093_HR0134 LRB093 11314 HSS 13312 r 1 HOUSE RESOLUTION 2 WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of 3 the State of Illinois wish to congratulate the members of the 4 Naperville Central High School girls basketball team on 5 winning the IHSA Class 2A State Championship Game; and 6 WHEREAS, The Naperville Central Redhawks won the State 7 Championship game against Fenwick High School by a score of 8 63 to 59 on Saturday, March 8, 2003; the Redhawks finished 9 the season with a record of 35 wins and no losses; they are 10 the first team to go undefeated for the season since Maine 11 West High School accomplished the feat in 1988; and 12 WHEREAS, The head coach of the Redhawks is Andy Nussbaum; 13 the assistant coaches are Alan Harris, Nick DiGiovanni; Pat 14 Keating, and Jane Mucci and the team manager is Gelisa 15 Kornegay; and 16 WHEREAS, The captains of the Redhawks are Courtney 17 Peters, Meredith Daniels, and Candace Parker; other members 18 of the team are Rachel Crissy, Seanna O'Malley, Lauren 19 Grochowski, Brittany Utrata, Liz Lawdensky, Tiffany Hudson, 20 Erica Carter, Denise Hill, Megan Martin, Christina Sahly, 21 Molly Glanz, Tara Hester, and Kristen Ludwig; therefore, be 22 it 23 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 24 NINETY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that 25 we congratulate the coaches and members of the Naperville 26 Central High School Redhawks girls basketball team on winning 27 the IHSA Class 2A State Championship; and be it further 28 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be 29 presented to each of the coaches and team members of the 30 Naperville Central High School Redhawks girls basketball team 31 along with our best wishes for continued success.