093_SB1045sam002 LRB093 10698 MKM 14561 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1045 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 1045 by replacing 3 everything after the enacting clause with the following: 4 "Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and 5 Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is 6 amended by adding Section 2310-106 as follows: 7 (20 ILCS 2310/2310-106 new) 8 Sec. 2310-106. Local health protection grants; revised 9 methodology. The Department, in cooperation with the Illinois 10 Association of Public Health Administrators and any other 11 legally established association of certified health 12 departments whose jurisdictions cover at least 20% of the 13 State's population or 20% of the land area of the State, with 14 regard to the allocation of the annual appropriation for the 15 ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department for the 16 purpose of local health protection grants for the fiscal year 17 beginning July 1, 2004, shall revise the methodology 18 promulgated by the administrative rule governing the purpose 19 and distribution of local health protection grants, taking 20 into consideration the capacity of each local health 21 department to maintain effective programs and services, 22 population size, indicators of need, numbers of persons in -2- LRB093 10698 MKM 14561 a 1 poverty, and other criteria significant to protecting public 2 health, along with the services, functions, structure, and 3 capacity of the Department. The revised methodology shall 4 include criteria, standards, and procedures for allocating 5 these grants on a basis that provides incentives for local 6 health departments to organize into regions or other 7 organizational arrangements that assure an optimal 8 operational efficiency and the delivery of the 10 essential 9 public health services established by the Centers for Disease 10 Control and Prevention (CDC), with assurances that the Local 11 Public Health Protection Grant funded capacity of each local 12 health department in effect for the fiscal year beginning 13 July 1, 2002 is neither diminished nor impaired in subsequent 14 fiscal years, provided that the total local health protection 15 grant appropriation is not reduced. The revised methodology 16 shall be published in the Illinois Register as a proposed 17 rule on a timely basis so that the rule will be adopted and 18 effective July 1, 2004.".