093_SB0620 LRB093 07412 SJM 07576 b 1 AN ACT in relation to taxation. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing 5 Section 16-160 as follows: 6 (35 ILCS 200/16-160) 7 Sec. 16-160. Property Tax Appeal Board; process. In 8 counties with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, beginning with 9 assessments made for the 1996 assessment year for residential 10 property of 6 units or less and beginning with assessments 11 made for the 1997 assessment year and ending with assessments 12 made for the 2002 assessment year for all other property, and 13 for all property in any county other than a county with 14 3,000,000 or more inhabitants, any taxpayer dissatisfied with 15 the decision of a board of review or board of appeals as such 16 decision pertains to the assessment of his or her property 17 for taxation purposes, or any taxing body that has an 18 interest in the decision of the board of review or board of 19 appeals on an assessment made by any local assessment 20 officer, may, (i) in counties with less than 3,000,000 21 inhabitants within 30 days after the date of written notice 22 of the decision of the board of review or (ii) in assessment 23 year 1999 and thereafter in counties with 3,000,000 or more 24 inhabitants within 30 days after the date of the board of 25 review notice or within 30 days after the date that the board 26 of review transmits to the county assessor pursuant to 27 Section 16-125 its final action on the township in which the 28 property is located, whichever is later, appeal the decision 29 to the Property Tax Appeal Board for review. In any appeal 30 where the board of review or board of appeals has given 31 written notice of the hearing to the taxpayer 30 days before -2- LRB093 07412 SJM 07576 b 1 the hearing, failure to appear at the board of review or 2 board of appeals hearing shall be grounds for dismissal of 3 the appeal unless a continuance is granted to the taxpayer. 4 If an appeal is dismissed for failure to appear at a board of 5 review or board of appeals hearing, the Property Tax Appeal 6 Board shall have no jurisdiction to hear any subsequent 7 appeal on that taxpayer's complaint. Such taxpayer or taxing 8 body, hereinafter called the appellant, shall file a petition 9 with the clerk of the Property Tax Appeal Board, setting 10 forth the facts upon which he or she bases the objection, 11 together with a statement of the contentions of law which he 12 or she desires to raise, and the relief requested. If a 13 petition is filed by a taxpayer, the taxpayer is precluded 14 from filing objections based upon valuation, as may otherwise 15 be permitted by Sections 21-175 and 23-5. However, any 16 taxpayer not satisfied with the decision of the board of 17 review or board of appeals as such decision pertains to the 18 assessment of his or her property need not appeal the 19 decision to the Property Tax Appeal Board before seeking 20 relief in the courts. The changes made by this amendatory Act 21 of the 91st General Assembly shall be effective beginning 22 with the 1999 assessment year. 23 (Source: P.A. 91-393, eff. 7-30-99; 91-425, eff. 8-6-99.) 24 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 25 becoming law.