093_HR0366 LRB093 12059 HSS 16780 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of 3 the State of Illinois wish to congratulate Andrew S. 4 Gounardes on the occasion of his graduation from Fort 5 Hamilton High School; and 6 WHEREAS, Andrew currently holds two part-time jobs, one 7 with his father as a dental assistant, and one with the City 8 Council of New York as a Councilmanic Aide to the Councilman 9 of the 43rd District, Vincent J. Gentile; and 10 WHEREAS, Andrew currently serves as one of the two 11 student representatives on the New York City Department of 12 Education Panel for Educational Policy; he and his partner 13 represent a constituency of over 1.1 million city school 14 students; he is also a member of the Citywide Student 15 Advisory Council and is president of the Superintendent 16 Student Advisory Council for the BASIS Superintendency; and 17 WHEREAS, Andrew has been in the honors program since he 18 began high school; he is the secretary of the School 19 Leadership Team for Fort Hamilton High School, where he is 20 also in the leadership program; he served on the Executive 21 Board of the Student Organization at Fort Hamilton for three 22 years; he attended the New York American Legion Boys' State 23 program at the campus of SUNY Morrisville; he is an Eagle 24 Scout member of Troop 715; therefore, be it 25 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 26 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 27 we congratulate Andrew S. Gounardes on the occasion of his 28 graduation from Fort Hamilton High School and commend him for 29 his outstanding contributions to the leadership of his school 30 and representation of many students of New York; and be it 31 further -2- LRB093 12059 HSS 16780 r 1 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 2 presented to Andrew S. Gounardes as an expression of our 3 respect and esteem.