LRB093 07353 LRD 07515 b
1 AN ACT in relation to alcoholic liquor.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by
5 changing Section 12-4 as follows:
6 (235 ILCS 5/12-4)
7 Sec. 12-4. Grape and Wine Resources Fund. Beginning July
8 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2006 2004, on the first day of
9 each State fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as may be
10 practical, the State Comptroller shall transfer the sum of
11 $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Grape and Wine
12 Resources Fund, which is hereby continued as a special fund
13 in the State Treasury. By January 1, 2006 2004, the
14 Department of Commerce and Community Affairs shall review the
15 activities of the Council and report to the General Assembly
16 and the Governor its recommendation of whether or not the
17 funding under this Section should be continued.
18 The Grape and Wine Resources Fund shall be administered
19 by the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, which
20 shall serve as the lead administrative agency for allocation
21 and auditing of funds as well as monitoring program
22 implementation. The Department shall make an annual grant of
23 moneys from the Fund to the Council, which shall be used to
24 pay for the Council's operations and expenses. These moneys
25 shall be used by the Council to achieve the Council's
26 objectives and shall not be used for any political or
27 legislative purpose. Money remaining in the Fund at the end
28 of the fiscal year shall remain in the Fund for use during
29 the following year and shall not be transferred to any other
30 State fund.
31 (Source: P.A. 91-472, eff. 8-10-99.)