Sen. William R. Haine
Filed: 4/26/2004
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1731 by replacing |
3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 |
| "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the |
5 |
| Crossing of Railroad
Right-of-way Act.
6 |
| Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the |
7 |
| context otherwise
8 |
| "Commission" means the Illinois Commerce Commission.
9 |
| "Crossing" means the construction, operation, repair, or |
10 |
| maintenance of a
facility over, under, or across a railroad |
11 |
| right-of-way by a utility.
12 |
| "Direct expenses" includes, but is not limited to, any or |
13 |
| all of the
14 |
| (1) The cost of inspecting and monitoring the crossing |
15 |
| site.
16 |
| (2) Administrative and engineering costs for review of |
17 |
| specifications and
entering a crossing on the |
18 |
| railroad's books, maps, and property records and
19 |
| reasonable administrative and engineering costs incurred |
20 |
| as a result of the
21 |
| (3) Document and preparation fees associated with a |
22 |
| crossing, and any
engineering specifications related to |
23 |
| the crossing.
24 |
| (4) Damages assessed in connection with the rights |
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| granted to a utility with respect to a crossing.
2 |
| "Facility" means any cable, conduit, wire, pipe, casing |
3 |
| pipe, supporting
and guys, manhole, or other material or |
4 |
| equipment, that is used by a utility to
furnish any of the |
5 |
| following:
6 |
| (1) Communications services.
7 |
| (2) Electricity.
8 |
| (3) Gas by piped system.
9 |
| (4) Sanitary and storm sewer service.
10 |
| (5) Water by piped system.
11 |
| "Railroad" or "railroad corporation" means a railroad |
12 |
| corporation that is the
owner, operator, occupant, manager, or |
13 |
| agent of a railroad right-of-way or the
corporation's |
14 |
| successor in interest.
"Railroad" and "railroad corporation" |
15 |
| includes an
interurban railway.
16 |
| "Railroad right-of-way" means one or more of the following:
17 |
| (1) A right-of-way or other interest in real estate |
18 |
| that is owned or
by a railroad corporation, the |
19 |
| trustees of a railroad corporation, or the
successor in
20 |
| interest of a railroad corporation.
21 |
| (2) A right-of-way or other interest in real estate |
22 |
| that is occupied or
managed by or on behalf of a railroad |
23 |
| corporation, the trustees of a railroad
corporation, or the |
24 |
| successor in interest of a railroad corporation, including
25 |
| an
abandoned railroad right-of-way that has not otherwise |
26 |
| reverted.
27 |
| (3) Any other interest in a former railroad |
28 |
| right-of-way that has been
acquired or is operated by a |
29 |
| land management company or similar entity.
30 |
| "Special circumstances" means either or both of the |
31 |
| following:
32 |
| (1) The characteristics of a segment of a railroad |
33 |
| right-of-way not found in a typical segment of a railroad |
34 |
| right-of-way that enhance the value or increase the damages |
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| or the engineering or construction expenses for the |
2 |
| railroad associated with a proposed crossing, or |
3 |
| situations in which a proposed crossing involves the |
4 |
| likelihood of danger to the public health or safety or is a |
5 |
| threat to the safe and effective operation of the railroad |
6 |
| or to the current or reasonably anticipated use by the |
7 |
| railroad of the railroad right-of-way, necessitating |
8 |
| additional terms and conditions or compensation associated |
9 |
| with a crossing.
10 |
| (2) Variances from the standard specifications |
11 |
| requested by either the railroad or licensee. |
12 |
| "Special circumstances" may include, but is not limited to, |
13 |
| the railroad right-of-way segment's relationship to other |
14 |
| property, location in urban or other developed areas, the |
15 |
| existence of unique topography or natural resources, or other |
16 |
| characteristics or dangers inherent in the particular crossing |
17 |
| or segment of the railroad right-of-way.
18 |
| "Utility" shall include (1) public utilities as defined in |
19 |
| Section 3-105 of the Public Utilities
Act, telecommunications |
20 |
| carriers as defined in Section 13-202 of the Public Utilities |
21 |
| Act, (3) electric cooperatives as defined in Section 3.4 of the |
22 |
| Electric Supplier Act, (4) telephone or telecommunications |
23 |
| cooperatives as defined in Section 13-212 of the Public |
24 |
| Utilities Act, (5) rural water or waste water systems with |
25 |
| 10,000 connections or less, and municipalities owning or |
26 |
| operating utility systems consisting of public utilities as |
27 |
| that term is defined in Section 11-117-2 of the Illinois |
28 |
| Municipal Code. |
29 |
| Section 10. Terms and conditions for a crossing.
30 |
| (a) Notification by a utility to a railroad required prior |
31 |
| to the commencement of any crossing
activity shall not exceed |
32 |
| 30 days.
33 |
| (b) The railroad and the utility must maintain
and repair |
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| its own property within the railroad right-of-way and bear
2 |
| responsibility for its own acts and omissions, except that the |
3 |
| utility shall be responsible for any bodily injury or property |
4 |
| damage that
would be covered under a standard |
5 |
| railroad protective liability insurance
6 |
| (c) A utility shall have immediate access to a crossing for |
7 |
| repair and maintenance of existing
facilities in case of |
8 |
| emergency.
9 |
| (d) Applicable engineering standards shall be complied |
10 |
| with for utility facilities crossing railroad rights-of-way.
11 |
| (e) The utility shall be provided an expedited crossing, |
12 |
| absent a claim of special
circumstances, after payment by the |
13 |
| utility of the standard crossing
fee, if
applicable, and |
14 |
| submission of completed engineering specifications to the
15 |
| railroad.
16 |
| (f) The utility and the railroad may agree to other terms |
17 |
| and conditions necessary to provide for reasonable use of a |
18 |
| railroad right-of-way by a utility.
19 |
| (g) The Commission may adopt rules prescribing terms and |
20 |
| conditions in addition to those contained in this Section for a |
21 |
| crossing to ensure that any crossing be consistent with the |
22 |
| public convenience and
necessity and
reasonable service to the |
23 |
| public.
24 |
| Section 15. Crossing fee. Unless otherwise agreed by the |
25 |
| parties and subject to Section 20, a
utility that locates its |
26 |
| facilities within the railroad right-of-way for a
crossing, |
27 |
| other than a
crossing along the public roads of the State |
28 |
| pursuant to the Telephone Line
Right of Way
Act, shall pay the |
29 |
| railroad a one-time standard crossing fee of $1,500 for each
30 |
| crossing plus the costs associated with modifications to |
31 |
| existing insurance contracts of the utility and the railroad.
32 |
| The standard crossing fee shall be in lieu of any license, |
33 |
| permit, application, or any other fees or
charges to
reimburse |
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| the railroad for the direct expenses incurred by the railroad |
2 |
| as a
result of the
crossing. The utility shall also reimburse |
3 |
| the railroad for any actual
expenses associated with a |
4 |
| crossing in addition to the standard crossing fee. |
5 |
| Section 20. Powers not limited.
6 |
| (a) Notwithstanding Section 10, rules adopted by the |
7 |
| Commission shall not
prevent a railroad and a utility from |
8 |
| otherwise negotiating the terms
and conditions
applicable to a |
9 |
| crossing or the resolution of any disputes relating to the
10 |
| crossing.
11 |
| (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), This Section shall not |
12 |
| impair the
of a utility to secure crossing rights by |
13 |
| easement pursuant to the
exercise of the
power of eminent |
14 |
| domain.
15 |
| Section 25. Special circumstances.
16 |
| (a) If the parties cannot agree that special circumstances |
17 |
| exist, the dispute shall be submitted to non-binding |
18 |
| arbitration (informal arbitration). Any party proposing |
19 |
| informal arbitration shall serve an arbitration notice |
20 |
| detailing a description of the dispute, including, without |
21 |
| limitation, the position and proposed resolution of the party |
22 |
| requesting arbitration and shall name one arbitrator chosen by |
23 |
| that party. Within 20 days after receipt of an arbitration |
24 |
| notice, the receiving party shall serve a written notice on the |
25 |
| other party containing (i) a detailed response to the claim |
26 |
| giving the position and proposed resolution of the receiving |
27 |
| party, and (ii) an acceptance of the arbitrator designated in |
28 |
| the arbitration notice or rejection of same and suggestion of |
29 |
| no less than 2 other alternatives (reply notice). The informal |
30 |
| arbitration shall be decided by a single arbitrator. In the |
31 |
| event that the parties do not agree on the selection of an |
32 |
| arbitrator within 7 business days after service of the reply |
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| notice, either party may apply to the American Arbitration |
2 |
| Association for the purpose of appointing an independent |
3 |
| arbitrator. To the extent practicable, the arbitrator shall be |
4 |
| a person with expertise in the principal areas of dispute.
5 |
| (b) A conference shall be commenced by the arbitrator |
6 |
| within 15 calendar days after the appointment of the arbitrator |
7 |
| and a recommendation regarding the matter submitted shall be |
8 |
| rendered within 10 business days after the conference or as |
9 |
| soon as practicable thereafter. During the 30 calendar days |
10 |
| following the filing of the arbitration notice, the parties |
11 |
| will meet and confer to attempt to resolve the dispute. The |
12 |
| decision of the arbitrator and the rationale for its decision |
13 |
| shall be in writing and signed by the arbitrator; provided, |
14 |
| however, that such written recommendation shall have no |
15 |
| evidentiary value and shall not be deemed to set forth any |
16 |
| findings of fact for purposes of any future proceedings. Except |
17 |
| as otherwise provided in this Section, the informal arbitration |
18 |
| shall be held in accordance with the rules and procedures of |
19 |
| the American Arbitration Association. Each party shall bear its |
20 |
| own expenses, including, without limitation, legal and |
21 |
| accounting fees, and the cost of the arbitrator shall be shared |
22 |
| equally by each party. The parties may or may not elect to |
23 |
| abide by the decision of the arbitrator.
24 |
| (c) If the parties cannot resolve their dispute based on |
25 |
| the arbitrator's recommendation within 30 days, either party |
26 |
| may, upon the expiration of the 30-day period, give written |
27 |
| notice to the other party of the commencement of a binding |
28 |
| arbitration proceeding in the accordance with the Commercial |
29 |
| Rules of Arbitration in the American Arbitration Association |
30 |
| (formal arbitration). Any decision by the Board of Arbitration |
31 |
| shall be final, binding, and conclusive as to the parties. |
32 |
| Nothing provided in this Section shall prevent either party |
33 |
| from submission of disputes to the court, limited to requests |
34 |
| for injunctive or equitable relief in advance of a breach or |
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| threatened breach of this Agreement, if necessary to prevent |
2 |
| serious and irreparable injury to such party or the public and |
3 |
| if such injury cannot be appropriately addressed by informal or |
4 |
| formal arbitration. |
5 |
| (d) If the dispute over special circumstances concerns only |
6 |
| the compensation associated with a crossing, then the licensee |
7 |
| may proceed with installation of the crossing during the |
8 |
| pendency of the arbitration. |
9 |
| Section 30. Conflicting provisions. Notwithstanding any |
10 |
| provision law to the
contrary, this Act shall apply in all |
11 |
| crossings of railroad rights-of-way
involving a utility and |
12 |
| shall govern in the event of any conflict with any other |
13 |
| provision
of law.
14 |
| Section 35. Applicability. This Act applies to (i) a |
15 |
| crossing commenced prior
the effective date of this Act if |
16 |
| an agreement concerning the crossing has
expired or is
17 |
| terminated and (ii) a crossing commenced on or after the |
18 |
| effective date of this