093_SB0374eng SB374 Engrossed LRB093 03311 SJM 03328 b 1 AN ACT concerning commerce. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Department of Commerce and Community 5 Affairs Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is 6 amended by adding Section 605-865 as follows: 7 (20 ILCS 605/605-865 new) 8 Sec. 605-865. Family-friendly workplace initiative. The 9 Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, with the advice 10 of members of the business community, may establish a 11 family-friendly workplace initiative. The Department may 12 develop a program to annually collect information regarding 13 the State's private eligible employers with 50 or fewer 14 employees and private eligible employers with 51 or more 15 employees in the State providing the most family-friendly 16 benefits to their employees. The same program may be 17 established for public employers. The criteria for 18 determining eligible employers includes, but is not limited 19 to, the following: 20 (1) consideration of the dependent care scholarship 21 or discounts given by the employer; 22 (2) flexible work hours and schedules; 23 (3) time off for caring for sick or injured 24 dependents; 25 (4) the provision of onsite or nearby dependent 26 care; 27 (5) dependent care referral services; and 28 (6) in-kind contributions to community dependent 29 care programs. 30 Those employers chosen by the Department may be 31 recognized with annual "family-friendly workplace" awards and SB374 Engrossed -2- LRB093 03311 SJM 03328 b 1 a Statewide information and advertising campaign publicizing 2 the employers' awards, their contributions to family-friendly 3 child care, and the methods they used to improve the 4 dependent care experiences of their employees' families. 5 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 6 becoming law.