093_SB1152sam002 LRB093 06790 LRD 13368 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1152 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 1152 by replacing 3 everything after the enacting clause with the following: 4 "Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by 5 changing Section 17-134 as follows: 6 (40 ILCS 5/17-134) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-134) 7 Sec. 17-134. Contributions for leaves of absence; 8 military service; computing service. In computing service 9 for pension purposes the following periods of service shall 10 stand insteadin lieuof a like number of years of teaching 11 service upon payment therefor in the manner hereinafter 12 provided: (a) time spent on a leave of absence granted by the 13 employer; (b) service with teacher or labor organizations 14 based upon special leaves of absence therefor granted by an 15 Employer; (c) a maximum of 5 years spent in the military 16 service of the United States, of which up to 2 years may have 17 been served outside the pension period; (d) unused sick days 18 at termination of service to a maximum of 244 days; (e) time 19 lost due to layoff and curtailment of the school term from 20 June 6 through June 21, 1976; and (f) time spent after June 21 30, 1982 as a member of the Board of Education, if required 22 to resign from an administrative or teaching position in -2- LRB093 06790 LRD 13368 a 1 order to qualify as a member of the Board of Education. 2 (1) For time spent on or after September 6, 1948 on 3 sabbatical leaves of absence or sick leaves, for which 4 salaries are paid, an Employer shall make payroll 5 deductions at the applicable rates in effect during such 6 periods. 7 (2) For time spent on a leave of absence granted by 8 the employer for which no salaries are paid, teachers 9 desiring credit therefor shall pay the required 10 contributions at the rates in effect during such periods 11 as though they were in teaching service. If an Employer 12 pays salary for vacations which occur during a teacher's 13 sick leave or maternity or paternity leave without 14 salary, vacation pay for which the teacher would have 15 qualified while in active service shall be considered 16 part of the teacher's total salary for pension purposes. 17 No more than 36 months of leave credit may be allowed any 18 person during the entire term of service. Sabbatical 19 leave credit shall be limited to the time the person on 20 leave without salary under an Employer's rules is allowed 21 to engage in an activity for which he receives salary or 22 compensation. 23 (3) For time spent prior to September 6, 1948, on 24 sabbatical leaves of absence or sick leaves for which 25 salaries were paid, teachers desiring service credit 26 therefor shall pay the required contributions at the 27 maximum applicable rates in effect during such periods. 28 (4) For service with teacher or labor organizations 29 authorized by special leaves of absence, for which no 30 payroll deductions are made by an Employer, teachers 31 desiring service credit therefor shall contribute to the 32 Fund upon the basis of the actual salary received from 33 such organizations at the percentage rates in effect 34 during such periods for certified positions with such -3- LRB093 06790 LRD 13368 a 1 Employer. To the extent the actual salary exceeds the 2 regular salary, which shall be defined as the salary 3 rate, as calculated by the Board, in effect for the 4 teacher's regular position in teaching service on 5 September 1, 1983 or on the effective date of the leave 6 with the organization, whichever is later, the 7 organization shall pay to the Fund the employer's normal 8 cost as set by the Board on the increment. 9 (5) For time spent in the military service, 10 teachers entitled to and desiring credit therefor shall 11 contribute the amount required for each year of service 12 or fraction thereof at the rates in force (a) at the date 13 oF appointment, or (b) on return to teaching service as a 14 regularly certified teacher, as the case may be; provided 15 such rates shall not be less than $450 per year of 16 service. These conditions shall apply unless an Employer 17 elects to and does pay into the Fund the amount which 18 would have been due from such person had he been employed 19 as a teacher during such time. In the case of credit for 20 military service not during the pension period, the 21 teacher must also pay to the Fund an amount determined by 22 the Board to be equal to the employer's normal cost of 23 the benefits accrued from such service, plus interest 24 thereon at 5% per year, compounded annually, from the 25 date of appointment to the date of payment. 26 The changes to this Section made by Public Act 27 87-795 shall apply not only to persons who on or after 28 its effective date are in service under the Fund, but 29 also to persons whose status as a teacher terminated 30 prior to that date, whether or not the person is an 31 annuitant on that date. In the case of an annuitant who 32 applies for credit allowable under this Section for a 33 period of military service that did not immediately 34 follow employment, and who has made the required -4- LRB093 06790 LRD 13368 a 1 contributions for such credit, the annuity shall be 2 recalculated to include the additional service credit, 3 with the increase taking effect on the date the Fund 4 received written notification of the annuitant's intent 5 to purchase the credit, if payment of all the required 6 contributions is made within 60 days of such notice, or 7 else on the first annuity payment date following the date 8 of payment of the required contributions. In calculating 9 the automatic annual increase for an annuity that has 10 been recalculated under this Section, the increase 11 attributable to the additional service allowable under 12 this amendatory Act of 1991 shall be included in the 13 calculation of automatic annual increases accruing after 14 the effective date of the recalculation. 15 The total credit for military service shall not 16 exceed 5 years, except that any teacher who on July 1, 17 1963, had validated credit for more than 5 years of 18 military service shall be entitled to the total amount of 19 such credit. 20 (6) A maximum of 244 unused sick days credited to 21 his account by an Employer on the date of termination of 22 employment. Members, upon verification of unused sick 23 days, may add this service time to total creditable 24 service. 25 (7) In all cases where time spent on leave is 26 creditable and no payroll deductions therefor are made by 27 an Employer, persons desiring service credit shall make 28 the required contributions directly to the Fund. 29 (8) For time lost without pay due to layoff and 30 curtailment of the school term from June 6 through June 31 21, 1976, as provided in item (e) of the first paragraph 32 of this Section, persons who were contributors on the 33 days immediately preceding such layoff shall receive 34 credit upon paying to the Fund a contribution based on -5- LRB093 06790 LRD 13368 a 1 the rates of compensation and employee contributions in 2 effect at the time of such layoff, together with an 3 additional amount equal to 12.2% of the compensation 4 computed for such period of layoff, plus interest on the 5 entire amount at 5% per annum from January 1, 1978 to the 6 date of payment. If such contribution is paid, salary 7 for pension purposes for any year in which such a layoff 8 occurred shall include the compensation recognized for 9 purposes of computing that contribution. 10 (9) For time spent after June 30, 1982, as a 11 nonsalaried member of the Board of Education, if required 12 to resign from an administrative or teaching position in 13 order to qualify as a member of the Board of Education, 14 an administrator or teacher desiring credit therefor 15 shall pay the required contributions at the rates and 16 salaries in effect during such periods as though the 17 member were in service. 18 Effective September 1, 1974, the interest charged for 19 validation of service described in paragraphs (2) through (5) 20 of this Section shall be compounded annually at a rate of 5% 21 commencing one year after the termination of the leave or 22 return to service. 23 (Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02.)".