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| advantages of the design-build procurement method, that it is |
2 |
| in the
best interests of this State to enter into a |
3 |
| design-build contract for the
project or projects. In making |
4 |
| that determination, the following factors shall
be considered:
5 |
| (1) The probability that the design-build procurement |
6 |
| method will be in
the best interests of the State by |
7 |
| providing a material savings of time or
cost over the |
8 |
| design-bid-build or other delivery system.
9 |
| (2) The type and size of the project and its |
10 |
| suitability to the
design-build procurement method.
11 |
| (3) The ability of the State construction agency to |
12 |
| define and provide
scope and performance |
13 |
| criteria for the project.
14 |
| The State construction agency shall within 15 days after |
15 |
| the initial
determination provide an advisory copy to the |
16 |
| Procurement Policy Board and
maintain the full record of |
17 |
| determination for 5 years.
18 |
19 |
20 |
| Section 5-10. Definitions. As used in this Article:
21 |
| "State construction agency" means the Capital Development |
22 |
| Board.
23 |
| "Delivery system" means the design and construction |
24 |
| approach used to develop
and construct a project.
25 |
| "Design-bid-build" means the traditional delivery system |
26 |
| used on public
projects in this State that incorporates the |
27 |
| Architectural, Engineering, and
Land Surveying Qualification |
28 |
| Based Selection Act (30 ILCS 535/) and the
principles of |
29 |
| competitive selection in the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILCS
30 |
| 500/).
31 |
| "Design-build" means a delivery system that provides |
32 |
| responsibility within a
single contract for the furnishing of |
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| architecture, engineering, land surveying
and related services |
2 |
| as required, and the labor, materials, equipment, and
other |
3 |
| construction services for the project.
4 |
| "Design-build contract" means a contract for a public |
5 |
| project under this Act
between the State construction agency |
6 |
| and a design-build entity to furnish
7 |
| engineering, land surveying, and related services as required, |
8 |
| and to furnish
the labor, materials, equipment, and other |
9 |
| construction services for the
project. The design-build |
10 |
| contract may be conditioned upon subsequent
refinements in |
11 |
| scope and price and may allow the State construction agency to
12 |
| make
modifications in the project scope without invalidating |
13 |
| the design-build
14 |
| "Design-build entity" means any individual, sole |
15 |
| proprietorship, firm,
partnership, joint venture, corporation, |
16 |
| professional corporation, or other
entity that proposes to |
17 |
| design and construct any public project under this Act.
A |
18 |
| design-build entity and associated design-build professionals |
19 |
| shall conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of this |
20 |
| State and the related provisions of the Illinois Administrative |
21 |
| Code, as referenced by the licensed design professionals Acts |
22 |
| of this State.
23 |
| "Design professional" means any individual, sole |
24 |
| proprietorship, firm,
partnership, joint venture, corporation, |
25 |
| professional corporation, or other
entity that offers services |
26 |
| under the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of
1989 (225 ILCS |
27 |
| 305/), the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989 (225
28 |
| ILCS 325/),
the Structural Engineering Licensing Act of 1989 |
29 |
| (225 ILCS 340/), or the
Illinois Professional
Land Surveyor Act |
30 |
| of 1989 (225 ILCS 330/).
31 |
| "Evaluation criteria" means the requirements for the |
32 |
| separate phases of the
selection process as defined in this Act |
33 |
| and may include the specialized
experience, technical |
34 |
| qualifications and competence, capacity to perform, past
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| performance, experience with similar projects, assignment of |
2 |
| personnel to the
project, and other appropriate factors. Price |
3 |
| may not be used as a factor in
the evaluation of Phase I |
4 |
| proposals.
5 |
| "Proposal" means the offer to enter into a design-build |
6 |
| contract as submitted
by a design-build entity in accordance |
7 |
| with this Article.
8 |
| "Request for proposal" means the document used by the State |
9 |
| construction agency
to solicit
proposals for a design-build |
10 |
| contract.
11 |
| "Scope and performance criteria" means the requirements |
12 |
| for the public
project, including but not limited to, the |
13 |
| intended usage, capacity, size,
scope, quality and performance |
14 |
| standards, life-cycle costs, and other
programmatic criteria |
15 |
| that are expressed in performance-oriented and
quantifiable |
16 |
| specifications and drawings that can be reasonably inferred and
17 |
| are suited to allow a design-build entity to develop a |
18 |
| proposal.
19 |
| Section 5-15. Solicitation of proposals.
20 |
| (a) When the State construction agency elects to use the |
21 |
| design-build delivery
method, it must
issue a notice of intent |
22 |
| to receive requests for proposals for the project at
least 14 |
23 |
| days before issuing the request for the proposal. The State
24 |
| construction agency
must publish the advance notice in the |
25 |
| official procurement bulletin of the
State or the professional |
26 |
| services bulletin of the State construction agency,
if any. The
27 |
| agency is encouraged to use publication of the notice in |
28 |
| related construction
industry service publications. A brief |
29 |
| description of the proposed procurement
must be included in the |
30 |
| notice. The State construction agency must provide a
copy of |
31 |
| the
request for proposal to any party requesting a copy.
32 |
| (b) The request for proposal shall be prepared for each |
33 |
| project and must
contain, without limitation, the following |
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| information:
2 |
| (1) The name of the State construction agency.
3 |
| (2) A preliminary schedule for the completion of the |
4 |
| contract.
5 |
| (3) The proposed budget for the project, the source of |
6 |
| funds, and the
currently available funds at the time the |
7 |
| request for proposal is submitted.
8 |
| (4) Prequalification criteria for design-build |
9 |
| entities wishing to submit
The State |
10 |
| construction agency shall include, at a minimum, its normal
11 |
| prequalification, licensing, registration, and other |
12 |
| requirements, but nothing
contained herein precludes the |
13 |
| use of additional prequalification criteria
by the State |
14 |
| construction agency.
15 |
| (5) Material requirements of the contract, including |
16 |
| but not limited to,
the proposed terms and conditions, |
17 |
| required performance and payment bonds,
insurance, |
18 |
| affirmative action, and workforce requirements, if any.
19 |
| (6) The performance criteria.
20 |
| (7) The evaluation criteria for each phase of the |
21 |
| solicitation.
22 |
| (8) The number of entities that will be considered for |
23 |
| the technical and
evaluation phase.
24 |
| (c) The State construction agency may include any other |
25 |
| relevant information
that it
chooses to supply. The |
26 |
| design-build entity shall be entitled to rely upon the
accuracy |
27 |
| of this documentation in the development of its proposal.
28 |
| (d) The date that proposals are due must be at least 21 |
29 |
| calendar days after
the date of the issuance of the request for |
30 |
| proposal. In the event the cost of
the project
is estimated to |
31 |
| exceed $10 million, then the proposal due date must be at least
32 |
| 28 calendar days after the date of the issuance of the request |
33 |
| for proposal.
The State construction agency shall include in |
34 |
| the request for proposal a
minimum of 30 days
to develop the |
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| Phase II submissions after the selection of entities
from the |
2 |
| Phase I evaluation is completed.
3 |
| Section 5-20. Development of scope and performance |
4 |
| criteria.
5 |
| (a) The State construction agency shall develop, with the |
6 |
| assistance of a
licensed design professional, a request
for |
7 |
| proposal, which shall include scope and performance criteria.
8 |
| The scope and performance criteria must be in sufficient detail |
9 |
| and contain
adequate information to reasonably apprise the |
10 |
| qualified design-build entities
of the State construction |
11 |
| agency's overall programmatic needs and goals,
including |
12 |
| criteria and preliminary design plans,
general budget |
13 |
| parameters, schedule, and delivery requirements.
14 |
| (b) Each request for proposal shall also include a |
15 |
| description of the level
of design to be provided in the |
16 |
| proposals. This description must include the
scope and type of |
17 |
| renderings, drawings, and specifications that, at a minimum,
18 |
| will be required by the State construction agency to be |
19 |
| produced by the
design-build entities.
20 |
| (c) The scope and performance criteria shall be prepared by |
21 |
| a design
professional who is an employee of the State |
22 |
| construction agency, or the State
agency may
23 |
| contract with an independent design professional selected |
24 |
| under the
Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying |
25 |
| Qualification Based Selection Act
(30 ILCS 535/) to provide |
26 |
| these services.
27 |
| (d) The design professional that prepares the scope and |
28 |
| performance criteria
is prohibited from participating in any |
29 |
| design-build entity proposal for the
30 |
| Section 5-25. Selection Committee.
31 |
| (a) When the State construction agency elects to use the |
32 |
| design-build
delivery method, it
shall establish a committee to |
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| evaluate and select the design-build entity. The
committee, |
2 |
| under the discretion of the State construction agency, shall |
3 |
| consist
of 3, 5, or
7 members and shall include at least one |
4 |
| licensed design professional and one
member of the public. The |
5 |
| public
member may not be employed or associated with any firm |
6 |
| holding a contract with
the State construction agency and shall |
7 |
| be nominated by design or construction
industry associations. |
8 |
| The selection committee may be designated for a set term
for |
9 |
| the particular project subject to the request for proposal.
10 |
| (b) The members of the selection committee must certify for |
11 |
| each request for
proposal that no conflict of interest exists |
12 |
| between the members and the
design-build entities submitting |
13 |
| proposals. If a conflict exists, the member
be replaced |
14 |
| before any review of proposals.
15 |
| Section 5-30. Procedures for Selection.
16 |
| (a) The State construction agency must use a two-phase |
17 |
| procedure for the
selection of the
successful design-build |
18 |
| entity. Phase I of the procedure will evaluate and
shortlist |
19 |
| the design-build entities based on qualifications, and Phase II
20 |
| will
evaluate the technical and cost proposals.
21 |
| (b) The State construction agency shall include in the |
22 |
| request for proposal
evaluating factors to be used in Phase |
23 |
| I. These factors are in addition to any
prequalification |
24 |
| requirements of design-build entities that the agency has set
25 |
| forth. Each request for proposal shall establish the relative |
26 |
| importance
assigned to each evaluation factor and subfactor, |
27 |
| including any weighting of
criteria to be employed by the State |
28 |
| construction agency. The State
construction agency must |
29 |
| maintain a
record of the evaluation scoring to be disclosed in |
30 |
| event of a protest
regarding the solicitation.
31 |
| The State construction agency shall include the following |
32 |
| criteria in every
Phase I
evaluation of design-build entities: |
33 |
| (1) experience of personnel; (2)
experience with |
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| similar project types; (3) financial capability; (4) |
2 |
| timeliness
of past performance; (5) experience with similarly |
3 |
| sized projects; (6)
successful reference checks of the firm; |
4 |
| and (7) commitment to assign personnel
for the duration of the |
5 |
| project and qualifications of the entity's consultants.
The |
6 |
| State construction agency may include any additional relevant |
7 |
| criteria in
Phase I that
it deems necessary for a proper |
8 |
| qualification review.
9 |
| The State construction agency may not consider any |
10 |
| design-build entity for
evaluation or
award if the entity has |
11 |
| any pecuniary interest in the project or has other
12 |
| relationships or circumstances, including but not limited to, |
13 |
| long-term
leasehold, mutual performance, or development |
14 |
| contracts with the State
construction agency,
that may give the |
15 |
| design-build entity a financial or tangible advantage over
16 |
| other design-build entities in the preparation, evaluation, or |
17 |
| performance of
design-build contract or that create the |
18 |
| appearance of impropriety.
19 |
| Upon completion of the qualifications evaluation, the |
20 |
| State construction
agency shall
create a shortlist of the most |
21 |
| highly qualified design-build entities. The
construction |
22 |
| agency, in its discretion, is not required to shortlist the
23 |
| maximum number of
entities as identified for Phase II |
24 |
| evaluation, provided however, no less than
design-build |
25 |
| entities nor more than 6 are selected to submit Phase II
26 |
| proposals.
27 |
| The State construction agency shall notify the entities |
28 |
| selected for the
shortlist in
writing. This notification shall |
29 |
| commence the period for the preparation of the
Phase II |
30 |
| technical and cost evaluations. The State construction agency |
31 |
| must
allow sufficient
time for the shortlist entities to |
32 |
| prepare their Phase II submittals
the scope and |
33 |
| detail requested by the State agency.
34 |
| (c) The State construction agency shall include in the |
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| request for proposal
evaluating factors to be used in the |
2 |
| technical and cost submission components
of Phase II. Each |
3 |
| request for proposal shall establish, for both the technical
4 |
| and cost submission components of Phase II, the relative |
5 |
| importance assigned to
each evaluation factor and subfactor, |
6 |
| including any weighting of criteria to be
employed by the State |
7 |
| construction agency. The State construction agency must
8 |
| maintain a record of the
evaluation scoring to be disclosed in |
9 |
| event of a protest regarding the
10 |
| The State construction agency shall include the following |
11 |
| criteria in every
Phase II
technical evaluation of design-build |
12 |
| entities: (1) compliance with objectives
project; (2) |
13 |
| compliance of proposed services to the request for proposal
14 |
| requirements; (3) quality of products or materials proposed; |
15 |
| (4) quality of
design parameters; (5) design concepts; (6) |
16 |
| innovation in meeting the scope and
performance criteria; and |
17 |
| (7) constructability of the
proposed project. The State |
18 |
| construction agency may include any additional
19 |
| technical evaluation factors it deems necessary for proper |
20 |
| selection.
21 |
| The State construction agency shall include the following |
22 |
| criteria in every
Phase II cost
evaluation: the total project |
23 |
| cost, the construction costs, and the time of
completion. The |
24 |
| State construction agency may include any additional relevant
25 |
| technical
evaluation factors it deems necessary for proper |
26 |
| selection. The total project cost criteria weighing factor |
27 |
| shall be 25%.
28 |
| The State construction agency shall directly employ or |
29 |
| retain a licensed
professional to evaluate the technical |
30 |
| and cost submissions to determine if the
technical submissions |
31 |
| are in accordance with generally
accepted industry standards.
32 |
| Upon completion of the technical submissions and cost |
33 |
| submissions evaluation,
the State construction agency may |
34 |
| award the design-build contract to the
overall ranked |
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| entity.
2 |
| Section 5-35. Small projects. In any case where the total |
3 |
| overall cost of the
project is estimated to be less than $10 |
4 |
| million, the State construction agency
may combine
the |
5 |
| two-phase procedure for selection described in Section 30 into |
6 |
| one combined
step, provided that all the requirements of |
7 |
| evaluation are performed in
accordance with Section 30.
8 |
| Section 5-40. Submission of proposals. Proposals must be |
9 |
| properly identified
and sealed. Proposals may not be reviewed |
10 |
| until after the deadline for
submission has passed as set forth |
11 |
| in the request for proposals. All
design-build entities |
12 |
| submitting proposals shall be disclosed after the
for |
13 |
| submission, and all design-build entities who are selected for |
14 |
| Phase II
evaluation shall also be disclosed at the time of that |
15 |
| determination.
16 |
| Proposals shall include a bid bond in the form and security |
17 |
| as designated in
the request for proposals. Proposals shall |
18 |
| also contain a separate sealed
envelope with the cost |
19 |
| information within the overall proposal submission.
Proposals |
20 |
| shall include a list of all design professionals and other |
21 |
| entities
as defined in Section 30-30 of the Illinois |
22 |
| Procurement Code to which any work may be subcontracted during |
23 |
| the performance of the contract. Any entity that will perform |
24 |
| any of the 5 subdivisions of work defined in Section 30-30 of |
25 |
| the Illinois Procurement Code must meet prequalification |
26 |
| standards of the State construction agency.
27 |
| Proposals must meet all material requirements of the |
28 |
| request for proposal or
they may be rejected as non-responsive. |
29 |
| The State construction agency shall
have the right
to reject |
30 |
| any and all proposals.
31 |
| The drawings and specifications of the proposal shall |
32 |
| remain the property of
the design-build entity.
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| The State construction agency shall review the proposals |
2 |
| for compliance with
performance criteria and evaluation |
3 |
| factors.
4 |
| Proposals may be withdrawn prior to evaluation for any |
5 |
| cause. After
evaluation begins by the State construction |
6 |
| agency, clear and convincing
evidence of error
is required for |
7 |
| withdrawal.
8 |
| Section 5-45. Award. The State construction agency may |
9 |
| award the contract to
the highest
overall ranked entity. Notice |
10 |
| of award shall be made in writing. Unsuccessful
entities shall |
11 |
| also be notified in writing. The State construction agency may
12 |
| not request a
best and final offer after the receipt of |
13 |
| proposals. The State construction
agency may
negotiate with the |
14 |
| selected design-build entity after award but prior to
15 |
| execution for the purpose of securing better terms than |
16 |
| originally proposed,
provided that the salient features of the |
17 |
| request for proposal are not
18 |
| Section 5-50. Administrative Procedure Act. The Illinois
19 |
| Administrative Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100/) applies to all
20 |
| administrative rules and procedures of the State construction |
21 |
| agency under this
Article except that nothing herein shall be |
22 |
| construed to render any prequalification or other |
23 |
| responsibility criteria as a "license" or "licensing" under |
24 |
| that Act.
25 |
| Section 5-53. Federal requirements. In the procurement of |
26 |
| design-build
contracts, the State construction agency shall |
27 |
| comply with federal law and
regulations and take all necessary |
28 |
| steps to adapt their rules, policies, and
procedures to remain |
29 |
| eligible for federal aid.
30 |
| ARTICLE 10 |
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2 |
| Section 10-10. Authority for use. The Illinois Department |
3 |
| of Transportation and the Illinois State Toll Highway |
4 |
| Authority, as the State highway construction agencies, may |
5 |
| provide for use of a design-build method of source selection |
6 |
| for highway construction projects, on highways subject to their |
7 |
| jurisdiction, in order to demonstrate and evaluate the use, |
8 |
| advantages, and disadvantages of that method of source |
9 |
| selection for highway construction projects. It shall be the |
10 |
| policy of the State for the use of such method to publicly |
11 |
| announce all requirements for design-build services, and to |
12 |
| procure such services on the basis of demonstrated competence |
13 |
| and qualifications with due regard for the principles of |
14 |
| competitive selection. The State highway construction agency |
15 |
| undertaking demonstration projects selected under the |
16 |
| authority of this Article shall evaluate and submit a report as |
17 |
| prescribed in Section 10-80 of this Article on the design-build |
18 |
| method compared to the traditional method by considering the |
19 |
| following factors:
20 |
| (1) The relative advantages and disadvantages, |
21 |
| considering time, cost, and the resources of the agency to |
22 |
| achieving the final completion of the project.
23 |
| (2) The type, size, and suitability of projects to the |
24 |
| design-build method of source selection.
25 |
| (3) The ability of the agency to define and provide |
26 |
| comprehensive scope and performance criteria for the |
27 |
| construction project as required by this Article, as well |
28 |
| as what may be possible under a design-build contract |
29 |
| providing for greater conceptual responsibility for the |
30 |
| design-build entity.
31 |
| Projects selected by the Illinois Department of |
32 |
| Transportation for demonstration under this Article shall be |
33 |
| identified in the annual highway construction program document |
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| published by the Department pursuant to Section 2705-200 of the |
2 |
| Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative |
3 |
| Code of Illinois.
4 |
| Section 10-15. Definitions. As used in this Article: |
5 |
| "Agency", "State construction agency", "State highway |
6 |
| construction agency", and "State transportation construction |
7 |
| agency" mean the Illinois Department of Transportation or the |
8 |
| Illinois State Toll Highway Authority. |
9 |
| "Design-bid-build" means the traditional method of source |
10 |
| selection used on highway construction projects in this State |
11 |
| with authority provided by the Architectural, Engineering, and |
12 |
| Land Surveying Qualifications Based Selection Act and the |
13 |
| Illinois Procurement Code to select separate design and |
14 |
| construction contractors.
15 |
| "Design-build" means a method of source selection that |
16 |
| allows the selection of a single contractor for the furnishing |
17 |
| of engineering, land surveying and related design services, and |
18 |
| the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction |
19 |
| services for the project.
20 |
| "Design-build contract" means a contract for a highway |
21 |
| construction project procured under this Article between a |
22 |
| State highway construction agency and a design-build entity to |
23 |
| furnish engineering, land surveying, and related design |
24 |
| services, and the labor, materials, equipment, and other |
25 |
| construction services for the project. The design-build |
26 |
| contract may be conditioned upon subsequent germane |
27 |
| refinements in scope and price, and may allow the State highway |
28 |
| construction agency to make germane modifications in the |
29 |
| project scope and contract price without invalidating the |
30 |
| design-build contract.
31 |
| "Design-build entity" means any entity organized in a |
32 |
| manner recognized in law that proposes to design and build a |
33 |
| highway construction project under this Article.
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| "Design professional" means the member of the design-build |
2 |
| entity that is licensed to offer services under the |
3 |
| Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, the Structural |
4 |
| Engineering Licensing Act of 1989, the Illinois Professional |
5 |
| Land Surveyor Act of 1989, or the Illinois Architecture |
6 |
| Practice Act of 1989.
7 |
| "Evaluation criteria" means the requirements to be used for |
8 |
| the selection process as defined in this Article to judge the |
9 |
| responsiveness and quality of the technical design component of |
10 |
| a proposal prepared by the design professional member of the |
11 |
| design-build entity, including achievement of the scope and |
12 |
| performance criteria, and any specialized technical |
13 |
| requirements and design tasks contained in the request for |
14 |
| proposals. The manner of scoring the technical components shall |
15 |
| be set forth in the evaluation criteria. The manner of judging |
16 |
| proposed costs shall be as provided in this Article.
17 |
| "Proposal" means the offer to enter into a design-build |
18 |
| contract as submitted by a design-build entity in response to a |
19 |
| request for proposals issued in accordance with this Article.
20 |
| "Qualification criteria" means the procedures and criteria |
21 |
| used by the State highway construction agency to assess the |
22 |
| responsibility of a potential design-build entity contractor, |
23 |
| including but not limited to, competence, financial capacity to |
24 |
| perform, past performance, prior experience, and personnel |
25 |
| resources. The State highway construction agency is authorized |
26 |
| to use existing prequalification procedures for purposes of |
27 |
| this Article.
28 |
| "Request for proposal" means the document used by a State |
29 |
| highway construction agency to solicit proposals for a |
30 |
| design-build contract.
31 |
| "Scope and performance criteria" means the requirements |
32 |
| for the project, including but not limited to, the intended |
33 |
| usage, capacity, size, scope, quality and performance |
34 |
| standards, life-cycle costs, and other programmatic criteria |
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| that are expressed in performance-oriented and quantifiable |
2 |
| specifications and drawings or that can be reasonably inferred |
3 |
| and that are suitable to allow a design-build entity to develop |
4 |
| a proposal and final plans for a project under this Article.
5 |
| Section 10-20. Scope and performance criteria. The State |
6 |
| highway construction agency shall develop the scope and |
7 |
| performance criteria. The scope and performance criteria shall |
8 |
| be in reasonably sufficient detail and contain reasonably |
9 |
| adequate information to inform the qualified design-build |
10 |
| entities of the State highway construction agency's overall |
11 |
| needs and goals, including, but not limited to, applicable |
12 |
| standards adopted by the agency governing the work of the |
13 |
| project, preliminary design plans, anticipated or acceptable |
14 |
| schedules, and any optional or mandatory delivery |
15 |
| requirements. The scope and performance criteria shall also |
16 |
| include a description of the level of design to be provided in |
17 |
| the proposals. This description must include the scope and type |
18 |
| of renderings, drawings, and specifications that, at a minimum, |
19 |
| will be required to be produced by the design-build entity for |
20 |
| the proposal and for the final plans. The scope and performance |
21 |
| criteria shall be prepared by an appropriately licensed design |
22 |
| professional who may be an employee of the agency, or the |
23 |
| agency may contract with an independent design professional |
24 |
| selected in accordance with the Architectural, Engineering and |
25 |
| Land Surveying Qualification Based Selection Act to provide |
26 |
| these services. The design professional that prepares the scope |
27 |
| and performance criteria is prohibited from participating in |
28 |
| any design-build entity proposal for the project.
29 |
| Section 10-25. Solicitation of design-build proposals. |
30 |
| Design-build contracts shall be procured by a request for |
31 |
| proposals process conforming to this Article. A request for |
32 |
| proposals shall be prepared for each project containing the |
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| following minimum information:
2 |
| (1) The State transportation construction agency that |
3 |
| will award the design-build contract.
4 |
| (2) The desired schedule for the completion of the |
5 |
| project or the manner in which proposed schedules be |
6 |
| accepted.
7 |
| (3) The qualification criteria for design-build |
8 |
| entities desiring to submit proposals.
9 |
| (4) The terms and conditions of the contract that will |
10 |
| govern performance.
11 |
| (5) The scope and performance criteria governing the |
12 |
| contract.
13 |
| (6) The evaluation criteria used to score the technical |
14 |
| component of proposals.
15 |
| (7) The requirements for identification of the |
16 |
| design-build team members.
17 |
| (8) The date, time, and place that proposals are due |
18 |
| that in no case shall be less than 30 calendar days after |
19 |
| the date of the issuance of the request for proposals.
20 |
| (9) The date, time, and place that the cost component |
21 |
| of accepted proposals will be publicly opened and read.
22 |
| Section 10-30. Publication of requests for proposals. All |
23 |
| requests for design-build proposals shall be published in the |
24 |
| volume of the Illinois Procurement Bulletin used by the State |
25 |
| highway construction agency for its regular construction |
26 |
| contract lettings pursuant to the Illinois Procurement Code. |
27 |
| Section 10-35. Submission of proposals. Proposals shall be |
28 |
| accepted from design-build entities meeting the qualification |
29 |
| criteria of the request for proposals. Proposals shall consist |
30 |
| of a technical component and a cost component. The cost |
31 |
| component shall be contained in a separate sealed envelope |
32 |
| within the overall proposal submission. Proposals shall |
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| include a bid bond in the form and security as designated in |
2 |
| the request for proposals. Proposals must be properly |
3 |
| identified and sealed. Proposals shall conform in all material |
4 |
| respects to the request for proposal or they may be rejected as |
5 |
| non-responsive. The State transportation construction agency |
6 |
| shall have the right to reject any and all proposals and to |
7 |
| waive technicalities. Any drawings and specifications |
8 |
| contained in proposals not selected shall remain the property |
9 |
| of the design-build entity. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to |
10 |
| evaluation for any reason.
11 |
| Section 10-40. Selection committee. The State highway |
12 |
| construction agency shall establish a selection committee to |
13 |
| evaluate the technical components of the proposals. The |
14 |
| selection committee shall consist of 5 members, 3 of whom shall |
15 |
| be professionally licensed officers or employees of the agency |
16 |
| and 2 of whom shall be public members. The public members may |
17 |
| not be employed or associated with any firm holding a contract |
18 |
| with the State highway construction agency and shall be |
19 |
| nominated one each by the American Council of Engineering |
20 |
| Companies of Illinois and, in the following order on a rotating |
21 |
| basis, the Associated General Contractors of Illinois, the |
22 |
| Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association, the |
23 |
| Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association, and the Illinois |
24 |
| chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association. The |
25 |
| selection committee and individual members may be designated |
26 |
| for a set term or for a particular project as determined by the |
27 |
| agency. Each member of the selection committee shall certify |
28 |
| for each request for proposal that no conflict of interest |
29 |
| exists between the individual and each of the design-build |
30 |
| entities submitting proposals. If a conflict exists, the member |
31 |
| must be replaced before any review of proposals. The chief |
32 |
| contracting official responsible for the conduct of lettings in |
33 |
| accordance with the regular procedures of the State highway |
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| construction agency shall serve as recording secretary to the |
2 |
| Selection Committee, and shall organize and schedule the |
3 |
| meetings of the committee.
4 |
| Section 10-45. Procedures for selection and award. All |
5 |
| design-build entities submitting accepted proposals shall be |
6 |
| publicly disclosed after the deadline for submission. |
7 |
| Proposals shall not be opened, reviewed, or evaluated until |
8 |
| after the deadline for submission has passed. All proposals |
9 |
| received by the date and time due shall be opened and recorded. |
10 |
| The cost components shall remain sealed and securely retained |
11 |
| by the chief contracting official in accordance with the |
12 |
| regular procedures of the agency. The chief contracting |
13 |
| official shall transmit to the selection committee all |
14 |
| technical components for evaluation. The selection committee |
15 |
| shall evaluate and score the technical components in accordance |
16 |
| with the evaluation criteria set forth in the request. The |
17 |
| selection committee may require clarification of any element |
18 |
| contained in the technical component in order to determine |
19 |
| whether the proposal conforms to the request. The time for |
20 |
| evaluation shall be no less than 24 hours unless a longer |
21 |
| period is specified in the request. Scoring shall be based on |
22 |
| factors set forth in the evaluation criteria. The scoring shall |
23 |
| be from one through 100 points. Any technical component scoring |
24 |
| less than 77 points shall be marked unacceptable. After |
25 |
| evaluation, the chief contracting official shall reseal and |
26 |
| retain all technical components. The cost component of each |
27 |
| proposal containing an accepted technical component shall be |
28 |
| opened and publicly read at the date, time, and place specified |
29 |
| in the request. The right shall be reserved to reject any and |
30 |
| all proposals, to waive technicalities, and to solicit new |
31 |
| proposals. A design-build contract shall be awarded to the best |
32 |
| value proposal, provided the cost component is responsive to |
33 |
| the request, determined by calculation of the lowest adjusted |
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| cost as follows: |
2 |
| (1) The cost component for a technical component scored |
3 |
| 97-100 shall be divided by one.
4 |
| (2) The cost component for a technical component scored |
5 |
| 93-96 shall be divided by .99.
6 |
| (3) The cost component for a technical component scored |
7 |
| 89-92 shall be divided by .98.
8 |
| (4) The cost component for a technical component scored |
9 |
| 85-88 shall be divided by .97.
10 |
| (5) The cost component for a technical component scored |
11 |
| 81-84 shall be divided by .96.
12 |
| (6) The cost component for a technical component scored |
13 |
| 77-80 shall be divided by .95.
14 |
| Section 10-50. Confidentiality. The status of a proposal as |
15 |
| accepted or not accepted and proposal scores shall not be |
16 |
| disclosed for any reason before the cost element is publicly |
17 |
| opened and read. After award, all proposals except the awarded |
18 |
| proposal shall be returned.
19 |
| Section 10-55. Conditions. Projects selected for |
20 |
| procurement under the terms of this Article shall be subject to |
21 |
| the following conditions: |
22 |
| (1) Illinois Department of Transportation projects |
23 |
| shall be selected that have been designed through at least |
24 |
| the completion of Phase I preliminary engineering as |
25 |
| defined by the design policies and procedures of the |
26 |
| Department, provided that all necessary approvals have |
27 |
| been obtained from the Department and, as applicable, the |
28 |
| Federal Highway Administration, for an engineering study |
29 |
| and report that establish the location and scope of the |
30 |
| project, for the type, size, and location drawings for |
31 |
| bridge projects, and for environmental documentation that |
32 |
| analyzes the environmental impacts of the project |
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| alternatives considered.
2 |
| (2) All necessary rights-of-way, permanent and |
3 |
| temporary, shall be acquired prior to the commencement of |
4 |
| construction by the design-build entity. Nothing herein |
5 |
| shall prohibit the design-build entity from securing any |
6 |
| additional temporary interests or rights of access deemed |
7 |
| necessary to accomplish the project.
8 |
| (3) The State highway construction agency shall secure |
9 |
| all necessary permits identified in the Phase I engineering |
10 |
| report.
11 |
| (4) The State highway construction agency shall secure |
12 |
| any necessary relocation of utilities located on existing |
13 |
| or acquired right-of-way unless the request for proposals |
14 |
| provides that existing utilities will be planned for and |
15 |
| adjusted during construction. Notwithstanding any |
16 |
| provision contained in Section 9-113 of the Illinois |
17 |
| Highway Code respecting the provision of final engineering |
18 |
| plans prior to notice given to permitted utilities to |
19 |
| relocate, a permitted utility shall proceed to relocate and |
20 |
| adjust permitted facilities upon notice given pursuant to |
21 |
| Section 9-113 except that preliminary plans showing |
22 |
| acceptable final locations or adjusted positions of those |
23 |
| said utilities shall satisfy the notice requirements in |
24 |
| lieu of final plans; provided, however, that any utility |
25 |
| required to make subsequent adjustments on account of final |
26 |
| plans for the same project shall be compensated for the |
27 |
| cost of subsequent adjustments. |
28 |
| Section 10-60. Procurement and contract mandates. |
29 |
| Design-build contracts procured under this Article shall be |
30 |
| subject to all applicable federal and State laws governing the |
31 |
| performance of public contracts and all applicable ethical and |
32 |
| conflict of interest disclosures and contracting prohibitions |
33 |
| mandated by law. |
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| Section 10-65. Design professional seal. Nothing in this |
2 |
| Article shall be deemed to eliminate, reduce, or affect the |
3 |
| requirements of the Structural Engineering Practice Act of |
4 |
| 1989, the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, the |
5 |
| Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of 1989, and the |
6 |
| Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989, including but not |
7 |
| limited to the preparation and sealing of plans and documents.
8 |
| Section 10-70. Performance evaluation. The performance of |
9 |
| the design-build entity shall be evaluated on completion of a |
10 |
| contract. The evaluation shall be made available to the |
11 |
| design-build entity, which may submit a written response, and |
12 |
| the evaluation and response shall be retained by the agency. |
13 |
| The evaluation and response shall not be made available to any |
14 |
| other person or firm and are exempt from disclosure under the |
15 |
| Freedom of Information Act. |
16 |
| Section 10-75. Rules and regulations. The State highway |
17 |
| construction agencies shall not be required to adopt rules and |
18 |
| regulations pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedures |
19 |
| Act in order to implement this Act. All policies and procedures |
20 |
| adopted to implement this Act shall be identified and published |
21 |
| on the web site maintained by the Department of Transportation.
22 |
| Section 10-80. Report. The State highway construction |
23 |
| agencies shall, jointly or severally, submit an evaluation |
24 |
| report as required by Section 10-10 of this Act. The agencies |
25 |
| shall solicit, accept, and respond to comments provided by the |
26 |
| industry groups or associations providing appointed public |
27 |
| members to the selection committee and shall incorporate the |
28 |
| comments and responses into the report. The report shall be due |
29 |
| and filed with the Procurement Policy Board and the leadership |
30 |
| of the General Assembly no later than December 31, 2007.
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| ARTICLE 90 |
2 |
3 |
| Section 90-5. The Illinois Procurement Code is amended by |
4 |
| changing Section 30-30 as follows:
5 |
| (30 ILCS 500/30-30)
6 |
| Sec. 30-30. Contracts in excess of $250,000. For
building |
7 |
| construction contracts in excess of
$250,000, separate |
8 |
| specifications shall be prepared for all
equipment, labor, and |
9 |
| materials in
connection with the following 5 subdivisions of |
10 |
| the work to be
11 |
| (1) plumbing;
12 |
| (2) heating, piping, refrigeration, and automatic
13 |
| temperature control systems,
including the testing and |
14 |
| balancing of those systems;
15 |
| (3) ventilating and distribution systems for
16 |
| conditioned air, including the testing
and balancing of |
17 |
| those systems;
18 |
| (4) electric wiring; and
19 |
| (5) general contract work.
20 |
| The specifications must be so drawn as to permit separate |
21 |
| and
independent bidding upon
each of the 5 subdivisions of |
22 |
| work. All contracts awarded
for any part thereof shall
award |
23 |
| the 5 subdivisions of work separately to responsible and
24 |
| reliable persons, firms, or
corporations engaged in these |
25 |
| classes of work. The contracts, at
the discretion of the
26 |
| construction agency, may be assigned to the successful bidder |
27 |
| on
the general contract work or
to the successful bidder on the |
28 |
| subdivision of work designated by
the construction agency |
29 |
| before
the bidding as the prime subdivision of work, provided |
30 |
| that all
payments will be made directly
to the contractors for |
31 |
| the 5 subdivisions of work upon compliance
with the conditions |
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| of the
contract. A contract may be let for one or more |
2 |
| buildings in any
project to the same contractor.
The |
3 |
| specifications shall require, however, that unless the
4 |
| buildings are identical, a separate price
shall be submitted |
5 |
| for each building. The contract may be awarded
to the lowest |
6 |
| responsible
bidder for each or all of the buildings included in |
7 |
| the
8 |
| Until a date 2 years after the effective date of this |
9 |
| amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the requirements |
10 |
| of this Section do not apply to the construction of an |
11 |
| Emergency Operations Center for the Illinois Emergency |
12 |
| Management Agency if (i) the majority of the funding for the |
13 |
| project is from federal funds, (ii) the bid of the successful |
14 |
| bidder identifies the name of the subcontractor, if any, and |
15 |
| the bid proposal costs for each of the 5 subdivisions of work |
16 |
| set forth in this Section, and (iii) the contract entered into |
17 |
| with the successful bidder provides that no identified |
18 |
| subcontractor may be terminated without the written consent of |
19 |
| the Capital Development Board.
20 |
| (Source: P.A. 90-572, eff. date - See Sec. 99-5.)
21 |
| ARTICLE 95 |
22 |
23 |
| Section 95-5. Severability. The provisions of this Act are |
24 |
| severable under
Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
25 |
| ARTICLE 99 |
26 |
27 |
| Section 99-5. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
28 |
| becoming law.".