093_SB0133enr SB133 Enrolled LRB093 06671 MKM 06805 b 1 AN ACT concerning enterprise zones. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Illinois Enterprise Zone Act is amended 5 by changing Section 5.3 as follows: 6 (20 ILCS 655/5.3) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 608) 7 Sec. 5.3. Certification of Enterprise Zones; Effective 8 date. 9 (a) Approval of designated Enterprise Zones shall be 10 made by the Department by certification of the designating 11 ordinance. The Department shall promptly issue a certificate 12 for each Enterprise Zone upon its approval. The certificate 13 shall be signed by the Director of the Department, shall make 14 specific reference to the designating ordinance, which shall 15 be attached thereto, and shall be filed in the office of the 16 Secretary of State. A certified copy of the Enterprise Zone 17 Certificate, or a duplicate original thereof, shall be 18 recorded in the office of recorder of deeds of the county in 19 which the Enterprise Zone lies. 20 (b) An Enterprise Zone shall be effective upon its 21 certification. The Department shall transmit a copy of the 22 certification to the Department of Revenue, and to the 23 designating municipality or county. 24 Upon certification of an Enterprise Zone, the terms and 25 provisions of the designating ordinance shall be in effect, 26 and may not be amended or repealed except in accordance with 27 Section 5.4. 28 (c) An Enterprise Zone shall be in effect for 30 29 calendar years, or for a lesser number of years specified in 30 the certified designating ordinance. Enterprise Zones shall 31 terminate at midnight of December 31 of the final calendar SB133 Enrolled -2- LRB093 06671 MKM 06805 b 1 year of the certified term, except as provided in Section 2 5.4. 3 (d) No more than 12 Enterprise Zones may be certified by 4 the Department in calendar year 1984, no more than 12 5 Enterprise Zones may be certified by the Department in 6 calendar year 1985, no more than 13 Enterprise Zones may be 7 certified by the Department in calendar year 1986, no more 8 than 15 Enterprise Zones may be certified by the Department 9 in calendar year 1987, and no more than 20 Enterprise Zones 10 may be certified by the Department in calendar year 1990. In 11 other calendar years, no more than 13 Enterprise Zones may be 12 certified by the Department. The Department may also 13 designate up to 8 additional Enterprise Zones outside the 14 regular application cycle if warranted by the extreme 15 economic circumstances as determined by the Department. The 16 Department may also designate one additional Enterprise Zone 17 outside the regular application cycle if an aircraft 18 manufacturer agrees to locate an aircraft manufacturing 19 facility in the proposed Enterprise Zone. Notwithstanding any 20 other provision of this Act, no more than 89 Enterprise Zones 21 may be certified by the Department for the 10 calendar years 22 commencing with 1983. The 7 additional Enterprise Zones 23 authorized by Public Act 86-15 shall not lie within 24 municipalities or unincorporated areas of counties that abut 25 or are contiguous to Enterprise Zones certified pursuant to 26 this Section prior to June 30, 1989. The 7 additional 27 Enterprise Zones (excluding the additional Enterprise Zone 28 which may be designated outside the regular application 29 cycle) authorized by Public Act 86-1030 shall not lie within 30 municipalities or unincorporated areas of counties that abut 31 or are contiguous to Enterprise Zones certified pursuant to 32 this Section prior to February 28, 1990. Beginning in 33 calendar year 2004 and until December 31, 2008, one 34 additional enterprise zone may be certified by the SB133 Enrolled -3- LRB093 06671 MKM 06805 b 1 Department. In any calendar year, the Department may not 2 certify more than 3 Zones located within the same 3 municipality. The Department may certify Enterprise Zones in 4 each of the 10 calendar years commencing with 1983. The 5 Department may not certify more than a total of 18 Enterprise 6 Zones located within the same county (whether within 7 municipalities or within unincorporated territory) for the 10 8 calendar years commencing with 1983. Thereafter, the 9 Department may not certify any additional Enterprise Zones, 10 but may amend and rescind certifications of existing 11 Enterprise Zones in accordance with Section 5.4. 12 (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if (i) 13 the county board of any county in which a current military 14 base is located, in part or in whole, or in which a military 15 base that has been closed within 20 years of the effective 16 date of this amendatory Act of 1998 is located, in part or in 17 whole, adopts a designating ordinance in accordance with 18 Section 5 of this Act to designate the military base in that 19 county as an enterprise zone and (ii) the property otherwise 20 meets the qualifications for an enterprise zone as prescribed 21 in Section 4 of this Act, then the Department may certify the 22 designating ordinance or ordinances, as the case may be. 23 (Source: P.A. 91-567, eff. 8-14-99; 91-937, eff. 1-11-01; 24 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-777, eff. 1-1-03.)