093_SB0404 LRB093 09317 BDD 09550 b 1 AN ACT concerning information about children. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the 5 Children's Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act. 6 Section 5. Prohibited acts. The following acts are 7 prohibited: 8 (a) the sale or purchase of personal information 9 concerning children without parental consent; 10 (b) the processing of personal information concerning 11 children by prisoners or convicted sex offenders; and 12 (c) the distribution or exchange of children's personal 13 information that one has reason to believe will be used to 14 harm or abuse a child. 15 Section 10. Information brokers and solicitors. Persons 16 who broker, solicit, or facilitate the sale of personal 17 information concerning children are required: 18 (a) to disclose to parents, upon request, the source and 19 content of personal information on file with regard to their 20 children; and 21 (b) to disclose to parents, upon request, the names of 22 persons or entities that have received or solicited personal 23 information with regard to their children. 24 Section 15. Penalty. Violation of this Act is a Class A 25 misdemeanor.