093_SB0835 LRB093 02883 SJM 02899 b 1 AN ACT in relation to taxes. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by 5 changing Section 212 as follows: 6 (35 ILCS 5/212) 7 (Section scheduled to be repealed on June 1, 2003) 8 Sec. 212. Illinois earned income tax credit. 9 (a) With respect to the federal earned income tax credit 10 allowed for the taxable year under Section 32 of the federal 11 Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 32, each individual taxpayer 12 is entitled to a credit against the tax imposed by 13 subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 in an amount equal to 14 5% of the federal tax credit for each taxable year beginning 15 on or after January 1, 2000 and ending on or before December 16 31, 2002. 17 For a non-resident or part-year resident, the amount of 18 the credit under this Section shall be in proportion to the 19 amount of income attributable to this State. 20 (b) In no event shall a credit under this Section reduce 21 the taxpayer's liability to less than zero. 22 (c) This Section is repealed on June 1, 2003. 23 (Source: P.A. 91-700, eff. 5-11-00.)