093_SB1742ham001 LRB093 10842 MKM 16987 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1742 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 1742 by replacing 3 the title with the following: 4 "AN ACT concerning public health"; and 5 by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the 6 following: 7 "Section 5. The Department of Public Health Act is 8 amended by changing Section 2 as follows: 9 (20 ILCS 2305/2) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 22) 10 Sec. 2. Powers. 11 (a) The State Department of Public Health has general 12 supervision of the interests of the health and lives of the 13 people of the State. It has supreme authority in matters of 14 quarantine, and may declare and enforce quarantine when none 15 exists, and may modify or relax quarantine when it has been 16 established. The Department may adopt, promulgate, repeal 17 and amend rules and regulations and make such sanitary 18 investigations and inspections as it may from time to time 19 deem necessary for the preservation and improvement of the 20 public health, consistent with law regulating the following: 21 (1) Transportation of the remains of deceased -2- LRB093 10842 MKM 16987 a 1 persons. 2 (2) Sanitary practices relating to drinking water 3 made accessible to the public for human consumption or 4 for lavatory or culinary purposes. 5 (3) Sanitary practices relating to rest room 6 facilities made accessible to the public or to persons 7 handling food served to the public. 8 (4) Sanitary practices relating to disposal of 9 human wastes in or from all buildings and places where 10 people live, work or assemble. 11 The provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure 12 Act are hereby expressly adopted and shall apply to all 13 administrative rules and procedures of the Department of 14 Public Health under this Act, except that Section 5-35 of the 15 Illinois Administrative Procedure Act relating to procedures 16 for rule-making does not apply to the adoption of any rule 17 required by federal law in connection with which the 18 Department is precluded by law from exercising any 19 discretion. 20 All local boards of health, health authorities and 21 officers, police officers, sheriffs and all other officers 22 and employees of the state or any locality shall enforce the 23 rules and regulations so adopted. 24 The Department of Public Health shall conduct a public 25 information campaign to inform Hispanic women of the high 26 incidence of breast cancer and the importance of mammograms 27 and where to obtain a mammogram. This requirement may be 28 satisfied by translation into Spanish and distribution of the 29 breast cancer summaries required by Section 2310-345 of the 30 Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law (20 ILCS 31 2310/2310-345). The information provided by the Department of 32 Public Health shall include (i) a statement that mammography 33 is the most accurate method for making an early detection of 34 breast cancer, however, no diagnostic tool is 100% effective -3- LRB093 10842 MKM 16987 a 1 and (ii) instructions for performing breast self-examination 2 and a statement that it is important to perform a breast 3 self-examination monthly. 4 The Department of Public Health shall investigate the 5 causes of dangerously contagious or infectious diseases, 6 especially when existing in epidemic form, and take means to 7 restrict and suppress the same, and whenever such disease 8 becomes, or threatens to become epidemic, in any locality and 9 the local board of health or local authorities neglect or 10 refuse to enforce efficient measures for its restriction or 11 suppression or to act with sufficient promptness or 12 efficiency, or whenever the local board of health or local 13 authorities neglect or refuse to promptly enforce efficient 14 measures for the restriction or suppression of dangerously 15 contagious or infectious diseases, the Department of Public 16 Health may enforce such measures as it deems necessary to 17 protect the public health, and all necessary expenses so 18 incurred shall be paid by the locality for which services are 19 rendered. 20 (b) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), the 21 Department may order a person to be quarantined or isolated 22 or a place to be closed and made off limits to the public to 23 prevent the probable spread of a dangerously contagious or 24 infectious disease, including non-compliant tuberculosis 25 patients, until such time as the condition can be corrected 26 or the danger to the public health eliminated or reduced in 27 such a manner that no substantial danger to the public's 28 health any longer exists. 29 (c) The Department may order aNoperson or a group of 30 personsmay be orderedto be quarantined or isolated or may 31 order aand noplacemay be orderedto be closed and made off 32 limits to the publicexceptwith the consent of the person or 33 owner of the place or upon the prior order of a court of 34 competent jurisdiction. In addition, the Department may order -4- LRB093 10842 MKM 16987 a 1 a person or a group of persons to be quarantined or isolated 2 or may order a place to be closed and made off limits to the 3 public on an immediate basis without prior consent or court 4 order if, in the judgment of the Department, immediate action 5 is required to protect the public health until the condition 6 can be corrected or until the danger to the public health is 7 eliminated or reduced in such a manner that no immediate 8 threat to the public health exists. In the event of an 9 immediate order issued without prior consent or court order, 10 the Department shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, but 11 in no event later than 48 hours after issuing the order, 12 obtain the consent of the person or owner or file a petition 13 requesting a court order authorizing the isolation or 14 quarantine or closure. When exigent circumstances exist that 15 make it untenable to obtain consent or file a petition within 16 48 hours of issuance of an immediate order, the Department 17 must obtain consent or file a petition requesting a court 18 order as soon as reasonably possible. To obtain a court 19 order, the Department, by clear and convincing evidence, must 20 prove that the public's health and welfare are significantly 21 endangered by a person or group of persons that has, that is 22 suspected of having, or that has been exposed towitha 23 dangerously contagious or infectious disease including 24 non-compliant tuberculosis patients or by a place where there 25 is a significant amount of activity likely to spread a 26 dangerously contagious or infectious disease. The Department 27 must also prove that all other reasonable means of 28 correcting the problem have been exhausted and no less 29 restrictive alternative exists. The Department's burden of 30 proof under this subsection shall be satisfied upon a showing 31 that, under the circumstances presented by the case in which 32 an order is sought, quarantine or isolation is the measure 33 provided for in a rule of the Department or in guidelines 34 issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or -5- LRB093 10842 MKM 16987 a 1 the World Health Organization. The Department is authorized 2 to promulgate rules that are reasonable and necessary to 3 implement and effectuate the issuance of orders pursuant to 4 this Section, including rules providing for due process 5 protections. 6 (d) This Section shall be considered supplemental to the 7 existing authority and powers of the Department and shall not 8 be construed to restrain or restrict the Department in 9 protecting the public health under any other provisions of 10 the law. 11 (e) Any person who knowingly or maliciously disseminates 12 any false information or report concerning the existence of 13 any dangerously contagious or infectious disease in 14 connection with the Department's power of quarantine, 15 isolation and closure or refuses to comply with a quarantine, 16 isolation or closure order is guilty of a Class A 17 misdemeanor. 18 (f) The Department of Public Health may establish and 19 maintain a chemical and bacteriologic laboratory for the 20 examination of water and wastes, and for the diagnosis of 21 diphtheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, malarial fever and 22 such other diseases as it deems necessary for the protection 23 of the public health. 24 As used in this Act, "locality" means any governmental 25 agency which exercises power pertaining to public health in 26 an area less than the State. 27 The terms "sanitary investigations and inspections" and 28 "sanitary practices" as used in this Act shall not include or 29 apply to "Public Water Supplies" or "Sewage Works" as defined 30 in the Environmental Protection Act. 31 (Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.) 32 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 33 becoming law.".