093_SB0524ham001 LRB093 06445 MKM 15973 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 524 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 524 on page 1, by 3 replacing line 5 as follows: 4 "by changing Sections 6 and 16.06 as follows:"; and 5 on page 3, immediately below line 18, by inserting the 6 following: 7 "(70 ILCS 705/16.06) (from Ch. 127 1/2, par. 37.06) 8 Sec. 16.06. Eligibility for positions in fire 9 department; disqualifications. 10 (a) All applicants for a position in the fire department 11 of the fire protection district shall be under 35 years of 12 age and shall be subjected to examination, which shall be 13 public, competitive, and free to all applicants, subject to 14 reasonable limitations as to health, habits, and moral 15 character; provided that the foregoing age limitation shall 16 not apply in the case of any person having previous 17 employment status as a fireman in a regularly constituted 18 fire department of any fire protection district, and further 19 provided that each fireman or fire chief who is a member in 20 good standing in a regularly constituted fire department of 21 any municipality which shall be or shall have subsequently 22 been included within the boundaries of any fire protection -2- LRB093 06445 MKM 15973 a 1 district now or hereafter organized shall be given a 2 preference for original appointment in the same class, grade 3 or employment over all other applicants. The examinations 4 shall be practical in their character and shall relate to 5 those matters which will fairly test the persons examined as 6 to their relative capacity to discharge the duties of the 7 positions to which they seek appointment. The examinations 8 shall include tests of physical qualifications and health. 9 No applicant, however, shall be examined concerning his 10 political or religious opinions or affiliations. The 11 examinations shall be conducted by the board of fire 12 commissioners. 13 (b) No person shall be appointed to the fire department 14 unless he or she is a person of good character and not a 15 person who has been convicted of a felony in Illinois or 16 convicted in another jurisdiction for conduct that would be a 17 felony under Illinois law, or convicted of a crime involving 18 moral turpitude. No person, however, shall be disqualified 19 from appointment to the fire department because of his or her 20 record of misdemeanor convictions, except those under 21 Sections 11-6, 11-7, 11-9, 11-14, 11-15, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 22 12-2, 12-6, 12-15, 14-4, 16-1, 21.1-3, 24-3.1, 24-5, 25-1, 23 28-3, 31-1, 31-4, 31-6, 31-7, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-4, 32-8, 24 and subsections (1), (6), and (8) of Section 24-1 of the 25 Criminal Code of 1961. 26 (Source: P.A. 89-52, eff. 6-30-95; 90-481, eff. 8-17-97.)".