093_SB1456 SRS093 00029 BAW 00029 b 1 AN ACT concerning executive officers. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the 5 Executive Officer Monetary Award Forfeiture Act. 6 Section 5. Definition. As used in this Act, the term 7 "executive officer" means a current or former elected or 8 appointed official of the executive branch of State 9 government. As used in this Act, the term "official acts" 10 means any act taken under the powers conferred on an official 11 of the executive branch by the Illinois constitution or the 12 laws of the State. 13 Section 10. Forfeiture of monetary awards. All moneys 14 awarded at any time by any entity to an executive officer for 15 official acts taken by that executive officer during his or 16 her term of office in the performance of the executive 17 officer's powers or duties shall be paid directly to the 18 State Treasurer and deposited into the Violent Crime Victims 19 Assistance Fund. An executive officer who receives moneys 20 awarded as described in this Section shall immediately 21 surrender those moneys to the State Treasurer for deposit 22 into the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund. 23 Section 15. Application to various moneys. This Act 24 applies to moneys awarded in any form, including but not 25 limited to direct monetary awards, compensation resulting 26 from economic opportunity, or any other financial 27 consideration. This Act does not apply to compensation earned 28 by a former executive officer for services rendered including 29 but not limited to consulting, speaking fees, literary works -2- SRS093 00029 BAW 00029 b 1 or lobbying activities when such payment was not granted as 2 an award or compensation for official acts taken while an 3 executive officer. This Act does not apply to compensation or 4 other moneys paid to the executive officer by the State. 5 Section 20. The State Finance Act is amended by adding 6 Section 5.595 as follows: 7 (30 ILCS 105/5.595 new) 8 Sec. 5.595. The Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund. 9 Section 25. The United Code of Corrections is amended by 10 adding Section 730 ILCS 5/3-3-14 as follows: 11 (730 ILCS 5/3-3-14 new) 12 Sec. 5/3-3-14. The Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund 13 is created as a special fund in the State Treasury. Moneys 14 deposited in this fund shall be used to provide legal fees 15 and counseling services to victims and the families of 16 victims of violent crimes in Illinois. The Prisoner Review 17 Board shall promulgate by rule the application procedure to 18 apply for such funds and further provide for the disbursement 19 of such moneys. 20 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 21 becoming law.