093_HR0160 LRB093 11335 HSS 13766 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of 3 the State of Illinois wish to congratulate Paul Jacobowski on 4 the occasion of his retirement after eight years of service 5 on the Orland School District 135 Board of Education; and 6 WHEREAS, Mr. Jacobowski served as Board President for the 7 1999-2000 school year; during his eight years on the board, 8 he has chaired the Finance, Policy, and Ethics Committees; he 9 also served on the Building and Education Committees and was 10 District 135's representative to the state and national 11 school board associations; and 12 WHEREAS, Many notable achievements have been marked 13 during Mr. Jacobowski's tenure on the board; among them are 14 the planning and construction of two new schools, and 15 remodeling of all the district facilities; he, along with the 16 rest of the board, was instrumental in the development of a 17 long-range plan for student achievement, as well as in the 18 evaluation and restructuring of all district curriculums to 19 align them with State standards and bring consistency of 20 instruction to all of the district's ten schools; and 21 WHEREAS, Mr. Jacobowski exemplifies the teamwork of the 22 Board of Education and the administration in allocating the 23 district's resources to reduce a budget deficit over the 24 years while enhancing academic programs at the same time; 25 therefore, be it 26 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 27 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 28 we congratulate Paul Jacobowski on the occasion of his 29 retirement from the Orland School District 135 Board of 30 Education on April 7, 2003, and we commend him for his 31 service to the board; and be it further -2- LRB093 11335 HSS 13766 r 1 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be 2 presented to Paul Jacobowski as a token of our respect and 3 esteem.