093_SB1516sam001 LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1516 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 1516 by replacing 3 everything after the enacting clause with the following: 4 "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the 5 Crane Licensing Public Safety Act. 6 Section 5. Legislative purpose. The General Assembly 7 finds that, to promote job safety and to protect life, limb, 8 and property, the operation of crane and hoisting equipment 9 is a matter of public interest. It is further declared to be 10 a matter of public interest that the operation of cranes and 11 hoisting equipment should merit and receive the confidence of 12 the public and that the State of Illinois should license 13 persons who operate or assist in the operation of crane and 14 hoisting equipment. This Act should be liberally construed to 15 carry out these subjects and purposes. 16 Section 10. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act, 17 unless the context otherwise requires: 18 "Board" means the Crane Operators Licensing Board. 19 "Crane" means (i) any hoisting equipment that lifts and 20 rotates or moves a load in excess of 10,000 pounds 21 horizontally or vertically, including but not limited to -2- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 hydraulic cranes, friction cranes, derricks, jib hoists, 2 gantry, bridge cranes, floating cranes of any kind, and 3 air-borne hoisting equipment, and (ii) a tower crane that 4 lifts and rotates or moves a load in excess of 2,500 pounds 5 horizontally or vertically. 6 "Department" means the Department of Professional 7 Regulation. 8 "Director" means the Director of Professional Regulation. 9 "Hoist" includes but is not limited to a material hoist 10 (construction elevator), air tugger (one drum), multi-drum 11 hoist, overhead hoist, sideboom, A-frame boom truck, or 12 behind the cab truck mounted boom. 13 "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, 14 business trust, limited liability company, or other legal 15 entity. 16 Section 15. License required; application of Act. 17 (a) Beginning January 1, 2004, it shall be unlawful for 18 a person to operate a power-driven crane or hoist without 19 first obtaining a crane operator's license from the 20 Department. 21 (b) Beginning January 1, 2004, it shall be unlawful for 22 a person to assist in the operation of a power-driven crane 23 or hoist without first obtaining an apprentice crane 24 operator's license from the Department. 25 (c) The provisions of this Act do not apply to operators 26 of powered industrial forklift trucks, pallet trucks, rider 27 trucks, fork trucks, or lift trucks or to equipment involved 28 in grading, drainage, field tile, irrigation, or other 29 activity connected with agriculture or farming. 30 (d) The provisions of this Act do not apply to the 31 operation of a crane or a hoist under the jurisdiction of the 32 United States. 33 (e) The provisions of this Act do not apply to the -3- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 operation of a crane or hoist used in a manufacturing 2 operation or employees of manufacturers who are licensed by 3 their employers in the operation of a crane or hoist for 4 purposes other than construction, repair, or demolition. 5 Section 20. Qualifications for original crane operator's 6 license. A person is qualified to obtain an original crane 7 operator's license under this Act if he or she meets all of 8 the following requirements: 9 (1) Is at least 18 years of age and has submitted a 10 certified record showing crane operation of at least 2000 11 hours in the 5-year period preceding his or her 12 application. 13 (2) Has not violated any of the provisions of this 14 Act for which disciplinary action could be taken. 15 (3) Has passed a written examination prescribed by 16 the Board. 17 (4) Has passed a practical examination prescribed 18 by the Board. 19 (5) Has taken a drug test prescribed by the Board. 20 (6) Does not have a crane operator's license or 21 crane operator's apprentice license that is currently 22 revoked or suspended by the Board or by the comparable 23 licensing body in another jurisdiction. 24 Section 25. Qualifications for crane operator's 25 apprentice license. A person is qualified to obtain a crane 26 operator's apprentice license under this Act if he or she 27 meets all of the following requirements: 28 (1) Is at least 18 years of age. 29 (2) Has passed a written examination as prescribed 30 by the Department. 31 (3) Has not violated any of the provisions of this 32 Act for which disciplinary action could be taken. -4- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 (4) Does not have a crane operator's license or 2 crane operator's apprentice license that is currently 3 revoked or suspended by the Board or by a comparable 4 licensing body in another jurisdiction. 5 Section 30. Application for original crane operator's 6 license. 7 (a) Applications for original licenses shall be made to 8 the Department in writing on forms prescribed by the Board 9 and shall be accompanied by the required fee, which shall not 10 be returnable. The application shall require the information 11 that, in the judgment of the Board, will enable the 12 Department to pass on the qualifications of the applicant for 13 a license. 14 (b) The Department may authorize the examination of 15 applicants at any time and place that it may determine. The 16 Department shall make reasonable efforts to provide testing 17 sites reflecting the geographical distribution of applicants' 18 residences. The examination of applicants shall be of a 19 character to give a fair test of the qualifications of the 20 applicant to practice. The Agency may employ consultants for 21 the purpose of preparing and conducting examinations. 22 (c) Applicants for examination shall be required to pay, 23 either to the Department or the designated testing service, a 24 fee covering the cost of providing the examination. If an 25 applicant neglects, fails, or refuses to take an examination 26 or fails to pass an examination for a license under this Act 27 within 3 years after filing his or her application, the 28 application is denied. However, the applicant may thereafter 29 make a new application accompanied by the required fee. 30 (d) Original crane operator's licenses shall be valid 31 for a period of 5 years. 32 Section 35. License classifications. -5- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 (a) The Department may issue various classes of licenses 2 reflecting the different levels of competency of a crane 3 operator. The classification of licenses shall include all of 4 the following: 5 (1) Full crane operator's license. This license 6 shall authorize the operation of any crane or hoisting 7 equipment listed in any category in this Section. 8 (2) Tower crane operator's license. This license 9 shall authorize the operation of tower cranes and 10 derricks operated from a fixed location within, attached 11 to, or adjacent to the building undergoing construction, 12 repair, or demolition. Classes of tower crane operator's 13 license shall include all of the following: 14 (A) Stationary tower cranes. 15 (B) Derricks, stiff leg, and guy. 16 (C) Unrestricted. 17 (3) Mobile crane operator's license. This license 18 shall authorize the operation of mobile cranes regardless 19 of mounting or means of mobility, including track-mounted 20 cranes, crawler cranes, truck-mounted cranes, and truck 21 mounted towers cranes. Classes of mobile crane operator's 22 license shall include all of the following: 23 (A) Friction crawler and truck. 24 (B) Hydraulic lattice boom crawler and truck. 25 (C) Hydraulic all terrain/rough terrain. 26 (D) Unrestricted. 27 (4) Boom truck operator's license. This license 28 shall authorize the operation of boom trucks regardless 29 of mounting or means of mobility. Classes of boom truck 30 operator's license shall include all of the following: 31 (A) Boom truck. 32 (B) A-frame. 33 (C) Hydraulic sign truck. 34 (D) Unrestricted. -6- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 (5) Overhead crane operator's license. This license 2 shall authorize the operation of overhead trolley type 3 cranes. 4 (6) Drum hoist operator's license. This license 5 shall authorize the operation of drum hoisting and rack 6 and pinion types of equipment located within or affixed 7 to the structure undergoing construction, repair, or 8 demolition. Classes of drum hoist operator's license 9 shall include: 10 (A) Drum hoists. 11 (B) Rack and pinion hoists. 12 (C) Unrestricted. 13 (7) Apprentice crane operator's license. This 14 license shall authorize an individual for the performance 15 of work as a crane operator under the direct supervision 16 of a licensed crane operator. 17 (b) The Board shall set up appropriate written and 18 practical testing requirements for each type of license to be 19 issued. The Board may add additional classifications of 20 licenses by rule as necessary to meet the changing 21 technologies in the crane, hoisting, and construction 22 industries. 23 Section 40. Testing. The Department shall conduct 24 examinations of applicants for crane operator's licenses and 25 for crane operator's apprentice licenses. 26 Section 45. Renewal of crane operator's license. 27 (a) At the expiration of an original crane operator's 28 license, a licensee may apply for a renewal crane operator's 29 license. A person is qualified to obtain a renewal crane 30 operator's license if he or she meets all of the following 31 requirements: 32 (1) Has submitted a certified record showing crane -7- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 operation of at least 2000 hours in the 5-year period of 2 the original crane operator's license, or has passed a 3 practical examination prescribed by the Board. 4 (2) Has not violated any of the provisions of this 5 Act for which disciplinary action could be taken. 6 (3) Has passed a written examination prescribed by 7 the Board. 8 (4) Has taken a drug test prescribed by the Board. 9 (5) Does not have a crane operator's license that 10 is currently revoked or suspended by the Board or by the 11 comparable licensing body in another jurisdiction. 12 (b) Renewal crane operator's licenses shall be valid for 13 a period of 5 years. 14 Section 50. Military exemption. The Department shall 15 reinstate a crane operator's license that expires while a 16 licensee is in active military service of the United States 17 upon application to the Department by the licensee within 2 18 years after termination of the military service, payment of 19 the annual license fee, and submission of evidence of the 20 military service. The license shall be reinstated without 21 examination and without payment of the lapsed renewal fee. 22 Section 55. Fees; Crane Operators Licensing Fund. 23 (a) The Department shall impose a fee established by the 24 Board for an original license and for a renewal license 25 issued under this Act. 26 (b) All fees and fines received by the Department 27 pursuant to this Section shall be deposited into the Crane 28 Operators Licensing Fund, a special fund created in the State 29 Treasury. Moneys in the Fund may be used by the Department, 30 subject to appropriation, solely for the administration of 31 this Act. -8- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 Section 60. Board; crane inspector. 2 (a) The Crane Operators Licensing Board is created 3 within the Department and shall consist of the following 4 voting members appointed by the Director: 5 (1) Three members of the Board shall be members of 6 unions representing operating engineers. These members 7 shall serve 3-year terms, except that of the initial 8 members appointed, one shall be appointed for a term of 9 one year, one for a term of 2 years, and one for a term 10 of 3 years. 11 (2) One member of the Board shall be a 12 representative of the construction industry. This member 13 shall serve a 3-year term, except that the initial member 14 shall be appointed for a term of 2 years. 15 (3) One member of the Board shall be a 16 representative of the property and casualty insurance 17 industry. This member shall serve a 3-year term, except 18 that the initial member shall be appointed for a term of 19 one year. 20 (4) Two members of the Board shall be public 21 members. These members shall serve 3-year terms, except 22 that of the initial members appointed, one shall be 23 appointed for a term of 2 years and one shall be 24 appointed for a term of 3 years. 25 (b) Each member shall have experience, knowledge, and 26 expertise relating to the subject matter of this Act. 27 (c) Board members shall receive no compensation for 28 their services on the Board, but they may be reimbursed for 29 their actual expenses in serving on the Board. 30 (d) The Board shall annually elect one of its members as 31 chairperson, one as vice-chairperson, and one as secretary. 32 No officer of the Board shall be elected more than twice in 33 succession to a full term in the same office. Each officer 34 shall serve until his or her successor has been elected and -9- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 qualified. If there is a vacancy in an officer's position, 2 the remaining Board members shall promptly fill it by 3 appointing a member of the Board to the vacant position for 4 the unexpired portion of the term. 5 (e) Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. 6 A vacancy in the membership of the Board shall not impair the 7 right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all 8 of the duties of the Board. 9 (f) The Director shall promptly appoint a person to fill 10 any vacancy on the Board for the unexpired portion of the 11 term. 12 (g) The Department shall employ and the Board shall 13 approve a crane inspector. The crane inspector shall have 14 all of the following powers and duties: 15 (1) To assist the Board in carrying out its duties 16 under this Act. 17 (2) To periodically inspect cranes. 18 (3) To investigate accidents involving cranes. 19 (4) To inspect job sites to ensure that all crane 20 and hoisting equipment personnel are duly licensed. 21 The Department may employ additional personnel to assist 22 in enforcing the provisions of this Act. 23 Section 65. Licensing penalties. 24 (a) The Board may refuse to issue or renew or may revoke 25 or suspend a license or place on probation, censure, or 26 reprimand a licensee, for one or any combination of the 27 following causes: 28 (1) The practice of any fraud or deceit in 29 obtaining or attempting to obtain a license. 30 (2) Any gross negligence, incompetence, or 31 misconduct in the operation of a crane or hoisting 32 equipment while under the influence of alcohol or another 33 drug. -10- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 (3) Any gross negligence, incompetence, or 2 misconduct as an apprentice assisting in the operation of 3 a crane or hoisting equipment while under the influence 4 of alcohol or another drug. 5 (4) The entry of any order by any circuit court 6 establishing that a person holding a license under this 7 Act is a person subject to involuntary admission under 8 the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. 9 The person may have his or her license restored only upon 10 the determination by a circuit court that he or she has 11 recovered from the mental illness that subjected him or 12 her to involuntary admission and upon the determination 13 of the Board that the license be restored. Where the 14 circumstances so indicate, the Board may require an 15 examination prior to restoring any license. 16 (5) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of 17 this Act or any rules adopted by the Department under 18 this Act. 19 (6) Revocation or suspension of a license as a 20 crane or hoist operator or apprentice in another 21 jurisdiction. 22 (7) Failure within 60 days to provide information 23 requested by the Board as a result of a formal or 24 informal complaint to the Department that would indicate 25 a violation of this Act. 26 (b) The Board shall refuse to issue or renew and shall 27 revoke the license of a licensee who has been determined by 28 the Board to have more than 3 violations of operating a crane 29 without possessing a crane operator's license under 30 subsection (a) of Section 85 or more than 3 violations of 31 assisting in operating a crane without possessing a 32 apprentice crane operator's license under subsection (c) of 33 Section 85. -11- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 Section 70. Hearing 2 (a) The Board may upon its own motion, and shall upon 3 the sworn complaint in writing of any person setting forth 4 charges that, if proved, would constitute grounds under 5 Section 65 for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a 6 license, investigate the actions of any person holding or 7 claiming to hold a license. 8 (b) The Board shall, at least 10 days prior to the date 9 set for the hearing and before refusing to issue, suspend, or 10 revoke any license, notify the applicant or holder of the 11 license, in writing, of any charges made, and shall afford 12 him or her an opportunity to be heard in person or by 13 counsel. The notice may be served by personal delivery to the 14 accused person or by registered mail to the last place of 15 business specified by the accused person in the notification 16 to the Agency. 17 (c) At the time and place fixed in the notice, the Board 18 shall proceed to the hearing of the charges and both the 19 accused person and the complainant shall be accorded ample 20 opportunity to present, in person or by counsel, any 21 statement, testimony, evidence, or argument that may be 22 pertinent to the charges or to any defense against the 23 charges. The Board may continue the hearing from time to 24 time. If the Board is not sitting at the time and place to 25 which the hearing has been continued, the Department may 26 continue the hearing for a period not to exceed 30 days, and 27 all parties in interest shall be given notice in writing of 28 the date and hour to which the hearing has been continued and 29 the place at which it is to be held. 30 Section 75. Review. 31 (a) All final administrative decisions of the Department 32 shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to the 33 provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all -12- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted 2 pursuant thereto. The term "administrative decision" is 3 defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 4 The proceedings for judicial review shall be commenced in the 5 circuit court of the county in which the party applying for 6 review resides. If the party is not a resident of this 7 State, the venue shall be in Sangamon County. 8 (b) The Department shall not be required to certify any 9 record to the court or file any answer in court or otherwise 10 appear in any court in a judicial review proceeding unless 11 there is filed in the court with the complaint a receipt from 12 the Department acknowledging payment of the costs of 13 furnishing and certifying the record, which costs shall be 14 computed at the rate of 20 cents per page of the record. 15 Exhibits shall be certified without cost. Failure on the part 16 of the plaintiff to file the receipt with the court shall be 17 grounds for dismissal of the action. 18 Section 80. Injunction. 19 (a) Operating or assisting in the operation of a crane 20 in this State or offering to operate, assist, or use or to 21 advertise or otherwise represent to the public any title or 22 description implying that the person is a crane or hoisting 23 equipment operator or apprentice by a person who does not 24 possess a valid and current license under this Act is 25 declared to be against the public welfare and to constitute a 26 public nuisance. 27 (b) The Attorney General, the Director, the State's 28 Attorney for any county in the State, or any resident citizen 29 may maintain an action in the name of the people of the State 30 of Illinois to perpetually enjoin any person from unlawfully 31 operating as a crane or hoisting equipment operator or 32 apprentice and from committing or continuing any such 33 unlawful act. -13- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 (c) In all proceedings, the court, in its discretion, 2 may apportion the costs among the parties interested in the 3 suit, including the costs of filing the complaint, service of 4 process, witness fees and expenses, court reporter charges, 5 and reasonable attorneys' fees. This proceeding is in 6 addition to and not in lieu of criminal prosecution. 7 Section 85. Penalties. 8 (a) Any person who operates a crane or a hoist in this 9 State without obtaining an operator's license under this Act 10 from the Agency shall be guilty of a business offense and for 11 the first violation shall be fined not more than $1,000, for 12 a second violation shall be fined not more than $3,000, and 13 for a third or subsequent conviction shall be fined not more 14 than $5,000. 15 (b) Any employer, contractor or agent who knowingly 16 permits any individual to operate a crane or a hoist in this 17 State without the individual possessing a valid operator's 18 license issued under this Act shall be guilty of a Class A 19 misdemeanor and may be fined not more than $1,000 for the 20 first offense, not more than $3,000 for the second offense, 21 and not more than $5,000 for a third or subsequent offense. 22 (c) Any person who assists in the operation of a crane 23 or hoist in this State without obtaining an apprentice's 24 license under this Act from the Board shall be guilty of a 25 business offense and for the first violation shall be fined 26 not more than $1,000, for a second violation shall be fined 27 not more than $3,000, and for a third or subsequent 28 conviction shall be fined not more than $5,000. 29 (d) Any employer, contractor or agent who knowingly 30 permits any individual to assist in the operation of a crane 31 or hoist in this State without the individual possessing a 32 valid apprentice's license issued under this Act shall be 33 guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and may be fined not more -14- LRB093 08454 AMC 12505 a 1 than $1,000 for the first offense, not more than $3,000 for 2 the second offense, and not more than $5,000 for a third or 3 subsequent offense. 4 Section 90. Rules. 5 (a) The Department shall exercise the power and duties 6 prescribed by the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois for 7 the administration of licensing Acts and shall exercise any 8 other powers and duties invested by this Act. 9 (b) The Board may promulgate rules consistent with the 10 provisions of this Act, for the administration and 11 enforcement thereof and may prescribe forms that shall be 12 issued in connection therewith. 13 Section 900. The State Finance Act is amended by adding 14 Section 5.595 as follows: 15 (30 ILCS 105/5.595 new) 16 Sec. 5.595. The Crane Operators Licensing Fund. 17 Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 18 becoming law.".