093_HR0270 LRB093 11670 HSS 15362 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The family, serving as the primary source of 3 love, identity, self-esteem, and support, is the very 4 foundation of our communities and State; and 5 WHEREAS, In the State of Illinois there are 23,000 6 children and youth in foster care being provided with safe, 7 secure, and stable homes along with the compassion and 8 nurture of a foster family; and 9 WHEREAS, Foster families who open their homes and hearts 10 to children whose families are in crisis play a vital role in 11 helping children and facilities heal and reconnect and launch 12 children into successful adulthood; and 13 WHEREAS, Dedicated foster families frequently adopt 14 foster children, resulting in greater need for more foster 15 families; and 16 WHEREAS, There are numerous individuals and public and 17 private organizations that work to increase public awareness 18 of children in and leaving foster care as well as the 19 enduring and valuable contribution of foster parents, and the 20 foster care system is only as good as those who choose to be 21 a part of it; therefore, be it 22 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 23 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 24 we name May of 2003 Foster Care Month in the State of 25 Illinois, and that we urge all citizens to volunteer their 26 talents and energies on behalf of children in foster care, 27 foster parents, and child welfare professional staff during 28 Foster Care Month and throughout the year.