections 24-1(a)(11) and 24-3.1(a)(6) do not apply |
6 |
| to:
7 |
| (1) Members of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of |
8 |
| the United
States or the Illinois National Guard, while in |
9 |
| the performance of their
official duty.
10 |
| (2) Bonafide collectors of antique or surplus military |
11 |
| ordinance.
12 |
| (3) Laboratories having a department of forensic |
13 |
| ballistics, or
specializing in the development of |
14 |
| ammunition or explosive ordinance.
15 |
| (4) Commerce, preparation, assembly or possession of |
16 |
| explosive
bullets by manufacturers of ammunition licensed |
17 |
| by the federal government,
in connection with the supply of |
18 |
| those organizations and persons exempted
by subdivision |
19 |
| (g)(1) of this Section, or like organizations and persons
20 |
| outside this State, or the transportation of explosive |
21 |
| bullets to any
organization or person exempted in this |
22 |
| Section by a common carrier or by a
vehicle owned or leased |
23 |
| by an exempted manufacturer.
24 |
| (g-5) Subsection 24-1(a)(6) does not apply to or affect |
25 |
| persons licensed
under federal law to manufacture any device or |
26 |
| attachment of any kind designed,
used, or intended for use in |
27 |
| silencing the report of any firearm, firearms, or
28 |
| for those firearms equipped with those devices, and actually |
29 |
| engaged in the
business of manufacturing those devices, |
30 |
| firearms, or ammunition, but only with
respect to
activities |
31 |
| that are within the lawful scope of that business, such as the
32 |
| manufacture, transportation, or testing of those devices, |
33 |
| firearms, or
ammunition. This
exemption does not authorize the |
34 |
| general private possession of any device or
attachment of any |
09300SB2188sam002 |
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LRB093 18296 RLC 48960 a |
1 |
| kind designed, used, or intended for use in silencing the
2 |
| report of any firearm, but only such possession and activities |
3 |
| as are within
lawful scope of a licensed manufacturing |
4 |
| business described in this subsection
(g-5). During |
5 |
| transportation, those devices shall be detached from any weapon
6 |
| or
not immediately accessible.
7 |
| (h) An information or indictment based upon a violation of |
8 |
| any
subsection of this Article need not negative any exemptions |
9 |
| contained in
this Article. The defendant shall have the burden |
10 |
| of proving such an
11 |
| (i) Nothing in this Article shall prohibit, apply to, or |
12 |
| affect
the transportation, carrying, or possession, of any |
13 |
| pistol or revolver,
stun gun, taser, or other firearm consigned |
14 |
| to a common carrier operating
under license of the State of |
15 |
| Illinois or the federal government, where
such transportation, |
16 |
| carrying, or possession is incident to the lawful
17 |
| transportation in which such common carrier is engaged; and |
18 |
| nothing in this
Article shall prohibit, apply to, or affect the |
19 |
| transportation, carrying,
or possession of any pistol, |
20 |
| revolver, stun gun, taser, or other firearm,
not the subject of |
21 |
| and regulated by subsection 24-1(a)(7) or subsection
24-2(c) of |
22 |
| this Article, which is unloaded and enclosed in a case, firearm
23 |
| carrying box, shipping box, or other container, by the |
24 |
| possessor of a valid
Firearm Owners Identification Card.
25 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-325, eff. 8-9-01; 93-438, eff. 8-5-03; 93-439, |
26 |
| eff. 8-5-03;
93-576, eff. 1-1-04; revised
27 |
| Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect January |
28 |
| 1, 2005.".