Rep. Carolyn H. Krause

Filed: 3/31/2004





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2     AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 6355 by replacing
3 everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4     "Section 5. The Partnership for Long-Term Care Act is
5 amended by changing Section 20 as follows:
6     (320 ILCS 35/20)  (from Ch. 23, par. 6801-20)
7     Sec. 20. Program participant eligibility for Medicaid.
8     (a) Individuals who participate in the program and have
9 resources above the eligibility levels for receipt of medical
10 assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act
11 (Subchapter XIX (commencing with Section 1396) of Chapter 7 of
12 Title 42 of the United States Code) shall be eligible to
13 receive in-home supportive service benefits and Medicaid
14 benefits through the Department of Public Aid if, before
15 becoming eligible for benefits, they have purchased a long-term
16 care insurance policy covering long-term care that has been
17 certified by the Department of Insurance under Section 30 of
18 this Act.
19     (b) Individuals may purchase certified long-term care
20 insurance policies which cover long-term care services in
21 amounts equal to the resources they wish to protect.
22     (b-5) An individual may purchase a certified long-term care
23 insurance policy which protects an individual's total assets.
24 To be eligible for total asset protection, an amount equal to



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1 $140,000 and providing coverage the average cost of 4 years of
2 long-term care services in a nursing facility must be
3 purchased. Within 5 years after the effective date of this
4 amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the Department on
5 Aging shall review the amount of long-term care insurance that
6 must be purchased under this subsection and shall recommend to
7 the General Assembly any changes in that amount that the
8 Department considers appropriate.
9     (b-7) Although a resource has been protected by the
10 Partnership Policy, income is to be applied to the cost of care
11 when the insured becomes Medicaid eligible.
12     (c) The resource protection provided by this Act shall be
13 effective only for long-term care policies which cover
14 long-term care services, that are delivered, issued for
15 delivery, or renewed on or after July 1, 1992.
16     (d) When an individual purchases a certified long-term care
17 insurance policy, the issuer must notify the purchaser of the
18 benefits of purchasing inflation protection for the long-term
19 care insurance policy.
20     (e) An insurance company may offer for sale a policy as
21 described in paragraph (b) of this Section or paragraph (b-5)
22 of this Section or both types of policies.
23 (Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97; 89-525, eff. 7-19-96; 90-14,
24 eff. 7-1-97.)
25     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
26 becoming law.".