Sen. Patrick Welch

Filed: 7/1/2004








09300HB2744sam001                   LRB093 04194 RCE 52396 a



    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2744 by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the following:


    "Section 5. FY05 appropriations based on FY04 appropriations.

    (a) The items of appropriation (other than reappropriations) that were appropriated in Public Acts 93-014, 93-062, 93-064, 93-065, 93-066, 93-067, 93-068, 93-069, 93-070, 93-071, 93-072, 93-073, 93-074, 93-075, 93-076, 93-090, 93-091, 93-092, 93-093, 93-094, 93-095, 93-096, 93-097, 93-098, 93-115, 93-635, 93-664, and 93-673 for State Fiscal Year 2004 are hereby appropriated as individual items of appropriation, and are incorporated by reference, for State Fiscal Year 2005, to the same agencies, from the same sources, for the same purposes, and subject to the same conditions, as those amounts ultimately became law, including any item reductions and restorations, item vetoes and overrides, and amendments by subsequent supplemental appropriation Acts, except Public Act 93-675, also incorporated by reference.

    (b) The items that were reappropriated in the Public Acts listed in subsection (a) for State Fiscal Year 2004 are again reappropriated as individual items of appropriation, and are incorporated by reference, for State Fiscal Year 2005, to the same agencies, from the same sources, for the same purposes, and subject to the same conditions, as those amounts ultimately became law, including any item reductions and restorations, item vetoes and overrides, and amendments by subsequent supplemental appropriation Acts, also incorporated by reference, but the amounts reappropriated shall be based on the amounts remaining unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2004, rather than June 30, 2003 (or other date specified in those Public Acts).

    (c) The items that were appropriated or reappropriated in Public Act 93-587 for State Fiscal Year 2004 are hereby reappropriated as individual items of reappropriation, and are incorporated by reference, for State Fiscal Year 2005, to the same agencies, from the same sources, for the same purposes, and subject to the same conditions, as those amounts ultimately became law, including any item reductions and restorations, item vetoes and overrides, and amendments by subsequent supplemental appropriation Acts, also incorporated by reference, but the amounts reappropriated shall be based on the amounts remaining unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2004 (rather than as stated in Public Act 93-587, if stated).

    (d)  The appropriations made in subsection (a) and the reappropriations made in subsections (b) and (c) for State Fiscal Year 2005 are available for expenditure only (i) through July 31, 2004 and (ii) except as provided in this Section, in an amount not to exceed one-twelfth of the amount appropriated or reappropriated, as the case may be. Any amount sufficient to pay debt service obligations certified prior to July 1, 2004 may be expended through July 31, 2004, and is not subject to the one-twelfth amount limitation. No further amounts may be expended thereafter.


    Section 95. Repeal. This Act is repealed at 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 2004.


Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on July 1, 2004.".