093_SB1767 LRB093 08026 MKM 11676 b 1 AN ACT concerning budgeting. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The State Budget Law of the Civil 5 Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding Section 6 50-6 as follows: 7 (15 ILCS 15/50-6 new) 8 Sec. 50-6. State budget for performance-based budgeting 9 pilot program agencies. The Governor's recommended budget for 10 the State fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 shall be a 11 performance-based budget for agencies participating in the 12 performance-based budgeting pilot program pursuant to Section 13 10 of the Bureau of the Budget Act. 14 Section 10. The Bureau of the Budget Act is amended by 15 adding Section 10 as follows: 16 (20 ILCS 3005/10 new) 17 Sec. 10. Performance-based budgeting pilot program. 18 (a) "Performance-based budgeting" means a method of 19 budgeting in which the allocation of program moneys is tied 20 to measures that indicate how well the program is meeting the 21 goals established for the program. 22 (b) During the State fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, 23 the Bureau of the Budget, in consultation with the applicable 24 House and Senate appropriation committees, shall develop 25 models for performance-based budgeting for State agencies. 26 (c) The Bureau shall select at least 3 State agencies to 27 participate in a pilot program using performance-based 28 budgeting. To the greatest extent possible, the agencies 29 chosen shall be those that volunteer for the pilot program. -2- LRB093 08026 MKM 11676 b 1 (d) The Governor's recommended budget for the State 2 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 shall be a 3 performance-based budget for agencies participating in the 4 performance-based budgeting pilot program. 5 (e) The Bureau shall report on the progress and success 6 of the pilot program to the 94th and 95th General Assemblies. 7 The report shall include, but not be limited to, the progress 8 and success of the pilot program and the Bureau's 9 recommendations for changes to or extensions of the pilot 10 program. 11 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 12 becoming law.