093_SB0680ham001 LRB093 10747 RCE 15390 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 680 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 680 on page 1, by 3 replacing lines 7 through 23 with the following: 4 "Sec. 6.6. Immigrant Assistance Program. 5 (a) Purpose and policy. The immigrant population of the 6 State of Illinois constitutes a significant portion of the 7 population of the State. These immigrants often require 8 assistance in order to obtain the government services to 9 which they are entitled under the law. It is imperative that 10 State government is aware of the needs of the State's 11 immigrant community and sensitive to the barriers that may 12 prevent them from seeking and obtaining services. The Office 13 of the Attorney General should be equipped to assist 14 immigrants by increasing accessibility to the Office and 15 providing outreach services to the community, which will 16 serve to educate immigrants as to their rights and 17 responsibilities as residents of the State. 18 (b) Immigrant Assistance Program. Within the Office of 19 the Attorney General, there shall be established an Immigrant 20 Assistance Program, which shall be charged with the 21 responsibility of assessing the needs of the State's 22 immigrant community with regard to access to government and 23 other services. In addition, the Immigrant Assistance Program -2- LRB093 10747 RCE 15390 a 1 shall be empowered to provide education and outreach services 2 to the immigrant community of the State, subject to funding 3 availability. These services may include, but are not limited 4 to, consumer issues, civil rights issues, employee rights, 5 and other issues of particular interest to the immigrant 6 communities in the State.".