
                                     LRB093 13204 HSS 18702 r

 1                          HOUSE RESOLUTION

 2        WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives wish
 3    to thank William C. "Chris" Olsen and Debbie Olsen of Decatur
 4    for their many years of  hard  work  and  dedication  to  the
 5    community  and  for  being the recipients of the Easter Seals
 6    Central Illinois 2003 Seal of Excellence Award; and

 7        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Olsen  has  been  active  in  the  Decatur
 8    community for many years in numerous capacities; he served as
 9    a board member of the  Decatur  Athletic  Council  from  1991
10    until  2000,  and as president of that organization from 1992
11    to 2000; he served as a board member for Macon Resources from
12    1990 until 1994, as vice president from 1994 to 1995, and  as
13    president  from 1995 until 1997; he was a board member of the
14    Millikin Alumni Association from  1995  until  1998  and  was
15    president of the association from 1997 until 1998; and

16        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Olsen  served  as  a  board  member of the
17    Richland Community College Foundation from 1999 to  2001;  he
18    has  served as a board member of the Metro Decatur Chamber of
19    Commerce since 2000 and chairman from 2001 to 2002; he  is  a
20    board  member  of  the Illinois State Chamber (2000-present),
21    the Economic Development Corporation  of  Decatur  and  Macon
22    County   (2002-present),   and  the  Decatur  Public  Schools
23    Foundation (1999-present), where he served as  chairman  from
24    2001  until  this year; he is currently a board member of the
25    Country Club of Decatur as well; and

26        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Olsen  is  a  graduate  of   the   Decatur
27    Leadership  Institute and generously volunteers his time with
28    several organizations,  including  Special  Olympics,  Easter
29    Seals, Meals on Wheels, and the American Cancer Society; and

30        WHEREAS, In the past, Mr. Olsen has served on many boards
31    and in many organizations, including Tri Cities YMCA (Granite
32    City  1980),  Illinois  State  University  Business  Advisory
                            -2-      LRB093 13204 HSS 18702 r
 1    Council    (1987-1990),    Illinois    Wesleyan    Associates
 2    (1987-1990),  United  Way-Bloomington (1988-1990), United Way
 3    Campaign-Bloomington (chairman, 1990), McLean County  Chamber
 4    of  Commerce  (1988-1990,  vice president 1990), Occupational
 5    Development  Center  (1988-1990),  and  the  Illinois   State
 6    Redbird  Scholarship Fund (1987-1990); he was a member of the
 7    Rotary Club of Bloomington from 1987 until  1990,  the  Early
 8    Bird  Kiwanis  Club  of  Decatur  from  1984 to 1986, and the
 9    Jaycees of Decatur from 1978 to 1979; and

10        WHEREAS, Mrs. Olsen has also been a very active member of
11    her community and has worked on the Komen  Decatur  Race  for
12    the  Cure  as  the  Survivor  Celebration  chair, the Auction
13    chair, the Fun and Fit chair, and the Pasta Party chair;  she
14    is  a member of the United Way Cabinet, serving as the Health
15    Care division co-chair; she is a lifetime  member  of  Junior
16    Welfare; and

17        WHEREAS,  Mrs.  Olsen is a member of the Millikin-Decatur
18    Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors and has served  as  the
19    vice president, the Ways and Means chair, and the Symphony of
20    Trees  general  chair; she has served as the president of the
21    Eisenhower Elite Energy Show Choir Parent's Booster Club  and
22    as  a  member  of  the Eisenhower Athletic Booster Board, the
23    Thomas Jefferson Middle School Booster Board,  and  the  Baum
24    School PTA Board; and

25        WHEREAS,   Mrs.   Olsen  has  served  as  the  Gift  Shop
26    co-chair/buyer on the Decatur  Memorial  Hospital  Auxiliary;
27    she  has served on the Millikin Alumnae Board and the Alumnae
28    Advisory Corp of Pi Beta Phi; she served as president of  the
29    Bloomington  Normal  Symphony Board and of the Women's Center
30    at St. Joseph's Hospital in Bloomington;  she  was  the  vice
31    president of the Easter Seals Board of Directors; and

32        WHEREAS,  Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have served together in many
                            -3-      LRB093 13204 HSS 18702 r
 1    capacities; they are both  members  at  St.  Paul's  Lutheran
 2    Church;   they   served  as  the  general  co-chair  for  the
 3    Children's Museum Gala, as the general co-chair for Corks and
 4    Forks, which is sponsored by the Decatur  Arts  Council,  and
 5    are  the  present  social  chairs  for  the  Country  Club of
 6    Decatur; they were the honorary co-chairs for "One  Light  to
 7    Remember",  sponsored  by  the  Decatur  Memorial Foundation;
 8    therefore, be it

11    we thank Mr. and Mrs. William  C.  "Chris"  Olsen  for  their
12    profound  and  extensive  contributions to their communities,
13    and we congratulate them  on  being  the  recipients  of  the
14    Easter  Seals Central Illinois 2003 Seal of Excellence Award;
15    and be it further

16        RESOLVED, That a suitable  copy  of  this  resolution  be
17    presented  to  Chris and Debbie Olsen as an expression of our
18    respect and esteem.