093_SB0228sam001 LRB093 04543 LCB 12366 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 228 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 228 by replacing 3 the title with "AN ACT concerning automotive motor vehicle 4 repair."; and 5 on page 1, line 8, before "vehicles,", by inserting "motor"; 6 and 7 on page 1, line 9, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 8 and 9 on page 1, line 16, before "vehicle", by inserting "or 10 deteriorated motor"; and 11 on page 1, line 17, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 12 and 13 on page 1, by replacing lines 20 and 21 with "trim, lighting, 14 and structural chassis. The term does not include commercial 15 fleet repair"; and 16 on page 1, line 22, before "vehicles", by inserting "motor"; 17 and 18 on page 1, line 23, before "vehicles", by inserting "motor"; 19 and 20 on page 1, line 28, by replacing "automobiles" with "motor -2- LRB093 04543 LCB 12366 a 1 vehicles"; and 2 on page 2, line 1, by replacing "equipment" with "motor 3 vehicle"; and 4 on page 2, line 3, by replacing "equipment" with "motor 5 vehicle"; and 6 on page 2, line 4, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 7 and 8 on page 2, line 9, after "functionality", by inserting "and 9 performance"; and 10 on page 2, line 11, by replacing "equipment" with "motor 11 vehicle"; and 12 on page 2, line 18, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 13 and 14 on page 2, line 26, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 15 and 16 on page 2, line 30, by replacing "Collision" with "Motor 17 vehicle collision"; and 18 on page 2, line 33, after "parts", by inserting "as set forth 19 in Section 10 of this Act"; and 20 on page 3, line 3, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 21 and 22 on page 3, by replacing line 9 with "disassemble a motor 23 vehicle or motor vehicle component in order to"; and 24 on page 3, line 11, by deleting "or"; and 25 on page 3, line 12, by deleting "reassembly, or both,"; and 26 on page 3, line 13, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 27 and -3- LRB093 04543 LCB 12366 a 1 on page 3, line 15, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 2 and 3 on page 3, by replacing line 17 with "on the motor vehicle at 4 the time the motor vehicle was left with the"; and 5 on page 4, line 18, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 6 and 7 on page 4, line 27, before "(ii)", by inserting "or"; and 8 on page 4, by replacing lines 28 through 31 with "motor 9 vehicle in a disassembled state. If the consumer elects the 10 return of the motor vehicle in a disassembled or partially 11 repaired state, the consumer may also request the return of 12 all parts that were removed during disassembly or repair with 13 the exception of parts that were damaged or deteriorated to 14 the extent that retention by the collision repair facility 15 was not feasible. The collision repair facility shall make 16 the motor vehicle"; and 17 on page 5, by replacing line 1, with "of request."; and 18 on page 5, line 2, by deleting "time necessary."; and 19 on page 5, line 24, after "oral", by inserting "or"; and 20 on page 6, by replacing line 14 with "description of the 21 motor vehicle including the motor vehicle"; and 22 on page 8, line 2, before "VEHICLE", by inserting "MOTOR"; 23 and 24 on page 8, line 16, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 25 and 26 on page 8, line 18, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 27 and 28 on page 9, by replacing lines 3 through 8 with "labor upon -4- LRB093 04543 LCB 12366 a 1 the motor vehicle or component."; and 2 on page 9, line 17, before "vehicle", by inserting "motor"; 3 and 4 on page 9, line 25, after "labor", by inserting "in excess of 5 collision repair facility final repair charges"; and 6 on page 10, after line 29, by inserting the following: 7 "Section 80. Exemptions. This Act does not apply to 8 facilities covered by the Automotive Repair Act.".