093_HR0533 LRB093 14227 HSS 19740 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The members of this body are pleased to 3 recognize a significant milestone in the history of the 4 Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois State Lodge; and 5 WHEREAS, The Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois State 6 Lodge, is celebrating its 40th Anniversary; and 7 WHEREAS, Chartered on April 5, 1963, the Fraternal Order 8 of Police, Illinois State Lodge, had seven lodges in 9 Illinois, with about 5,000 police officers; and 10 WHEREAS, The first officers of the Illinois State Lodge 11 were: President, George Krummer; Vice President, Joseph 12 LeFevour; Secretary/Treasurer, Ray Malak; Conductor, Ken 13 Miller; Trustee, Vic Witt; Trustee, Harold Peterson; Trustee, 14 Bob Forberg; and Liaison Trustee, Richard Lis; and 15 WHEREAS, The Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois State 16 Lodge, became a part of the National Fraternal Order of 17 Police to band together to meet the needs of Police Officers; 18 and 19 WHEREAS, These members work diligently, through the 20 legislature, to achieve their goals of better working 21 conditions, pensions, and laws to assist them in their work; 22 and 23 WHEREAS, The Fraternal Order of Police has grown to more 24 than 254 lodges, with more than 34,000 members from law 25 enforcement agencies throughout the State; and 26 WHEREAS, The current officers of the State Lodge are: 27 President, Ted Street; First Vice President, Bruce 28 Bialorucki; Second Vice President, Keith Turney; Recording 29 Secretary, Michael Vitale; Financial Secretary, James Maly; 30 Sergeant-at-Arms, David Nixon; Chairman of Trustees, Patrick -2- LRB093 14227 HSS 19740 r 1 Davlin; State Chaplain, Father Vytas Memenas; Labor Council 2 Executive Board Chairman, Maurice Macklin; Immediate Past 3 President, Mark Donahue; Past National President, John 4 Dineen; National Trustee, Robert Nowaczyk; District Trustees: 5 Patrick Duckhorn, L.H. Buddy Parker, Larry Stephens, Anthony 6 Burns, Michael Lepczynski, Marvin Bornschlegl, Dawn Churney, 7 Philip Tenerelli, Kevin Glaser, William Valko, Michael 8 Trafton, J. Michael Sponsler, Robert Baxter, Mark Krampf, 9 Michael Vladetich, and John Dunning; and 10 WHEREAS, For the past 40 years, the Fraternal Order of 11 Police, Illinois State Lodge, has worked hard to achieve its 12 goals; therefore be it 13 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 14 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 15 we congratulate the Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois State 16 Lodge, as it celebrates 40 years of dedication; that we 17 commend the members of the organization for its dedicated 18 efforts; and that we extend our best wishes to it for 19 continued success in the future; and be it further 20 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 21 presented to the Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois State 22 Lodge as an expression of our respect and esteem.