LRB093 02105 DRH 13832 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 67 on page 1, line
3 5, replacing "Section 6-106" with "Sections 6-106 and 6-110";
4 and
5 on page 1, by replacing lines 30 and 31 with the following:
6 "State shall require the use of an individual tax
7 identification number may in his discretion substitute a
8 federal tax number in lieu of a social security number and,
9 or he may also instead assign an additional distinctive
10 number. The Secretary of State shall also require any other
11 proof of State residency established by rule in lieu thereof,
12 where an"; and
13 on page 2, by deleting line 1; and
14 on page 3, below line 6, by inserting the following:
15 "(625 ILCS 5/6-110) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-110)
16 Sec. 6-110. Licenses issued to drivers.
17 (a) The Secretary of State shall issue to every
18 qualifying applicant a driver's license as applied for, which
19 license shall bear a distinguishing number assigned to the
20 licensee, the name, social security number, zip code, date of
21 birth, address, and a brief description of the licensee, and
-2- LRB093 02105 DRH 13832 a
1 a space where the licensee may write his usual signature.
2 If the licensee is less than 17 years of age, the license
3 shall, as a matter of law, be invalid for the operation of
4 any motor vehicle during any time the licensee is prohibited
5 from being on any street or highway under the provisions of
6 the Child Curfew Act.
7 Licenses issued shall also indicate the classification
8 and the restrictions under Section 6-104 of this Code.
9 In lieu of the social security number, the Secretary
10 shall require the use of an individual tax number and may
11 also assign an additional may in his discretion substitute a
12 federal tax number or other distinctive number.
13 A driver's license issued may, in the discretion of the
14 Secretary, include a suitable photograph of a type prescribed
15 by the Secretary.
16 (b) The Secretary of State shall provide a format on the
17 reverse of each driver's license issued which the licensee
18 may use to execute a document of gift conforming to the
19 provisions of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act. The format
20 shall allow the licensee to indicate the gift intended,
21 whether specific organs, any organ, or the entire body, and
22 shall accommodate the signatures of the donor and 2
23 witnesses. The Secretary shall also inform each applicant or
24 licensee of this format, describe the procedure for its
25 execution, and may offer the necessary witnesses; provided
26 that in so doing, the Secretary shall advise the applicant or
27 licensee that he or she is under no compulsion to execute a
28 document of gift. A brochure explaining this method of
29 executing an anatomical gift document shall be given to each
30 applicant or licensee. The brochure shall advise the
31 applicant or licensee that he or she is under no compulsion
32 to execute a document of gift, and that he or she may wish to
33 consult with family, friends or clergy before doing so. The
34 Secretary of State may undertake additional efforts,
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1 including education and awareness activities, to promote
2 organ and tissue donation.
3 (c) The Secretary of State shall designate on each
4 driver's license issued a space where the licensee may place
5 a sticker or decal of the uniform size as the Secretary may
6 specify, which sticker or decal may indicate in appropriate
7 language that the owner of the license carries an Emergency
8 Medical Information Card.
9 The sticker may be provided by any person, hospital,
10 school, medical group, or association interested in assisting
11 in implementing the Emergency Medical Information Card, but
12 shall meet the specifications as the Secretary may by rule or
13 regulation require.
14 (d) The Secretary of State shall designate on each
15 driver's license issued a space where the licensee may
16 indicate his blood type and RH factor.
17 (e) The Secretary of State shall provide that each
18 original or renewal driver's license issued to a licensee
19 under 21 years of age shall be of a distinct nature from
20 those driver's licenses issued to individuals 21 years of age
21 and older. The color designated for driver's licenses for
22 licensees under 21 years of age shall be at the discretion of
23 the Secretary of State.
24 (e-1) The Secretary shall provide that each driver's
25 license issued to a person under the age of 21 displays the
26 date upon which the person becomes 18 years of age and the
27 date upon which the person becomes 21 years of age.
28 (f) The Secretary of State shall inform all Illinois
29 licensed commercial motor vehicle operators of the
30 requirements of the Uniform Commercial Driver License Act,
31 Article V of this Chapter, and shall make provisions to
32 insure that all drivers, seeking to obtain a commercial
33 driver's license, be afforded an opportunity prior to April
34 1, 1992, to obtain the license. The Secretary is authorized
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1 to extend driver's license expiration dates, and assign
2 specific times, dates and locations where these commercial
3 driver's tests shall be conducted. Any applicant, regardless
4 of the current expiration date of the applicant's driver's
5 license, may be subject to any assignment by the Secretary.
6 Failure to comply with the Secretary's assignment may result
7 in the applicant's forfeiture of an opportunity to receive a
8 commercial driver's license prior to April 1, 1992.
9 (g) The Secretary of State shall designate on a driver's
10 license issued, a space where the licensee may indicate that
11 he or she has drafted a living will in accordance with the
12 Illinois Living Will Act or a durable power of attorney for
13 health care in accordance with the Illinois Power of Attorney
14 Act.
15 (g-1) The Secretary of State, in his or her discretion,
16 may designate on each driver's license issued a space where
17 the licensee may place a sticker or decal, issued by the
18 Secretary of State, of uniform size as the Secretary may
19 specify, that shall indicate in appropriate language that the
20 owner of the license has renewed his or her driver's license.
21 (h) A person who acts in good faith in accordance with
22 the terms of this Section is not liable for damages in any
23 civil action or subject to prosecution in any criminal
24 proceeding for his or her act.
25 (Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 92-689, eff. 1-1-03.)".