093_SB0212ham002 LRB093 03904 LCB 16470 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 212 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 212 as follows: 3 on page 1, by replacing line 1 with the following: 4 "AN ACT in relation to local government."; and 5 on page 1, by inserting between lines 3 and 4 the following: 6 "Section 2. The Southwestern Illinois Development 7 Authority Act is amended by changing Section 4 as follows: 8 (70 ILCS 520/4) (from Ch. 85, par. 6154) 9 Sec. 4. (a) There is hereby created a political 10 subdivision, body politic and municipal corporation named the 11 Southwestern Illinois Development Authority. The territorial 12 jurisdiction of the Authority is that geographic area within 13 the boundaries of Madison,andSt. Clair, and Clinton 14 counties in the State of Illinois and any navigable waters 15 and air space located therein. 16 (b) The governing and administrative powers of the 17 Authority shall be vested in a body consisting of 111018 members including, as ex officio members, the Director of the 19 Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, or his or her 20 designee, and the Director of the Department of Central -2- LRB093 03904 LCB 16470 a 1 Management Services, or his or her designee. The other 982 members of the Authority shall be designated "public 3 members", 4 of whom shall be appointed by the Governor with 4 the advice and consent of the Senate, 2 of whom shall be 5 appointed by the county board chairman of Madison County,and6 2 of whom shall be appointed by the county board chairman of 7 St. Clair County, and one of whom shall be appointed by the 8 county board chairman of Clinton County. All public members 9 shall reside within the territorial jurisdiction of this Act. 10 Six members shall constitute a quorum. The public members 11 shall be persons of recognized ability and experience in one 12 or more of the following areas: economic development, 13 finance, banking, industrial development, small business 14 management, real estate development, community development, 15 venture finance, organized labor or civic, community or 16 neighborhood organization. The Chairman of the Authority 17 shall be elected by the Board annually from the 4 members 18 appointed by the county board chairmen. 19 (c) The terms of all members of the Authority shall 20 begin 30 days after the effective date of this Act. Of the 8 21 public members appointed pursuant to this Act, 3 shall serve 22 until the third Monday in January, 1988, 3 shall serve until 23 the third Monday in January, 1989, and 2 shall serve until 24 the third Monday in January, 1990. All successors shall be 25 appointed by the original appointing authority and hold 26 office for a term of 3 years commencing the third Monday in 27 January of the year in which their term commences, except in 28 case of an appointment to fill a vacancy. Vacancies 29 occurring among the public members shall be filled for the 30 remainder of the term. In case of vacancy in a 31 Governor-appointed membership when the Senate is not in 32 session, the Governor may make a temporary appointment until 33 the next meeting of the Senate when a person shall be 34 nominated to fill such office, and any person so nominated -3- LRB093 03904 LCB 16470 a 1 who is confirmed by the Senate shall hold office during the 2 remainder of the term and until a successor shall be 3 appointed and qualified. Members of the Authority shall not 4 be entitled to compensation for their services as members but 5 shall be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary expenses 6 incurred in connection with the performance of their duties 7 as members. 8 (d) The Governor may remove any public member of the 9 Authority in case of incompetency, neglect of duty, or 10 malfeasance in office. 11 (e) The Board shall appoint an Executive Director who 12 shall have a background in finance, including familiarity 13 with the legal and procedural requirements of issuing bonds, 14 real estate or economic development and administration. The 15 Executive Director shall hold office at the discretion of the 16 Board. The Executive Director shall be the chief 17 administrative and operational officer of the Authority, 18 shall direct and supervise its administrative affairs and 19 general management, shall perform such other duties as may be 20 prescribed from time to time by the members and shall receive 21 compensation fixed by the Authority. The Executive Director 22 shall attend all meetings of the Authority; however, no 23 action of the Authority shall be invalid on account of the 24 absence of the Executive Director from a meeting. The 25 Authority may engage the services of such other agents and 26 employees, including attorneys, appraisers, engineers, 27 accountants, credit analysts and other consultants, as it may 28 deem advisable and may prescribe their duties and fix their 29 compensation. 30 (f) The Board may, by majority vote, nominate up to 4 31 non-voting members for appointment by the Governor. 32 Non-voting members shall be persons of recognized ability and 33 experience in one or more of the following areas: economic 34 development, finance, banking, industrial development, small -4- LRB093 03904 LCB 16470 a 1 business management, real estate development, community 2 development, venture finance, organized labor or civic, 3 community or neighborhood organization. Non-voting members 4 shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. All non-voting 5 members may attend meetings of the Board and shall be 6 reimbursed as provided in subsection (c). 7 (g) The Board shall create a task force to study and 8 make recommendations to the Board on the economic development 9 of the city of East St. Louis and on the economic development 10 of the riverfront within the territorial jurisdiction of this 11 Act. The members of the task force shall reside within the 12 territorial jurisdiction of this Act, shall serve at the 13 pleasure of the Board and shall be persons of recognized 14 ability and experience in one or more of the following areas: 15 economic development, finance, banking, industrial 16 development, small business management, real estate 17 development, community development, venture finance, 18 organized labor or civic, community or neighborhood 19 organization. The number of members constituting the task 20 force shall be set by the Board and may vary from time to 21 time. The Board may set a specific date by which the task 22 force is to submit its final report and recommendations to 23 the Board. 24 (Source: P.A. 85-591.)".