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2 |
| AMENDMENT NO. ____ . Amend Senate Bill 1705 by replacing |
3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 |
| "Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by | 5 |
| changing Sections
5-129.1, 5-132, 5-167.2, 5-167.4, 5-168, | 6 |
| 6-111, 6-128, 6-128.2, 6-128.4, 6-142,
6-143, 6-151.1, 6-160, | 7 |
| 6-164, 6-165, 6-210.1, 6-211, 6-222, 8-137, 8-150.1,
8-167, | 8 |
| 8-172, 8-174, 8-174.1, 8-192, 11-134.1, 11-145.1, 11-163, | 9 |
| 11-167,
11-170.1, 11-178, 11-181, 12-133, and 12-149 and adding | 10 |
| Sections 6-124.1,
6-141.2, 6-210.2, 6-210.3, 8-138.4, 8-138.5, | 11 |
| 8-172.1, 11-133.3, 11-133.4,
12-133.6, and 12-133.7 as
| 12 |
| follows:
| 13 |
| (40 ILCS 5/5-129.1)
| 14 |
| Sec. 5-129.1. Withdrawal at mandatory retirement age - | 15 |
| amount of annuity.
| 16 |
| (a) In lieu of any annuity provided in the other provisions | 17 |
| of this
Article, a policeman who is required to withdraw from | 18 |
| service on or after
January 1, 2000 due to attainment of | 19 |
| mandatory retirement age and has at
least 10 but less
than 20 | 20 |
| years of service credit may elect to receive an annuity equal | 21 |
| to 30%
of average salary for the first 10 years of service plus | 22 |
| 2% of average salary
for each completed year of service or | 23 |
| fraction thereof in excess of 10, but
not to exceed a maximum | 24 |
| of 48% of average salary.
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| 1 |
| (b) For the purpose of this Section, "average salary" means | 2 |
| the average of
the highest 4 consecutive years of salary within | 3 |
| the last 10 years of service,
or such shorter period as may be | 4 |
| used to calculate a minimum retirement
annuity under Section | 5 |
| 5-132.
| 6 |
| (c) For the purpose of qualifying for the annual increases | 7 |
| provided in
Section 5-167.1, a policeman whose retirement | 8 |
| annuity is calculated under
this Section shall be deemed to | 9 |
| qualify for a minimum annuity.
| 10 |
| (d) A policeman with less than 20 years of service credit | 11 |
| who was
required to withdraw from service on or after January | 12 |
| 1, 2000 but before
June 28, 2002 due to attainment of mandatory | 13 |
| retirement age is also entitled
to have his or her retirement | 14 |
| annuity calculated in accordance with this
Section. If payment | 15 |
| of the annuity has already begun, the annuity shall be
| 16 |
| recalculated. The resulting increase, if any, shall accrue from | 17 |
| the starting
date of the annuity; the amount of the increase | 18 |
| relating to the period before
the annuity is recalculated shall | 19 |
| be paid to the annuitant in a lump sum,
without interest.
| 20 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02.)
| 21 |
| (40 ILCS 5/5-132)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 5-132)
| 22 |
| Sec. 5-132. Minimum annuity. Any policeman who withdraws on | 23 |
| or after
July 8, 1957, or any policeman
transferred to the | 24 |
| police service of the city under the Exchange of
Functions Act | 25 |
| of 1957 who withdraws on or after July 17, 1959, after
| 26 |
| completing at least 20 years of service, for whom the
annuity | 27 |
| otherwise provided in this Article is less than that stated in | 28 |
| this
Section has a right to receive annuity as follows:
| 29 |
| (a) If he is age 55 or more on withdrawal, his annuity | 30 |
| after such
withdrawal, shall be equal to 2% of the average | 31 |
| salary for 4 consecutive
years of highest salaries within the | 32 |
| last 10 years of service before
withdrawal, for each year of | 33 |
| service, together with 1/6 of 1% of such
average salary for |
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| each complete month of service of each fractional year,
but not | 2 |
| in excess of 75% of the average annual salary.
| 3 |
| (b) If he is age 50 or more but less than age 55 on | 4 |
| withdrawal, his
annuity shall be equal to 2% of the average | 5 |
| salary for the 4 highest
consecutive years of the last 10 years | 6 |
| of service for each year of service,
together with 1/16 of 1% | 7 |
| of such average salary for each month of each
fractional year | 8 |
| of service, reduced by 1/2 of 1% for each month that he is
less | 9 |
| than age 55.
| 10 |
| (c) If he is less than age 50 on withdrawal, he may, upon | 11 |
| attainment of
age 50 or over, become entitled to the annuity | 12 |
| provided in this Section or,
he may, upon application before | 13 |
| age 50, receive a refund of the deductions
from salary, plus | 14 |
| interest at 1 1/2% per annum if he is entitled to refund
under | 15 |
| Section 5-163.
| 16 |
| (d) In lieu of the annuity provided in the foregoing | 17 |
| provisions of this
Section 5-132 any policeman who withdraws | 18 |
| from the service after December
31, 1973, after having attained | 19 |
| age 53 in the service with
23 or more years of service credit | 20 |
| shall be entitled to an
annuity computed as follows if such | 21 |
| annuity is greater than that provided
in the foregoing | 22 |
| paragraphs of this Section 5-132: An annuity equal to
50% of | 23 |
| the average salary for the 4
highest consecutive years of the | 24 |
| last 10 years of service plus
additional annuity equal to 2% of | 25 |
| such average salary for each completed
year of service or | 26 |
| fraction
thereof rendered after his attainment of age 53 and | 27 |
| the completion
of 23 years of service.
| 28 |
| Any policeman who has completed 23 years of service prior | 29 |
| to
his attainment of age 53 in the service and continues in the
| 30 |
| service until his attainment of age 53 shall have added to his
| 31 |
| annuity, computed as provided in the immediately preceding | 32 |
| paragraph, an
additional annuity equal to 1% of such average | 33 |
| salary for each
completed year of service or fraction thereof | 34 |
| in excess of 23
years up to age 53.
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| 1 |
| (e) In lieu of the annuity provided in the foregoing | 2 |
| provisions of this
Section any policeman who withdraws from the | 3 |
| service either (i) after
December 31, 1983 with at least 22 | 4 |
| years of service credit and having
attained age 52 in the | 5 |
| service, or (ii) after December 31, 1984 with at
least 21 years | 6 |
| of service credit and having attained age 51 in the service,
or | 7 |
| (iii) after December 31, 1985 with at least 20 years of service | 8 |
| credit
and having attained age 50 in the service, or (iv) after | 9 |
| December 31,
1990, with at least 20 years of service credit | 10 |
| regardless of age, shall
be entitled to an annuity to begin not | 11 |
| earlier than upon attainment of
age 50 if under such age at | 12 |
| withdrawal, computed as follows: an annuity
equal to 50% of the | 13 |
| average salary for the 4 highest consecutive years of the
last | 14 |
| 10 years of service, plus additional annuity equal to 2% of | 15 |
| such average
salary for each completed year of service or | 16 |
| fraction thereof rendered after
his completion of the minimum | 17 |
| number of years of service required for him to be
eligible | 18 |
| under this subsection (e). In lieu of any annuity provided in | 19 |
| the
foregoing provisions of this Section, any policeman who | 20 |
| withdraws from the
service after December 31, 2003, with at | 21 |
| least 20 years of service credit
regardless of age, shall be | 22 |
| entitled to an annuity to begin not earlier than
upon | 23 |
| attainment of age 50, if under that age at withdrawal, equal to | 24 |
| 2.5% of
the average salary for the 4 highest consecutive years | 25 |
| of the last 10 years of
service for each completed year of | 26 |
| service or fraction thereof. However,
the annuity provided | 27 |
| under this subsection (e) may not exceed 75% of such
average | 28 |
| salary.
| 29 |
| (f) A policeman withdrawing after September 1, 1969, may, | 30 |
| in addition, be
entitled to the benefits provided by Section | 31 |
| 5-167.1 of this Article if he
so qualifies under that Section.
| 32 |
| If, on withdrawal, total service is less than 20 years, the | 33 |
| policeman
shall not be entitled to an annuity under this | 34 |
| Section but may receive an
annuity under the other provisions |
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| of this Article or, if entitled thereto
under Section 5--163, a | 2 |
| refund of the deductions from salary, including, in
the case of | 3 |
| policemen transferred to the police service of the city under
| 4 |
| the Exchange of Functions Act of 1957, the additional | 5 |
| contribution paid on
salary received from August 1, 1957, to | 6 |
| July 17, 1959, as provided in the
Park Policemen's Annuity Act, | 7 |
| together with interest at 1 1/2% per annum.
| 8 |
| Moneys voluntarily contributed under the Policemen's | 9 |
| Annuity and Benefit
Fund Act of the Illinois Municipal Code, or | 10 |
| the Park Policemen's Annuity
Act, shall be refunded to the | 11 |
| contributing policemen who were in service on
January 1, 1954, | 12 |
| or in the case of policemen transferred to the police
service | 13 |
| of the city under the Exchange of Functions Act of 1957, who | 14 |
| were
in service on July 17, 1959.
| 15 |
| The age and service annuity formula in this Section shall | 16 |
| not apply to
any policeman who, having retired before July 8, | 17 |
| 1957, or before July 17,
1959, in the case of a policeman | 18 |
| transferred under the provisions of the
Exchange of Functions | 19 |
| Act of 1957, re-enters the police service after such
dates, | 20 |
| whichever are applicable.
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-1488.)
| 22 |
| (40 ILCS 5/5-167.2)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 5-167.2)
| 23 |
| Sec. 5-167.2. Retirement before September 1, 1967. A | 24 |
| retired
policeman, qualifying for minimum annuity or who | 25 |
| retired from service
with 20 or more years of service, before | 26 |
| September 1, 1967, shall, in
January of the year following the | 27 |
| year he attains the age of 65, or in
January of the year 1970, | 28 |
| if then more than 65 years of age, have his
then fixed and | 29 |
| payable monthly annuity increased by an amount equal to
2% of | 30 |
| the original grant of annuity, for each year the policeman was | 31 |
| in
receipt of annuity payments after the year in which he | 32 |
| attains, or did
attain the age of 63. An additional 2% increase | 33 |
| in such then fixed and
payable original granted annuity shall |
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| accrue in each January thereafter.
Beginning January 1, 1986, | 2 |
| the rate of such increase shall be 3% instead of 2%.
| 3 |
| The provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Section | 4 |
| apply only to
a retired policeman eligible for such increases | 5 |
| in his annuity who contributes
to the Fund a sum equal to $5 | 6 |
| for each full year of credited service upon
which his annuity | 7 |
| was computed. All such sums contributed shall be placed
in a | 8 |
| Supplementary Payment Reserve and shall be used for the | 9 |
| purposes of
such Fund account.
| 10 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due in July, | 11 |
| 1982, the fixed
and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 12 |
| policeman who retired from the
service, before September 1, | 13 |
| 1976, at age 50 or over with 20 or more years
of service and | 14 |
| entitled to an annuity on January 1, 1974, shall be not less
| 15 |
| than $400. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the | 16 |
| change made in
this Section by this amendatory Act of 1982 | 17 |
| shall apply retroactively to July
1, 1982.
| 18 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 19 |
| 1, 1986, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 20 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 1986, | 21 |
| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, or any | 22 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 23 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 24 |
| 1986, shall be not less than $475.
| 25 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 26 |
| 1, 1992, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 27 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 1992, | 28 |
| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, and for any | 29 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 30 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 31 |
| 1992, shall be not less than $650.
| 32 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 33 |
| 1, 1993, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 34 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 1993, |
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| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, and for any | 2 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 3 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 4 |
| 1993, shall be not less than $750.
| 5 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 6 |
| 1, 1994, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 7 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 1994, | 8 |
| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, and for any | 9 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 10 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 11 |
| 1994, shall be not less than $850.
| 12 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 13 |
| 1, 2004, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 14 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 2004, | 15 |
| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, and for any | 16 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 17 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 18 |
| 2004, shall be not less than $950.
| 19 |
| Beginning with the monthly annuity payment due on January | 20 |
| 1, 2005, the
fixed and granted monthly annuity payment for any | 21 |
| policeman who retired
from the service before January 1, 2005, | 22 |
| at age 50 or over with 20 or more
years of service, and for any | 23 |
| policeman who retired from service due to
termination of | 24 |
| disability and who is entitled to an annuity on January 1,
| 25 |
| 2005, shall be not less than $1,050.
| 26 |
| The difference in amount between the original fixed and | 27 |
| granted monthly
annuity of any such policeman on the date of | 28 |
| his retirement from the service
and the monthly annuity | 29 |
| provided for in the immediately
preceding paragraph shall be | 30 |
| paid as a supplement in the manner set forth
in the immediately | 31 |
| following paragraph.
| 32 |
| To defray the annual cost of the increases indicated in the | 33 |
| preceding
part of this Section, the annual interest income | 34 |
| accruing from
investments held by this Fund, exclusive of gains |
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| or losses on sales
or exchanges of assets during the year, over | 2 |
| and above 4% a year shall
be used to the extent necessary and | 3 |
| available to finance the cost of
such increases for the | 4 |
| following year and such amount shall be
transferred as of the | 5 |
| end of each year beginning with the year 1969 to a
Fund account | 6 |
| designated as the Supplementary Payment Reserve from the
| 7 |
| Interest and Investment Reserve set forth in Section 5-207.
| 8 |
| In the event the funds in the Supplementary Payment Reserve | 9 |
| in any year
arising from: (1) the interest income accruing in | 10 |
| the preceding year above 4%
a year and (2) the contributions by | 11 |
| retired persons are insufficient to
make the total payments to | 12 |
| all persons entitled
to the annuity specified in this Section | 13 |
| and (3) any interest
earnings over 4% a year beginning with the | 14 |
| year 1969 which were not
previously used to finance such | 15 |
| increases and which were transferred
to the Prior Service | 16 |
| Annuity Reserve, may be used to the extent necessary
and | 17 |
| available to provide sufficient funds to finance such increases
| 18 |
| for the current year and such sums shall be transferred from | 19 |
| the Prior
Service Annuity Reserve. In the event the total money | 20 |
| available in
the Supplementary Payment Reserve from such | 21 |
| sources are insufficient
to make the total payments to all | 22 |
| persons entitled to such increases
for the year, a | 23 |
| proportionate amount computed as the ratio of the
money | 24 |
| available to the total of the total payments specified for that
| 25 |
| year shall be paid to each person for that year.
| 26 |
| The Fund shall be obligated for the payment of the | 27 |
| increases in
annuity as provided for in this Section only to | 28 |
| the extent that the
assets for such purpose are available.
| 29 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
| 30 |
| (40 ILCS 5/5-167.4)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 5-167.4)
| 31 |
| Sec. 5-167.4. Widow annuitant minimum annuity.
| 32 |
| (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 33 |
| beginning
January 1, 1996, the minimum amount of widow's |
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| annuity payable to any person
who is entitled to receive a | 2 |
| widow's annuity under this Article is $700 per
month, without | 3 |
| regard to whether the deceased policeman is in service on or
| 4 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995.
| 5 |
| Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 6 |
| beginning
January 1, 1999, the minimum amount of widow's | 7 |
| annuity payable to any person
who is entitled to receive a | 8 |
| widow's annuity under this Article is $800 per
month, without | 9 |
| regard to whether the deceased policeman is in service on or
| 10 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998.
| 11 |
| Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 12 |
| beginning
January 1, 2004, the minimum amount of widow's | 13 |
| annuity payable to any person
who is entitled to receive a | 14 |
| widow's annuity under this Article is $900 per
month, without | 15 |
| regard to whether the deceased policeman is in service on or
| 16 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 17 |
| General Assembly.
| 18 |
| Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 19 |
| beginning
January 1, 2005, the minimum amount of widow's | 20 |
| annuity payable to any person
who is entitled to receive a | 21 |
| widow's annuity under this Article is $1,000 per
month, without | 22 |
| regard to whether the deceased policeman is in service on or
| 23 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 24 |
| General Assembly.
| 25 |
| (b) Effective January 1, 1994, the minimum amount of | 26 |
| widow's annuity
shall be $700 per month for the following | 27 |
| classes of widows, without regard to
whether the deceased | 28 |
| policeman is in service on or after the effective date of
this | 29 |
| amendatory Act of 1993: (1) the widow of a policeman who dies | 30 |
| in service
with at least 10 years of service credit, or who | 31 |
| dies in service after June 30,
1981; and (2) the widow of a | 32 |
| policeman who withdraws from service with 20 or
more years of | 33 |
| service credit and does not withdraw a refund, provided that | 34 |
| the
widow is married to the policeman before he withdraws from |
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| service.
| 2 |
| (c) The city, in addition to the contributions otherwise | 3 |
| made by it
under the other provisions of this Article, shall | 4 |
| make such contributions
as are necessary for the minimum | 5 |
| widow's annuities provided under
this Section in the manner | 6 |
| prescribed in Section 5-175.
| 7 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-12, eff. 4-20-95; 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| 8 |
| (40 ILCS 5/5-168)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 5-168)
| 9 |
| Sec. 5-168. Financing.
| 10 |
| (a) Except as expressly provided in this Section, the city | 11 |
| shall levy a
tax annually upon all taxable property therein for | 12 |
| the purpose of providing
revenue for the fund.
| 13 |
| The tax shall be at a rate that will produce a sum which, | 14 |
| when added to the
amounts deducted from the policemen's | 15 |
| salaries and the amounts deposited in
accordance with | 16 |
| subsection (g), is sufficient for the purposes of the fund.
| 17 |
| For the years 1968 and 1969, the city council shall levy a | 18 |
| tax
annually at a rate on the dollar of the assessed
valuation | 19 |
| of all taxable property that will produce, when extended, not
| 20 |
| to exceed $9,700,000. Beginning with the year 1970 and each | 21 |
| year
thereafter the city council shall levy a tax annually at a | 22 |
| rate on the
dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable | 23 |
| property that will
produce when extended an amount not to | 24 |
| exceed the total amount of
contributions by the policemen to | 25 |
| the Fund made in the calendar year 2
years before the year for | 26 |
| which the applicable annual tax is levied,
multiplied by 1.40 | 27 |
| for the tax levy year 1970; by 1.50 for the year
1971; by 1.65 | 28 |
| for 1972; by 1.85 for 1973; by 1.90 for 1974; by 1.97 for
1975 | 29 |
| through 1981; by 2.00 for 1982 and for each year thereafter.
| 30 |
| (b) The tax shall be levied and collected in like manner | 31 |
| with the
general taxes of the city, and is in addition to all | 32 |
| other taxes which the
city is now or may hereafter be | 33 |
| authorized to levy upon all taxable property
therein, and is |
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| exclusive of and in addition to the amount of tax the city is
| 2 |
| now or may hereafter be authorized to levy for general purposes | 3 |
| under any
law which may limit the amount of tax which the city | 4 |
| may levy for general
purposes. The county clerk of the county | 5 |
| in which the city is located, in
reducing tax levies under | 6 |
| Section 8-3-1 of the Illinois
Municipal Code, shall not | 7 |
| consider the tax herein authorized as a part
of the general tax | 8 |
| levy for city purposes, and shall not include the tax
in any | 9 |
| limitation of the percent of the assessed valuation upon which
| 10 |
| taxes are required to be extended for the city.
| 11 |
| (c) On or before January 10 of each year, the board shall | 12 |
| notify the
city council of the requirement that the tax herein | 13 |
| authorized be levied by
the city council for that current year. | 14 |
| The board shall compute the
amounts necessary for the purposes | 15 |
| of this fund to be credited to the
reserves established and | 16 |
| maintained within the fund; shall make an
annual determination | 17 |
| of the amount of the required city contributions;
and shall | 18 |
| certify the results thereof to the city council.
| 19 |
| As soon as any revenue derived from the tax is collected it | 20 |
| shall be
paid to the city treasurer of the city and shall be | 21 |
| held by him for the
benefit of the fund in accordance with this | 22 |
| Article.
| 23 |
| (d) If the funds available are insufficient during any year | 24 |
| to meet the
requirements of this Article, the city may issue | 25 |
| tax anticipation warrants
against the tax levy for the current | 26 |
| fiscal year.
| 27 |
| (e) The various sums, including interest, to be contributed | 28 |
| by the city,
shall be taken from the revenue derived from such | 29 |
| tax or otherwise as expressly
provided in this Section. Any | 30 |
| moneys of the city derived from any source other
than the tax | 31 |
| herein authorized shall not be used for any purpose of the fund
| 32 |
| nor the cost of administration thereof, unless applied to make | 33 |
| the deposit
expressly authorized in this Section
or the | 34 |
| additional city contributions required under subsection (h).
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| (f) If it is not possible or practicable for the city to | 2 |
| make its
contributions at the time that salary deductions are | 3 |
| made, the city
shall make such contributions as soon as | 4 |
| possible thereafter, with
interest thereon to the time it is | 5 |
| made.
| 6 |
| (g) In lieu of levying all or a portion of the tax required | 7 |
| under this
Section in any year, the city may deposit with the | 8 |
| city treasurer no later than
March 1 of that year for the | 9 |
| benefit of the fund, to be held in accordance with
this | 10 |
| Article, an amount that, together with the taxes levied under | 11 |
| this Section
for that year, is not less than the amount of the | 12 |
| city contributions for that
year as certified by the board to | 13 |
| the city council. The deposit may be derived
from any source | 14 |
| legally available for that purpose, including, but not limited
| 15 |
| to, the proceeds of city borrowings. The making of a deposit | 16 |
| shall satisfy
fully the requirements of this Section for that | 17 |
| year to the extent of the
amounts so deposited. Amounts | 18 |
| deposited under this subsection may be used by
the fund for any | 19 |
| of the purposes for which the proceeds of the tax levied under
| 20 |
| this Section may be used, including the payment of any amount | 21 |
| that is otherwise
required by this Article to be paid from the | 22 |
| proceeds of that tax.
| 23 |
| (h) In addition to the contributions required under the | 24 |
| other provisions
of this Article, by November 1 of the | 25 |
| following specified years, the city shall
deposit with the city | 26 |
| treasurer for the benefit of the fund, to be held and
used in | 27 |
| accordance with this Article, the following specified amounts:
| 28 |
| $6,300,000 in 1999;
$5,880,000 in 2000;
$5,460,000 in 2001;
| 29 |
| $5,040,000 in 2002; and
$4,620,000 in 2003 ; $4,200,000 in 2004;
| 30 |
| $3,780,000 in 2005;
$3,360,000 in 2006;
$2,940,000 in 2007;
| 31 |
| $2,520,000 in 2008;
$2,100,000 in 2009;
$1,680,000 in 2010;
| 32 |
| $1,260,000 in 2011;
$840,000 in 2012; and
$420,000 in 2013 .
| 33 |
| The additional city contributions required under this | 34 |
| subsection are
intended to decrease the unfunded liability of |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| the fund and shall not decrease
the amount of the city | 2 |
| contributions required under the other provisions of
this | 3 |
| Article. The additional city contributions made under this | 4 |
| subsection
may be used by the fund for any of its lawful | 5 |
| purposes.
| 6 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-12, eff. 4-20-95; 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| 7 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-111)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-111)
| 8 |
| Sec. 6-111. Salary. "Salary": Subject to Section 6-211, the | 9 |
| annual salary
of a fireman, as follows:
| 10 |
| (a) For age and service annuity, minimum annuity , and | 11 |
| disability
benefits, the actual amount of the annual salary , | 12 |
| except as otherwise
provided in this Article. ;
| 13 |
| (b) For prior service annuity, widow's annuity, widow's | 14 |
| prior
service annuity and child's annuity to and including | 15 |
| August 31, 1957,
the amount of the annual salary up to a | 16 |
| maximum of $3,000 . ;
| 17 |
| (c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 6-141.1, for | 18 |
| widow's annuity,
beginning September 1, 1957, the amount of | 19 |
| annual salary up to a maximum of
| 20 |
| (d) "Salary" means the actual amount of the annual salary | 21 |
| attached to the
permanent career service rank held by the | 22 |
| fireman, except as provided in
subsection (e).
| 23 |
| (e) In the case of a fireman who holds an exempt position | 24 |
| above career
service rank:
| 25 |
| (1) For the purpose of computing employee and city | 26 |
| contributions,
"salary" means the actual salary attached | 27 |
| to the exempt rank position held
by the fireman.
| 28 |
| (2) For the purpose of computing benefits: "salary" | 29 |
| means the actual
salary attached to the exempt rank | 30 |
| position held by the fireman, if (i) the
contributions | 31 |
| specified in Section 6-211 have been made, (ii) the fireman | 32 |
| has
held one or more exempt positions for at least 5 | 33 |
| consecutive years and has held
the rank of battalion chief |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| or field officer for at least 5 years during the
exempt | 2 |
| period, and (iii) the fireman was born before 1955; | 3 |
| otherwise, "salary"
means the salary attached to the | 4 |
| permanent career service rank held by the
fireman, as | 5 |
| provided in subsection (d).
| 6 |
| (f) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 7 |
| of the 93rd
General Assembly, and for any prior periods for | 8 |
| which contributions have been
paid under subsection (g) of this | 9 |
| Section, all salary payments made to any
active or former | 10 |
| fireman who holds or previously held the permanent assigned
| 11 |
| position or classified career service rank, grade, or position | 12 |
| of ambulance
commander shall be included as salary for all | 13 |
| purposes under this Article.
| 14 |
| (g) Any active or former fireman who held the permanent | 15 |
| assigned position or
classified career service rank, grade, or | 16 |
| position of ambulance commander may
elect to have the full | 17 |
| amount of the salary attached to that permanent
assigned | 18 |
| position or classified career service rank, grade, or position
| 19 |
| included
in the calculation of his or her salary for any period | 20 |
| during which the fireman
held the permanent assigned position | 21 |
| or classified career service rank, grade,
or position of | 22 |
| ambulance commander by applying in writing and making all
| 23 |
| employee and employer contributions, without interest, related | 24 |
| to the actual
salary payments corresponding to the permanent | 25 |
| assigned position or classified
career service rank, grade, or | 26 |
| position of ambulance commander for all periods
beginning on or | 27 |
| after January 1, 1995. All applicable contributions must be
| 28 |
| paid in full to the Fund before January 1, 2006 before the | 29 |
| payment of any
benefit under this subsection (g) will made | 30 |
| made.
| 31 |
| Any former fireman or widow of a fireman who (i) held the | 32 |
| permanent assigned
position or classified career service rank, | 33 |
| grade, or position of ambulance
commander, (ii) is in receipt | 34 |
| of annuity on the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| 93rd General Assembly, and (iii) pays to the Fund
contributions | 2 |
| under this subsection (g) for salary payments at the permanent
| 3 |
| assigned position or classified career service rank, grade, or | 4 |
| position of
ambulance commander shall have his or her annuity | 5 |
| recalculated to reflect the
ambulance commander salary and the | 6 |
| resulting increase shall become payable on
the next annuity | 7 |
| payment date following the date the contribution is received
by | 8 |
| the Fund.
| 9 |
| In the case of an active or former fireman who (i) dies | 10 |
| before January 1,
2006 without making an election under this | 11 |
| subsection and (ii) was eligible to
make an election under this | 12 |
| subsection at the time of death (or would have been
eligible | 13 |
| had the death occurred after the effective date of this | 14 |
| amendatory
Act), any surviving spouse, child, or parent of the | 15 |
| fireman who is eligible
to receive a benefit under this Article | 16 |
| based on the fireman's salary may make
that election and pay | 17 |
| the required contributions on behalf of the deceased
fireman. | 18 |
| If the death occurs within the 30 days immediately preceding | 19 |
| January
1, 2006, the deadline for application and payment is | 20 |
| extended to January 31,
| 21 |
| Any portion of the compensation received for service as an | 22 |
| ambulance
commander for which the corresponding contributions | 23 |
| have not been paid
shall not be included in the calculation of | 24 |
| salary.
| 25 |
| (h) Beginning January 1, 1999, with respect to a fireman | 26 |
| who is licensed by
the State as an Emergency Medical | 27 |
| Technician, references in this Article to the
fireman's salary | 28 |
| or the salary attached to or appropriated for the permanent
| 29 |
| assigned position or classified career service rank, grade, or | 30 |
| position of the
fireman shall be deemed to include any | 31 |
| additional compensation payable to the
fireman by virtue of | 32 |
| being licensed as an Emergency Medical Technician, as
provided | 33 |
| under a collective bargaining agreement with the city.
| 34 |
| (i) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 16 - |
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| 1 |
| of the 93rd
General Assembly (and for any period prior to that | 2 |
| date for which contributions
have been paid under subsection | 3 |
| (j) of this Section), the salary of a fireman,
as calculated | 4 |
| for any purpose under this Article, shall include any duty
| 5 |
| availability pay received by the fireman (i) pursuant to a | 6 |
| collective
bargaining agreement or (ii) pursuant to an | 7 |
| appropriation ordinance in an
amount equivalent to the amount | 8 |
| of duty availability pay received by other
firemen pursuant to | 9 |
| a collective bargaining agreement, and references in this
| 10 |
| Article to the salary attached to or appropriated for the | 11 |
| permanent assigned
position or classified career service rank, | 12 |
| grade, or position of the fireman
shall be deemed to include | 13 |
| that duty availability pay.
| 14 |
| (j) An active or former fireman who received duty | 15 |
| availability pay at any
time after December 31, 1994 and before | 16 |
| the effective date of this amendatory
Act of the 93rd General | 17 |
| Assembly and who either (1) retired during that period
or (2) | 18 |
| had attained age 46 and at least 16 years of service by the | 19 |
| effective
date of this amendatory Act may elect to have that | 20 |
| duty availability pay
included in the calculation of his or her | 21 |
| salary for any portion of that period
for which the pay was | 22 |
| received, by applying in writing and paying to the Fund,
before | 23 |
| January 1, 2006, the corresponding employee contribution,
| 24 |
| without interest.
| 25 |
| In the case of an applicant who is receiving an annuity at | 26 |
| the time the
application and contribution are received by the | 27 |
| Fund, the annuity shall be
recalculated and the resulting | 28 |
| increase shall become payable on the next
annuity payment date | 29 |
| following the date the contribution is received by the
| 30 |
| In the case of an active or former fireman who (i) dies | 31 |
| before January 1,
2006 without making an election under this | 32 |
| subsection and (ii) was eligible to
make an election under this | 33 |
| subsection at the time of death (or would have been
eligible | 34 |
| had the death occurred after the effective date of this |
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| 1 |
| amendatory
Act), any surviving spouse, child, or parent of the | 2 |
| fireman who is eligible to
receive a benefit under this Article | 3 |
| based on the fireman's salary may make
that election and pay | 4 |
| the required contribution on behalf of the deceased
fireman. If | 5 |
| the death occurs within the 30 days immediately preceding | 6 |
| January
1, 2006, the deadline for application and payment is | 7 |
| extended to January 31,
| 8 |
| Any duty availability pay for which the corresponding | 9 |
| employee contribution
has not been paid shall not be included | 10 |
| in the calculation of salary.
| 11 |
| (k) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act | 12 |
| of the 93rd
General Assembly are not limited to firemen in | 13 |
| service on or after the
effective date of this amendatory Act.
| 14 |
| (Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
| 15 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-124.1 new)
| 16 |
| Sec. 6-124.1. Withdrawal at compulsory retirement age - | 17 |
| amount of annuity.
| 18 |
| (a) In lieu of any annuity provided in the other provisions | 19 |
| of this
Article, a fireman who is required to withdraw from | 20 |
| service due to attainment
of compulsory retirement age and has | 21 |
| at least 10 but less than 20 years of
service credit may elect | 22 |
| to receive an annuity equal to 30% of average salary
for the | 23 |
| first 10 years of service plus 2% of average salary for each | 24 |
| completed
year of service or remaining fraction thereof in | 25 |
| excess of 10, but not to
exceed a maximum of 50% of average | 26 |
| salary.
| 27 |
| (b) For the purpose of this Section, "average salary" means | 28 |
| the average of
the fireman's highest 4 consecutive years of | 29 |
| salary within the last 10 years
of service.
| 30 |
| (c) For the purpose of qualifying for the annual increases | 31 |
| provided in
Section 6-164, a fireman whose retirement annuity | 32 |
| is calculated under this
Section shall be deemed to qualify for | 33 |
| a minimum annuity.
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| 1 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-128)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-128)
| 2 |
| Sec. 6-128. (a) A future entrant who withdraws on or after | 3 |
| July 21, 1959,
after completing at least 23 years of service, | 4 |
| and for whom the annuity
otherwise provided in this Article is | 5 |
| less than that stated in this
Section, has a right to receive | 6 |
| annuity as follows:
| 7 |
| If he is age 53 or more on withdrawal, his annuity after | 8 |
| withdrawal,
shall be equal to 50% of his average salary | 9 |
| determined by striking an
average of 4 consecutive highest | 10 |
| years of salary within the last 10
years of service immediately | 11 |
| preceding the date of withdrawal .
| 12 |
| An employee who reaches compulsory retirement age and who | 13 |
| has less
than 23 years of service shall be entitled to a | 14 |
| minimum annuity equal to
an amount determined by the product of | 15 |
| (1) his years of service and (2)
2% of his average salary for | 16 |
| the 4 consecutive highest years of salary
within the last 10 | 17 |
| years of service immediately prior to his reaching
compulsory | 18 |
| retirement age .
| 19 |
| An employee who remains in service after qualifying for | 20 |
| annuity under this
Section shall have added to this annuity an | 21 |
| additional 1% of average salary
for each completed year of | 22 |
| service or fraction thereof rendered until July 21,
1959, and | 23 |
| an additional 1% for a total of 2% of average salary from July
| 24 |
| 21, 1959. Each future entrant who has completed 23 years of | 25 |
| service before
reaching age 53 shall have added to this annuity | 26 |
| 1% of average salary for
each completed year of service or | 27 |
| fraction thereof in excess of 23 years up to
age 53. "Salary" | 28 |
| as referred to in this paragraph shall be determined by
| 29 |
| striking an average of the 4 consecutive highest years of | 30 |
| salary within the
last 10 years of service immediately | 31 |
| preceding withdrawal.
| 32 |
| (b) In lieu of the annuity provided in the foregoing | 33 |
| provisions of this
Section any future entrant who withdraws |
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| 1 |
| from the service either (i) after
December 31, 1983 with at | 2 |
| least 22 years of service credit and having
attained age 52 in | 3 |
| the service, or (ii) after December 31, 1984 with at
least 21 | 4 |
| years of service credit and having attained age 51 in the | 5 |
| service,
or (iii) after December 31, 1985 with at least 20 | 6 |
| years of service credit
and having attained age 50 in the | 7 |
| service, or (iv) after December 31,
1990 with at least 20 years | 8 |
| of service regardless of age, may elect to
receive an annuity, | 9 |
| to begin not earlier than upon attainment of age 50
if under | 10 |
| that age at withdrawal, computed as follows: an annuity equal
| 11 |
| to 50% of the average salary for the 4 highest consecutive | 12 |
| years of the
last 10 years of service , plus additional annuity | 13 |
| equal to 2% of such
average salary for each completed year of | 14 |
| service or fraction thereof
rendered after his completion of | 15 |
| the minimum number of years of service
required for him to be | 16 |
| eligible under this subsection (b). However, the
annuity | 17 |
| provided under this subsection (b) may not exceed 75% of such
| 18 |
| average salary.
| 19 |
| (c) In lieu of the annuity provided in any other provision | 20 |
| of this
Section, a future entrant who withdraws from service | 21 |
| after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 22 |
| General Assembly
with at least 20 years of service may elect to | 23 |
| receive an annuity, to begin no
earlier than upon attainment of | 24 |
| age 50 if under that age at withdrawal, equal
to 50% of average | 25 |
| salary plus 2.5% of average salary for each completed year of
| 26 |
| service or fraction thereof over 20, but not to exceed 75% of | 27 |
| average salary.
| 28 |
| (d) For the purpose of this Section, "average salary" means | 29 |
| the average
of the highest 4 consecutive years of salary within | 30 |
| the last 10 years of
| 31 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-1488.)
| 32 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-128.2)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-128.2)
| 33 |
| Sec. 6-128.2. Minimum retirement annuities.
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| (a) Beginning with the monthly payment due in January, | 2 |
| 1988, the monthly
annuity payment for any person who is | 3 |
| entitled to receive a retirement
annuity under this Article in | 4 |
| January, 1990 and has retired from service at
age 50 or over | 5 |
| with 20 or more years of service, and for any person who
| 6 |
| retires from service on or after January 24, 1990 at age 50 or | 7 |
| over
with 20 or more years of service, shall not be less than | 8 |
| $475 per month.
The $475 minimum annuity is exclusive of any | 9 |
| automatic annual increases
provided by Sections 6-164 and | 10 |
| 6-164.1, but not exclusive of previous
raises in the minimum | 11 |
| annuity as provided by any Section of this Article.
| 12 |
| Beginning January 1, 1992, the minimum retirement annuity | 13 |
| payable to
any person who has retired from service at age 50 or | 14 |
| over with 20 or more
years of service and is entitled to | 15 |
| receive a retirement annuity under this
Article on that date, | 16 |
| or who retires from service at age 50 or over with 20
or more | 17 |
| years of service after that date, shall be $650 per month.
| 18 |
| Beginning January 1, 1993, the minimum retirement annuity | 19 |
| payable to
any person who has retired from service at age 50 or | 20 |
| over with 20 or more
years of service and is entitled to | 21 |
| receive a retirement annuity under this
Article on that date, | 22 |
| or who retires from service at age 50 or over with 20
or more | 23 |
| years of service after that date, shall be $750 per month.
| 24 |
| Beginning January 1, 1994, the minimum retirement annuity | 25 |
| payable to
any person who has retired from service at age 50 or | 26 |
| over with 20 or more
years of service and is entitled to | 27 |
| receive a retirement annuity under this
Article on that date, | 28 |
| or who retires from service at age 50 or over with 20
or more | 29 |
| years of service after that date, shall be $850 per month.
| 30 |
| Beginning January 1, 2004, the minimum retirement annuity | 31 |
| payable to any
person who has retired from service at age 50 or | 32 |
| over with 20 or more years of
service and is entitled to | 33 |
| receive a retirement annuity under this Article on
that date, | 34 |
| or who retires from service at age 50 or over with 20 or more |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| years
of service after that date, shall be $950 per month.
| 2 |
| Beginning January 1, 2005, the minimum retirement annuity | 3 |
| payable to any
person who has retired from service at age 50 or | 4 |
| over with 20 or more years of
service and is entitled to | 5 |
| receive a retirement annuity under this Article on
that date, | 6 |
| or who retires from service at age 50 or over with 20 or more | 7 |
| years
of service after that date, shall be $1,050 per month.
| 8 |
| The minimum annuities established by this subsection (a) do | 9 |
| include
previous raises in the minimum annuity as provided by | 10 |
| any Section of this
Article, but do not include any sums which | 11 |
| have been added or will be added
to annuity payments by the | 12 |
| automatic annual increases provided by Sections
6-164 and | 13 |
| 6-164.1. Such annual increases shall be paid in addition to the
| 14 |
| minimum amounts specified in this subsection.
| 15 |
| (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 16 |
| beginning
January 1, 1990, the minimum retirement annuity | 17 |
| payable to any person who
is entitled to receive a retirement | 18 |
| annuity under this Article on that date
shall be $475 per | 19 |
| month.
| 20 |
| (c) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act | 21 |
| of the
93rd General Assembly
shall apply to all persons | 22 |
| receiving a retirement
annuity under this Article, without | 23 |
| regard to whether the retirement of the
fireman occurred prior | 24 |
| to the effective date of this amendatory Act of
1993 .
| 25 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-273; 86-1027; 86-1028; 86-1475; 87-849; | 26 |
| 87-1265.)
| 27 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-128.4)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-128.4)
| 28 |
| Sec. 6-128.4. Minimum widow's annuities.
| 29 |
| (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, | 30 |
| beginning
January 1, 1996, the minimum amount of widow's | 31 |
| annuity payable to any person
who is entitled to receive a | 32 |
| widow's annuity under this Article is $700 per
month, without | 33 |
| regard to whether the deceased fireman is in service on or |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995.
| 2 |
| (b) Notwithstanding Section 6-128.3, beginning January 1, | 3 |
| 1994, the
minimum widow's annuity under this Article shall be | 4 |
| $700 per month for (1) all
persons receiving widow's annuities | 5 |
| on that date who are survivors of employees
who retired at age | 6 |
| 50 or over with at least 20 years of service, and (2)
persons | 7 |
| who become eligible for widow's annuities and are survivors of
| 8 |
| employees who retired at age 50 or over with at least 20 years | 9 |
| of service.
| 10 |
| (c) Notwithstanding Section 6-128.3, beginning January 1, | 11 |
| 1999, the
minimum widow's annuity under this Article shall be | 12 |
| $800 per month for (1) all
persons receiving widow's annuities | 13 |
| on that date who are survivors of employees
who retired at age | 14 |
| 50 or over with at least 20 years of service, and (2)
persons | 15 |
| who become eligible for widow's annuities and are survivors of
| 16 |
| employees who retired at age 50 or over with at least 20 years | 17 |
| of service.
| 18 |
| (d) Notwithstanding Section 6-128.3, beginning January 1, | 19 |
| 2004, the
minimum widow's annuity under this Article shall be | 20 |
| $900 per month for all
persons receiving widow's annuities on | 21 |
| or after that date, without regard to
whether the deceased | 22 |
| fireman is in service on or after the effective date of
this | 23 |
| amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
| 24 |
| (e) Notwithstanding Section 6-128.3, beginning January 1, | 25 |
| 2005, the
minimum widow's annuity under this Article shall be | 26 |
| $1,000 per month for all
persons receiving widow's annuities on | 27 |
| or after that date, without regard to
whether the deceased | 28 |
| fireman is in service on or after the effective date of
this | 29 |
| amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly.
| 30 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-136, eff. 7-14-95; 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| 31 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-141.2 new)
| 32 |
| Sec. 6-141.2. Minimum annuity for certain widows.
| 33 |
| Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, the |
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| 1 |
| widow's
annuity payable to the widow of a fireman who dies on | 2 |
| or after July 1, 1997
while an active fireman with at least 10 | 3 |
| years of creditable service shall be
no less than 50% of the | 4 |
| retirement annuity that the deceased fireman would have
been | 5 |
| eligible to receive if he had attained age 50 and 20 years of | 6 |
| service on
the day before his death and retired on that day. In | 7 |
| the case of a widow's
annuity that is payable on the effective | 8 |
| date of this amendatory Act of the
93rd General Assembly, the | 9 |
| increase provided by this Section, if any, shall
begin to | 10 |
| accrue on the first annuity payment date following that | 11 |
| effective
| 12 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-142)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-142)
| 13 |
| Sec. 6-142. Wives and widows not entitled to annuities.
| 14 |
| (A) Except as provided in subsection (B), the following | 15 |
| wives
or widows have no right to annuity from the fund:
| 16 |
| (a) A wife or widow married subsequent to the effective | 17 |
| date of a
fireman who dies in service if she was not married to | 18 |
| him before he
attained age 63;
| 19 |
| (b) A wife or widow of a fireman who withdraws, whether or | 20 |
| not he
enters upon annuity, and dies while out of service, if | 21 |
| the marriage
occurred after the effective date and she was not | 22 |
| his wife while he was
in service and before he attained age 63;
| 23 |
| (c) A wife or widow of a fireman who (1) has served 10 or | 24 |
| more
years, (2) dies out of service after he has withdrawn from | 25 |
| service, and
(3) has withdrawn or applied for refund of the | 26 |
| sums to his credit for
annuity to which he had a right to | 27 |
| refund;
| 28 |
| (d) A wife or widow of a fireman who dies out of service | 29 |
| after he
has withdrawn before age 63, and who has not served at | 30 |
| least 10 years;
| 31 |
| (e) A wife whose marriage was dissolved or widow of a | 32 |
| fireman whose
judgment of dissolution of marriage from her | 33 |
| fireman husband is annulled,
vacated or set aside by |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 24 - |
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| 1 |
| proceedings in court subsequent to the death of the
fireman, | 2 |
| unless (1) such proceedings are filed within 5 years after the | 3 |
| date
of the dissolution of marriage and within one year after | 4 |
| the death of the
fireman and (2) the board is made a party to | 5 |
| the proceedings;
| 6 |
| (f) A wife or widow who married the fireman while he was in | 7 |
| receipt
of disability benefit or disability pension from this | 8 |
| fund, unless he
returned to the service subsequent to the | 9 |
| marriage and remained therein
for a period or periods | 10 |
| aggregating one year, or died while in service.
| 11 |
| (B) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 12 |
| of the
93rd General Assembly, the limitation on marriage after | 13 |
| withdrawal
under subdivision (A)(b) and the limitation on | 14 |
| marriage during disability
under subdivision (A)(f) no longer | 15 |
| apply to a widow who was married to the
deceased fireman before | 16 |
| the fireman begins to receive a retirement annuity
and for at | 17 |
| least one year immediately preceding the date of death, | 18 |
| regardless
of whether the deceased fireman is in service on or | 19 |
| after the effective date
of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 20 |
| General Assembly; except that this
subsection (B) does not | 21 |
| apply to the widow of a fireman who received a refund
of | 22 |
| contributions for widow's annuity under Section 6-160, unless | 23 |
| the refund
is repaid to the Fund, with interest at the rate of | 24 |
| 4% per year, compounded
annually, from the date of the refund | 25 |
| to the date of repayment. If the widow
of a fireman who died | 26 |
| before the effective date of this amendatory Act becomes
| 27 |
| eligible for a widow's annuity because of this amendatory Act, | 28 |
| the annuity
shall begin to accrue on the date of application | 29 |
| for the annuity, but in no
event sooner than the effective date | 30 |
| of this amendatory Act.
| 31 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-230.)
| 32 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-143)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-143)
| 33 |
| Sec. 6-143. Widow's remarriage.
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 25 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (a) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 2 |
| of the
93rd General Assembly, a widow's annuity shall no longer | 3 |
| be subject to
termination or suspension under this Section due | 4 |
| to remarriage. Any widow's
annuity that was previously | 5 |
| terminated or suspended under this Section by
reason of | 6 |
| remarriage shall, upon application, be resumed as of the date | 7 |
| of the
application, but in no event sooner than the effective | 8 |
| date of this amendatory
Act. The resumption shall not be | 9 |
| retroactive. This subsection (a) applies
regardless of whether | 10 |
| or not the deceased fireman was in service on or after
the | 11 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act.
| 12 |
| (b) This subsection (b) does not apply on or after the | 13 |
| effective date of
this amendatory Act of the 93rd General | 14 |
| Assembly.
| 15 |
| Any annuity granted to a widow who remarries on or after | 16 |
| December 31, 1989
shall be suspended when she remarries, unless | 17 |
| (i) she remarries after attaining
the age of 60 regardless of | 18 |
| whether or not the deceased fireman was in service
on or after | 19 |
| the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 or (ii) she | 20 |
| has
been granted a Section 6-140 annuity as the widow of a | 21 |
| fireman killed in
performance of duty. An annuity suspended | 22 |
| under this Section shall, upon
application, be resumed if the | 23 |
| subsequent marriage ends by dissolution of
marriage, | 24 |
| declaration of invalidity of marriage, or the death of the | 25 |
| husband;
this resumption shall not be retroactive.
| 26 |
| If a widow remarries after attaining age 60 or after she | 27 |
| has been granted
an annuity under Section 6-140 and the | 28 |
| remarriage takes place after December
31, 1989, regardless of | 29 |
| whether or not the deceased fireman was in service on
or after | 30 |
| the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, the
widow's | 31 |
| annuity shall continue without interruption.
| 32 |
| Any widow's annuity that was previously terminated by | 33 |
| reason of remarriage
prior to December 31, 1989 or suspended | 34 |
| shall, upon application, be resumed,
as of the date of the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 26 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| application, if the subsequent marriage ended by
dissolution of | 2 |
| marriage, declaration of invalidity of marriage, or the death | 3 |
| of
the husband, regardless of whether or not the deceased | 4 |
| fireman was in service
on the effective date of this amendatory | 5 |
| Act of 1995; this resumption shall
not be retroactive.
| 6 |
| When a widow dies, if she has not received, in the form of | 7 |
| an annuity, an
amount equal to the accumulated employee | 8 |
| contributions for widow's annuity, the
difference between such | 9 |
| accumulated contributions and the sum received by her,
along | 10 |
| with any part of the accumulated contributions for age and | 11 |
| service
annuity remaining in the fund at her death, shall be | 12 |
| refunded to the fireman's
children, in equal parts to each; | 13 |
| except that if a child is less than age 18,
the part of any such | 14 |
| amount that is required to pay an annuity to the child
shall be | 15 |
| transferred to the child's annuity reserve. If no children or
| 16 |
| descendants thereof survive the fireman, the refund shall be | 17 |
| paid to the estate
of the fireman. In making refunds under this | 18 |
| Section, no interest shall be
considered upon either the total | 19 |
| of annuity payments made or the amounts
subject to refund.
| 20 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-136, eff. 7-14-95.)
| 21 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-151.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-151.1)
| 22 |
| Sec. 6-151.1. The General Assembly finds and declares that | 23 |
| service in the
Fire Department requires that firemen, in times | 24 |
| of stress and danger , must
perform unusual tasks; that by | 25 |
| reason of their occupation, firemen are subject
to exposure to | 26 |
| great heat and to extreme cold in certain seasons while in
| 27 |
| performance of their duties; that by reason of their employment | 28 |
| firemen are
required to work in the midst of and are subject to | 29 |
| heavy smoke fumes , and
carcinogenic, poisonous, toxic or | 30 |
| chemical gases from fires ; and that in the
course of their | 31 |
| rescue and paramedic duties firemen are exposed to disabling
| 32 |
| infectious diseases, including AIDS, hepatitis C, and stroke . | 33 |
| The General
Assembly further finds and declares that all the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 27 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| aforementioned conditions
exist and arise out of or in the | 2 |
| course of such employment.
| 3 |
| Any active fireman who has completed 7
ten or more years of | 4 |
| service
and is unable to perform his duties in the Fire | 5 |
| Department by reason of heart
disease, tuberculosis ,
or any | 6 |
| disease of the lungs or respiratory
tract, AIDS, hepatitis C, | 7 |
| or stroke resulting solely from his service
as a fireman, shall | 8 |
| be entitled to receive an occupational disease disability
| 9 |
| benefit during any period of such disability for which he does | 10 |
| not have a right
to receive salary.
| 11 |
| Any active fireman who has completed 7
ten or more years of | 12 |
| service
and is unable to perform his duties in the fire | 13 |
| department by reason of a
disabling cancer, which develops or | 14 |
| manifests itself during a period while
the fireman is in the | 15 |
| service of the department, shall be entitled to
receive an | 16 |
| occupational disease disability benefit during any period of
| 17 |
| such disability for which he does not have a right to receive | 18 |
| salary. In
order to receive this occupational disease | 19 |
| disability benefit, the type of
cancer involved must be a type | 20 |
| which may be caused by exposure to heat,
radiation or a known | 21 |
| carcinogen as defined by the International Agency for
Research | 22 |
| on Cancer.
| 23 |
| Any fireman who shall enter the service after the effective | 24 |
| date of this
amendatory Act shall be examined by one or more | 25 |
| practicing physicians appointed
by the Board, and if that
| 26 |
| examination discloses impairment of
the heart, lungs , or | 27 |
| respiratory tract, or the existence of AIDS,
hepatitis C, | 28 |
| stroke, or
any cancer, then the
such fireman shall
not be
| 29 |
| entitled to receive an occupational disease disability benefit | 30 |
| unless and
until a subsequent examination reveals no such | 31 |
| impairment , AIDS,
hepatitis C, stroke, or cancer.
| 32 |
| The occupational disease disability benefit shall be 65% of | 33 |
| the
fireman's salary at the time of his removal from the | 34 |
| Department payroll.
However, beginning January 1, 1994, no |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 28 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| occupational disease disability
benefit that has been payable | 2 |
| under this Section for at least 10 years shall be
less than 50% | 3 |
| of the current salary attached from time to time to the rank | 4 |
| and
grade held by the fireman at the time of his removal from | 5 |
| the Department
payroll, regardless of whether that removal | 6 |
| occurred before the effective date
of this amendatory Act of | 7 |
| 1993.
| 8 |
| Such fireman also shall have a right to receive child's | 9 |
| disability
benefit of $30 per month on account of each | 10 |
| unmarried child who is less than
18 years of age or | 11 |
| handicapped, dependent upon the fireman for support, and
either | 12 |
| the issue of the fireman or legally adopted by him. The total
| 13 |
| amount of child's disability benefit payable to the fireman, | 14 |
| when added to
his occupational disease disability benefit, | 15 |
| shall not exceed 75% of the
amount of salary which he was | 16 |
| receiving at the time of the grant of
occupational disease | 17 |
| disability benefit.
| 18 |
| The first payment of occupational disease disability | 19 |
| benefit or
child's disability benefit shall be made not later | 20 |
| than one month after
the benefit is granted. Each subsequent | 21 |
| payment shall be made not later
than one month after the date | 22 |
| of the latest payment.
| 23 |
| Occupational disease disability benefit shall be payable | 24 |
| during the
period of the disability until the fireman reaches | 25 |
| the age of compulsory
retirement. Child's disability benefit | 26 |
| shall be paid to such a fireman
during the period of disability | 27 |
| until such child or children attain age
18 or marry, whichever | 28 |
| event occurs first; except that attainment of age
18 by a child | 29 |
| who is so physically or mentally handicapped as to be
dependent | 30 |
| upon the fireman for support, shall not render the child
| 31 |
| ineligible for child's disability benefit. The fireman | 32 |
| thereafter shall
receive such annuity or annuities as are | 33 |
| provided for him in accordance
with other provisions of this | 34 |
| Article.
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 29 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (Source: P.A. 88-528.)
| 2 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-160)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-160)
| 3 |
| Sec. 6-160. Refund - Widow's annuity contributions. When a | 4 |
| fireman attains
age 63 in service and is not then married, or | 5 |
| when an unmarried fireman
withdraws before age 63 and enters | 6 |
| upon annuity, his contributions for widow's
annuity shall then | 7 |
| be refunded to him , upon request. A refund under this
Section | 8 |
| may be repaid as provided in Section 6-142(B) .
| 9 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1536.)
| 10 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-164)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-164)
| 11 |
| Sec. 6-164. Automatic annual increase; retirement after | 12 |
| September 1, 1959.
| 13 |
| (a) A fireman qualifying for a minimum annuity who retires | 14 |
| from service
after September 1, 1959 shall, upon either the | 15 |
| first of the month following the
first anniversary of his date | 16 |
| of retirement if he is age 60 (age 55 if born
before January 1, | 17 |
| 1955
1945 ) or over on that anniversary date, or upon
the first | 18 |
| of the month following his attainment of age 60 (age 55 if born
| 19 |
| before January 1, 1955
1945 ) if that occurs after the first | 20 |
| anniversary
of his retirement date, have his then fixed and | 21 |
| payable monthly annuity
increased by 1 1/2%, and such first | 22 |
| fixed annuity as granted at retirement
increased by an | 23 |
| additional 1 1/2% in January of each year thereafter up to a
| 24 |
| maximum increase of 30%.
Beginning July 1, 1982 for firemen | 25 |
| born before January 1, 1930, and beginning
January 1, 1990 for | 26 |
| firemen born after December 31, 1929 and before January 1,
| 27 |
| 1940, and beginning January 1, 1996 for firemen born after | 28 |
| December 31, 1939
but before January 1, 1945, and beginning | 29 |
| January 1, 2004, for firemen born
after December 31, 1944 but | 30 |
| before January 1, 1955, such increases shall be
3% and such | 31 |
| firemen shall not be subject to the 30% maximum increase.
| 32 |
| Any fireman born before January 1, 1945 who qualifies for a |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 30 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| minimum annuity
and retires after September 1, 1967 but has not | 2 |
| received the initial increase
under this subsection before | 3 |
| January 1, 1996 is entitled to receive the initial
increase | 4 |
| under this subsection on (1) January 1, 1996, (2) the first
| 5 |
| anniversary of the date of retirement, or (3) attainment of age | 6 |
| 55, whichever
occurs last. The changes to this Section made by | 7 |
| this amendatory Act of 1995
apply beginning January 1, 1996 and | 8 |
| apply without regard to whether the fireman
or annuitant | 9 |
| terminated service before the effective date of this amendatory
| 10 |
| Act of 1995.
| 11 |
| Any fireman born before January 1, 1955 who qualifies for a | 12 |
| minimum
annuity and retires after September 1, 1967 but has not | 13 |
| received the initial
increase under this subsection before | 14 |
| January 1, 2004 is entitled to receive
the initial increase | 15 |
| under this subsection on (1) January 1, 2004, (2) the
first | 16 |
| anniversary of the date of retirement, or (3) attainment of age | 17 |
| 55,
whichever occurs last. The changes to this Section made by | 18 |
| this amendatory
Act of the 93rd General Assembly apply without | 19 |
| regard to whether the fireman
or annuitant terminated service | 20 |
| before the effective date of this amendatory
| 21 |
| (b) Subsection (a) of this Section is
not applicable to an | 22 |
| employee receiving a term annuity.
| 23 |
| (c) To help defray the cost of such increases in annuity, | 24 |
| there
shall be deducted, beginning September 1, 1959, from each | 25 |
| payment of salary
to a fireman, 1/8 of 1% of each such salary | 26 |
| payment and an additional 1/8
of 1% beginning on September 1, | 27 |
| 1961, and September 1, 1963, respectively,
concurrently with | 28 |
| and in addition to the salary deductions otherwise made
for | 29 |
| annuity purposes.
| 30 |
| Each such additional 1/8 of 1% deduction from salary which | 31 |
| shall, on
September 1, 1963, result in a total increase of 3/8 | 32 |
| of 1% of salary,
shall be credited to the Automatic Increase | 33 |
| Reserve, to be used,
together with city contributions as | 34 |
| provided in this Article, to defray
the cost of the 1 1/2% |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 31 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| annuity increments herein specified. Any balance
in such | 2 |
| reserve as of the beginning of each calendar year shall be
| 3 |
| credited with interest at the rate of 3% per annum.
| 4 |
| The salary deductions provided in this Section are not | 5 |
| subject to
refund, except to the fireman himself, in any case | 6 |
| in which a fireman
withdraws prior to qualification for minimum | 7 |
| annuity and applies for
refund, or applies for annuity, and | 8 |
| also where a term annuity becomes
payable. In such cases, the | 9 |
| total of such salary deductions shall be
refunded to the | 10 |
| fireman, without interest, and charged to the
aforementioned | 11 |
| reserve.
| 12 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-136, eff. 7-14-95.)
| 13 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-165)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-165)
| 14 |
| Sec. 6-165. Financing; tax.
| 15 |
| (a) Except as expressly provided in this
Section, each city | 16 |
| shall levy a tax annually upon all
taxable property therein for | 17 |
| the purpose of providing revenue for the
fund. For the years | 18 |
| prior to the year 1960, the tax rate shall be as
provided for | 19 |
| in the "Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of the Illinois
| 20 |
| Municipal Code". The tax, from and after January 1, 1968 to and
| 21 |
| including the year 1971, shall not exceed .0863% of the value, | 22 |
| as
equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of
all | 23 |
| taxable property in the city. Beginning with the year 1972 and | 24 |
| each
year thereafter the city shall levy a tax annually at a | 25 |
| rate on the
dollar of the value, as equalized or assessed by | 26 |
| the Department of Revenue
of all taxable property within such | 27 |
| city that will
produce, when extended, not to exceed an amount | 28 |
| equal to the total
amount of contributions by the employees to | 29 |
| the fund made in the
calendar year 2 years prior to the year | 30 |
| for which the annual applicable
tax is levied, multiplied by | 31 |
| 2.23 through the calendar year 1981, and by
2.26 for the year | 32 |
| 1982 and for each year thereafter.
| 33 |
| To provide revenue for the ordinary death benefit |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 32 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| established by
Section 6-150 of this Article, in addition to | 2 |
| the contributions by the firemen
for this purpose, the city | 3 |
| council shall for the
year 1962 and each year thereafter | 4 |
| annually levy a tax, which shall be
in addition to and | 5 |
| exclusive of the taxes authorized to be levied under
the | 6 |
| foregoing provisions of this Section, upon all taxable property | 7 |
| in
the city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of | 8 |
| Revenue, at such
rate per cent of the value of such property as | 9 |
| shall be
sufficient to produce for each year the sum of | 10 |
| $142,000.
| 11 |
| The amounts produced by the taxes levied annually, together | 12 |
| with the
deposit expressly authorized in this Section, shall be
| 13 |
| sufficient, when added to the amounts deducted from the | 14 |
| salaries of
firemen and applied to the fund, to provide for the | 15 |
| purposes of the
| 16 |
| (b) The taxes shall be levied and collected in like manner | 17 |
| with the
general taxes of the city, and shall be in addition to | 18 |
| all other taxes
which the city may levy upon all taxable | 19 |
| property therein and shall be
exclusive of and in addition to | 20 |
| the amount of tax the city may levy for
general purposes under | 21 |
| Section 8-3-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code,
approved May 29, | 22 |
| 1961, as amended, or under any other law or laws which
may | 23 |
| limit the amount of tax which the city may levy for general
| 24 |
| purposes.
| 25 |
| (c) The amounts of the taxes to be levied in each year | 26 |
| shall be
certified to the city council by the board.
| 27 |
| (d) As soon as any revenue derived from such taxes is | 28 |
| collected, it
shall be paid to the city treasurer and held for | 29 |
| the benefit of the fund, and
all such revenue shall be paid | 30 |
| into the fund in accordance with the
provisions of this | 31 |
| Article.
| 32 |
| (e) If the funds available are insufficient during any year | 33 |
| to
meet the requirements of this Article, the city may issue | 34 |
| tax anticipation
warrants, against the tax levies herein |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 33 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| authorized for the current
fiscal year.
| 2 |
| (f) The various sums, hereinafter stated, including | 3 |
| interest, to be
contributed by the city, shall be taken from | 4 |
| the revenue derived from the taxes
or otherwise as expressly | 5 |
| provided in this Section. Except for defraying the
cost of | 6 |
| administration of the fund during the calendar year in which a | 7 |
| city
first attains a population of 500,000 and comes under the | 8 |
| provisions of this
Article and the first calendar year | 9 |
| thereafter, any money of the city derived
from any source other | 10 |
| than these taxes or the sale of tax anticipation warrants
shall | 11 |
| not be used to provide revenue for the fund, nor to pay any | 12 |
| part of the
cost of administration thereof, unless applied to | 13 |
| make the deposit expressly
authorized in this Section
or the | 14 |
| additional city contributions required under subsection (h).
| 15 |
| (g) In lieu of levying all or a portion of the tax required | 16 |
| under this
Section in any year, the city may deposit with the | 17 |
| city treasurer no later than
March 1 of that year for the | 18 |
| benefit of the fund, to be held in accordance with
this | 19 |
| Article, an amount that, together with the taxes levied under | 20 |
| this Section
for that year, is not less than the amount of the | 21 |
| city contributions for that
year as certified by the board to | 22 |
| the city council. The deposit may be derived
from any source | 23 |
| legally available for that purpose, including, but not limited
| 24 |
| to, the proceeds of city borrowings. The making of a deposit | 25 |
| shall satisfy
fully the requirements of this Section for that | 26 |
| year to the extent of the
amounts so deposited. Amounts | 27 |
| deposited under this subsection may be used
by the fund for any | 28 |
| of the purposes for which the proceeds of the taxes levied
| 29 |
| under this Section may be used, including the payment of any | 30 |
| amount that is
otherwise required by this Article to be paid | 31 |
| from the proceeds of those
| 32 |
| (h) In addition to the contributions required under the | 33 |
| other provisions
of this Article, by November 1 of the | 34 |
| following specified years, the city shall
deposit with the city |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 34 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| treasurer for the benefit of the fund, to be held and
used in | 2 |
| accordance with this Article, the following specified amounts:
| 3 |
| $6,300,000 in 1999;
$5,880,000 in 2000;
$5,460,000 in 2001;
| 4 |
| $5,040,000 in 2002; and
$4,620,000 in 2003 ;
$4,200,000 in 2004;
| 5 |
| $3,780,000 in 2005;
$3,360,000 in 2006;
$2,940,000 in 2007;
| 6 |
| $2,520,000 in 2008;
$2,100,000 in 2009;
$1,680,000 in 2010;
| 7 |
| $1,260,000 in 2011;
$840,000 in 2012; and
$420,000 in 2013 .
| 8 |
| The additional city contributions required under this | 9 |
| subsection are
intended to decrease the unfunded liability of | 10 |
| the fund and shall not decrease
the amount of the city | 11 |
| contributions required under the other provisions of
this | 12 |
| Article. The additional city contributions made under this | 13 |
| subsection
may be used by the fund for any of its lawful | 14 |
| purposes.
| 15 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-136, eff. 7-14-95; 90-766, eff. 8-14-98.)
| 16 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-210.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-210.1)
| 17 |
| Sec. 6-210.1. Credit for former employment with the fire | 18 |
| department.
| 19 |
| (a) Any fireman who (1) accumulated service credit in the | 20 |
| Article 8 fund for
service as an employee of the Chicago Fire | 21 |
| Department and (2) has terminated
that Article 8 service credit | 22 |
| and received a refund of contributions therefor,
may establish | 23 |
| service credit in this Fund for all or any part of that period | 24 |
| of
service under the Article 8 fund by making written | 25 |
| application to the Board by
January 1, 2000 and paying to this | 26 |
| Fund (i) employee contributions based upon
the actual salary | 27 |
| received and the rates in effect for members of this Fund at
| 28 |
| the time of such service, plus (ii) interest thereon calculated | 29 |
| as follows:
| 30 |
| (1) For applications received by the Board before July | 31 |
| 14,
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, | 32 |
| interest shall be calculated
on the amount of employee | 33 |
| contributions determined under item (i) above, at the
rate |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 35 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| of 4% per annum, compounded annually, from the date of | 2 |
| termination of such
service to the date of payment.
| 3 |
| (2) For applications received by the Board on or after | 4 |
| July 14,
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, | 5 |
| interest shall be calculated
on the amount of employee | 6 |
| contributions determined under item (i) above, at the
rate | 7 |
| of 4% per annum, compounded annually, from the first date | 8 |
| of the period
for which credit is being established under | 9 |
| this subsection (a) to the date of
| 10 |
| (b) A fireman who, at any time during the period 1970 | 11 |
| through 1983, was
an employee of the Chicago Fire Department | 12 |
| but did not participate in any
pension fund subject to this | 13 |
| Code with respect to that employment may establish
service | 14 |
| credit in this Fund for all or any part of that employment by | 15 |
| making
written application to the Board by January 1, 2005
| 16 |
| and paying to
this Fund (i)
employee contributions based upon | 17 |
| the actual salary received and the rates in
effect for members | 18 |
| of this Fund at the time of that employment, plus (ii)
interest | 19 |
| thereon calculated at the rate of 4% per annum, compounded | 20 |
| annually,
from the first date of the employment for which | 21 |
| credit is being established
under this subsection (b) to the | 22 |
| date of payment.
| 23 |
| (c) A fireman may pay the contributions required for | 24 |
| service credit under
this Section established on or after July | 25 |
| 14,
the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1995 in the | 26 |
| form of payroll deductions, in accordance with
such procedures | 27 |
| and limitations as may be established by Board rule and any
| 28 |
| applicable rules or ordinances of the employer.
| 29 |
| (d) Employer contributions shall be transferred as | 30 |
| provided in Sections
6-210.2 and 8-172.1. The employer shall | 31 |
| not be responsible for making any
additional employer | 32 |
| contributions for any credit established under this
| 33 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-136, eff. 7-14-95.)
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-210.2 new)
| 2 |
| Sec. 6-210.2. City contributions for paramedics. | 3 |
| Municipality credits
computed and credited under Article 8 for | 4 |
| all firemen who (1) accumulated
service credit in the Article 8 | 5 |
| fund for service as a paramedic, (2) have
terminated that | 6 |
| Article 8 service credit and received a refund of
| 7 |
| contributions, and (3) are participants in this Article 6 fund | 8 |
| on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 9 |
| General Assembly shall be
transferred by the Article 8 fund to | 10 |
| this Fund, together with interest at the
rate of 11% per annum, | 11 |
| compounded annually, to the date of the transfer, as
provided | 12 |
| in Section 8-172.1 of this Code. These city contributions shall | 13 |
| be
credited to the individual fireman only if he or she pays | 14 |
| for prior service as
a paramedic in full to this Fund.
| 15 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-210.3 new)
| 16 |
| Sec. 6-210.3. Payments and rollovers.
| 17 |
| (a) The Board may adopt rules prescribing the manner of | 18 |
| repaying refunds
and purchasing any other credits permitted | 19 |
| under this Article. The rules may
prescribe the manner of | 20 |
| calculating interest when payments or repayments are
made in | 21 |
| installments.
| 22 |
| (b) Rollover contributions from other retirement plans | 23 |
| qualified under the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 may be used | 24 |
| to purchase any optional credit or
repay any refund permitted | 25 |
| under this Article.
| 26 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-211)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-211)
| 27 |
| Sec. 6-211. Permanent and temporary positions ; exempt | 28 |
| positions above
career service rank .
| 29 |
| (a) Except as specified in subsection (b), no annuity, | 30 |
| pension or
other benefit shall be paid to a fireman or widow, | 31 |
| under this Article, based
upon any salary paid by virtue of a | 32 |
| temporary appointment , and . all
contributions, annuities and |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| benefits shall be related to the salary which
attaches to the | 2 |
| permanent position of the fireman.
| 3 |
| Any fireman temporarily serving in a position or rank other | 4 |
| than that to
which he has received permanent appointment shall | 5 |
| be considered, while so
serving, as though he were in his | 6 |
| permanent position or rank, except that no
increase in any | 7 |
| pension, annuity or other benefit hereunder shall accrue to
him | 8 |
| by virtue of any service performed by him subsequent to | 9 |
| attaining the
compulsory retirement age provided by law or | 10 |
| ordinance.
| 11 |
| This Section does
shall not apply to any person certified | 12 |
| to the
fire department by the civil service commission of the | 13 |
| city, during the period
of probationary service.
| 14 |
| A fireman who holds a position at the will of the Fire | 15 |
| Commissioner or other
appointing authority, whether or not such | 16 |
| position is an "exempt" position,
shall be deemed to hold a | 17 |
| temporary position , and such employee's
contributions and | 18 |
| benefits shall be based upon the employee's permanent career
| 19 |
| service salary. The provisions of this paragraph shall be | 20 |
| retroactive to
January 1, 1976 .
| 21 |
| (b) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 22 |
| of the 93rd
General Assembly, for service in an exempt position | 23 |
| above career service rank,
employee contributions shall be | 24 |
| based on the actual full salary attached to the
exempt rank | 25 |
| position held by the fireman.
| 26 |
| For service in an exempt position above career service | 27 |
| rank, benefit
computations under this Article shall be based on | 28 |
| the actual full salary
attached to the exempt rank position | 29 |
| held by the fireman if and only if:
| 30 |
| (1) employee contributions have been paid on the actual | 31 |
| full salary
attached to the exempt rank position held by | 32 |
| the fireman for all service
on or after January 1, 1994 in | 33 |
| an exempt position above career service rank;
| 34 |
| (2) the fireman has held one or more exempt positions |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| for at least 5
consecutive years (or, in the case of a | 2 |
| fireman who retired due to attainment
of compulsory | 3 |
| retirement age before December 1, 2003, held one or more | 4 |
| exempt
positions for a consecutive period of at least 3 | 5 |
| years and 9 months and made
the payment required under | 6 |
| subsection (c) for a period of at least 5 years) and
has | 7 |
| held the rank of battalion chief or field officer for at | 8 |
| least 5 years (at
least 3 years and 9 months in the case of | 9 |
| a fireman who retired due to
attainment of compulsory | 10 |
| retirement age before December 1, 2003) during the
exempt | 11 |
| period; and
| 12 |
| (3) the fireman was born before 1955.
| 13 |
| (c) For service prior to the effective date of this | 14 |
| amendatory Act of the
93rd General Assembly in an exempt | 15 |
| position above career service rank for
which contributions have | 16 |
| been paid only on the salary attached to the fireman's
| 17 |
| permanent career service rank, a fireman may make the | 18 |
| contributions required
under subsection (b) by paying to the | 19 |
| Fund before the later of the date of
retirement or 6 months | 20 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory Act, but
in no | 21 |
| event later than July 1, 2005, an amount equal to the | 22 |
| difference between
the employee contributions actually made | 23 |
| for that service and the employee
contributions that would have | 24 |
| been made based on the actual full salary
attached to the | 25 |
| exempt rank position held by the fireman on or after January 1,
| 26 |
| 1994, plus interest thereon at the rate of 4% per year, | 27 |
| compounded annually,
from the date of the service to the date | 28 |
| of payment (or to the date of
retirement if retirement is | 29 |
| before the effective date of this amendatory Act).
In the case | 30 |
| of a fireman who retired in an exempt rank position after | 31 |
| January
1, 1994 and before January 1, 1999 and in the case of a | 32 |
| fireman who retired due
to attaining compulsory retirement age | 33 |
| before December 1, 2003, the payment
under this subsection (c) | 34 |
| shall be for a period of at least 5 years.
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| If a fireman dies while eligible to make the contributions | 2 |
| required under
subsection (b) but before the contributions are | 3 |
| paid, the fireman's widow may
elect to make the contributions.
| 4 |
| (d) Subsection (e) of Section 6-111 and the changes made to | 5 |
| this Section
by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General | 6 |
| Assembly apply to a fireman who
retires (or becomes disabled) | 7 |
| on or after January 1, 1994. In the case of a
benefit payable | 8 |
| on the effective date of this amendatory Act, the resulting
| 9 |
| increase in benefit shall begin to accrue with the first | 10 |
| benefit payment
period commencing after the required | 11 |
| contributions are paid.
| 12 |
| (e) If a fireman or his survivors do not qualify to have | 13 |
| benefits computed
on the full amount of salary received for | 14 |
| service in an exempt position as
provided in subsection (b), | 15 |
| benefits shall be computed on the basis of the
salary attached | 16 |
| to the permanent career service rank, and a refund of any
| 17 |
| employee contributions paid on the difference between the | 18 |
| actual salary and
the salary attached to the permanent career | 19 |
| service rank shall be payable to
the fireman upon termination | 20 |
| of service, or to the fireman's widow or estate
upon the | 21 |
| fireman's death.
| 22 |
| (f) The tax levy computed under Section 6-165 shall be | 23 |
| based on employee
contributions, including the payments of | 24 |
| employee contributions under
subsections (a), (b), and (c) of | 25 |
| this Section 6-211.
| 26 |
| (g) The city shall pay to the Fund on an annual basis, in | 27 |
| addition to
the usual city contributions, an amount at least | 28 |
| equal to the sum of (1) the
increase in normal cost resulting | 29 |
| from subsection (e) of Section 6-111 and
the changes made to | 30 |
| this Section by this amendatory Act of the 93rd General
| 31 |
| Assembly, plus (2) amortization (over a period of 30 years from | 32 |
| the effective
date of this amendatory Act) of the initial | 33 |
| unfunded liability resulting from
subsection (e) of Section | 34 |
| 6-111 and the changes made to this Section by this
amendatory |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 40 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| Act of the 93rd General Assembly. The payment required under | 2 |
| this
subsection shall be no less than $400,000 per year. | 3 |
| Payment shall begin with
the first calendar year commencing | 4 |
| after the effective date of this amendatory
Act and shall be in | 5 |
| addition to the tax levy otherwise calculated under Section
| 6 |
| 6-165. The city may increase that tax levy by the amount of the | 7 |
| payment
required under this subsection, or it may utilize any | 8 |
| funds appropriated for
this purpose.
| 9 |
| (Source: P.A. 83-16.)
| 10 |
| (40 ILCS 5/6-222)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-222)
| 11 |
| Sec. 6-222. Administrative review.
| 12 |
| (a) The provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and | 13 |
| all
amendments and modifications thereof and the rules adopted
| 14 |
| pursuant thereto shall apply to and govern all proceedings for | 15 |
| the judicial
review of final administrative decisions of the | 16 |
| retirement board hereunder.
The term "administrative decision" | 17 |
| is as defined in Section 3-101 of the
Code of Civil Procedure.
| 18 |
| (b) If any fireman whose application for either a duty | 19 |
| disability benefit
under Section 6-151 or for an occupational | 20 |
| disease disability benefit under
Section 6-151.1 has been | 21 |
| denied by the Retirement Board brings an action for
| 22 |
| administrative review challenging the denial of disability | 23 |
| benefits and the
fireman prevails in the action in | 24 |
| administrative review, then the prevailing
fireman shall be | 25 |
| entitled to recover from the Fund court costs and litigation
| 26 |
| expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, as part of the | 27 |
| costs of the
| 28 |
| (Source: P.A. 82-783.)
| 29 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-137)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-137)
| 30 |
| Sec. 8-137. Automatic increase in annuity.
| 31 |
| (a) An employee who retired or retires from service after | 32 |
| December 31,
1959 and before January 1, 1987, having attained |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| age 60 or more, shall,
in January of the year
after the year in | 2 |
| which the first anniversary of retirement occurs, have
the | 3 |
| amount of his then fixed and payable monthly annuity increased | 4 |
| by 1
1/2%, and such first fixed annuity as granted at | 5 |
| retirement increased by
a further 1 1/2% in January of each | 6 |
| year thereafter. Beginning with
January of the year 1972, such | 7 |
| increases shall be at the rate of 2% in
lieu of the aforesaid | 8 |
| specified 1 1/2%, and beginning with January of the
year 1984 | 9 |
| such increases shall be at the rate of 3%.
Beginning in January | 10 |
| of 1999, such increases
shall be at the rate of 3% of the | 11 |
| currently payable monthly annuity,
including any increases | 12 |
| previously granted under this Article. An
employee who retires | 13 |
| on annuity after December 31, 1959 and before
January 1, 1987, | 14 |
| but before age 60, shall receive such
increases beginning in | 15 |
| January of the year after the year
in which he attains age 60.
| 16 |
| An employee who retires from service on or after January 1, | 17 |
| 1987 shall, upon
the first annuity payment date following the | 18 |
| first anniversary of the date of
retirement, or upon the first | 19 |
| annuity payment date following attainment of age
60, whichever | 20 |
| occurs later, have his then fixed and payable monthly annuity
| 21 |
| increased by 3%, and such annuity shall be increased by an | 22 |
| additional 3% of the
original fixed annuity on the same date | 23 |
| each year thereafter. Beginning in
January of 1999, such | 24 |
| increases shall be at the rate of 3% of the currently
payable | 25 |
| monthly annuity, including any increases previously granted | 26 |
| under this
| 27 |
| (a-5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), | 28 |
| upon the first
annuity payment date following (1) the third | 29 |
| anniversary of retirement, (2)
the attainment of age 53, or (3) | 30 |
| January 1, 2002, the date 60 days after the
effective date of | 31 |
| this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, whichever
| 32 |
| occurs latest,
monthly annuity of an employee who retires | 33 |
| on annuity prior to the attainment
of age 60 and who has not | 34 |
| received an increase under subsection (a) shall
increased by |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| 3%, and the such annuity shall be increased by an additional
3% | 2 |
| of the
current payable monthly annuity, including any such
| 3 |
| increases previously
under this Article, on the same | 4 |
| date each year thereafter. The increases
provided under this | 5 |
| subsection are in lieu of the increases provided in
subsection | 6 |
| (a).
| 7 |
| (a-6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) | 8 |
| and (a-5), for all
calendar years following the year in which | 9 |
| this amendatory Act of the 93rd
General Assembly takes effect, | 10 |
| an increase in annuity under this Section that
would otherwise | 11 |
| take effect at any time during the year shall instead take
| 12 |
| effect in January of that year.
| 13 |
| (b) Subsections (a) ,
and (a-5) , and (a-6) are not
| 14 |
| applicable to an employee retiring
and receiving a term | 15 |
| annuity, as herein defined, nor to any otherwise
qualified | 16 |
| employee who retires before he makes employee contributions (at
| 17 |
| the 1/2 of 1% rate as provided in this Act) for this additional
| 18 |
| annuity for not less than the equivalent of one full year. Such
| 19 |
| employee, however, shall make arrangement to pay to the fund a | 20 |
| balance
of such 1/2 of 1% contributions, based on his final | 21 |
| salary, as will
bring such 1/2 of 1% contributions, computed | 22 |
| without interest, to the
equivalent of or completion of one | 23 |
| year's contributions.
| 24 |
| Beginning with January, 1960, each employee shall | 25 |
| contribute by means of
salary deductions 1/2 of 1% of each | 26 |
| salary payment, concurrently with
and in addition to the | 27 |
| employee contributions otherwise made for annuity
| 28 |
| Each such additional contribution shall be credited to an | 29 |
| account in
the prior service annuity reserve, to be used, | 30 |
| together with city
contributions, to defray the cost of the | 31 |
| specified annuity increments.
Any balance in such account at | 32 |
| the beginning of each calendar year shall
be credited with | 33 |
| interest at the rate of 3% per annum.
| 34 |
| Such additional employee contributions are not refundable, |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| except to
an employee who withdraws and applies for refund | 2 |
| under this Article, and
in cases where a term annuity becomes | 3 |
| payable. In such cases his
contributions shall be refunded, | 4 |
| without interest, and charged to such
account in the prior | 5 |
| service annuity reserve.
| 6 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02; 92-609, eff.
7-1-02; | 7 |
| revised 8-26-02.)
| 8 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-138.4 new)
| 9 |
| Sec. 8-138.4. Early retirement incentive.
| 10 |
| (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this | 11 |
| Section, an
employee must:
| 12 |
| (1) have been a contributor to the Fund who (i) on | 13 |
| October 15,
2003, was in active payroll status as an | 14 |
| employee;
(ii) returns to active payroll status from an | 15 |
| approved leave of absence
prior to December 15, 2003; (iii) | 16 |
| on October 15, 2003, is receiving
ordinary or duty | 17 |
| disability benefits under Section 8-160 or 8-161; or (iv) | 18 |
| has been subjected to an involuntary termination or layoff | 19 |
| by the employer and restored to service by his or her | 20 |
| employer prior to January 31, 2004;
| 21 |
| (2) have not previously retired under this Article;
| 22 |
| (3) file with the Board on or before January 30, 2004, | 23 |
| a written election
requesting the benefits provided in this | 24 |
| Section;
| 25 |
| (4) withdraw from service on or after January 31, 2004 | 26 |
| and on or before
February 29, 2004 (or the date established | 27 |
| under subsection (a-5), if
applicable); and
| 28 |
| (5) by the date of withdrawal or by February 29, 2004, | 29 |
| whichever is
earlier, have attained age 50 with at least 10
| 30 |
| years of creditable service in this Fund, without including | 31 |
| any creditable
service established under this Section, and | 32 |
| a total of at least 70 combined
years of age and
creditable | 33 |
| service, without including any creditable service |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| established under
this Section, in one or more of the | 2 |
| participating systems under the
Retirement Systems | 3 |
| Reciprocal Act.
| 4 |
| A person is not eligible for the benefits provided in this | 5 |
| Section if the
person (i) elects to receive the alternative | 6 |
| annuity for city officers
under Section 8-243.2, or (ii) elects | 7 |
| to receive a retirement annuity
calculated under the | 8 |
| alternative formula formerly set forth in Section
| 9 |
| (a-5) To ensure that the efficient operation of employers | 10 |
| under this Article
is not jeopardized by the simultaneous | 11 |
| retirement of large numbers of critical
personnel, each | 12 |
| employer may, for its critical employees, extend the February | 13 |
| 29, 2004 deadline for terminating employment under this Article | 14 |
| established in
subdivision (a)(4) of this Section to a date not | 15 |
| later than May 31, 2004 by
notifying the Fund by January 31, | 16 |
| 2004.
| 17 |
| (b) An eligible employee may establish up to 5 years of | 18 |
| creditable
service under this Section, in increments of one | 19 |
| month, by making the
contributions specified in subsection (d). | 20 |
| In addition, for each month of
creditable service established | 21 |
| under this Section, a person's age at retirement
shall be | 22 |
| deemed to be one month older than it actually is, except for
| 23 |
| determination of eligibility for automatic annual increases | 24 |
| under Sections
8-137 and 8-137.1. Furthermore, an eligible | 25 |
| employee must establish at least
the amount of age and | 26 |
| creditable service necessary to bring his or her age and
total | 27 |
| creditable service, including service
in this Fund, service | 28 |
| established under this Section, and service in any of the
other | 29 |
| participating
systems under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal | 30 |
| Act, to a minimum that will
satisfy the
requirements of Section | 31 |
| 8-138.
| 32 |
| The creditable service under this Section may be used for | 33 |
| all
purposes under this Article and the Retirement Systems | 34 |
| Reciprocal Act,
except for the computation of average annual |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| salary and the determination
of salary, earnings, or | 2 |
| compensation under this or any other Article of
this Code.
| 3 |
| (c) An eligible employee shall be entitled to have his or | 4 |
| her retirement
annuity calculated in accordance with the | 5 |
| formula provided in Section
8-138, except that the annuity | 6 |
| shall not be subject to reduction because of
withdrawal or | 7 |
| commencement of the annuity before attainment of age 60.
| 8 |
| (d) For each month of creditable service established under | 9 |
| this Section,
the employee must pay to the Fund an employee | 10 |
| contribution, to be calculated
by the Fund, equal to 4.25% of | 11 |
| the member's monthly salary rate
on October 15, 2003. The | 12 |
| employee may elect to pay the entire contribution
before the
| 13 |
| retirement annuity commences, or to have it deducted from the | 14 |
| annuity over
a period not longer than 24 months. If the retired | 15 |
| employee dies before the
contribution has been paid in full, | 16 |
| the unpaid installments may be deducted
from any annuity or | 17 |
| other benefit payable to the employee's survivors.
| 18 |
| All employee contributions paid under this Section shall | 19 |
| not be deemed
contributions made by employees for annuity | 20 |
| purposes under Section 8-173,
and shall be made and credited to | 21 |
| a special reserve, without interest.
Employee contributions | 22 |
| paid under this Section may be refunded under the
same terms | 23 |
| and conditions as are applicable to other employee | 24 |
| contributions
for retirement annuity.
| 25 |
| (e) Notwithstanding Section 8-165, an annuitant who | 26 |
| reenters service under
this Article after receiving a | 27 |
| retirement annuity based on benefits provided
under this | 28 |
| Section thereby forfeits the right to continue to receive those
| 29 |
| benefits, and shall have his or her retirement annuity | 30 |
| recalculated at the
appropriate time without the benefits | 31 |
| provided in this Section.
| 32 |
| (f) No employer action in declaring an employee to be a | 33 |
| critical employee pursuant to subsection (a-5) shall be | 34 |
| construed as an impairment of any pension benefit or |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| entitlement. No early retirement option or resultant benefit | 2 |
| conferred under this Section shall, in any manner, vest for any | 3 |
| employee until the earlier date of the employer's decision to | 4 |
| release the employee from service or May 31, 2004.
| 5 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-138.5 new)
| 6 |
| Sec. 8-138.5. Early retirement incentive for employees who | 7 |
| have earned
maximum pension benefits.
| 8 |
| (a) A person who is eligible for the benefits provided
| 9 |
| under Section 8-138.4 and who, if he or she had retired on or | 10 |
| before February 29, 2004,
would have been entitled to a pension | 11 |
| equal to 80% of his or her highest
average annual salary for | 12 |
| any 4 consecutive years within the last 10 years of
service | 13 |
| immediately preceding February 29, 2004 without receiving the | 14 |
| benefits
provided in Section 8-138.4, may elect, by filing | 15 |
| written
election with the Fund by January 30, 2004, to receive | 16 |
| a lump sum from the
Fund equal to 100% of his or her salary on
| 17 |
| February 29, 2004 or the date of withdrawal, whichever is | 18 |
| earlier. To be
eligible to receive the benefit provided under | 19 |
| this Section, the person must
withdraw from service on or after | 20 |
| January 31, 2004 and on or before February 29, 2004 (or the | 21 |
| date established under subsection (b), if applicable). If a
| 22 |
| person elects to receive the benefit provided under this
| 23 |
| Section, his or her retirement annuity otherwise payable under | 24 |
| Section 8-138
shall be reduced by an amount equal to the | 25 |
| actuarial equivalent of the lump
| 26 |
| (b) To ensure that the efficient operation of employers | 27 |
| under this Article
is not jeopardized by the simultaneous | 28 |
| retirement of large numbers of critical
personnel, each | 29 |
| employer may, for its critical employees, extend the February | 30 |
| 29,
2004 deadline for terminating employment under this Article | 31 |
| established in
subdivision (a) of this Section to a date not | 32 |
| later than May 31, 2004 by
so notifying the Fund by January 31, | 33 |
| 2004.
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-150.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-150.1)
| 2 |
| Sec. 8-150.1. Minimum annuities for widows. The widow | 3 |
| (otherwise eligible for widow's annuity under other Sections of
| 4 |
| this Article 8) of an employee hereinafter described, who | 5 |
| retires from
service or dies while in the service subsequent to | 6 |
| the effective date of
this amendatory provision, and for which | 7 |
| widow the amount of widow's
annuity and widow's prior service | 8 |
| annuity combined, fixed or provided for
such widow under other | 9 |
| provisions of this Article is less than the amount
provided in | 10 |
| this Section, shall, from and after the date her otherwise
| 11 |
| provided annuity would begin, in lieu of such otherwise | 12 |
| provided widow's
and widow's prior service annuity, be entitled | 13 |
| to the following indicated
amount of annuity:
| 14 |
| (a) The widow of any employee who dies while in service on | 15 |
| or after the
date on which he attains age 60 if the death | 16 |
| occurs before July 1, 1990, or on
or after the date on which he | 17 |
| attains age 55 if the death occurs on or after
July 1, 1990, | 18 |
| with at least 20 years of service, or on or after the date on
| 19 |
| which he attains age 50 if the death occurs on or after the | 20 |
| effective date of
this amendatory Act of 1997 with at least 30 | 21 |
| years of service, shall be
entitled to an annuity equal to | 22 |
| one-half of the amount of annuity which her
deceased husband | 23 |
| would have been entitled to receive had he withdrawn from the
| 24 |
| service on the day immediately preceding the date of his death, | 25 |
| conditional
upon such widow having attained the age of 60 or | 26 |
| more years on such date if the
death occurs before July 1, | 27 |
| 1990, or age 55 or more if the death occurs on or
after July 1, | 28 |
| 1990, or age 50 or more if the death occurs on or after January
| 29 |
| 1, 1998 and the employee is age 50 or over with at least 30 | 30 |
| years of service or
age 55 or over with at least 25 years of | 31 |
| service.
Except as provided in subsection (k), this widow's | 32 |
| annuity shall not, however,
exceed the sum of $500 a month if | 33 |
| the employee's death in service occurs
before January 23, 1987. |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| The widow's annuity shall not be limited to a
maximum dollar | 2 |
| amount if the employee's death in service occurs on or after
| 3 |
| January 23, 1987.
| 4 |
| If the employee dies in service before July 1,
1990, and if | 5 |
| such widow of such described employee shall not be 60 or
more | 6 |
| years of age on such date of death, the amount provided in the | 7 |
| immediately
preceding paragraph for a widow 60 or more years of | 8 |
| age, shall, in the case
of such younger widow, be reduced by | 9 |
| 0.25% for each month that
her then attained age is less than 60 | 10 |
| years if the employee was born before
January 1, 1936 or dies | 11 |
| in service on or after January 1, 1988, or by
0.5% for each | 12 |
| month that her then attained age is
less than 60 years if the | 13 |
| employee was born on or after July 1, 1936
and dies in service | 14 |
| before January 1, 1988.
| 15 |
| If the employee dies in service on or after July 1, 1990, | 16 |
| and if the widow of
the employee has not attained age 55 on or | 17 |
| before the employee's date of death,
the amount otherwise | 18 |
| provided in this subsection (a) shall be reduced by 0.25%
for | 19 |
| each month that her then attained age is less than 55 years; | 20 |
| except that
if the employee dies in service on or after January | 21 |
| 1, 1998 at age 50 or over
with at least 30 years of service or | 22 |
| at age 55 or over with at least 25 years
of service, there | 23 |
| shall be no reduction due to the widow's age if she has
| 24 |
| attained age 50 on or before the employee's date of death, and | 25 |
| if the widow
has not attained age 50 on or before the | 26 |
| employee's date of death the amount
otherwise provided in this | 27 |
| subsection (a) shall be reduced by 0.25% for each
month that | 28 |
| her then attained age is less than 50 years.
| 29 |
| (b) The widow of any employee who dies subsequent to the | 30 |
| date of his
retirement on annuity, and who so retired on or | 31 |
| after the date on which he
attained the age of 60 or more years | 32 |
| if retirement occurs before July
1, 1990, or on or after the | 33 |
| date on which he attained age 55 if retirement
occurs on or | 34 |
| after July 1, 1990, with at least 20 years of service,
or on or |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| after the date on which he attained age 50 if the retirement | 2 |
| occurs
on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of | 3 |
| 1997 with at least 30
years of service, shall be entitled to an | 4 |
| annuity equal to one-half of the
amount of annuity which her | 5 |
| deceased husband received as of the date of his
retirement on | 6 |
| annuity, conditional upon such widow having attained the age of
| 7 |
| 60 or more years on the date of her husband's retirement on | 8 |
| annuity if
retirement occurs before July 1, 1990, or age 55 or | 9 |
| more if retirement occurs
on or after July 1, 1990, or age 50 | 10 |
| or more if the retirement on annuity
occurs on or after January | 11 |
| 1, 1998 and the employee is age 50 or over with
at least 30 | 12 |
| years of service or age 55 or over with at least 25 years of
| 13 |
| service.
Except as provided in subsection (k), this widow's
| 14 |
| annuity shall not, however, exceed the sum of $500 a month if | 15 |
| the
employee's death occurs before January 23, 1987. The | 16 |
| widow's annuity
shall not be limited to a maximum dollar
amount | 17 |
| if the employee's death occurs on or after
January 23, 1987, | 18 |
| regardless of the date of retirement;
provided that, if | 19 |
| retirement was before January 23, 1987, the employee or
| 20 |
| eligible spouse repays the excess spouse refund with interest | 21 |
| at the
effective rate from the date of refund to the date of | 22 |
| repayment.
| 23 |
| If the date of the employee's retirement on annuity is | 24 |
| before July
1, 1990, and if such widow of such described | 25 |
| employee shall not have attained
such age of 60 or more years | 26 |
| on such date of her husband's retirement on
annuity, the amount | 27 |
| provided in the immediately preceding paragraph for a
widow 60 | 28 |
| or more years of age on the date of her husband's retirement on
| 29 |
| annuity, shall, in the case of such then younger widow, be | 30 |
| reduced by 0.25%
for each month that her then attained age was | 31 |
| less than 60
years if the employee was born before January 1, | 32 |
| 1936 or withdraws from
service on or after January 1, 1988, or | 33 |
| by 0.5% for each
month that her then attained age is less than | 34 |
| 60 years if the employee was born
on or after January 1, 1936 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| and withdraws from service before January 1, 1988.
| 2 |
| If the date of the employee's retirement on annuity is on | 3 |
| or after
July 1, 1990, and if the widow of the employee has not | 4 |
| attained age 55
by the date of the employee's retirement on | 5 |
| annuity, the amount
otherwise provided in this subsection (b) | 6 |
| shall be reduced by 0.25% for
each month that her then attained | 7 |
| age is less than 55 years; except that if
the employee retires | 8 |
| on annuity on or after January 1, 1998 at age 50 or over
with at | 9 |
| least 30 years of service or at age 55 or over with at least 25 | 10 |
| years
of service, there shall be no reduction due to the | 11 |
| widow's age if she has
attained age 50 on or before the | 12 |
| employee's date of death, and if the widow
has not attained age | 13 |
| 50 on or before the employee's date of death the amount
| 14 |
| otherwise provided in this subsection (b) shall be reduced by | 15 |
| 0.25% for each
month that her then attained age is less than 50 | 16 |
| years.
| 17 |
| (c) The foregoing provisions relating to minimum annuities | 18 |
| for widows
shall not apply to the widow of any former municipal | 19 |
| employee receiving an
annuity from the fund on August 9, 1965 | 20 |
| or on the effective date of this
amendatory provision, who | 21 |
| re-enters service as a municipal employee, unless
such employee | 22 |
| renders at least 3 years of additional service after the date
| 23 |
| of re-entry.
| 24 |
| (d) In computing the amount of annuity which the husband | 25 |
| specified in
the foregoing paragraphs (a) and (b) of this | 26 |
| Section would have been
entitled to receive, or received, such | 27 |
| amount shall be the annuity to which
such husband would have | 28 |
| been, or was entitled, before reduction in the
amount of his | 29 |
| annuity for the purposes of the voluntary optional
reversionary | 30 |
| annuity provided for in Section 8-139 of this
Article, if such | 31 |
| option was elected.
| 32 |
| (e) (Blank).
| 33 |
| (f) (Blank).
| 34 |
| (g) The amendatory provisions of this amendatory Act of |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| 1985
relating to annuity discount because of age for widows of | 2 |
| employees born
before January 1, 1936, shall apply only to | 3 |
| qualifying
widows of employees withdrawing or dying in service | 4 |
| on or after July 18, 1985.
| 5 |
| (h) Beginning on January 1, 1999, the minimum amount of | 6 |
| widow's annuity
shall be
$800 per month for life for the | 7 |
| following classes of widows,
without regard to the fact that | 8 |
| the death of the employee occurred prior
to the effective date | 9 |
| of this amendatory Act of 1998:
| 10 |
| (1) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a life | 11 |
| annuity on
the effective date of this amendatory Act of | 12 |
| 1998,
except a reciprocal annuity;
| 13 |
| (2) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a term | 14 |
| annuity on
the effective date of this amendatory Act of | 15 |
| 1998,
except a reciprocal annuity;
| 16 |
| (3) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a | 17 |
| reciprocal annuity on
the effective date of this amendatory | 18 |
| Act of 1998,
whose employee spouse's service in this fund | 19 |
| was at least 5 years;
| 20 |
| (4) the widow of an employee with at least 10 years of | 21 |
| service in this
fund who dies after retirement, if the | 22 |
| retirement occurred prior to
the effective date of this | 23 |
| amendatory Act of 1998;
| 24 |
| (5) the widow of an employee with at least 10 years of | 25 |
| service in this
fund who dies after retirement, if | 26 |
| withdrawal occurs on or after
the effective date of this | 27 |
| amendatory Act of 1998;
| 28 |
| (6) the widow of an employee who dies in service with | 29 |
| at least 5 years
of service in this fund, if the death in | 30 |
| service occurs on or after
the effective date of this | 31 |
| amendatory Act of 1998.
| 32 |
| The increases granted under items (1), (2), (3) and (4) of | 33 |
| this
subsection (h) shall not be limited by any other Section | 34 |
| of this Act.
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (i) The widow of an employee who retired or died in service | 2 |
| on or
after January 1, 1985 and before July 1, 1990, at age 55 | 3 |
| or older, and with
at least 35 years of service credit, shall | 4 |
| be entitled to have her widow's
annuity increased, effective | 5 |
| January 1, 1991, to an amount equal to 50% of
the retirement | 6 |
| annuity that the deceased employee received on the date of
| 7 |
| retirement, or would have been eligible to receive if he had | 8 |
| retired on the
day preceding the date of his death in service, | 9 |
| provided that if the widow
had not attained age 60 by the date | 10 |
| of the employee's retirement or death
in service, the amount of | 11 |
| the annuity shall be reduced by 0.25% for each
month that her | 12 |
| then attained age was less than age 60 if the employee's
| 13 |
| retirement or death in service occurred on or after January 1, | 14 |
| 1988, or by
0.5% for each month that her attained age is less | 15 |
| than age 60 if the
employee's retirement or death in service | 16 |
| occurred prior to January 1,
1988. However, in cases where a | 17 |
| refund of excess contributions for
widow's annuity has been | 18 |
| paid by the Fund, the increase in benefit provided
by this | 19 |
| subsection (i) shall be contingent upon repayment of the refund
| 20 |
| to the Fund with interest at the effective rate from the date | 21 |
| of refund to
the date of payment.
| 22 |
| (j) If a deceased employee is receiving a retirement | 23 |
| annuity at the time
of death and that death occurs on or after | 24 |
| June 27, 1997, the widow may elect to receive, in lieu of
any | 25 |
| other annuity provided under this Article, 50% of the deceased | 26 |
| employee's
retirement annuity at the time of death reduced by | 27 |
| 0.25% for each month that
the widow's age on the date of death | 28 |
| is less than 55; except that if the
employee dies on or after | 29 |
| January 1, 1998 and withdrew from service on or
after June 27, | 30 |
| 1997 at age 50 or over with at least 30 years of service
or at | 31 |
| age 55 or over with at least 25 years of service, there shall | 32 |
| be no
reduction due to the widow's age if she has attained age | 33 |
| 50 on or before the
employee's date of death, and if the widow | 34 |
| has not attained age 50 on or before
the employee's date of |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| death the amount otherwise provided in this subsection
(j) | 2 |
| shall be reduced by 0.25% for each month that her age on the | 3 |
| date of death
is less than 50 years.
However, in cases where a | 4 |
| refund of excess contributions for widow's annuity
has been | 5 |
| paid by the Fund, the benefit provided by this subsection (j) | 6 |
| is
contingent upon repayment of the refund to the Fund with | 7 |
| interest at the
effective rate from the date of refund to the | 8 |
| date of payment.
| 9 |
| (k) For widows of employees who died before January 23,
| 10 |
| 1987 after retirement on annuity or in service, the maximum | 11 |
| dollar amount
limitation on widow's annuity shall cease to | 12 |
| apply, beginning with the first
annuity payment after the | 13 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997; except
that if a | 14 |
| refund of excess contributions for widow's annuity has been | 15 |
| paid by
the Fund, the increase resulting from this subsection | 16 |
| (k) shall not begin
before the refund has been repaid to the | 17 |
| Fund, together with interest at the
effective rate from the | 18 |
| date of the refund to the date of repayment.
| 19 |
| (l) In lieu of any other annuity provided in this Article, | 20 |
| an eligible
spouse of an employee who dies in service on or | 21 |
| after January 1, 2002
(regardless of whether that death in | 22 |
| service occurs prior to
at least 60
days after the effective
| 23 |
| date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd
92nd General Assembly )
| 24 |
| with
at least 10
of service shall be entitled to an | 25 |
| annuity of 50% of the minimum formula
annuity earned and | 26 |
| accrued to the credit of the employee at the date of death.
For | 27 |
| the purposes of this subsection, the minimum formula annuity | 28 |
| earned and
accrued to the credit of the employee is equal to | 29 |
| 2.40% for each year of
service of the highest average annual | 30 |
| salary for any 4 consecutive years within
the last 10 years of | 31 |
| service immediately preceding the date of death, up to a
| 32 |
| maximum of 80% of the highest average annual salary. This | 33 |
| annuity shall not be
reduced due to the age of the employee or | 34 |
| spouse. In addition to any other
eligibility requirements under |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| this Article, the spouse is eligible for
this annuity only if | 2 |
| the marriage was in effect for 10 full years or more.
| 3 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02.)
| 4 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-167)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-167)
| 5 |
| Sec. 8-167. Restoration of rights. An employee who has | 6 |
| withdrawn as a refund the amounts credited for
annuity | 7 |
| purposes, and who (i) re-enters service of the employer and
| 8 |
| serves for periods
comprising at least 90 days
2 years after | 9 |
| the date of the last refund
paid to
or (ii) has completed | 10 |
| at least 2 years of service under a participating
system (as | 11 |
| defined in the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act) other than | 12 |
| this
Fund after the date of the last refund ,
shall have his | 13 |
| annuity rights restored by compliance with the
following | 14 |
| provisions:
| 15 |
| (a) After that 90 day or
such 2 year period, whichever | 16 |
| applies,
he shall repay in full to the fund, while in
service, | 17 |
| in full all refunds received, together with interest at the
| 18 |
| effective rate from the dates of refund to the date of | 19 |
| repayment . ; or
| 20 |
| (b) If payment is not made in a single sum, the repayment | 21 |
| may be
made in installments by deductions from salary or | 22 |
| otherwise in such
manner and amounts and manner as the board, | 23 |
| by rule, may prescribe, with
at the effective rate | 24 |
| accruing on unpaid balances . ; or
| 25 |
| (c) If the employee withdraws from service or dies in | 26 |
| service before
full repayment is made ,
service credit shall be | 27 |
| restored in accordance with Section 8-230.3(b).
| 28 |
| (d) If the employee repays the refund while participating | 29 |
| in a
participating system (as defined in the Retirement Systems | 30 |
| Reciprocal
Act) other than this Fund, the service credit | 31 |
| restored must be used for a
proportional annuity calculated in | 32 |
| accordance with the Retirement Systems
Reciprocal Act. If not | 33 |
| so used, the restored service credit shall be
forfeited and the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| amount of the repayment shall be refunded, without
, | 2 |
| such rights shall not be restored, but the
amount, including | 3 |
| interest, repaid by him, but without any further
interest | 4 |
| otherwise normally credited, shall be refunded to him or to his
| 5 |
| widow, or in the manner provided by the refund provisions of | 6 |
| this
Article if no widow survives.
| 7 |
| This Section applies also to any person who received a | 8 |
| refund from
any annuity and benefit fund or pension fund which | 9 |
| was merged into and
superseded by the annuity and benefit fund | 10 |
| provided for in this Article
on or after December 31, 1959. | 11 |
| Upon repayment such person shall receive
credit for all annuity | 12 |
| purposes in the annuity and benefit fund provided
for in this | 13 |
| Article for the period of service covered by the repayment
such | 14 |
| refund .
| 15 |
| The amount of refund repayment is considered as salary | 16 |
| deductions for
age and service annuity and widow's annuity | 17 |
| purposes in the case of a
male person. In the latter case the | 18 |
| amount of refund repayment is
allocated in the applicable | 19 |
| proportion for age and service and widow's
annuity purposes. | 20 |
| Such person shall also be credited with city
contributions for | 21 |
| age and service annuity, and widow's annuity if a male
| 22 |
| employee, in the amount which would have been credited and | 23 |
| accrued if
such person had been a participant in and | 24 |
| contributor to the annuity and
benefit fund provided for in | 25 |
| this Article during the period of such
service on the basis of | 26 |
| his salary during such period.
| 27 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1536.)
| 28 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-172)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-172)
| 29 |
| Sec. 8-172. Refunds - Transfer of city contributions. | 30 |
| Whenever any
amount is refunded as provided in Sections 8-168 | 31 |
| and 8-169, except in
the case of a male employee who becomes a | 32 |
| widower while in
service after he becomes age 65, the amounts | 33 |
| to the credit of the male
employee from contributions by the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| city , shall be transferred to the prior
service annuity | 2 |
| reserve. Thereafter , except as otherwise provided in Section
| 3 |
| 8-172.1, any such amounts shall become a credit
to the city | 4 |
| and, with interest thereon at the effective rate, be used to
| 5 |
| reduce the amount which the city would otherwise pay during a | 6 |
| succeeding
| 7 |
| (Source: Laws 1963, p. 161 .)
| 8 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-172.1 new)
| 9 |
| Sec. 8-172.1. Transfer of city contributions for | 10 |
| paramedics.
| 11 |
| (a) Municipality credits computed and credited under this | 12 |
| Article 8 for all
persons who (1) accumulated service credit in | 13 |
| this Article 8 fund for service
as a paramedic, (2) have | 14 |
| terminated that Article 8 service credit and received
a refund | 15 |
| of contributions, and (3) are participants in the Article 6 | 16 |
| fund on
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 17 |
| General Assembly shall
be transferred by this Article 8 fund to | 18 |
| the Article 6 fund together with
interest at the rate of 11% | 19 |
| per annum, compounded annually, to the date of
transfer. The | 20 |
| city shall not be responsible for making any additional | 21 |
| employer
contributions to the Fund to replace the amounts | 22 |
| transferred under this
| 23 |
| (b) Municipality credits computed and credited under this | 24 |
| Article 8 for all
persons who (1) accumulated service credit in | 25 |
| this Article 8 fund for service
as a paramedic, (2) have | 26 |
| terminated that Article 8 service credit and received
a refund | 27 |
| of contributions, and (3) are not participants in the Article 6 | 28 |
| fund
on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd | 29 |
| General Assembly shall
be used as provided in Section 8-172.
| 30 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-174)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-174)
| 31 |
| Sec. 8-174. Contributions for age and service annuities for | 32 |
| present
employees and future entrants.
(a) Beginning on the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| effective date and prior to July 1, 1947, 3
1/4%; and beginning | 2 |
| on July 1, 1947 and prior to July 1, 1953, 5%; and
beginning | 3 |
| July 1, 1953, and prior to January 1, 1972, 6%; and beginning
| 4 |
| January 1, 1972, 6-1/2% of each payment of the salary of each | 5 |
| present
employee and future entrant shall be contributed to the | 6 |
| fund as a
deduction from salary for age and service annuity.
| 7 |
| Such deductions beginning on the effective date and prior | 8 |
| to July 1,
1947 shall be made for a future entrant while he is | 9 |
| in the service until
he attains age 65 and for a present | 10 |
| employee while he is in the service
until the amount so | 11 |
| deducted from his salary with the amount deducted
from his | 12 |
| salary or paid by him according to law to any municipal pension
| 13 |
| fund in force on the effective date with interest on both such | 14 |
| amounts
at 4% per annum equals the sum that would have been to | 15 |
| his credit from
sums deducted from his salary if deductions at | 16 |
| the rate herein stated
had been made during his entire service | 17 |
| until he attained age 65 with
interest at 4% per annum for the | 18 |
| period subsequent to his attainment of
age 65. Such deductions | 19 |
| beginning July 1, 1947 shall be made and
continued for | 20 |
| employees while in the service.
| 21 |
| (b) Concurrently with each employee contribution beginning | 22 |
| on the
effective date and prior to July 1, 1947 the city shall | 23 |
| contribute 5
3/4%; and beginning on July 1, 1947 and prior to | 24 |
| July 1, 1953, 7%; and
beginning July 1, 1953, 6% of each | 25 |
| payment of such salary until the
employee attains age 65. | 26 |
| Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection
(b) to the | 27 |
| contrary, the city shall not make a contribution for any credit
| 28 |
| established by an employee under subsection (b) of Section | 29 |
| 8-138.4.
| 30 |
| (c) Each employee contribution made prior to the date the | 31 |
| age and
service annuity for an employee is fixed and each | 32 |
| corresponding city
contribution shall be credited to the | 33 |
| employee and allocated to the
account of the employee for whose | 34 |
| benefit it is made.
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1536.)
| 2 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-174.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-174.1)
| 3 |
| Sec. 8-174.1. Employer contributions on behalf of | 4 |
| employees.
| 5 |
| (a) The
employer may make and may incur an obligation to | 6 |
| make
contributions on behalf of its employees in an amount not | 7 |
| to exceed the
employee contributions required by Sections | 8 |
| 8-137, 8-161, 8-174,
8-182 and 8-182.1 for all salary earned | 9 |
| after December 31, 1981. If such
employee contributions are not | 10 |
| made or an obligation to make such contributions
is not | 11 |
| incurred by the employer on behalf of its employees, the amount | 12 |
| that
could have been contributed shall continue to be deducted | 13 |
| from salary. If
employee contributions are made by the employer | 14 |
| on behalf of its employees,
they shall be treated as employer | 15 |
| contributions in determining tax treatment
under the United | 16 |
| States Internal Revenue Code; however, each city shall
continue | 17 |
| to withhold Federal and State income taxes based upon these
| 18 |
| contributions until the Internal Revenue Service or the Federal | 19 |
| courts rule
that pursuant to Section 414(h) of the United
| 20 |
| States Internal Revenue Code, these contributions shall not be | 21 |
| included
as gross income of the employee until such time as | 22 |
| they are distributed
or made available. The employer may make | 23 |
| these contributions on behalf
of its employees by a reduction | 24 |
| in the cash salary of the employee or by
an offset against a | 25 |
| future salary increase or by a combination of a reduction
in | 26 |
| salary and offset against a future salary increase. The | 27 |
| employer shall
pay these employee contributions from the same | 28 |
| source of funds used in paying
salary to the employee or, if | 29 |
| the employer is a Board of Education, it may also
or | 30 |
| alternatively pay such contributions in whole or in part from | 31 |
| the proceeds
of the pension contribution liability tax | 32 |
| authorized by Section 34-60.1
of the School Code, as amended. | 33 |
| If such a tax is levied with respect to
any fiscal year of a |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| Board of Education, that portion of the contributions
to be | 2 |
| paid by the Board of Education on behalf of its employees for | 3 |
| that
fiscal year from the proceeds of such a tax shall not be | 4 |
| due and payable
into the Fund until the collection, in the | 5 |
| calendar year following the calendar
year in which such levy | 6 |
| was made, of the actual tax bills extending the
second | 7 |
| installment of real estate taxes for the Board of Education for | 8 |
| that
calendar year, pursuant to Section 21-30 of the Property | 9 |
| Tax Code, and such Board of Education shall not
be required to | 10 |
| pay those contributions to be paid from the proceeds of such a
| 11 |
| tax into the Fund except as collected from the extension of the | 12 |
| actual tax
bills. If employee contributions are made by the | 13 |
| employer on behalf of its
employees, they shall be treated for | 14 |
| all purposes
of this Article 8, including Section 8-173, in the | 15 |
| same manner and to the
same extent as employee contributions | 16 |
| made by employees and deducted from
salary; provided, however, | 17 |
| that contributions which are made by a Board
of Education on | 18 |
| behalf of its employees shall not be treated as a pension
or | 19 |
| retirement obligation of the Board of Education for purposes of | 20 |
| Section
12 of "An Act in relation to State revenue sharing with | 21 |
| local governmental
entities", approved July 31, 1969, as | 22 |
| amended. For purposes of Section
8-173, contributions made by a | 23 |
| Board of Education on behalf of its employees
shall be treated | 24 |
| as contributions made by or on behalf of employees to the
Fund | 25 |
| for the fiscal year for which the Board of Education incurred | 26 |
| the
obligation to make such contributions.
| 27 |
| (b) Subject to the requirements of federal law and the | 28 |
| rules of the Board,
the Fund may allow the employee to elect to | 29 |
| have the employer make on behalf of
the employee the
optional | 30 |
| contributions that the employee has elected to pay to the Fund, | 31 |
| and
the contributions so made on the employee's behalf shall be | 32 |
| treated as employer
contributions for
the purpose of | 33 |
| determining federal tax treatment. The employer shall make
| 34 |
| contributions on behalf of an employee by a reduction in the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| cash salary of the
employee and shall
pay contributions from | 2 |
| the same source of funds that is used to pay earnings of
the | 3 |
| employee. The election to have the contributions made on the | 4 |
| employee's
behalf is irrevocable,
and the optional | 5 |
| contributions may not thereafter be prepaid, by direct payment
| 6 |
| or otherwise.
| 7 |
| If the provision authorizing the optional contribution | 8 |
| requires payment by a
stated date (rather than the date of | 9 |
| withdrawal or retirement), the requirement
will be deemed to | 10 |
| have been satisfied if (i) on or before the stated date the
| 11 |
| employee executes a valid irrevocable election to have the | 12 |
| contributions made
on his or her behalf under this subsection, | 13 |
| and (ii) the
contributions made on his or her behalf are in | 14 |
| fact paid
to the Fund as provided in the election.
| 15 |
| If employee contributions are made by the employer on the | 16 |
| employee's behalf
under this subsection, they shall be
treated | 17 |
| for all purposes of this Article 8, including Section 8-173, in | 18 |
| the
same manner and to the same extent as optional employee | 19 |
| contributions made
prior to the date made on the employee's | 20 |
| behalf.
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
| 22 |
| (40 ILCS 5/8-192)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 8-192)
| 23 |
| Sec. 8-192. Board created. A board of 5 members shall | 24 |
| constitute a Board of Trustees authorized to
carry out the | 25 |
| provisions of this Article. The board shall be known as the
| 26 |
| Retirement Board of the Municipal Employees', Officers', and | 27 |
| Officials'
Annuity and Benefit Fund of the city, or for the | 28 |
| sake of brevity may also
be known and referred to as the | 29 |
| Retirement Board of the Municipal
Employees' Annuity and | 30 |
| Benefit Fund of such city. The board shall consist
of the city | 31 |
| comptroller, the city treasurer, and 3 members who shall be
| 32 |
| employees, to be elected as follows:
| 33 |
| Within 30 days after the effective date, the mayor of the |
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| 1 |
| city shall
arrange for and hold an election.
| 2 |
| One employee shall be elected for a term ending on the | 3 |
| first day in the
month of December of the first year next | 4 |
| following the effective date; one
for a term ending December | 5 |
| 1st of the following year; and one for a term
ending on | 6 |
| December 1st of the second following year.
| 7 |
| The city comptroller, with the approval of the board, may | 8 |
| appoint a
designee from among employees of the city who are | 9 |
| versed in the affairs of
the comptroller's office to act in the | 10 |
| absence of the comptroller on all
matters pertaining to | 11 |
| administering the provisions of this Article.
| 12 |
| The members of a Retirement Board of a municipal | 13 |
| employees', officers',
and officials' annuity and benefit fund | 14 |
| holding office in a city at the
time this Article becomes | 15 |
| effective, including elective and ex-officio
members, shall | 16 |
| continue in office until the expiration of their terms and
| 17 |
| until their respective successors are elected or appointed and | 18 |
| have
| 19 |
| An employee member who takes advantage of the early | 20 |
| retirement incentives
provided under this amendatory Act of the | 21 |
| 93rd General Assembly may continue as
a member until the end of | 22 |
| his or her term.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 85-964.)
| 24 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-133.3 new)
| 25 |
| Sec. 11-133.3. Early retirement incentive.
| 26 |
| (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this | 27 |
| Section, an
employee must:
| 28 |
| (1) have been a contributor to the Fund who (i) on | 29 |
| October 15,
2003, was in active payroll status as an | 30 |
| employee;
(ii) returns to active payroll status from an | 31 |
| approved leave of absence
prior to December 15, 2003;
(iii) | 32 |
| on October 15, 2003, is receiving
ordinary or duty | 33 |
| disability benefits under Section 11-155 or 11-156 or (iv) |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| has been subjected to an involuntary termination or layoff | 2 |
| by the employer and restored to service by his or her | 3 |
| employer prior to January 31, 2004;
| 4 |
| (2) have not previously retired under this Article;
| 5 |
| (3) file with the Board on or before January 30, 2004, | 6 |
| a written election
requesting the benefits provided in this | 7 |
| Section;
| 8 |
| (4) withdraw from service on or after January 31,2004 | 9 |
| and on or before
February 29, 2004 (or the date established | 10 |
| under subsection (a-5), if
applicable); and
| 11 |
| (5) by the date of withdrawal or by January 31, 2004, | 12 |
| whichever is
earlier, have attained age 50 with at least 10
| 13 |
| years of creditable service in this Fund, without including | 14 |
| any creditable
service established under this Section, and | 15 |
| a total of at least 70 combined
years of age and
creditable | 16 |
| service, without including any creditable service | 17 |
| established under
this Section, in one or more of the | 18 |
| participating systems under the
Retirement Systems | 19 |
| Reciprocal Act.
| 20 |
| A person is not eligible for the benefits provided in this | 21 |
| Section if the
elects to receive a retirement annuity
| 22 |
| calculated under the alternative formula formerly set forth in | 23 |
| Section
| 24 |
| (a-5) To ensure that the efficient operation of employers | 25 |
| under this Article
is not jeopardized by the simultaneous | 26 |
| retirement of large numbers of critical
personnel, each | 27 |
| employer may, for its critical employees, extend the February | 28 |
| 29, 2004 deadline for terminating employment under this Article | 29 |
| established in
subdivision (a)(4) of this Section to a date not | 30 |
| later than May 31, 2004 by
so notifying the Fund by January 31, | 31 |
| 2004.
| 32 |
| (b) An eligible employee may establish up to 5 years of | 33 |
| creditable
service under this Section, in increments of one | 34 |
| month, by making the
contributions specified in subsection (d). |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| In addition, for each month of
creditable service established | 2 |
| under this Section, a person's age at retirement
shall be | 3 |
| deemed to be one month older than it actually is, except for
| 4 |
| determination of eligibility for automatic annual increases | 5 |
| under Sections
11-134.1 and 11-134.3. Furthermore, an eligible | 6 |
| employee must establish at
least the amount of age and | 7 |
| creditable service necessary to bring his or her
age and total | 8 |
| creditable service, including service in this Fund, service
| 9 |
| established under this Section, and service in any of the other | 10 |
| participating
systems under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal | 11 |
| Act, to a minimum that will
satisfy the requirements of Section | 12 |
| 11-134.
| 13 |
| The creditable service under this Section may be used for | 14 |
| all
purposes under this Article and the Retirement Systems | 15 |
| Reciprocal Act,
except for the computation of average annual | 16 |
| salary and the determination
of salary, earnings, or | 17 |
| compensation under this or any other Article of
this Code.
| 18 |
| (c) An eligible employee shall be entitled to have his or | 19 |
| her retirement
annuity calculated in accordance with the | 20 |
| formula provided in Section
11-134, except that the annuity | 21 |
| shall not be subject to reduction because of
withdrawal or | 22 |
| commencement of the annuity before attainment of age 60.
| 23 |
| (d) For each month of creditable service established under | 24 |
| this Section,
the employee must pay to the Fund an employee | 25 |
| contribution, to be calculated
by the Fund, equal to 4.25% of | 26 |
| the member's monthly salary rate on October
15, 2003. The | 27 |
| employee may elect to pay the entire contribution before the
| 28 |
| retirement annuity commences, or to have it deducted from the | 29 |
| annuity over
a period not longer than 24 months. If the retired | 30 |
| employee dies before the
contribution has been paid in full, | 31 |
| the unpaid installments may be deducted
from any annuity or | 32 |
| other benefit payable to the employee's survivors.
| 33 |
| All employee contributions paid under this Section shall | 34 |
| not be deemed
contributions made by employees for annuity |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| purposes under Section 11-169,
and shall be made and credited | 2 |
| to a special reserve, without interest.
Employee contributions | 3 |
| paid under this Section may be refunded under the
same terms | 4 |
| and conditions as are applicable to other employee | 5 |
| contributions
for retirement annuity.
| 6 |
| (e) Notwithstanding Section 11-161, an annuitant who | 7 |
| reenters service under
this Article after receiving a | 8 |
| retirement annuity based on benefits provided
under this | 9 |
| Section thereby forfeits the right to continue to receive those
| 10 |
| benefits, and shall have his or her retirement annuity | 11 |
| recalculated at the
appropriate time without the benefits | 12 |
| provided in this Section.
| 13 |
| (f) No employer action in declaring an employee to be a | 14 |
| critical employee pursuant to subsection (a-5) shall be | 15 |
| construed as an impairment of any pension benefit or | 16 |
| entitlement. No early retirement option or resultant benefit | 17 |
| conferred under this Section shall, in any manner, vest for any | 18 |
| employee until the earlier date of the employer's decision to | 19 |
| release the employee from service or May 31, 2004.
| 20 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-133.4 new)
| 21 |
| Sec. 11-133.4. Early retirement incentive for employees | 22 |
| who have earned
maximum pension benefits.
| 23 |
| (a) A person who is eligible for the benefits provided
| 24 |
| under Section 11-133.3 and who, if he or she had retired on or | 25 |
| before February 29, 2004,
would have been entitled to a pension | 26 |
| equal to 80% of his or her highest
average annual salary for | 27 |
| any 4 consecutive years within the last 10 years of
service | 28 |
| immediately preceding February 29, 2004 without receiving the | 29 |
| benefits
provided in Section 11-133.3, may elect, by filing a | 30 |
| written election with the
Fund by January 30, 2004, to receive | 31 |
| a lump sum from the Fund equal to 100% of
his or her salary on | 32 |
| February 29, 2004 or the date of
withdrawal, whichever is | 33 |
| earlier. To be eligible to receive the benefit
provided under |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| this Section, the person must withdraw from service on or after
| 2 |
| January 31, 2004 and on or before February 29, 2004 (or the | 3 |
| date established
under subsection (b), if applicable). If a | 4 |
| person elects to receive the
benefit provided under this | 5 |
| Section, his or her retirement annuity otherwise
payable under | 6 |
| Section 11-134
shall be reduced by an amount equal to the | 7 |
| actuarial equivalent of the lump
| 8 |
| (b) To ensure that the efficient operation of employers | 9 |
| under this Article
is not jeopardized by the simultaneous | 10 |
| retirement of large numbers of critical
personnel, each | 11 |
| employer may, for its critical employees, extend the February | 12 |
| 29,
2004 deadline for terminating employment under this Article | 13 |
| established in
subdivision (a) of this Section to a date not | 14 |
| later than May 31, 2004 by
so notifying the Fund by January 31, | 15 |
| 2004.
| 16 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-134.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-134.1)
| 17 |
| Sec. 11-134.1. Automatic increase in annuity.
| 18 |
| (a) An employee who retired or retires from service after | 19 |
| December 31,
1963, and before January 1, 1987, having attained | 20 |
| age 60 or more,
shall, in the month of January of
the year | 21 |
| following the year in which the first anniversary of retirement
| 22 |
| occurs, have the amount of his then fixed and payable monthly | 23 |
| annuity
increased by 1 1/2%, and such first fixed annuity as | 24 |
| granted at
retirement increased by a further 1 1/2% in January | 25 |
| of each year
thereafter. Beginning with January of the year | 26 |
| 1972, such increases
shall be at the rate of 2% in lieu of the | 27 |
| aforesaid specified 1 1/2%.
Beginning January, 1984, such | 28 |
| increases shall be at the rate of 3%.
Beginning in January of | 29 |
| 1999, such increases shall be at the rate of
3% of the | 30 |
| currently payable monthly annuity, including any increases
| 31 |
| previously granted under this Article. An employee who retires | 32 |
| on annuity
after December 31, 1963 and before January 1, 1987, | 33 |
| but prior to age
60, shall receive such increases beginning |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| with January of the year
immediately following the year in | 2 |
| which he attains the age of 60 years.
| 3 |
| An employee who retires from service on or after January 1, | 4 |
| 1987 shall,
upon the first annuity payment date following the | 5 |
| first anniversary of the
date of retirement, or upon the first | 6 |
| annuity payment date following
attainment of age 60, whichever | 7 |
| occurs later, have his then fixed and
payable monthly annuity | 8 |
| increased by 3%, and such annuity shall be
increased by an | 9 |
| additional 3% of the original fixed annuity on the same
date | 10 |
| each year thereafter.
Beginning in January of 1999, such | 11 |
| increases shall be at the rate of 3% of the
currently payable | 12 |
| monthly annuity, including any increases previously granted
| 13 |
| under this Article.
| 14 |
| (a-5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), | 15 |
| upon the first
annuity payment date following (1) the third | 16 |
| anniversary of retirement, (2)
the attainment of age 53, or (3) | 17 |
| January 1, 2002, the date 60 days after
the effective date of | 18 |
| this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly,
whichever | 19 |
| occurs latest, the monthly annuity of an employee who retires | 20 |
| on
annuity prior to the attainment of age 60 and who has not | 21 |
| received an
increase under subsection (a) shall be increased by | 22 |
| 3%, and the such
annuity shall be increased by an additional 3% | 23 |
| of the current payable monthly
annuity, including any such
| 24 |
| increases previously granted under this
Article, on the same | 25 |
| date each year thereafter. The increases provided under
this | 26 |
| subsection are in lieu of the increases provided in subsection | 27 |
| (a).
| 28 |
| (a-6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) | 29 |
| and (a-5), for
all calendar years following the year in which | 30 |
| this amendatory Act of the 93rd
General Assembly takes effect, | 31 |
| an increase in annuity under this Section that
would otherwise | 32 |
| take effect at any time during the year shall instead take
| 33 |
| effect in January of that year.
| 34 |
| (b) Subsections (a) ,
and (a-5) , and (a-6) are not |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| applicable to
an employee retiring and receiving a term | 2 |
| annuity, as defined in this Article,
nor to any otherwise
| 3 |
| qualified employee who retires before he shall have made | 4 |
| employee contributions
(at the 1/2 of 1% rate as hereinafter | 5 |
| provided) for the purposes of this
additional annuity for not | 6 |
| less than the equivalent of one full year. Such
employee, | 7 |
| however, shall make arrangement to pay to the fund a balance of | 8 |
| such
1/2 of 1% contributions, based on his final salary, as | 9 |
| will bring such 1/2 of
1% contributions, computed without | 10 |
| interest, to the equivalent of or completion
of one year's | 11 |
| contributions.
| 12 |
| Beginning with the month of January, 1964, each employee | 13 |
| shall contribute
by means of salary deductions 1/2 of 1% of | 14 |
| each salary payment, concurrently
with and in addition to the | 15 |
| employee contributions otherwise made for annuity
| 16 |
| Each such additional employee contribution shall be | 17 |
| credited to an
account in the prior service annuity reserve, to | 18 |
| be used, together with
city contributions, to defray the cost | 19 |
| of the specified annuity
increments. Any balance as of the | 20 |
| beginning of each calendar year
existing in such account shall | 21 |
| be credited with interest at the rate of
3% per annum.
| 22 |
| Such employee contributions shall not be subject to refund, | 23 |
| except to
an employee who resigns or is discharged and applies | 24 |
| for refund under
this Article, and also in cases where a term | 25 |
| annuity becomes payable.
| 26 |
| In such cases the employee contributions shall be refunded | 27 |
| him,
without interest, and charged to the aforementioned | 28 |
| account in the prior
service annuity reserve.
| 29 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02; 92-609, eff.
7-1-02; | 30 |
| revised 8-26-02.)
| 31 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-145.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-145.1)
| 32 |
| Sec. 11-145.1. Minimum annuities for widows.
| 33 |
| The widow otherwise eligible for widow's annuity under |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| other Sections of
this Article 11, of an employee hereinafter | 2 |
| described, who retires from
service or dies while in the | 3 |
| service subsequent to the effective date of
this amendatory | 4 |
| provision, and for which widow the amount of widow's
annuity | 5 |
| and widow's prior service annuity combined, fixed or provided | 6 |
| for
such widow under other provisions of said Article 11 is | 7 |
| less than the
amount hereinafter provided in this section, | 8 |
| shall, from and after the date
her otherwise provided annuity | 9 |
| would begin, in lieu of such otherwise
provided widow's and | 10 |
| widow's prior service annuity, be entitled to the
following | 11 |
| indicated amount of annuity:
| 12 |
| (a) The widow of any employee who dies while in service on | 13 |
| or after the date
on which he attains age 60 if the death | 14 |
| occurs before July 1, 1990, or on or
after the date on which he | 15 |
| attains age 55 if the death occurs on or after July
1, 1990, | 16 |
| with at least 20 years of service, or on or after the date on | 17 |
| which
he attains age 50 if the death occurs on or after the | 18 |
| effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1997 with at least 30 | 19 |
| years of service, shall be entitled
to an annuity equal to | 20 |
| one-half of the amount of annuity which her deceased
husband | 21 |
| would have been entitled to receive had he withdrawn from the | 22 |
| service
on the day immediately preceding the date of his death, | 23 |
| conditional upon such
widow having attained age 60 on or before | 24 |
| such date if the death occurs before
July 1, 1990, or age 55 if | 25 |
| the death occurs on or after July 1, 1990, or age
50 if the | 26 |
| death occurs on or after January 1, 1998 and the employee is | 27 |
| age 50
or over with at least 30 years of service or age 55 or | 28 |
| over with at least 25
years of service. Except
as provided in | 29 |
| subsection (j), the widow's annuity shall not, however,
exceed | 30 |
| the sum of $500 a month if the employee's death in service | 31 |
| occurs before
January 23, 1987. The widow's annuity shall not | 32 |
| be limited to a maximum dollar
amount if the employee's death | 33 |
| in service occurs on or after January 23, 1987.
| 34 |
| If the employee dies in service before July 1, 1990, and if |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| such
widow of such described employee shall not be 60 or more | 2 |
| years
of age on such date of death, the amount provided in the | 3 |
| immediately
preceding paragraph for a widow 60 or more years of | 4 |
| age, shall, in the case
of such younger widow, be reduced by | 5 |
| 0.25% for each month that
her then attained age is less than 60 | 6 |
| years if the employee was born before
January 1, 1936, or dies | 7 |
| in service on or after January 1, 1988, or
0.5% for each month | 8 |
| that her then attained age is less
than 60 years if the | 9 |
| employee was born on or after January 1, 1936 and
dies in | 10 |
| service before January 1, 1988.
| 11 |
| If the employee dies in service on or after July 1, 1990, | 12 |
| and if the
widow of the employee has not attained age 55 on or | 13 |
| before the employee's
date of death, the amount otherwise | 14 |
| provided in this subsection (a) shall
be reduced by 0.25% for | 15 |
| each month that her then attained age is less than
55 years; | 16 |
| except that
if the employee dies in service on or after January | 17 |
| 1, 1998 at age 50 or over
with at least 30 years of service or | 18 |
| at age 55 or over with at least 25 years
of service, there | 19 |
| shall be no reduction due to the widow's age if she has
| 20 |
| attained age 50 on or before the employee's date of death, and | 21 |
| if the widow
has not attained age 50 on or before the | 22 |
| employee's date of death the amount
otherwise provided in this | 23 |
| subsection (a) shall be reduced by 0.25% for each
month that | 24 |
| her then attained age is less than 50 years.
| 25 |
| (b) The widow of any employee who dies subsequent to the | 26 |
| date of his
retirement on annuity, and who so retired on or | 27 |
| after the date on which he
attained age 60 if retirement occurs | 28 |
| before July 1, 1990, or on or after the
date on which he | 29 |
| attained age 55 if retirement occurs on or after July 1, 1990,
| 30 |
| with at least 20 years of service, or on or after the date on | 31 |
| which he
attained age 50 if the retirement occurs on or after | 32 |
| the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1997 with at least | 33 |
| 30 years of service, shall be entitled
to an annuity equal to | 34 |
| one-half of the amount of annuity which her deceased
husband |
09300SB1705ham001 |
- 70 - |
LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| received as of the date of his retirement on annuity, | 2 |
| conditional upon
such widow having attained age 60 on or before | 3 |
| the date of her husband's
retirement on annuity if retirement | 4 |
| occurs before July 1, 1990, or age 55 if
retirement occurs on | 5 |
| or after July 1, 1990, or age 50 if the
retirement on annuity
| 6 |
| occurs on or after January 1, 1998 and the employee is age 50 | 7 |
| or over with
at least 30 years of service or age 55 or over with | 8 |
| at least 25 years of
Except as provided in subsection
| 9 |
| (j), this widow's annuity shall not, however, exceed the
sum of | 10 |
| $500 a month if the employee's death occurs before January 23, | 11 |
| 1987.
The widow's annuity shall not be limited to a maximum | 12 |
| dollar amount if the
employee's death occurs on or after | 13 |
| January 23, 1987, regardless of the date
of retirement; | 14 |
| provided that, if retirement was before January 23, 1987, the
| 15 |
| employee or eligible spouse repays the excess spouse refund | 16 |
| with interest at
the effective rate from the date of refund to | 17 |
| the date of repayment.
| 18 |
| If the date of the employee's retirement on annuity is | 19 |
| before July 1,
1990, and if such widow of such described | 20 |
| employee shall not have
attained such age of 60 or more years | 21 |
| on such date of her husband's
retirement on annuity, the amount | 22 |
| provided in the immediately preceding
paragraph for a widow 60 | 23 |
| or more years of age on the date of her husband's
retirement on | 24 |
| annuity, shall, in the case of such then younger widow, be
| 25 |
| reduced by 0.25% for each month that her then attained age was | 26 |
| less than 60
years if the employee was born before January 1, | 27 |
| 1936, or withdraws from
service on or after January 1, 1988, or | 28 |
| 0.5% for each month that her then
attained age was less than 60 | 29 |
| years if the employee was born on or after
January 1, 1936 and | 30 |
| withdraws from service before January 1, 1988.
| 31 |
| If the date of the employee's retirement on annuity is on | 32 |
| or after July
1, 1990, and if the widow of the employee has not | 33 |
| attained age 55 by the
date of the employee's retirement on | 34 |
| annuity, the amount otherwise provided
in this subsection (b) |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| shall be reduced by 0.25% for each month that her
then attained | 2 |
| age is less than 55 years; except that if
the employee retires | 3 |
| on annuity on or after January 1, 1998 at age 50 or over
with at | 4 |
| least 30 years of service or at age 55 or over with at least 25 | 5 |
| years
of service, there shall be no reduction due to the | 6 |
| widow's age if she has
attained age 50 on or before the | 7 |
| employee's date of death, and if the widow
has not attained age | 8 |
| 50 on or before the employee's date of death the amount
| 9 |
| otherwise provided in this subsection (b) shall be reduced by | 10 |
| 0.25% for each
month that her then attained age is less than 50 | 11 |
| years.
| 12 |
| (c) The foregoing provisions relating to minimum annuities | 13 |
| for widows
shall not apply to the widow of any former employee | 14 |
| receiving an annuity
from the fund on August 2, 1965 or on the | 15 |
| effective date of this amendatory
provision, who re-enters | 16 |
| service as a former employee, unless such employee
renders at | 17 |
| least 3 years of additional service after the date of re-entry.
| 18 |
| (d) (Blank).
| 19 |
| (e) (Blank).
| 20 |
| (f) The amendments to this Section by this amendatory Act | 21 |
| of 1985, relating
to changing the discount because of age from | 22 |
| 1/2 of 1% to 0.25% per month for
widows of employees born | 23 |
| before January 1, 1936, shall apply only to qualifying
widows | 24 |
| whose husbands die while in the service on or after August 16, | 25 |
| 1985 or
withdraw and enter on annuity on or after August 16, | 26 |
| 1985.
| 27 |
| (g) Beginning on January 1, 1999, the minimum amount of | 28 |
| widow's
annuity shall be $800 per month for life for the | 29 |
| following
classes of widows, without regard to the fact that | 30 |
| the death of the employee
occurred prior to the effective date | 31 |
| of this amendatory Act of
| 32 |
| (1) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a term | 33 |
| annuity on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of
| 34 |
| 1998, except a reciprocal annuity;
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| 1 |
| (2) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a life | 2 |
| annuity on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of
| 3 |
| 1998, except a reciprocal annuity;
| 4 |
| (3) any widow annuitant alive and receiving a | 5 |
| reciprocal annuity on
the effective date of this amendatory | 6 |
| Act of
1998, whose employee spouse's service in this fund | 7 |
| was at least 5 years;
| 8 |
| (4) the widow of an employee with at least 10 years of | 9 |
| service in this
fund who dies after retirement, if the | 10 |
| retirement occurred prior to the
effective date of this | 11 |
| amendatory Act of
| 12 |
| (5) the widow of an employee with at least 10 years of | 13 |
| service in this
fund who dies after retirement, if | 14 |
| withdrawal occurs on or after the
effective date of this | 15 |
| amendatory Act of
| 16 |
| (6) the widow of an employee who dies in service with | 17 |
| at least 5 years
of service in this fund, if the death in | 18 |
| service occurs on or after the
effective date of this | 19 |
| amendatory Act of
| 20 |
| The increases granted under items (1), (2), (3) and (4) of | 21 |
| this
subsection (g) shall not be limited by any other Section | 22 |
| of this Act.
| 23 |
| (h) The widow of an employee who retired or died in service | 24 |
| on or
after January 1, 1985 and before July 1, 1990, at age 55 | 25 |
| or older, and with
at least 35 years of service credit, shall | 26 |
| be entitled to have her widow's
annuity increased, effective | 27 |
| January 1, 1991, to an amount equal to 50% of
the retirement | 28 |
| annuity that the deceased employee received on the date of
| 29 |
| retirement, or would have been eligible to receive if he had | 30 |
| retired on the
day preceding the date of his death in service, | 31 |
| provided that if the widow
had not attained age 60 by the date | 32 |
| of the employee's retirement or death
in service, the amount of | 33 |
| the annuity shall be reduced by 0.25% for each
month that her | 34 |
| then attained age was less than age 60 if the employee's
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| 1 |
| retirement or death in service occurred on or after January 1, | 2 |
| 1988, or by
0.5% for each month that her attained age is less | 3 |
| than age 60 if the
employee's retirement or death in service | 4 |
| occurred prior to January 1,
1988. However, in cases where a | 5 |
| refund of excess contributions for
widow's annuity has been | 6 |
| paid by the Fund, the increase in benefit provided
by this | 7 |
| subsection (h) shall be contingent upon repayment of the
refund | 8 |
| to the Fund with interest at the effective rate from the date | 9 |
| of refund
to the date of payment.
| 10 |
| (i) If a deceased employee is receiving a retirement | 11 |
| annuity at the time
of death and that death occurs on or after | 12 |
| June 27, 1997,
the widow may elect to receive, in lieu of any
| 13 |
| other annuity provided under this Article, 50% of the deceased | 14 |
| employee's
retirement annuity at the time of death reduced by | 15 |
| 0.25% for each month that
the widow's age on the date of death | 16 |
| is less than 55; except that if the
employee dies on or after | 17 |
| January 1, 1998 and withdrew from service on or
after June 27, | 18 |
| 1997 at age 50 or over with at least 30 years of service
or at | 19 |
| age 55 or over with at least 25 years of service, there shall | 20 |
| be no
reduction due to the widow's age if she has attained age | 21 |
| 50 on or before the
employee's date of death, and if the widow | 22 |
| has not attained age 50 on or before
the employee's date of | 23 |
| death the amount otherwise provided in this subsection
(i) | 24 |
| shall be reduced by 0.25% for each month that her age on the | 25 |
| date of death
is less than 50 years. However, in cases where
a | 26 |
| refund of excess contributions for widow's annuity has been | 27 |
| paid by the Fund,
the benefit provided by this subsection (i) | 28 |
| is contingent upon repayment of the
refund to the Fund with | 29 |
| interest at the effective rate from the date of refund
to the | 30 |
| date of payment.
| 31 |
| (j) For widows of employees who died before January 23,
| 32 |
| 1987 after retirement on annuity or in service, the maximum | 33 |
| dollar amount
limitation on widow's annuity shall cease to | 34 |
| apply, beginning with the first
annuity payment after the |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| effective date of this amendatory Act
of 1997; except
that if a | 2 |
| refund of excess contributions for widow's annuity has been | 3 |
| paid by
the Fund, the increase resulting from this subsection | 4 |
| (j) shall not begin
before the refund has been repaid to the | 5 |
| Fund, together with interest at the
effective rate from the | 6 |
| date of the refund to the date of repayment.
| 7 |
| (k) In lieu of any other annuity provided in this Article, | 8 |
| an eligible
spouse of an employee who dies in service on or | 9 |
| after January 1, 2002
(regardless of whether that death in | 10 |
| service occurs prior to
at least 60
days after the effective | 11 |
| date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd
92nd General Assembly )
| 12 |
| with at least 10 years of service shall be
entitled to an | 13 |
| annuity of 50% of the minimum formula annuity earned and
| 14 |
| accrued to the credit of the employee at the date of death.
For | 15 |
| the purposes of this subsection, the minimum formula annuity | 16 |
| earned and
accrued to the credit of the employee is equal to | 17 |
| 2.40% for each year of
service of the highest average annual | 18 |
| salary for any 4 consecutive years within
the last 10 years of | 19 |
| service immediately preceding the date of death, up to
a | 20 |
| maximum of 80% of the highest average annual salary. This | 21 |
| annuity shall
not be reduced due to the age of the employee or | 22 |
| spouse. In addition to any
other eligibility requirements under | 23 |
| this Article, the spouse is eligible for
this annuity only if | 24 |
| the marriage was in effect for 10 full years or more.
| 25 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02.)
| 26 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-163)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-163)
| 27 |
| Sec. 11-163. Restoration of rights. An employee who has | 28 |
| withdrawn as a
refund the amounts credited for annuity | 29 |
| purposes, and who (i) re-enters
service of the employer and | 30 |
| serves for periods comprising at least 90
2 years after | 31 |
| the date of the last refund paid to him or (ii) has
completed | 32 |
| at least 2 years of service under a participating system (as | 33 |
| defined
in the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act) other than |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| this Fund after the date
of the last refund , shall have his | 2 |
| annuity rights restored by making
application to the board in | 3 |
| writing for the privilege of re-instating such
rights and by | 4 |
| compliance with the following provisions:
| 5 |
| (a) After that 90 day or 2 year period, whichever | 6 |
| applies, he shall
repay in full to the Fund, while in | 7 |
| service, in full all refunds
received, together with | 8 |
| interest at the effective rate from the application
dates | 9 |
| of such refund or refunds to the date of repayment . ;
| 10 |
| (b) If payment is not made in a single sum, repayment | 11 |
| may be made in
installments by deductions from salary or | 12 |
| otherwise, in such manner and
amounts as the board, by | 13 |
| rule, may prescribe, with interest at the effective
rate | 14 |
| accruing on the unpaid balance
employee may elect . The | 15 |
| employee
shall be credited with interest at the effective | 16 |
| rate from the date of each
installment until full repayment | 17 |
| is made.
| 18 |
| (c) If the employee withdraws from service or dies in | 19 |
| service before
full repayment is made , service credit shall | 20 |
| be restored in accordance with
Section 11-221.2(b).
| 21 |
| (d) If the employee withdraws from service or dies in | 22 |
| service
during the required 90 day or 2 year period , any | 23 |
| repayments made shall
be refunded, without interest | 24 |
| thereon and in accordance with the refund
provisions of | 25 |
| this Article.
| 26 |
| (e) If the employee repays the refund while | 27 |
| participating in a
participating system (as defined in the | 28 |
| Retirement Systems Reciprocal
Act) other than this Fund, | 29 |
| the service credit restored must be used for a
proportional | 30 |
| annuity calculated in accordance with the Retirement | 31 |
| Systems
Reciprocal Act. If not so used, the restored | 32 |
| service credit shall be
forfeited and the amount of the | 33 |
| repayment shall be refunded, without
| 34 |
| (Source: Laws 1963, p. 161.)
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| 1 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-167)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-167)
| 2 |
| Sec. 11-167. Refunds in lieu of annuity. In lieu of an | 3 |
| annuity, an
employee who withdraws, and whose annuity would | 4 |
| amount to less than
$800 a month for life may elect to receive | 5 |
| a refund of the
total sum accumulated to his credit from | 6 |
| employee contributions for
annuity purposes.
| 7 |
| The widow of any employee, eligible for annuity upon the | 8 |
| death of her
husband, whose annuity would amount to less than | 9 |
| $800 a month for life,
may, in lieu of a widow's annuity, elect | 10 |
| to receive a refund of the
accumulated contributions for | 11 |
| annuity purposes, based on the amounts
contributed by her | 12 |
| deceased employee husband, but reduced by any amounts
| 13 |
| theretofore paid to him in the form of an annuity or refund out | 14 |
| of such
accumulated contributions.
| 15 |
| Accumulated contributions shall mean the amounts including | 16 |
| interest
credited thereon contributed by the employee for age | 17 |
| and service and
widow's annuity to the date of his withdrawal | 18 |
| or death, whichever first
occurs, and including the | 19 |
| accumulations from any amounts contributed for
him as salary | 20 |
| deductions while receiving duty disability benefits; provided
| 21 |
| that such amounts contributed by the city after December 31, | 22 |
| 1983 while
the employee is receiving duty disability benefits | 23 |
| and amounts credited to
the employee for annuity purposes by | 24 |
| the fund after December 31, 2000 while
the employee is | 25 |
| receiving ordinary disability benefits shall not be
included .
| 26 |
| The acceptance of such refund in lieu of widow's annuity, | 27 |
| on the part of a
widow, shall not deprive a child or children | 28 |
| of the right to receive a child's
annuity as provided for in | 29 |
| Sections 11-153 and 11-154 of this Article, and
neither shall | 30 |
| the payment of a child's annuity in the case of such refund to | 31 |
| a
widow reduce the amount herein set forth as refundable to | 32 |
| such widow electing a
refund in lieu of widow's annuity.
| 33 |
| (Source: P.A. 91-887, eff. 7-6-00; 92-599, eff. 6-28-02; |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| revised
10-22-02 .)
| 2 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-170.1)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-170.1)
| 3 |
| Sec. 11-170.1. Pickup of employee contributions.
| 4 |
| (a) The employer may pick up the employee contributions | 5 |
| required
by Sections 11-156, 11-170, 11-174 and 11-175.1 for | 6 |
| salary earned after
December 31, 1981. If employee | 7 |
| contributions are not picked up, the amount
that would have | 8 |
| been picked up under this amendatory Act of 1980 shall
continue | 9 |
| to be deducted from salary. If contributions are picked up they | 10 |
| shall
be treated as employer contributions in determining tax | 11 |
| treatment under the
United States Internal Revenue Code; | 12 |
| however, the employer shall continue to
withhold Federal and | 13 |
| state income taxes based upon these contributions until
the | 14 |
| Internal Revenue Service or the Federal courts rule that | 15 |
| pursuant to
Section 414(h) of the United States Internal | 16 |
| Revenue Code, these contributions
shall not be included as | 17 |
| gross income of the employee until such time as they
are | 18 |
| distributed or made available. The employer shall pay these | 19 |
| employee
contributions from the same source
of funds which is | 20 |
| used in paying salary to the employee. The employer
may pick up | 21 |
| these contributions by a reduction in the cash salary of the
| 22 |
| employee or by an offset against a future salary increase or by | 23 |
| a combination
of a reduction in salary and offset against a | 24 |
| future salary increase. If
employee contributions are picked up | 25 |
| they shall be treated for all purposes
of this Article 11, | 26 |
| including Section 11-169, in the same manner and to
the same | 27 |
| extent as employee contributions made prior to the date picked | 28 |
| up.
| 29 |
| (b) Subject to the requirements of federal law and the | 30 |
| rules of the Board,
the Fund may allow the employee to elect to | 31 |
| have the employer pick up the
optional contributions that the | 32 |
| employee has elected to pay to the Fund, and
the contributions | 33 |
| so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions for
the |
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| 1 |
| purpose of determining federal tax treatment. The employer | 2 |
| shall pick up
the contributions by a reduction in the cash | 3 |
| salary of the employee and shall
pay contributions from the | 4 |
| same source of funds that is used to pay earnings of
the | 5 |
| employee. The election to have the contributions picked up is | 6 |
| irrevocable,
and the optional contributions may not thereafter | 7 |
| be prepaid, by direct payment
or otherwise.
| 8 |
| If the provision authorizing the optional contribution | 9 |
| requires payment by a
stated date (rather than the date of | 10 |
| withdrawal or retirement), the requirement
will be deemed to | 11 |
| have been satisfied if (i) on or before the stated date the
| 12 |
| employee executes a valid irrevocable election to have the | 13 |
| contributions picked
up under this subsection, and (ii) the | 14 |
| picked-up contributions are in fact paid
to the Fund as | 15 |
| provided in the election.
| 16 |
| If employee contributions are picked up under this | 17 |
| subsection, they shall be
treated for all purposes of this | 18 |
| Article 11, including Section 11-169, in the
same manner and to | 19 |
| the same extent as optional employee contributions made
prior | 20 |
| to the date picked up.
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1536.)
| 22 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-178)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-178)
| 23 |
| Sec. 11-178. Contributions by city for prior service | 24 |
| annuities and other
| 25 |
| The city shall make contributions to provide prior service | 26 |
| and widow's
prior service annuities, and other annuities and | 27 |
| benefits, as follows:
| 28 |
| 1. To credit to the city contribution reserve such amounts | 29 |
| required from
the city but not contributed by it for age and | 30 |
| service and prior service
annuities, and widow's annuities and | 31 |
| widows' prior service annuities;
| 32 |
| 2. To meet such part of any minimum annuity as shall be in | 33 |
| excess of the
age and service annuity and prior service |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| annuity, and to meet such part of
any minimum widow's annuity | 2 |
| in excess of the amount of widow's annuity and
widow's prior | 3 |
| service annuity;
| 4 |
| 3. To provide a sufficient balance in the investment and | 5 |
| interest
reserve to permit a transfer from that reserve to | 6 |
| other reserves of the
fund. Whenever the balance of the | 7 |
| investment and interest reserve is not
sufficient to permit a | 8 |
| transfer from that reserve to any other reserve, the
city shall | 9 |
| contribute sums sufficient to make possible such transfer;
| 10 |
| 4. An amount equal to the difference between (1) the sum | 11 |
| produced by the
tax levy stated in Section 11--169 and (2) all | 12 |
| sums required for the
purposes of this Article 11 in accordance | 13 |
| with the provisions of this
Article 11 except those stated in | 14 |
| this Section, shall be applied for
purposes of this Section.
| 15 |
| Provided that if in any year such total sums together with | 16 |
| all other
sums required during such year for the other purposes | 17 |
| of the fund, are in
excess of the total amount contributed by | 18 |
| the city during such year, the
sums required for purposes other | 19 |
| than those stated in this section shall
first be provided for. | 20 |
| The balance shall then be applied for the purposes
stated in | 21 |
| this section.
| 22 |
| All such contributions shall be credited to the prior | 23 |
| service annuity
reserve. When the balance of this reserve | 24 |
| equals its liabilities (including
in addition to all other | 25 |
| liabilities, the present values of all annuities,
present or | 26 |
| prospective, according to the applicable mortality tables and
| 27 |
| rates of interest , but excluding any liabilities arising under | 28 |
| Sections
11-133.3 and 11-133.4 ), the city shall cease to | 29 |
| contribute the sum stated in
this section.
| 30 |
| If annexation of territory and the employment by the city | 31 |
| of any person
employed as a city laborer in any such territory | 32 |
| at the time of annexation,
after the city has ceased to | 33 |
| contribute as herein provided, results in
additional | 34 |
| liabilities for prior service annuity and widow's prior service
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| 1 |
| annuity for any such employee, contributions by the city for | 2 |
| such purposes
shall be resumed.
| 3 |
| Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the | 4 |
| contrary, the city
shall not make a contribution for credit | 5 |
| established by an employee under
subsection (b) of Section | 6 |
| 11-133.3.
| 7 |
| (Source: Laws 1965, p. 2292.)
| 8 |
| (40 ILCS 5/11-181)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 11-181)
| 9 |
| Sec. 11-181. Board created. A board of 8 members shall | 10 |
| constitute
the board of trustees authorized to carry out the | 11 |
| provisions of this
Article. The board shall be known as the | 12 |
| Retirement Board of the Laborers'
and Retirement Board | 13 |
| Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund of the city.
The board | 14 |
| shall consist of 5 persons appointed and 2 employees and one
| 15 |
| annuitant elected in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
| 16 |
| The appointed members of the board shall be appointed as | 17 |
| follows:
| 18 |
| One member shall be appointed by the comptroller of the | 19 |
| city, who
may be himself or anyone chosen from among employees | 20 |
| of the city who
are versed in the affairs of the comptroller's | 21 |
| office; one member shall
be appointed by the City Treasurer of | 22 |
| the city, who may be himself or
a person chosen from among | 23 |
| employees of the city who are versed in the affairs
of the City | 24 |
| Treasurer's office; one member shall be an employee of the city
| 25 |
| appointed by the president of the local labor organization | 26 |
| representing a
majority of the employees participating in the | 27 |
| Fund; and 2 members shall
be appointed by the civil service | 28 |
| commission or the Department
of Personnel of the city from | 29 |
| among employees of the
city who are versed in the affairs of | 30 |
| the civil service commission's office or
the Department of | 31 |
| Personnel.
| 32 |
| The member appointed by the comptroller shall hold office | 33 |
| for a term
ending on December 1st of the first year following |
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| 1 |
| the year of appointment.
The member appointed by the City | 2 |
| Treasurer shall hold office for a term
ending on December 1st | 3 |
| of the second year following the year of appointment.
The | 4 |
| member appointed by the civil service commission shall hold | 5 |
| office for a
term ending on the first day in the month of | 6 |
| December of the third year
following the year of appointment. | 7 |
| The additional member appointed by the
civil service commission | 8 |
| under this amendatory Act of 1998 shall hold office
for an | 9 |
| initial term ending on December 1, 2000, and the member | 10 |
| appointed by the
labor organization president shall hold office | 11 |
| for an initial term ending on
December 1, 2001. Thereafter each | 12 |
| appointive member shall be appointed by
the officer or body | 13 |
| that appointed his predecessor, for a term of 3 years.
| 14 |
| The 2 employee members of the board shall be elected as | 15 |
| follows:
| 16 |
| Within 30 days from and after the appointive members have | 17 |
| been appointed
and have qualified, the appointive members shall | 18 |
| arrange for and hold an
| 19 |
| One employee shall be elected for a term ending on December | 20 |
| 1st of the
first year next following the effective date; one | 21 |
| for a term ending on
December 1st of the following year.
| 22 |
| An employee member who takes advantage of the early | 23 |
| retirement incentives
provided under this amendatory Act of the | 24 |
| 93rd General Assembly may continue as
a member until the end of | 25 |
| his or her term.
| 26 |
| The initial annuitant member shall be appointed by the | 27 |
| other members of
the board for an initial term ending on | 28 |
| December 1, 1999.
The annuitant member elected in 1999 shall be | 29 |
| deemed to have been
elected for a 3-year term ending on | 30 |
| December 1, 2002.
Thereafter, the annuitant member shall be | 31 |
| elected for a 3-year term ending
on December 1st of the third | 32 |
| year following the election.
| 33 |
| (Source: P.A. 90-766, eff. 8-14-98; 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.)
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| 1 |
| (40 ILCS 5/12-133)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 12-133)
| 2 |
| Sec. 12-133. Fixed benefit retirement annuity.
| 3 |
| (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this | 4 |
| Section, the
retirement annuity for any employee who withdraws | 5 |
| from service on or after
January 1, 1983 and before January 1, | 6 |
| 1990, at age 60 or over, having at
least 4 years of service, | 7 |
| shall be 1.70% for each of the first 10 years of
service; 2.00% | 8 |
| for each of the next 10 years of service; 2.40% for each
year | 9 |
| of service in excess of 20 but not exceeding 30; and 2.80% for | 10 |
| each
year of service in excess of 30, with a pro-rated amount | 11 |
| for service of
less than a full year, based upon the highest | 12 |
| average annual salary for any
4 consecutive years within the | 13 |
| last 10 years of service immediately
preceding the date of | 14 |
| withdrawal, provided that: (1) if retirement of the
employee | 15 |
| occurs below age 60, such annuity shall be reduced 1/2 of 1% | 16 |
| for
each month or fraction thereof that the employee's age is | 17 |
| less than 60,
except that an employee retiring at age 55 or | 18 |
| over but less than age 60,
having at least 35 years of service, | 19 |
| shall not be subject to the reduction
in his retirement annuity | 20 |
| because of retirement below age 60; (2) the
annuity shall not | 21 |
| exceed 75% of such average annual salary; (3) the actual
salary | 22 |
| shall be considered in the computation of this annuity.
| 23 |
| The retirement annuity for any employee who withdraws from | 24 |
| service on or
after January 1, 1990 and prior to December 31, | 25 |
| 2003 at age 50 or over with
at least 10 years of service, or
at | 26 |
| age 60 or over with at least 4 years of service, shall be 1.90%
| 27 |
| for each of the first 10 years of service, 2.20% for each of | 28 |
| the next 10 years
of service, 2.40% for each of the next 10 | 29 |
| years of service, and
2.80% for each year of service in excess | 30 |
| of 30, with a pro-rated amount for
service of less than a full | 31 |
| year, based upon the highest average annual
salary for any 4 | 32 |
| consecutive years within the last 10 years of service
| 33 |
| immediately preceding the date of withdrawal, provided that:
| 34 |
| (1) if retirement of the employee occurs below age 60, |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| such annuity
shall be reduced 1/4 of 1% (1/2 of 1% in the | 2 |
| case of withdrawal from
service before January 1, 1991) for | 3 |
| each month or fraction thereof that the
employee's age is | 4 |
| less than 60, except that an employee retiring at age 50
or | 5 |
| over having at least 30 years of service shall not be | 6 |
| subject to the
reduction in retirement annuity because of | 7 |
| retirement below age 60;
| 8 |
| (2) the annuity shall not exceed 80% of such average | 9 |
| annual salary; and
| 10 |
| (3) the actual salary shall be considered in the
| 11 |
| computation of this annuity.
| 12 |
| An employee who withdraws from service on or after December | 13 |
| 31, 2003, at
age 50 or over with at least 10 years of service or | 14 |
| at age 60 or over with at
least 4 years of service, shall | 15 |
| receive, in lieu of any other retirement
annuity provided for | 16 |
| in this Section, a retirement annuity calculated as
follows: | 17 |
| for each year of service immediately preceding the date of | 18 |
| withdrawal,
2.40% of the highest average annual salary for any | 19 |
| 4 consecutive years within
the last 10 years of service | 20 |
| immediately preceding the date of withdrawal, with
a prorated | 21 |
| amount for service of less than a full year, provided that:
| 22 |
| (1) if retirement of the employee occurs below age 60, | 23 |
| such annuity
shall be reduced 1/4 of 1% for each month or | 24 |
| fraction thereof that the
employee's age is less than 60, | 25 |
| except that an employee retiring at age 50 or
over having | 26 |
| at least 30 years of service shall not be subject to the | 27 |
| reduction
in retirement annuity because of retirement | 28 |
| below age 60;
| 29 |
| (2) the annuity shall not exceed 80% of such average | 30 |
| annual salary; and
| 31 |
| (3) the actual salary shall be considered in the | 32 |
| computation of this
| 33 |
| Notwithstanding any other formula, the annuity for | 34 |
| employees retiring on or
after January 31, 2004 and on or |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| before February 29, 2004 with at least 30 years of
service | 2 |
| shall be 80% of average annual salary for any 4 consecutive | 3 |
| years
within the last 10 years of service immediately preceding | 4 |
| the date of
| 5 |
| (b) In lieu of the retirement annuity provided as an | 6 |
| actuarial
equivalent of the total accumulations from | 7 |
| contributions by the employee,
contributions by the employer, | 8 |
| and prior service annuity plus regular
interest, an employee in | 9 |
| service prior to July 1, 1971 shall be entitled to
the largest | 10 |
| applicable retirement annuity provided in this Section if the
| 11 |
| same is larger than the annuity provided in other Sections of | 12 |
| this Article.
| 13 |
| (c) The following schedule shall govern the computation of | 14 |
| service
for the fixed benefit annuities provided by this | 15 |
| Section: Service during
9 months or more during any fiscal year | 16 |
| shall constitute a year of
service; 6 to 8 months, inclusive, | 17 |
| 3/4 of a year; 3 to 5 months,
inclusive, 1/2 year; less than 3 | 18 |
| months, 1/4 of a year; 15 days or more
in any month, a month of | 19 |
| service.
| 20 |
| (d) The other provisions of this Section shall not apply in | 21 |
| the case of
any former employee who is receiving a retirement | 22 |
| annuity from the fund
and who re-enters service as an employee, | 23 |
| unless the employee renders
from and after the date of | 24 |
| re-entry, at least 3 years of additional
| 25 |
| (Source: P.A. 86-272; 86-1488; 87-794.)
| 26 |
| (40 ILCS 5/12-133.6 new)
| 27 |
| Section 12-133.6. Early retirement incentive.
| 28 |
| (a) To be eligible for the benefits provided in this | 29 |
| Section, a person
| 30 |
| (1) have been, on November 1, 2003, an employee (i) | 31 |
| contributing to the
Fund in active payroll status in a | 32 |
| position of employment under this Article,
(ii) returning | 33 |
| to active payroll status from an approved leave of absence |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| prior
to December 1, 2003, (iii) receiving ordinary or duty | 2 |
| disability benefits
under Section 12-140, 12-142, or | 3 |
| 12-143 or (iv) or have been subjected to an involuntary | 4 |
| termination or layoff by the employer and restored to | 5 |
| service by his or her employer prior to January 31, 2004;
| 6 |
| (2) have not previously retired under this Article;
| 7 |
| (3) file with the Board before January 31, 2004 a | 8 |
| written election
requesting the benefits provided in this | 9 |
| Section;
| 10 |
| (4) withdraw from service on or after January 31, 2004 | 11 |
| and on or before
February 29, 2004 (or the date established | 12 |
| under subsection (a-5), if applicable); and
| 13 |
| (5) have, by the date of withdrawal or by February 29, | 14 |
| 2004, whichever is
earlier, attained age 50 with at least | 15 |
| 10 years of creditable service in one or
more participating | 16 |
| systems under the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act, | 17 |
| without
including any creditable service established under | 18 |
| this Section.
| 19 |
| (a-5) To ensure that the efficient operation of employers | 20 |
| under this Article
is not jeopardized by the simultaneous | 21 |
| retirement of large numbers of critical
personnel, each | 22 |
| employer may, for its critical employees, extend the February | 23 |
| 29, 2004 deadline for terminating employment under this Article | 24 |
| established in
subdivision (a)(4) of this Section to a date not | 25 |
| later than May 31, 2004 by
notifying the Fund by January 31, | 26 |
| 2004. | 27 |
| (b) An eligible person may establish up to 5 years of | 28 |
| creditable service
under this Section, in increments of one | 29 |
| month, by making the contributions
specified in subsection (c). | 30 |
| In addition, for each month of creditable service
established | 31 |
| under this Section, a person's age at retirement shall be | 32 |
| deemed to
be one month older than it actually is, except for | 33 |
| purposes of determining age
under item (5) of subsection (a).
| 34 |
| The creditable service established under this Section may |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| be used for all
purposes under this Article and the Retirement | 2 |
| Systems Reciprocal Act, except
for the computation of highest | 3 |
| average annual salary under Section 12-133 or
the determination | 4 |
| of salary under this or any other Article of this Code.
| 5 |
| (c) For each month of creditable service established under | 6 |
| this Section, the
person must pay to the Fund an employee | 7 |
| contribution to be determined by the
Fund, equal to 4.50% of | 8 |
| the person's monthly salary rate on the date of
withdrawal from | 9 |
| service. Subject to the requirements of subsection (d), the
| 10 |
| person may elect to pay the required employee contribution | 11 |
| before the
retirement annuity commences or through deductions | 12 |
| from the retirement annuity
over a period not longer than 24 | 13 |
| months.
| 14 |
| If a person who retires dies before all payments of the | 15 |
| employee contribution
have been made, the remaining payments | 16 |
| shall be deducted from any survivor or
death benefits payable | 17 |
| to the employee's surviving spouse or beneficiary.
| 18 |
| Notwithstanding any provision in this Article to the | 19 |
| contrary, all employee
contributions paid under this Section | 20 |
| shall not be deemed employee
contributions for the purpose of | 21 |
| determining the tax levy under Section 12-149.
Notwithstanding | 22 |
| any provision in this Article to the contrary, the employer
| 23 |
| shall not make a contribution for any credit established by an | 24 |
| employee under
subsection (b) of this Section. Employee | 25 |
| contributions made under this Section
may be refunded under the | 26 |
| same terms and conditions as other employee
contributions under | 27 |
| this Article.
| 28 |
| (d) A person who retires under the provisions of this | 29 |
| Section shall be
entitled to have his or her retirement annuity | 30 |
| calculated under the provisions
of Section 12-133, except that | 31 |
| the retirement annuity shall not be subject to
reduction for | 32 |
| retirement under age 60.
| 33 |
| (e) Notwithstanding Section 12-146 of this Article, an | 34 |
| annuitant who
reenters service under this Article after |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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| 1 |
| receiving a retirement annuity based
on additional benefits | 2 |
| provided under this Section thereby forfeits the right
to | 3 |
| continue to receive those benefits, and upon again retiring | 4 |
| shall have his
or her retirement annuity recalculated at the | 5 |
| appropriate time without the
additional benefits provided in | 6 |
| this Section.
| 7 |
| (f) No employer action in declaring an employee to be a | 8 |
| critical employee pursuant to subsection (a-5) shall be | 9 |
| construed as an impairment of any pension benefit or | 10 |
| entitlement. No early retirement option or resultant benefit | 11 |
| conferred under this Section shall, in any manner, vest for any | 12 |
| employee until the earlier date of the employer's decision to | 13 |
| release the employee from service or May 31, 2004.
| 14 |
| (40 ILCS 5/12-133.7 new)
| 15 |
| Sec. 12-133.7. Early retirement incentive for employees | 16 |
| who have earned
maximum pension benefits. A person who is | 17 |
| eligible for the benefits provided
under Section 12-133.6 and | 18 |
| who, if he or she had retired on or before February 29, 2004, | 19 |
| would have been entitled to a pension equal to 80% of his or | 20 |
| her
highest average salary for any 4 consecutive years within | 21 |
| the last 10 years of
service immediately preceding February 29, | 22 |
| 2004 without receiving the benefits
provided in Section | 23 |
| 12-133.6 may elect, by filing a written election with
the Fund | 24 |
| by January 30, 2004, to receive a lump sum from the Fund on his | 25 |
| or
her last day of employment equal to 100% of his or her | 26 |
| salary for the year
ending on February 29, 2004 or the date of | 27 |
| withdrawal, whichever is earlier. To
be eligible to receive the | 28 |
| benefit provided under this Section, the person
must withdraw | 29 |
| from service on or after January 31, 2004 and on or before
| 30 |
| February 29, 2004. If a person elects to receive the benefit | 31 |
| provided under this
Section, his or her retirement annuity | 32 |
| otherwise payable under Section 12-133
shall be reduced by an | 33 |
| amount equal to the actuarial equivalent of the lump
sum. If a |
09300SB1705ham001 |
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LRB093 02821 LRD 42210 a |
| 1 |
| person elects to receive the benefit provided under this | 2 |
| Section,
the resulting reduction in retirement annuity under | 3 |
| this Section shall not
affect the amount of any widow's service | 4 |
| annuity or widow's prior service
annuity under Section 12-135 | 5 |
| or any optional reversionary annuity for a
surviving spouse | 6 |
| under Section 12-136.1.
| 7 |
| (40 ILCS 5/12-149)
(from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 12-149)
| 8 |
| Sec. 12-149. Financing. The board of park commissioners of | 9 |
| any such
park district shall annually levy a tax (in addition | 10 |
| to the taxes now
authorized by law) upon all taxable property | 11 |
| embraced in the district,
at the rate which, when added to the | 12 |
| employee contributions under this
Article and applied to the | 13 |
| fund created
hereunder, shall be sufficient to provide for the | 14 |
| purposes of this
Article in accordance with the provisions | 15 |
| thereof. Such tax shall be
levied and collected with and in | 16 |
| like manner as the general taxes of
such district, and shall | 17 |
| not in any event be included within any
limitations of rate for | 18 |
| general park purposes as now or hereafter
provided by law, but | 19 |
| shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition
thereto. The | 20 |
| amount of such annual tax to and including the year 1977
shall | 21 |
| not exceed .0275% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the
| 22 |
| Department of Revenue, of all taxable property embraced
within | 23 |
| the park district, provided that for the year 1978, and for | 24 |
| each
year thereafter, the amount of such annual tax shall be at | 25 |
| a rate on the
dollar of assessed valuation of all taxable | 26 |
| property that will produce,
when extended, for the year 1978 | 27 |
| the following sum: 0.825 times the
amount of employee | 28 |
| contributions during the fiscal year 1976; for the
year 1979, | 29 |
| 0.85 times the amount of employee contributions during the
| 30 |
| fiscal year 1977; for the year 1980, 0.90 times the amount of | 31 |
| employee
contributions during the fiscal year 1978; for the | 32 |
| year 1981, 0.95 times
the amount of employee contributions | 33 |
| during the fiscal year 1979; for the year
1982, 1.00 times the |
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| 1 |
| amount of employee contributions during the fiscal year
1980; | 2 |
| for the year 1983, 1.05 times the amount of contributions made | 3 |
| on behalf
of employees during the fiscal year 1981; and for the | 4 |
| year 1984 and each year
thereafter, an amount equal to 1.10 | 5 |
| times the employee contributions during the
fiscal year 2-years | 6 |
| prior to the year for which the applicable tax is levied.
As | 7 |
| used in this Section, the term "employee contributions" means | 8 |
| contributions
by employees for retirement annuity, spouse's | 9 |
| annuity, automatic increase in
retirement annuity, and death | 10 |
| benefit.
| 11 |
| In respect to park district employees, other than | 12 |
| policemen, who are
transferred to the employment of a city by | 13 |
| virtue of the "Exchange of
Functions Act of 1957", the | 14 |
| corporate authorities of the city shall
annually levy a tax | 15 |
| upon all taxable property embraced in the city, as
equalized or | 16 |
| assessed by the Department of Revenue, at such rate per
cent of | 17 |
| the value of such property as shall be sufficient, when added
| 18 |
| to the amounts deducted from the salary or wages of such | 19 |
| employees, to
provide the benefits to which such employees, | 20 |
| their dependents and
beneficiaries are entitled under the | 21 |
| provisions of this Article. The
park district shall not levy a | 22 |
| tax hereunder in respect to such
employees. The tax levied by | 23 |
| the city under authority of this Article
shall be in addition | 24 |
| to and exclusive of all other taxes authorized by
law to be | 25 |
| levied by the city for corporate, annuity fund or other
| 26 |
| purposes.
| 27 |
| All moneys accruing from the levy and collection of taxes, | 28 |
| pursuant
to this section, shall be remitted to the board by the | 29 |
| employers as soon
as they are received. Where a city has levied | 30 |
| a tax pursuant to this
Section in respect to park district | 31 |
| employees transferred to the
employment of a city, the | 32 |
| treasurer of such city or other authorized
officer shall remit | 33 |
| the moneys accruing from the levy and collection of
such tax as | 34 |
| soon as they are received. Such remittances shall be made
upon |
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| 1 |
| a pro rata share basis, whereby each employer shall pay to the
| 2 |
| board such employer's proportionate percentage of each payment | 3 |
| of taxes
received by it, according to the ratio which its tax | 4 |
| levy for this fund
bears to the total tax levy of such | 5 |
| employer.
| 6 |
| Should any board of park commissioners included under the | 7 |
| provisions
of this Article be without authority to levy the tax | 8 |
| provided in this
Section the corporation authorities (meaning | 9 |
| the supervisor, clerk and
assessor) of the town or towns for | 10 |
| which such board shall be the board
of park commissioners shall | 11 |
| levy such tax.
| 12 |
| Employer contributions to the Fund may be reduced by | 13 |
| $5,000,000 for
calendar years 2004 and 2005.
| 14 |
| (Source: P.A. 81-1536.)
15 |
| Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding | 16 |
| Section 8.28 as
| 17 |
| (30 ILCS 805/8.28 new)
| 18 |
| Sec. 8.28. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8 | 19 |
| of this
Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the | 20 |
| implementation of
any mandate created by this amendatory Act of | 21 |
| the 93rd General Assembly.
22 |
| |
23 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
24 |
| becoming law.".