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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Dr. Charles E. Morris Jr. of
4Bloomington, who passed away on August 11, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris, the son of Charles E. Morris Sr. and
6Verta E. Warner Morris, was born in Big Stone Gap, Virginia on
7September 30, 1931; he graduated from high school as class
8valedictorian at the age of 16 and Swift Memorial Junior
9College as class salutatorian in 1948; he was a cum laude
10graduate from Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North
11Carolina; he married Jeanne Brown in Charleston, South
12Carolina on August 18, 1957, and they had two children while
13residing in Urbana, Illinois; he and his family relocated to
14Normal in 1966, where they built their home and resided until
152018, when they moved to Westminster Village in Bloomington;
17    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris taught high school in High Point,
18North Carolina; he then finished the doctoral program at the
19University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; he became an
20associate professor of mathematics at Illinois State
21University (ISU); he was later promoted to vice president for
22Administrative Services and then vice chancellor of Academic
23and Student Affairs for the Illinois Board of Regents in



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1Springfield; and
2    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha
3Fraternity, Inc. through the Alpha Omicron Chapter seated at
4Johnson C. Smith University on December 15, 1951, becoming
5Life Member 5322 on April 15, 1983; he took his
6responsibilities as a member and the success of Black students
7at ISU very seriously, serving as campus advisor to the Eta Tau
8Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha during the 1970s and 1980s, as an
9instrumental part of the establishment of the National Pan
10Hellenic Council of ISU, and as a mentor to Men of the Eta Tau
11Chapter into the 1990s, even after leaving full-time
12employment at ISU; he was also instrumental in chartering the
13Nu Psi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha in 1981, where he
14remained an active member until his transition; he was
15recently honored with his 70-year fraternity anniversary pin;
17    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris was deeply committed to his students
18and the ISU community; after relocating to Normal, he and his
19wife were part of a team that purchased housing for African
20American students at ISU; he helped countless students afford
21college and succeed during his tenure at ISU; because of his
22support, many students, some he would never meet, were able to
23afford college, succeed while students, and go on to lead
24prosperous lives after graduation; both he and his wife also



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1wrote legislation that continues to benefit ISU today; and
2    WHEREAS, Post retirement from the university systems, Dr.
3Morris served as coordinator of SIMaST (Students Integrating
4Mathematics, Science, and Technology), senior associate of the
5Center for the Study of Educational Policy at ISU, and
6president of and consultant with CEM Associates, Inc.; he
7continued serving on many community boards and was a board
8member of the Interdenominational Theological Seminary in
9Atlanta, Georgia; upon retirement, he remained a supporter of
10ISU as well as a community leader in the Bloomington-Normal
11area; and
12    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris was the recipient of numerous
13acknowledgments and awards; he and his wife became the
14namesake of a social justice library at the ISU Multicultural
15Center, where they donated books and pictures, ensuring that
16students and visitors would continue to learn and research
17African American history; and
18    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris enjoyed traveling with his family
19across the country and around the world; he also enjoyed
20documenting the ancestries of his family and his wife's
21family; and
22    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris, whose life's work encompassed faith,



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1family, philanthropy, and education, was affectionately known
2as "Buddy" to family members; and
3    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris was preceded in death by his parents
4and his sister, Dr. DeLois Miriam Morris Fuller; and
5    WHEREAS, Dr. Morris is survived by his wife of 67 years,
6Dr. Jeanne Brown Morris; his children, David C. Morris Sr. and
7Lyn E. Morris; four grandchildren; one great-granddaughter;
8and a host of extended family members, friends, and board,
9committee, and fraternity members across the country;
10therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
13Dr. Charles E. Morris Jr. and extend our sincere condolences
14to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
15it further
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to the family of Dr. Morris as an expression of our
18deepest sympathy.