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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Dennis McClendon of Chicago, who
4passed away on August 8, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon was born to Noble Lester and
6Merida McClendon in Texarkana, Arkansas on July 23, 1957;
7while in high school, he passed the Federal Communications
8Commission (FCC) examination and became a radio disc jockey
9under the DJ name "Mark Austin" at KOSY-FM in Texarkana; he
10graduated from Texas Senior High School in 1975, where he was a
11National Merit Scholar; he majored in urban studies at Tulsa
12University; he then attended the University of Texas in Austin
13School of Law and passed the Texas bar exam; and
14    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon relocated to Chicago to begin
15working for the accounting firm Arthur Anderson, during which
16he developed what became a lifelong love for the City of
17Chicago, leading him to become immersed in Chicago history,
18architecture, and urban design; he bought an apartment in the
19South Loop and played an active role in the South Loop
20Neighbors organization, where he held many positions during
21his long tenure, including president and vice president of
22planning and development; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon became known for his work as a
2cartographer and designer, impacting generations of Chicago
3visitors and residents alike; he worked for the American
4Planning Association (APA) and helped produce their monthly
5publication; his work on maps for the magazine led to him
6establishing his own company, Chicago CartoGraphics; he
7created maps for many clients, including the Regional
8Transportation Authority (RTA), the Chicago Transit Authority
9(CTA), and the Chicago Department of Transportation, where he
10designed the original Chicago Bike Map; and
11    WHEREAS, As an expert in Chicago history, Dennis McClendon
12was a popular lecturer on a wide variety of topics, including
13railroad stations, bridges, World's Fairs, mapmaking, and
14Burnham's 1909 Plan for Chicago; he also maintained a
15formidable online presence, particularly on Reddit, where he
16posted under the screen name "MrDowntown"; he was considered a
17reliable source of information and expertise, often providing
18concise, academically-sourced answers to settle debates on
19r/Chicago and r/AskHistorians, among other subreddits; he also
20served as a primary source to local media, including WBEZ's
21Curious City radio broadcast and WTTW's Ask Geoffrey
22television program, and his Chicago In Maps website has long
23been a trusted resource for historic map collections; and
24    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon was a certified tour guide and



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1vice president of the Chicago Tour-Guide Professionals
2Association, and he worked as a volunteer disk jockey for CRIS
3Radio in Chicago, which provides daily readings of newspapers
4and periodicals for the visually impaired; he was a longtime
5member of the North American Cartographic Information Society
6(NACIS), where he was founder and host of its annual GeoDweeb
7Geopardy competition; he was also a member of the Chicago Map
8Society and the Central Electric Railfans Association, and he
9served as a longtime mentor to the Chicago chapter of Young
10Professionals in Transportation; and
11    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon was a citizen of the world,
12visiting more than 100 countries and sharing his passion for
13traveling with family and friends; he had a conversational
14knowledge of Spanish, German, and French; during his travels,
15he often took pictures of public transportation as well as
16outstanding examples of urban design, contributing many of his
17photos to dedicated websites; and
18    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon will be remembered for his
19brilliant mind, his extraordinary kindness, his avid
20curiosity, and his endless generosity with sharing his
21knowledge; and
22    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon was preceded in death by his
23father; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dennis McClendon is survived by his mother; his
2sister, Denise (Louis) Carriveau; his nephews, David (Katy)
3Carriveau and Michael Carriveau; and his niece, Sara (Nick)
4Monfries; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
7Dennis McClendon and extend our sincere condolences to his
8family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to the family of Dennis McClendon as an expression
12of our deepest sympathy.