SB2106 Enrolled |
LRB093 13399 RCE 18706 b |
1 |
| AN ACT in relation to the transfer of real property.
2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
4 |
| Section 5. The Director of Natural Resources, on
behalf of |
5 |
| the State of Illinois, is authorized to execute
and deliver to |
6 |
| the Village of Aroma Park, an Illinois unit
of local |
7 |
| government, of the County of Kankakee, State of
Illinois, for |
8 |
| and in consideration of $1 paid to the
Department, a quit claim |
9 |
| deed to the following described
real property:
10 |
| TRACT 1:
11 |
| A 60 foot road, the West and South line of which are
12 |
| described as follows: Commencing at a point on the
West |
13 |
| line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23,
Township 30 |
14 |
| North, Range 13 West of the Second
Principal Meridian, in |
15 |
| Kankakee County, Illinois, said
point being 200.0 feet |
16 |
| South of the Southwest corner
of the Northwest Quarter of |
17 |
| said Section 23; thence
North along the West line of said |
18 |
| Section 23 a
distance of 530.0 feet to a point; thence West |
19 |
| on a
line parallel with the South line of the West Half of
20 |
| the Northwest Quarter of said Section 23 a distance of
150 |
21 |
| feet to a point which is 330 feet North and 150
feet West |
22 |
| of the Southwest corner of the Northwest
Quarter of said |
23 |
| Section 23, said point being the point
of ending of this |
24 |
| description;
25 |
| TRACT 2:
26 |
| A 60 foot road, the center line of which is described
as |
27 |
| follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the
28 |
| Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 30 North,
Range |
29 |
| 13 West of the Second Principal Meridian, in
Kankakee |
SB2106 Enrolled |
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LRB093 13399 RCE 18706 b |
1 |
| County, Illinois; thence North along the West
line of the |
2 |
| Northwest Quarter of said Section 23 a
distance of 330.0 |
3 |
| feet to a point; thence East on a
line parallel with the |
4 |
| South line of the West Half of
the Northwest Quarter of |
5 |
| said Section 23 a distance of
1,434.60 feet to a point on |
6 |
| the center line of Bridge
Street extended in the Village of |
7 |
| Aroma Park; thence
North along the centerline of Bridge |
8 |
| Street, extended
a distance of 359.7 feet to a point, said |
9 |
| point to be
known as the point of beginning. From said |
10 |
| point of
beginning; thence West on a line parallel with the
11 |
| South line of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter
of |
12 |
| said Section 23 a distance of 1,693.1 feet to a
point; |
13 |
| thence Southerly a distance of 432.1 feet to a
point which |
14 |
| is 330 feet North and 150 feet West of the
Southwest corner |
15 |
| of the Northwest Quarter of said
Section 23, said point |
16 |
| being the point of ending of
this description; and
17 |
| TRACT 3:
18 |
| Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest
Quarter |
19 |
| of Section 23, Township 30 North, Range 13
West of the |
20 |
| Second Principal Meridian in Kankakee
County, Illinois; |
21 |
| thence North along the West line of
the Northwest Quarter |
22 |
| of said Section 23 a distance of
330.0 feet to a point; |
23 |
| thence West along a line
parallel with the South line of |
24 |
| the West Half of the
Northwest Quarter of said Section 23 a |
25 |
| distance of
265.4 feet to a point; thence continuing West |
26 |
| along
the last described line 20 feet more or less to the
27 |
| low water line of the Easterly bank of the Iroquois
River, |
28 |
| said point to be known as the point of
beginning. From said |
29 |
| point of beginning; thence East
along a line parallel with |
30 |
| the South line of the West
Half of the Northwest Quarter of |
31 |
| said Section 23 a
distance of 20 feet more or less to a |
32 |
| point; thence
continuing East along the last described line |
33 |
| a
distance of 115.4 feet to a point on the center line
of a |
34 |
| road; thence Northerly along said center line a
distance of |
SB2106 Enrolled |
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LRB093 13399 RCE 18706 b |
1 |
| 432.1 feet to a point which is 689.7 feet
North of the |
2 |
| South line of the West Half of the
Northwest Quarter of |
3 |
| said Section 23 and 1,693.1 feet
West of the center line of |
4 |
| Bridge Street extended in
the Village of Aroma Park; thence |
5 |
| East on a line
parallel with the South line of the West |
6 |
| Half of the
Northwest Quarter of said Section 23 a distance |
7 |
| of
1,693.1 feet to a point on the center line of Bridge
8 |
| Street extended; thence North along the center line of
9 |
| Bridge Street extended a distance of 185.0 feet to a
point; |
10 |
| thence South 89 degrees 04 minutes West a distance of 437.9
11 |
| feet to a point; thence Northwest a distance of 13
feet |
12 |
| more or less to a point on the low water line of
the |
13 |
| Southerly bank of the Kankakee River; thence
Westerly and |
14 |
| Northwesterly along the Southerly low
water line of the |
15 |
| Kankakee River and Southerly along
the Easterly low water |
16 |
| line of the Iroquois River to
the point of beginning, |
17 |
| EXCEPTING the West Half and
the North Half of the 60 foot |
18 |
| road described as
follows: Commencing at the Southwest |
19 |
| corner of the
Northwest Quarter of said Section 23; thence |
20 |
| North
along the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said
21 |
| Section 23 a distance of 330.0 feet to a point; thence
East |
22 |
| on a line parallel with the South line of the
West Half of |
23 |
| the Northwest Quarter of said Section 23
a distance of |
24 |
| 1,434.60 feet to a point on the center
line of Bridge |
25 |
| Street extended in the Village of Aroma
Park, thence North |
26 |
| along the center line of Bridge
Street extended a distance |
27 |
| of 359.7 feet to a point,
said point to be known as the |
28 |
| point of beginning.
From said point of beginning; thence |
29 |
| West on a line
parallel with the South line of the West |
30 |
| Half of the
Northwest Quarter of said Section 23 a distance |
31 |
| of
1,693.1 feet to a point; thence Southerly a distance
of |
32 |
| 432.1 feet to a point which is 330 feet North and
150 feet |
33 |
| West of the Southwest corner of the Northwest
Quarter of |
34 |
| said Section 23, said point being the point
of ending, |
35 |
| SUBJECT TO the right of way of County
Highway 3. ALSO |
36 |
| EXCEPTING the South 200.00 feet of
that part lying West of |
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1 |
| the 60 foot road as measured
perpendicular to the South |
2 |
| line of said Tract 3;
3 |
| Tracts 1, 2 and 3 containing a total of 20.66 acres, more
or |
4 |
| less, all situated in Kankakee County, Illinois.
5 |
| Section 10. The conveyance of real property authorized
by |
6 |
| Section 5 shall be made subject to: (1) existing public
7 |
| utilities, existing public roads, and any and all
reservations, |
8 |
| easements, covenants, and restrictions of
record; and (2) the |
9 |
| express condition that if the real
property ceases to be used |
10 |
| for public recreational
purposes, it shall revert to the State |
11 |
| of Illinois,
Department of Natural Resources.
12 |
| Section 15. The Director of Natural Resources shall
obtain |
13 |
| a certified copy of the portions of this Act
containing the |
14 |
| title, the enacting clause, the effective
date, the appropriate |
15 |
| Section or Sections containing the
land descriptions of the |
16 |
| property to be conveyed, and this
Section within 60 days after |
17 |
| its effective date and, upon
receipt of the payment required by |
18 |
| the Section or Sections,
if any payment is required, shall |
19 |
| record the certified
document in the Recorder's Office in the |
20 |
| County in which
the land is located.
21 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect
upon |
22 |
| becoming law.