LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 AN ACT in relation to civic centers.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Civic Center Code is amended by changing
5 Sections 2-125, 2-126, 2-127, 2-128, 25-55, 55-45, 90-35,
6 150-45, 140-50, 155-55, 170-50, 200-50, 205-75, 215-55,
7 240-50, and 280-80 as follows:
8 (70 ILCS 200/2-125)
9 Sec. 2-125. Contracts; award to other than highest or
10 lowest bidder by vote of 5 Board members. All contracts for
11 the sale of property of the value of more than $10,000 $2,500
12 or for a concession in or lease of property, including air
13 rights, of the Authority for a term of more than one year
14 shall be awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after
15 advertising for bids. All construction contracts and
16 contracts for supplies, materials, equipment and services,
17 when the expense thereof will exceed $10,000 $2,500, shall be
18 let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for
19 bids, excepting (1) when repair parts, accessories, equipment
20 or services are required for equipment or services previously
21 furnished or contracted for; (2) when the nature of the
22 services required is such that competitive bidding is not in
23 the best interest of the public, including, without limiting
24 the generality of the foregoing, the services of
25 accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians,
26 superintendents of construction, and others possessing a high
27 degree of skill; and (3) when services such as water, light,
28 heat, power, telephone or telegraph are required.
29 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500 shall be
30 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
31 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
-2- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 ensure the best interests of the public. Competitive bidding
2 is not required for the lease of real estate or buildings
3 owned or controlled by the Authority. The Board is empowered
4 to offer such leases upon such terms as it deems advisable.
5 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
6 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
7 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
8 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
9 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
10 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
11 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
12 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
13 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 5 members of the
14 Board, and unless such action is accompanied by a statement
15 in writing setting forth the reasons for not awarding the
16 contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the case may be,
17 which statement shall be kept on file in the principal office
18 of the Authority and open to public inspection.
19 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
20 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
21 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law are forbidden to
22 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
23 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
24 materials, supplies or equipment.
25 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
26 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
27 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
28 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
29 contract without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
30 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
31 received pursuant to advertisement.
32 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
33 effect the provisions of this Section.
34 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
-3- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 (70 ILCS 200/2-126)
2 Sec. 2-126. Contracts; award to other than highest or
3 lowest bidder by vote of 4 Board members. All contracts for
4 the sale of property of the value of more than $10,000 $2,500
5 or for a concession in or lease of property including air
6 rights, of the Authority for a term of more than one year
7 shall be awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after
8 advertising for bids. All construction contracts and
9 contracts for supplies, materials, equipment and services,
10 when the expense thereof will exceed $10,000 $2,500, shall be
11 let to the lowest responsible bidder, after advertising for
12 bids, excepting (1) when repair parts, accessories, equipment
13 or services are required for equipment or services previously
14 furnished or contracted for; (2) when the nature of the
15 services required is such that competitive bidding is not in
16 the best interest of the public, including, without limiting
17 the generality of the foregoing, the services of accountants,
18 architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents
19 of construction, and others possessing a high degree of
20 skill; and (3) when services such as water, light, heat,
21 power, telephone or telegraph are required.
22 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500 shall be
23 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
24 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
25 ensure the best interests of the public. Competitive bidding
26 is not required for the lease of real estate or buildings
27 owned or controlled by the Authority. The Board is empowered
28 to offer such leases upon such terms as it deems advisable.
29 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
30 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
31 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
32 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
33 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
34 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
-4- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
2 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
3 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 4 members of the
4 Board, and unless such action is accompanied by a statement
5 in writing setting forth the reasons for not awarding the
6 contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the case may be,
7 which statement shall be kept on file in the principal office
8 of the Authority and open to public inspection.
9 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
10 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
11 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
12 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
13 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
14 materials, supplies or equipment.
15 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
16 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
17 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
18 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
19 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
20 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
21 received pursuant to advertisement.
22 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
23 effect the provisions of this Section.
24 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
25 (70 ILCS 200/2-127)
26 Sec. 2-127. Contracts; award to other than highest or
27 lowest bidder by four-fifths vote. All contracts for sale of
28 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500, or for a
29 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
30 the Authority for a term of more than one year, shall be
31 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
32 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
33 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
-5- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
2 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, except: (1)
3 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
4 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
5 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
6 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
7 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
8 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
9 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
10 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
11 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
12 telephone or telegraph are required.
13 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
14 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
15 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
16 ensure the best interests of the public.
17 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
18 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
19 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
20 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
21 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
22 case shall any such contract be awarded to any other than the
23 highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or the
24 lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
25 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 4/5 of the
26 members of the Board, and unless such action is accompanied
27 by a statement in writing setting forth the reasons for not
28 awarding the contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the
29 case may be, which statement shall be kept on file in the
30 principal office of the Authority and open to public
31 inspection.
32 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
33 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
34 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
-6- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
2 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
3 materials, supplies or equipment.
4 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
5 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
6 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
7 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
8 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
9 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
10 received pursuant to advertisement.
11 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
12 effect the provisions of this Section.
13 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
14 (70 ILCS 200/2-128)
15 Sec. 2-128. Contracts; award to other than highest or
16 lowest bidder by three-fourths vote. All contracts for the
17 sale of property of the value of more than $10,000 $2,500 or
18 for any concession in or lease of property of the Authority
19 for a term of more than one year shall be awarded to the
20 highest responsible bidder, after advertising for bids. All
21 construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials,
22 equipment and services, when the expense thereof will exceed
23 $10,000 $2,500, shall be let to the lowest responsible
24 bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1) when repair
25 parts, accessories, equipment or services are required for
26 equipment or services previously furnished or contracted for;
27 (2) when the nature of the services required is such that
28 competitive bidding is not in the best interest of the
29 public, including, without limiting the generality of the
30 foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
31 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
32 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
33 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
-7- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 telephone or telegraph are required.
2 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500 shall be
3 let by competitive bidding whenever possible, and in any
4 event in a manner calculated to ensure the best interests of
5 the public.
6 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
7 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
8 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
9 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
10 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
11 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
12 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
13 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
14 authorized or approved by a vote of at least three-fourths of
15 the members of the Board, and unless such action is
16 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
17 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
18 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
19 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
20 open to public inspection.
21 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
22 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
23 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
24 "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", approved June 28, 1933, as
25 amended, there shall be added an amount equal to the tax
26 which would be payable under said Act, if applicable, and the
27 lowest in amount of said adjusted bids and bids for sales the
28 gross receipts of which are taxable under said Act shall be
29 considered the lowest bid; provided, that, if said lowest bid
30 relates to a sale not taxable under said Act, any contract
31 entered into thereon shall be in the amount of the original
32 bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
33 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
34 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2,500 for the purposes of
-8- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
2 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
3 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
4 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
5 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
6 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
7 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
8 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
9 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
10 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
11 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
12 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
13 materials, supplies or equipment.
14 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
15 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
16 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
17 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
18 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
19 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
20 received pursuant to advertisement.
21 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
22 effect the provisions of this Section.
23 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
24 (70 ILCS 200/25-55)
25 Sec. 25-55. Contracts.
26 (a) All contracts for the sale of property of a value of
27 more than $10,000 $5,000 or for a concession in or lease of
28 property, including air rights, of the Committee for a term
29 of more than one year shall be awarded to the highest
30 responsible bidder after advertising for bids. All
31 construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials,
32 equipment, and services, when the expense will exceed $10,000
33 $5,000, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after
-9- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 advertising for bids, except (i) when repair parts,
2 accessories, equipment, or services are required for
3 equipment or services previously furnished or contracted for,
4 (ii) when the nature of the services required is such that
5 competitive bidding is not in the best interest of the
6 public, including without limitation the services of
7 accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians,
8 superintendents of construction, and others possessing a high
9 degree of skill, and (iii) when services such as water,
10 light, heat, power, telephone, or telegraph are required.
11 (b) All contracts involving less than $10,000 $5,000
12 shall be let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible
13 bidder whenever possible and, in any event, in a manner
14 calculated to ensure the best interests of the public.
15 Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real
16 estate or buildings owned or controlled by the Committee.
17 The Committee is empowered to offer those leases upon terms
18 it deems advisable.
19 (c) In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
20 Committee may take into account the past records of dealings
21 with the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of
22 equipment, and ability to complete performance within the
23 time set, and other factors besides financial responsibility,
24 but in no case shall any contracts be awarded to any other
25 than the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession, or
26 lease) or the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or
27 expenditure) unless authorized or approved by a vote of at
28 least 7 members of the Committee and unless the action is
29 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
30 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
31 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
32 kept on file in the principal office of the Committee and
33 open to public inspection.
34 (d) Members of the Committee, officers and employees of
-10- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 the Committee, and their relatives within the third degree of
2 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law are forbidden to
3 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
4 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
5 materials, supplies, or equipment.
6 (e) The Committee shall have the right to reject all
7 bids and to readvertise for bids. If no responsible and
8 satisfactory bid within the terms of the advertisement is
9 received, the Committee may award the contract without
10 competitive bidding if the contract is not less advantageous
11 to the Committee than any valid bid received in response to
12 advertisement.
13 (f) The Committee shall adopt rules and regulations to
14 carry into effect the provisions of this Section.
15 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
16 (70 ILCS 200/55-45)
17 Sec. 55-45. Contracts. All contracts for the sale of
18 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2,500 or for a
19 concession in or lease of property including air rights of
20 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
21 awarded to the highest responsible bidder after advertising
22 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
23 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
24 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2,500, shall be let to the
25 lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids,
26 excepting (1) when repair parts, accessories, equipment or
27 services are required for equipment or services previously
28 furnished or contracted for; (2) when the nature of the
29 services required is such that competitive bidding is not in
30 the best interest of the public, including, without limiting
31 the generality of the foregoing, the services of accountants,
32 architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents
33 of construction and others possessing a high degree of skill;
-11- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
2 telephone or telegraph are required.
3 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500 shall be
4 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
5 whenever possible and, in any event, in a manner calculated
6 to insure the best interests of the public. Competitive
7 bidding is not required for the lease of real estate or
8 buildings owned or controlled by the Authority. The Board is
9 empowered to offer such leases upon such terms as it deems
10 advisable.
11 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
12 Board may take into account the past records of dealings with
13 the bidder, experience, adequacy of equipment, ability to
14 complete performance within the time set, and other factors
15 besides financial responsibility, but in no case shall any
16 such contracts be awarded to any other than the highest
17 bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or the lowest
18 bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless authorized
19 or approved by a vote of at least a majority of all the
20 appointed members of the Board, and unless such action is
21 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
22 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
23 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
24 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
25 open to public inspection.
26 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
27 Authority and their relatives within the fourth degree of
28 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
29 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
30 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
31 materials, supplies or equipment.
32 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
33 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
34 responsible and satisfactory bid within the terms of the
-12- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 advertisement shall be received, the Board may award such
2 contract without competitive bidding provided that it shall
3 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
4 received pursuant to advertisement.
5 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
6 effect the provisions of this Section.
7 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
8 (70 ILCS 200/90-35)
9 Sec. 90-35. Contracts; award to other than highest or
10 lowest bidder by vote of 3 Board members.
11 (a) All contracts for the sale of property of a value of
12 more than $10,000 $2,500 or for a concession in or lease of
13 property, including air rights, of the Authority for a term
14 of more than one year shall be awarded to the highest
15 responsible bidder after advertising for bids. All
16 construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials,
17 equipment, and services, when the expense will exceed $10,000
18 $2,500, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after
19 advertising for bids, except (i) when repair parts,
20 accessories, equipment, or services are required for
21 equipment or services previously furnished or contracted for,
22 (ii) when the nature of the services required is such that
23 competitive bidding is not in the best interest of the
24 public, including without limitation the services of
25 accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians,
26 superintendents of construction, and others possessing a high
27 degree of skill, and (iii) when services such as water,
28 light, heat, power, telephone, or telegraph are required.
29 (b) All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500
30 shall be let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible
31 bidder whenever possible and, in any event, in a manner
32 calculated to ensure the best interests of the public.
33 Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real
-13- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 estate or buildings owned or controlled by the Authority.
2 The Board is empowered to offer those leases upon terms it
3 deems advisable.
4 (c) In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
5 Board may take into account the past records of dealings with
6 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
7 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
8 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
9 case shall any contracts be awarded to any other than the
10 highest bidder (in case of sale, concession, or lease) or the
11 lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
12 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 3 members of the
13 Board and unless the action is accompanied by a statement in
14 writing setting forth the reasons for not awarding the
15 contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the case may be,
16 which statement shall be kept on file in the principal office
17 of the Authority and open to public inspection.
18 (d) Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
19 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
20 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law are forbidden to
21 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
22 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
23 materials, supplies, or equipment.
24 (e) The Board shall have the right to reject all bids
25 and to readvertise for bids. If no responsible and
26 satisfactory bid within the terms of the advertisement is
27 received, the Board may award the contract without
28 competitive bidding if the contract is not less advantageous
29 to the Authority than any valid bid received in response to
30 advertisement.
31 (f) The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry
32 into effect the provisions of this Section.
33 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
-14- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 (70 ILCS 200/105-45)
2 Sec. 105-45. Contracts; bidding. All contracts for sale
3 of property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or for a
4 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
5 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
6 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
7 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
8 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
9 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
10 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1)
11 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
12 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
13 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
14 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
15 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
16 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
17 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
18 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
19 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
20 telephone or telegraph are required.
21 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
22 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
23 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
24 ensure the best interests of the public.
25 Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real
26 estate or buildings owned or controlled by the Authority.
27 The Board is empowered to offer such leases upon such terms
28 as it deems advisable.
29 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
30 Board may take in account the past record of dealings with
31 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
32 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
33 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
34 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
-15- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
2 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
3 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 4/5 of the
4 members of the Board, and unless such action is accompanied
5 by a statement in writing setting forth the reasons for not
6 awarding the contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the
7 case may be, which statement shall be kept on file in the
8 principal office of the Authority and open to public
9 inspection.
10 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
11 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
12 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
13 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
14 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
15 materials, supplies or equipment.
16 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
17 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
18 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
19 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
20 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
21 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
22 received pursuant to advertisement.
23 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
24 effect the provisions of this Section.
25 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
26 (70 ILCS 200/140-50)
27 Sec. 140-50. Contracts.
28 (a) All contracts for the sale of property of a value of
29 more than $10,000 $2,500 or for a concession in or lease of
30 property, including air rights, of the Authority for a term
31 of more than one year shall be awarded to the highest
32 responsible bidder after advertising for bids. All
33 construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials,
-16- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 equipment, and services, when the expense will exceed $10,000
2 $2,500, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder after
3 advertising for bids, except (i) when repair parts,
4 accessories, equipment, or services are required for
5 equipment or services previously furnished or contracted for,
6 (ii) when the nature of the services required is such that
7 competitive bidding is not in the best interest of the
8 public, including without limitation the services of
9 accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, physicians,
10 superintendents of construction, and others possessing a high
11 degree of skill, and (iii) when services such as water,
12 light, heat, power, telephone, or telegraph are required.
13 (b) All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500
14 shall be let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible
15 bidder whenever possible and, in any event, in a manner
16 calculated to ensure the best interests of the public.
17 Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real
18 estate or buildings owned or controlled by the Authority.
19 The Board is empowered to offer those leases upon terms it
20 deems advisable.
21 (c) In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
22 Board may take into account the past records of dealings with
23 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
24 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
25 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
26 case shall any contracts be awarded to any other than the
27 highest bidder (in case of sale, concession, or lease) or the
28 lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
29 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 5 members of the
30 Board and unless the action is accompanied by a statement in
31 writing setting forth the reasons for not awarding the
32 contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the case may be,
33 which statement shall be kept on file in the principal office
34 of the Authority and open to public inspection.
-17- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 (d) Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
2 Authority, and their relatives within the third degree of
3 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law are forbidden to
4 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
5 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
6 materials, supplies, or equipment.
7 (e) The Board shall have the right to reject all bids
8 and to readvertise for bids. If no responsible and
9 satisfactory bid within the terms of the advertisement is
10 received, the Board may award the contract without
11 competitive bidding if the contract is not less advantageous
12 to the Authority than any valid bid received in response to
13 advertisement.
14 (f) The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry
15 into effect the provisions of this Section.
16 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
17 (70 ILCS 200/155-55)
18 Sec. 155-55. Contracts. All contracts for sale of
19 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2,500, or for a
20 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
21 the Authority for a term of more than one year, shall be
22 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
23 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
24 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
25 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2,500, shall be let to the
26 lowest responsible bidder, after advertising for bids,
27 except: (1) when repair parts, accessories, equipment or
28 services are required for equipment or services previously
29 furnished or contracted for; (2) when the nature of the
30 services required is such that competitive bidding is not in
31 the best interest of the public, including, without limiting
32 the generality of the foregoing, the services of accountants,
33 architects, attorneys, engineers, financial advisors,
-18- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 investment bankers, physicians, superintendents of
2 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
3 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
4 telephone or telegraph are required.
5 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2,500 shall be
6 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
7 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
8 ensure the best interests of the public.
9 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
10 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
11 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
12 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
13 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
14 case shall any such contract be awarded to any other than the
15 highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or the
16 lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
17 authorized or approved by a vote of at least 5 of the members
18 of the Board, and unless such action is accompanied by a
19 statement in writing setting forth the reasons for not
20 awarding the contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the
21 case may be, which statement shall be kept on file in the
22 principal office of the Authority and open to public
23 inspection.
24 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
25 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
26 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
27 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
28 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
29 materials, supplies or equipment.
30 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
31 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
32 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
33 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
34 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
-19- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
2 received pursuant to advertisement.
3 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
4 effect the provisions of this Section.
5 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
6 (70 ILCS 200/170-50)
7 Sec. 170-50. Contracts. All contracts for sale of
8 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or for an
9 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
10 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
11 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
12 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
13 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
14 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
15 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1)
16 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
17 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
18 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
19 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
20 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
21 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
22 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
23 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
24 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
25 telephone or telegraph are required.
26 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
27 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
28 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
29 ensure the best interests of the public.
30 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
31 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
32 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
33 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
-20- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
2 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
3 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
4 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
5 authorized or approved by a vote of at least three-fourths of
6 the members of the Board, and unless such action is
7 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
8 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
9 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
10 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
11 open to public inspection.
12 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
13 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
14 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
15 Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, there shall be added an amount
16 equal to the tax which would be payable under said Act, if
17 applicable, and the lowest in amount of said adjusted bids
18 and bids for sales the gross receipts of which are taxable
19 under said Act shall be considered the lowest bid; provided,
20 that, if said lowest bid relates to a sale not taxable under
21 said Act, any contract entered into thereon shall be in the
22 amount of the original bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
23 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
24 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2500 for the purposes of
25 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
26 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
27 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
28 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
29 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
30 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
31 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
32 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
33 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
34 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
-21- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
2 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
3 materials, supplies or equipment.
4 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
5 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
6 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
7 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
8 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
9 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
10 received pursuant to advertisement.
11 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
12 effect the provisions of this Section.
13 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
14 (70 ILCS 200/200-50)
15 Sec. 200-50. Contracts. All contracts for sale of
16 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or for any
17 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
18 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
19 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
20 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
21 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
22 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
23 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1)
24 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
25 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
26 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
27 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
28 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
29 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
30 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
31 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
32 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
33 telephone or telegraph are required.
-22- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
2 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
3 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
4 ensure the best interests of the public.
5 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
6 Board may take in account the past record of dealings with
7 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
8 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
9 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
10 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
11 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
12 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
13 authorized or approved by a vote of at least three-fourths of
14 the members of the Board, and unless such action is
15 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
16 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
17 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
18 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
19 open to public inspection.
20 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
21 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
22 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
23 Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, there shall be added an amount
24 equal to the tax which would be payable under said Act, if
25 applicable, and the lowest in amount of said adjusted bids
26 and bids for sales the gross receipts of which are taxable
27 under said Act shall be considered the lowest bid; provided,
28 that, if said lowest bid relates to a sale not taxable under
29 said Act, any contract entered into thereon shall be in the
30 amount of the original bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
31 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
32 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2500 for the purposes of
33 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
34 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
-23- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
2 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
3 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
4 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
5 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
6 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
7 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
8 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
9 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
10 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
11 materials, supplies or equipment.
12 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
13 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
14 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
15 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
16 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
17 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
18 received pursuant to advertisement.
19 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
20 effect the provisions of this Section.
21 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
22 (70 ILCS 200/205-75)
23 Sec. 205-75. Bidding; advertisement. All contracts to be
24 let for the construction, alteration, improvement, repair,
25 enlargement, demolition or removal of any buildings or their
26 facilities, or for materials or supplies to be furnished,
27 where the amount thereof is in excess of $10,000 $2,500.00
28 shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, or bidders on
29 open competitive bidding after public advertisement published
30 at least once in each week for 3 consecutive weeks prior to
31 the opening of bids, in a daily newspaper of general
32 circulation in the county where the Authority is located,
33 except (i) when repair parts, accessories, equipment, or
-24- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 services are required for equipment or services previously
2 furnished or contracted for or (ii) when the nature of the
3 services is such that competitive bidding is not in the best
4 interest of the public. Nothing contained in this Section
5 shall be construed to prohibit the Board of Commissioners
6 from placing additional advertisements in recognized trade
7 journals. Advertisements for bids shall describe the
8 character of the proposed contract in sufficient detail to
9 enable the bidders thereon to know what their obligation will
10 be, either in the advertisement itself, or by reference to
11 detailed plans and specifications on file in the office of
12 the Peoria Civic Center Authority at the time of the
13 publication of the first announcement. Such advertisement
14 shall also state the date, time, and place assigned for the
15 opening of bids and no bids shall be received at any time
16 subsequent to the time indicated in said advertisement. The
17 Board of Commissioners may reject any and all bids received
18 and readvertise for bids. All bids shall be open to public
19 inspection in the office of the Peoria Civic Center Authority
20 for a period of at least 48 hours before award is made. In
21 determining the responsibility of any bidder, the Board may
22 consider the bidder's past record of dealings, experience,
23 adequacy of equipment, ability to timely complete
24 performance, and other factors besides financial
25 responsibility. In no case, however, shall any contract be
26 awarded to any bidder other than the lowest bidder unless
27 authorized or approved by the affirmative vote of at least 5
28 members of the board and unless the award is accompanied by a
29 statement in writing setting forth the reasons for not
30 awarding the contract to the lowest bidder, which must be
31 kept on file in the office of the Authority and be open to
32 the public for inspection. The successful bidder for such
33 work shall enter into contracts furnished and prescribed by
34 the Board of Commissioners and in addition to any other bonds
-25- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 required under this Article the successful bidder shall
2 execute and give bond, payable to and to be approved by the
3 Authority, with a corporate surety authorized to do business
4 under the laws of the State of Illinois, in an amount to be
5 determined by the Board of Commissioners, conditioned upon
6 the payment of all labor furnished and materials supplied in
7 the prosecution of the contracted work. If the bidder whose
8 bid has been accepted shall neglect or refuse to accept the
9 contract within 5 days after written notice that the same has
10 been awarded to him, or if he accepts but does not execute
11 the contract and give proper security, the Authority may
12 accept the next lowest bidder, or readvertise and relet in
13 manner above provided.
14 In case any work shall be abandoned by any contractor the
15 Authority may, if the best interest of the Authority be
16 thereby served, adopt on behalf of the Authority all
17 sub-contracts made by such contractor for such contractor for
18 such work and all sub-contractors shall be bound by such
19 adoption if made; and the Authority shall, in the manner
20 provided herein, readvertise and relet the work specified in
21 the original contract exclusive of so much thereof as shall
22 be accepted. Every contract, when made and entered into, as
23 herein provided for, shall be executed in duplicate, one copy
24 of which shall be held by the Authority, and filed in its
25 records and one copy of which shall be given to the
26 contractor.
27 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
28 (70 ILCS 200/215-55)
29 Sec. 215-55. Contracts. All contracts for the sale of
30 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or for any
31 concession in or lease of property, including air rights, of
32 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
33 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
-26- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
2 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
3 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
4 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1)
5 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
6 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
7 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
8 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
9 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
10 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
11 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
12 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
13 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
14 telephone or telegraph are required.
15 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
16 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
17 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
18 ensure the best interests of the public.
19 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
20 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
21 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
22 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
23 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
24 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
25 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
26 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
27 authorized or approved by a vote of at least three-fourths of
28 the members of the Board, and unless such action is
29 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
30 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
31 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
32 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
33 open to public inspection.
34 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
-27- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
2 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
3 Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, there shall be added an amount
4 equal to the tax which would be payable under said Act, if
5 applicable, and the lowest in amount of said adjusted bids
6 and bids for sales the gross receipts of which are taxable
7 under said Act shall be considered the lowest bid; provided,
8 that, if said lowest bid relates to a sale not taxable under
9 said Act, any contract entered into thereon shall be in the
10 amount of the original bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
11 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
12 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2500 for the purposes of
13 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
14 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
15 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
16 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
17 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
18 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
19 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
20 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
21 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
22 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
23 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
24 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
25 materials, supplies or equipment.
26 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
27 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
28 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
29 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
30 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
31 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
32 received pursuant to advertisement.
33 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
34 effect the provisions of this Section.
-28- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
2 (70 ILCS 200/240-50)
3 Sec. 240-50. Contracts. All contracts for sale of
4 property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or for an
5 concession in or lease of property including air rights, of
6 the Authority for a term of more than one year shall be
7 awarded to the highest responsible bidder, after advertising
8 for bids. All construction contracts and contracts for
9 supplies, materials, equipment and services, when the expense
10 thereof will exceed $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest
11 responsible bidder, after advertising for bids, excepting (1)
12 when repair parts, accessories, equipment or services are
13 required for equipment or services previously furnished or
14 contracted for; (2) when the nature of the services required
15 is such that competitive bidding is not in the best interest
16 of the public, including, without limiting the generality of
17 the foregoing, the services of accountants, architects,
18 attorneys, engineers, physicians, superintendents of
19 construction, and others possessing a high degree of skill;
20 and (3) when services such as water, light, heat, power,
21 telephone or telegraph are required.
22 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
23 let by competitive bidding to the lowest responsible bidder
24 whenever possible, and in any event in a manner calculated to
25 ensure the best interests of the public.
26 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
27 Board may take in account the past record of dealings with
28 the bidder, experience, adequacy of equipment, ability to
29 complete performance within the time set, and other factors
30 besides financial responsibility, but in no case shall any
31 such contracts be awarded to any other than the highest
32 bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or the lowest
33 bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless authorized
-29- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 or approved by the affirmative vote of at least 6 of the
2 members of the Board present at a meeting at which a quorum
3 is present, and unless such action is accompanied by a
4 statement in writing setting forth the reasons for not
5 awarding the contract to the highest or lowest bidder, as the
6 case may be, which statement shall be kept on file in the
7 principal office of the Authority and open to public
8 inspection.
9 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
10 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
11 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
12 Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, there shall be added an amount
13 equal to the tax which would be payable under said Act, if
14 applicable, and the lowest in amount of said adjusted bids
15 and bids for sales the gross receipts of which are taxable
16 under said Act shall be considered the lowest bid; provided,
17 that, if said lowest bid relates to a sale not taxable under
18 said Act, any contract entered into thereon shall be in the
19 amount of the original bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
20 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
21 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2500 for the purposes of
22 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
23 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
24 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
25 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
26 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
27 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
28 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
29 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
30 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
31 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
32 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
33 construction or maintenance work or for the delivery of
34 materials, supplies or equipment.
-30- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
2 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
3 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
4 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
5 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
6 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
7 received pursuant to advertisement.
8 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
9 effect the provisions of this Section.
10 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)
11 (70 ILCS 200/280-80)
12 Sec. 280-80. Contracts; bidding. All contracts for the
13 sale of property of the value of more than $10,000 $2500 or
14 for any concession in or lease of property of the Authority
15 for a term of more than one year shall be awarded to the
16 highest responsible bidder, after advertising for bids. All
17 construction contracts and contracts for supplies, materials,
18 equipment and services, when the expense thereof will exceed
19 $10,000 $2500, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder,
20 after advertising for bids excepting (1) when repair parts,
21 accessories, equipment or services are required for equipment
22 or services previously furnished or contracted for; (2) when
23 the nature of the services required is such that competitive
24 bidding is not in the best interest of the public, including,
25 without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
26 services of accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers,
27 physicians, superintendents of construction, and others
28 possessing a high degree of skill; and (3) when services such
29 as water, light, heat, power, telephone or telegraph are
30 required.
31 All contracts involving less than $10,000 $2500 shall be
32 let by competitive bidding whenever possible, and in any
33 event in a manner calculated to ensure the best interests of
-31- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 the public.
2 Competitive bidding is not required for the lease of real
3 estate or buildings owned or controlled by the Authority on
4 July 13, 1982 (the effective date of Public Act 82-786). The
5 Board is empowered to offer such leases upon such terms as it
6 deems advisable.
7 In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the
8 Board may take into account the past record of dealings with
9 the bidder, the bidder's experience, adequacy of equipment,
10 and ability to complete performance within the time set, and
11 other factors besides financial responsibility, but in no
12 case shall any such contracts be awarded to any other than
13 the highest bidder (in case of sale, concession or lease) or
14 the lowest bidder (in case of purchase or expenditure) unless
15 authorized or approved by a vote of at least three-fourths of
16 the members of the Board, and unless such action is
17 accompanied by a statement in writing setting forth the
18 reasons for not awarding the contract to the highest or
19 lowest bidder, as the case may be, which statement shall be
20 kept on file in the principal office of the Authority and
21 open to public inspection.
22 From the group of responsible bidders the lowest bidder
23 shall be selected in the following manner: to all bids for
24 sales the gross receipts of which are not taxable under the
25 "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", approved June 28, 1933, as
26 amended, there shall be added an amount equal to the tax
27 which would be payable under said Act, if applicable, and the
28 lowest in amount of said adjusted bids and bids for sales the
29 gross receipts of which are taxable under said Act shall be
30 considered the lowest bid; provided, that, if said lowest bid
31 relates to a sale not taxable under said Act, any contract
32 entered into thereon shall be in the amount of the original
33 bid not adjusted as aforesaid.
34 Contracts shall not be split into parts involving
-32- LRB093 09848 BDD 10096 b
1 expenditures of less than $10,000 $2500 for the purposes of
2 avoiding the provisions of this Section, and all such split
3 contracts shall be void. If any collusion occurs among
4 bidders or prospective bidders in restraint of freedom of
5 competition, by agreement to bid a fixed amount or to refrain
6 from bidding or otherwise, the bids of such bidders shall be
7 void. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a sworn
8 statement that he has not been a party to any such agreement.
9 Members of the Board, officers and employees of the
10 Authority, and their relatives within the fourth degree of
11 consanguinity by the terms of the civil law, are forbidden to
12 be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for
13 construction of maintenance work or for the delivery of
14 materials, supplies or equipment.
15 The Board shall have the right to reject all bids and to
16 readvertise for bids. If after any such advertisement no
17 responsible and satisfactory bid, within the terms of the
18 advertisement, shall be received, the Board may award such
19 contract, without competitive bidding, provided that it shall
20 not be less advantageous to the Authority than any valid bid
21 received pursuant to advertisement.
22 The Board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry into
23 effect the provisions of this Section.
24 (Source: P.A. 90-328, eff. 1-1-98.)