093_HR0334 LRB093 11681 KEF 15288 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, Boy Scout Troop 31 in Oswego was formed in 3 January of 1927 under the sponsorship of the PTA (Parent 4 Teacher Association); and 5 WHEREAS, The first Scoutmaster was John L. Clayton, who 6 was also the Superintendent of Schools in Oswego; the first 7 scouts that were registered were: William Brown, Howard 8 Clayton, John Collins, Harlan Collins, Robert Henley, Will 9 Lamb, Melvin Parkhurst, Franklin Pearce, Harlan Peshia, 10 Stanley Peterson, Allan Schlapp, Gerald Seaton, Norman 11 Whitney, and Merrill Wolfe; and 12 WHEREAS, The sponsorship of the troop continued under the 13 PTA and the High School until 1933 when Maurice Hachlin 14 became the Scoutmaster and the American Legion became the 15 sponsor; in 1934, Mr. Harold Manning became the Scoutmaster, 16 and he continued in this role until 1937 when Mr. Norm Hulsne 17 assumed the role of Scoutmaster until 1939, when once again 18 the PTA became the sponsor, and Mr. Ford Lippold became the 19 Scoutmaster; in 1942, Mr. John Luttich became the Scoutmaster 20 and continued in this capacity until December of 1945; in 21 January of 1946, Mr. Richard Young (Eagle Scout) fresh from 22 the Marine Corps became the new Scoutmaster, a position he 23 held until 1950; in 1951, Mr. Lippold again became the 24 Scoutmaster until December of 1956; and 25 WHEREAS, In January of 1957, Mr. George Akerlow became 26 the new Scoutmaster and the sponsorship was once again picked 27 up by the PTA and the High School; in 1960, Mr. Howard 28 Dannenburg assumed the Scoutmaster position which he held 29 until 1969; in 1965, the troop had grown so much that it was 30 necessary for a new troop to be formed with some of the older 31 scouts helping to form the nucleus of boys Troop 63 under the 32 sponsorship of the American Legion; in 1967, the sponsorship -2- LRB093 11681 KEF 15288 r 1 of the troop was assumed by the Oswego Presbyterian Church 2 and continues to the present day; in 1970, Mr. Charles Schalz 3 became the 12th Scoutmaster; in 1973, Mr. Del LaGow became 4 Scoutmaster and continued in this role until December of 5 1983, at that time Mr. Howard Wesley became Scoutmaster 6 through 1986, at which time Mr. LaGow once again became 7 Scoutmaster and continued until 1993; Mr. Greg Lambke became 8 the new Scoutmaster in 1994 and continued until 1997; in 9 1998, Mr. LaGow assumed the Scoutmaster position on an 10 interim basis, and in 1999 Mr. Neal Schilling became the 11 Scoutmaster and continued in this position through 2001; and 12 WHEREAS, Since the Troop's formation, they have averaged 13 an Eagle Scout every one and one half years; in 1929, Mr. 14 Merrill Wolfe and Mr. Harlan Peshia became the first Eagle 15 Scouts in the troop; and 16 WHEREAS, The young men of Troop 31 have gone on to 17 distinguish themselves in all walks of life; there are 18 schoolteachers, businessmen, two United States Navy Academy 19 graduates, a career officer in the United States Army, a 20 Chief Judge of the Circuit Court, a States Attorney, a 21 Pharmacist, three Police Officers, an author and noted 22 naturalist, lawyers in environmental law and national forest 23 rangers; and almost 85 percent of all Scouts that have gone 24 through Troop 31 have gone on to higher education in some 25 form; therefore, be it 26 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 27 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 28 we commemorate 75 years of scouting in Oswego and the 29 contributions the scouts' of Troop 31 have made to their 30 community over the years; and be it further 31 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 32 presented to the Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 31.