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2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3 Representatives wish to congratulate Dave Morrison, Band
4 Director of Prospect High School, on being named Illinois
5 Teacher of the Year for 2003-2004;; and
6     WHEREAS, Dave Morrison, a 25-year veteran of Prospect High
7 School, began his career as a band director almost 30 years ago
8 because of his obsession "with the power and beauty of hearing
9 and making music"; he has a Bachelor of Science degree in Music
10 Education from University of Illinois at Champaign, having
11 received highest honors; he then attained his Masters of
12 Science and his Masters plus 30 AHCE Educational Administration
13 at the University of Illinois; and
14     WHEREAS, His career at Prospect, however, has yielded much
15 more for him and his students; some of the many accomplishments
16 they have achieved over the years include playing for the
17 President of the United States on three occasions, winning the
18 Grand Championship Governor's traveling trophy at the
19 University of Illinois marching contest for 20 consecutive
20 years, and performing twice in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day
21 Parade in New York City; the most rewarding experience for
22 Morrison and his students was when they performed the "Star
23 Spangled Banner" and "Amazing Grace" at the World Trade Center
24 Ground Zero last fall; and
25     WHEREAS, Mr. Morrison spent the 2003 fall semester speaking
26 at teacher workshops, educational conferences, and civic and
27 community meetings; he received a lifetime tuition waiver to
28 state universities and a one-semester paid leave to pursue
29 graduate work or develop an educational project that will
30 benefit students across the State; and
31     WHEREAS, In addition, Mr. Morrison will represent Illinois



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1 at the NASA Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, and in the
2 National Teacher of the Year program sponsored by the Council
3 of Chief State School Officers and Scholastic, Inc.; and
4     WHEREAS, Mr. Morrison believes that the most effective and
5 proper study of music is through the students' personal
6 involvement in producing musical meaning, communication, and
7 expression in a performance situation for an audience;
8 therefore, be it
11 congratulate Dave Morrison on being named Illinois Teacher of
12 the Year and recognize his hard efforts and dedication to
13 spread his love of music to the youth of today; and be it
14 further
15     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16 presented to Dave Morrison as a token of our respect and
17 esteem.