093_SB0599 LRB093 10128 EFG 10381 b 1 AN ACT in relation to public employee benefits. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by 5 changing Section 17-133 as follows: 6 (40 ILCS 5/17-133) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 17-133) 7 Sec. 17-133. Contributions for periods of outside and 8 other service. 9 Regularly certified and appointed teachers who desire to 10 have the following described services credited for pension 11 purposes shall submit to the Board evidence thereof and pay 12 into the Fund the amounts prescribed herein: 13 1. For teaching service by a certified teacher in 14 the public schools of the several states or in schools 15 operated by or under the auspices of the United States, a 16 teacher shall pay the contributions at the rates in force 17 (a) on the date of appointment as a regularly certified 18 teacher after salary adjustments are completed, or (b) at 19 the time of reappointment after salary adjustments are 20 completed, whichever is later, but not less than $450 per 21 year of service. Upon the Board's approval of such 22 service and the payment of the required contributions, 23 service credit of not more than 10 years shall be 24 granted. 25 2. For service as a playground instructor in public 26 school playgrounds, teachers shall pay the contributions 27 prescribed in this Article (a) at the time of 28 appointment, as a regularly certified teacher after 29 salary adjustments are completed, or (b) on return to 30 service as a full time regularly certified teacher, as 31 the case may be, provided such rates or amounts shall not -2- LRB093 10128 EFG 10381 b 1 be less than $450 per year. 2 3. For service prior to September 1, 1955, in the 3 public schools of the City as a substitute, evening 4 school or temporary teacher, or for service as an 5 Americanization teacher prior to December 31, 1955, 6 teachers shall pay the contributions prescribed in this 7 Article (a) at the time of appointment, as a regularly 8 certified teacher after salary adjustments are completed, 9 (b) on return to service as a full time regularly 10 certified teacher, as the case may be, provided such 11 rates or amounts shall not be less than $450 per year; 12 and provided further that for teachers employed on or 13 after September 1, 1953, rates shall not include 14 contributions for widows' pensions if the service 15 described in this sub-paragraph 3 was rendered before 16 that date. Any teacher entitled to repay a refund of 17 contributions under Section 17-126 may validate service 18 described in this paragraph by payment of the amounts 19 prescribed herein, together with the repayment of the 20 refund, provided that if such creditable service was the 21 last service rendered in the public schools of the City 22 and is not automatically reinstated by repayment of the 23 refund, the rates or amounts shall not be less than $450 24 per year. 25 4. For service after June 30, 1982 as a member of 26 the Board of Education, if required to resign from an 27 administrative or teaching position in order to qualify 28 as a member of the Board of Education. 29 5. For service during the 1986-87 school year as a 30 teacher on a special leave of absence with full loss of 31 salary, teaching for an agency under contract to the 32 Board of Education, if the teacher returned to employment 33 in September, 1987. For service under this item 5, the 34 teacher must pay the contributions at the rates in force -3- LRB093 10128 EFG 10381 b 1 at the completion of the leave period. 2 6. For up to 2 years of service as a teacher or 3 administrator employed by a private school registered 4 with or recognized by the Illinois State Board of 5 Education, provided that the teacher (i) was certified 6 under the law governing the certification of teachers at 7 the time the service was rendered, (ii) applies in 8 writing on or after June 1, 2003 and on or before June 1, 9 2006, (iii) supplies satisfactory evidence of the 10 employment, (iv) completes at least 10 years of 11 contributing service as a teacher as defined in Section 12 17-106, (v) pays the contribution required in this 13 Section, and (vi) does not receive credit for that 14 service under any other provision of this Code. The 15 member may apply for credit under this subsection and pay 16 the required contribution before completing the 10 years 17 of contributing service required under item (iv), but the 18 credit may not be used until the item (iv) contributing 19 service requirement has been met. 20 For each year of service credit to be established 21 under this subparagraph 6, a member is required to 22 contribute to the System (i) 16.5% of the annual salary 23 rate during the first year of full-time employment as a 24 teacher under this Article following the private school 25 service, plus (ii) interest thereon from the date of 26 first full-time employment as a teacher under this 27 Article following the private school service to the date 28 of payment, compounded annually, at the rate of 8.0% per 29 year. 30 For service described in sub-paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of 31 this Section, interest shall be charged beginning one year 32 after the effective date of appointment or reappointment. 33 Effective September 1, 1974, the interest rate to be 34 charged by the Fund on contributions provided in -4- LRB093 10128 EFG 10381 b 1 sub-paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be 5% per annum compounded 2 annually. 3 (Source: P.A. 90-566, eff. 1-2-98; 91-887, eff. 7-6-00.) 4 Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding 5 Section 8.27 as follows: 6 (30 ILCS 805/8.27 new) 7 Sec. 8.27. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 8 and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required 9 for the implementation of any mandate created by this 10 amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly. 11 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 12 becoming law.