093_SB0025sam002 LRB093 03173 JLS 14464 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 25 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 25 by replacing 3 everything after the enacting clause with the following: 4 "Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by 5 adding Section 16-103.5 as follows: 6 (220 ILCS 5/16-103.5 new) 7 Sec.16-103.5. Renewable energy resources standard. 8 (a) In furtherance of subsection (f) of Section 5 of the 9 Illinois Resource Development and Energy Security Act, which 10 provides that "renewable forms of energy should be promoted 11 as an important element of the energy and environmental 12 policies of the State and it is a goal of the State that at 13 least 5% of the State's energy production and use be derived 14 from renewable forms of energy by 2010 and at least 15% from 15 renewable forms of energy by 2020", a renewable energy 16 resources standard is hereby established in Illinois. 17 (b) This Section applies to electric utilities and 18 alternative retail electric suppliers. 19 (c) "Renewable energy resources" has the meaning given 20 that term in subsection (f) of Section 6-3 of the Renewable 21 Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Coal Resources Development Law 22 of 1997. -2- LRB093 03173 JLS 14464 a 1 (d) During 2003 and 2004, an electric utility or 2 alternative retail electric supplier shall take all 3 appropriate actions to meet the standards set forth in this 4 Section, and shall submit one report to the Commission each 5 year by December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2004, 6 respectively, describing each year's actions in detail. 7 (e) Each electric utility or alternative retail electric 8 supplier shall in the years specified supply electricity to 9 Illinois customers generated by renewable energy resources in 10 at least the following minimum percentages of the total 11 electricity supplied by that electric utility or alternative 12 retail electric supplier to customers in Illinois: 13 (1) 2005, 2%; 14 (2) 2007, 3%; 15 (3) 2009, 4%; 16 (4) 2010, 5%; 17 (5) 2012, 7%; 18 (6) 2014, 9%; 19 (7) 2016, 11%; 20 (8) 2018, 13%; 21 (9) 2020 and each year thereafter, 15%. 22 (f) An electric utility or alternative retail electric 23 supplier shall meet the standards in subsection (e) by any 24 combination of: 25 (1) generating electricity in Illinois with 26 renewable energy resources and then supplying that 27 electricity to its Illinois customers; or 28 (2) purchasing electricity generated in Illinois 29 with renewable energy resources and then supplying that 30 electricity to its Illinois customers. 31 (g) Any electric utility or alternative retail electric 32 supplier may choose to arrange with another electric utility 33 or alternative retail electric supplier to supply its 34 Illinois customers with electricity generated in Illinois -3- LRB093 03173 JLS 14464 a 1 with renewable energy resources. 2 (h)(1) By April 1 of each year beginning in 2006, an 3 electric utility or alternative retail electric supplier 4 subject to this Section shall submit a report to the 5 Commission that documents compliance with the provisions of 6 this Section for the preceding year. 7 (2) The report shall include, but need not be 8 limited to, the following information: 9 (A) the total megawatt hours of electricity 10 sold to customers in Illinois; 11 (B) the total megawatt hours of electricity 12 generated in Illinois with each kind of renewable 13 energy resource that is sold to customers in 14 Illinois; 15 (C) the total megawatt hours of electricity 16 acquired from other electric utilities or 17 alternative retail electric suppliers that is 18 generated in Illinois with renewable energy 19 resources; and 20 (D) any other information necessary to 21 demonstrate compliance with this Section. 22 (3) The Commission shall establish additional 23 reporting requirements to ensure implementation of this 24 Section. 25 (4) The Commission shall promptly post every report 26 submitted under this subsection on the Commission's 27 Internet site. 28 (5) The Commission may audit the accuracy of all 29 information submitted under this subsection, and may 30 request and obtain from each electric utility or 31 alternative retail electric supplier any other 32 information necessary to monitor compliance with and 33 enforcement of this Section. 34 (i) An electric utility or alternative retail electric -4- LRB093 03173 JLS 14464 a 1 supplier shall be assessed a penalty of not less than $50 for 2 each megawatt hour of electricity that the electric utility 3 or alternative retail electric supplier does not supply as 4 required under subsection (e). 5 (j) The Commission shall establish penalties for other 6 violations of this Section. 7 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon 8 becoming law.".