LRB093 10553 JLS 12450 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 884 by replacing
3 everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by
5 changing Section 13-509 as follows:
6 (220 ILCS 5/13-509) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-509)
7 (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2005)
8 Sec. 13-509. Agreements for provisions of competitive
9 telecommunications services differing from tariffs. A
10 telecommunications carrier may negotiate with customers or
11 prospective customers to provide competitive
12 telecommunications service, and in so doing, may offer or
13 agree to provide such service on such terms and for such
14 rates or charges as are reasonable, without regard to any
15 tariffs it may have filed with the Commission with respect to
16 such services. Every Within 30 business days after executing
17 any such agreement, the telecommunications carrier shall
18 submit to the Commission written notice (which may be
19 provided electronically to a service list approved by the
20 Commission) of all current agreements in effect as of the
21 date of the notice. The notice shall identify the general
22 nature of all such agreements, the parties to each agreement,
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1 and a description of differences between each agreement and
2 the related tariff. A copy of each such agreement and any
3 cost support required to be filed with the agreement by some
4 other Section of this Act shall be provided to the Commission
5 within 10 business days after request by the Commission.
6 file any contract or memorandum of understanding for the
7 provision of telecommunications service, which shall include
8 the rates or other charges, practices, rules or regulations
9 applicable to the agreed provision of such service. Any cost
10 support required to be filed with the agreement by some other
11 Section of this Act shall be filed within 30 business days
12 after executing any such agreement. Where the agreement
13 contains the same rates, charges, practices, rules, and
14 regulations found in a single contract or memorandum already
15 filed by the telecommunications carrier with the Commission,
16 instead of filing the contract or memorandum, the
17 telecommunications carrier may elect to file a letter
18 identifying the new agreement and specifically referencing
19 the contract or memorandum already on file with the
20 Commission which contains the same provisions. A single
21 letter may be used to file more than one new agreement. Upon
22 submitting notice to the Commission of any such agreement
23 filing its contract or memorandum, or letter, the
24 telecommunications carrier shall thereafter provide service
25 according to the terms thereof, unless the Commission finds,
26 after notice and hearing, that the continued provision of
27 service pursuant to such agreement contract or memorandum
28 would substantially and adversely affect the financial
29 integrity of the telecommunications carrier or would violate
30 any other provision of this Act.
31 Any agreement contract or memorandum entered into and
32 submitted filed pursuant to the provisions of this Section
33 may, in the Commission's discretion, be accorded proprietary
34 treatment.
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1 (Source: P.A. 92-22, eff. 6-30-01.)
2 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
3 becoming law.".