093_SB0073sam002 LRB093 10959 MKM 12268 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 73 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 73, AS AMENDED, in 3 Section 10, the sentence beginning "Privatization contract", 4 by replacing ". Any agreement entered into" with the 5 following: 6 "and that result in the reduction in force of at least one 7 permanent, classified employee. This Act shall not apply to 8 contracts if any of the following apply: 9 (1) The services are not available within the 10 agency or are of such a highly specialized or technical 11 nature that the necessary knowledge, skills, or expertise 12 is not available within the agency; 13 (2) The services are incidental to a contract for 14 purchase or lease of real or personal property; 15 (3) There is a demonstrated need for (i) an 16 independent audit, review, or investigation; or (ii) 17 independent management of a facility as a result of, or 18 in response to, an emergency such as licensure loss or 19 criminal activity; 20 (4) The State is not able to provide equipment, 21 materials, facilities, or support services in a 22 cost-effective manner in the location where the services 23 are to be performed; 24 (5) The contract is for professional services, such -2- LRB093 10959 MKM 12268 a 1 as legal, engineering, or architectural services, that 2 are typically rendered on a case-by-case or 3 project-by-project basis, and the services are for a 4 period limited to the duration of the project, normally 5 not to exceed 2 years or provided on an intermittent 6 basis for the duration of the contract; 7 (6) The need for services is urgent, temporary, or 8 occasional, such that the time necessary to hire and 9 train employees would render obtaining the services from 10 State employees imprudent. The contract shall be limited 11 to 90 days duration, with any extension subject to review 12 and approval by the Director of Central Management 13 Services; 14 (7) Contracts for the type of services covered by 15 the contract are specifically authorized by law; 16 (8) Efforts to recruit State employees to perform 17 work authorized by law have failed because no applicant 18 meeting the minimum qualifications has applied for the 19 job; 20 (9) The contract is for the services of private 21 counsel; 22 (10) The contract is for services for training 23 courses that cannot be provided by current State 24 employees; 25 (11) There is a conflict of interest; or 26 (12) The contract is for services for witness 27 litigation. 28 Any agreement entered into".