SR1196LRB103 42496 MST 75727 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mary Lynne Cleverdon of Springfield,
4who passed away on July 10, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon was born in Concordia, Kansas to
6Arne and Mary Larson on September 13, 1941 and grew up in
7Kansas, Montana, and New Jersey; she attended The College of
8Wooster in Wooster, Ohio from 1959 to 1963; she married David
9Cleverdon in 1962 and during the summer of 1963, they traveled
10by motorcycle across the U.S., finally settling in Chicago;
11she worked at the University of Chicago Library while David
12attended school there; and
13    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon and David were involved in the
14Freedom Summer of 1964 in Mississippi, helping Black Americans
15register to vote; after Mississippi, she taught at Reaves
16Elementary School on the south side of Chicago; she and David
17became active in Chicago and Illinois politics, including
18Governor Dan Walker's campaign; they moved to Springfield in
191973, and she was a homemaker while David worked in the Walker
20Administration; and
21    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon divorced in 1976, and she became
22the Director of Christian Education at Westminster



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1Presbyterian Church, where she was a member; she accepted a
2position as the business manager for the Medical Humanities
3Department at SIU School of Medicine in 1978; while at SIU, she
4received a master's degree in counseling from the University
5of Illinois Springfield; her role expanded to include
6counseling individuals, teaching and evaluating medical
7students in interpersonal skills, and offering other electives
8as an adjunct faculty member; she also managed the SIU Pearson
9Museum; she retired from SIU in 2007; and
10    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon volunteered much of her time; she
11held leadership roles with Westminster Presbyterian Church,
12Presbyterian Women, Church Women United, P.E.O., and the
13Academy of Lifelong Learning; she was president of the board
14at Kemmerer Village, a residential treatment campus for young
15people sponsored by the Presbyterian Church; and
16    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon was a single working mom and
17active volunteer, but her children always came first; she made
18lunches, designed Halloween costumes, drove carpools, and
19hosted sleepovers; she was close to her extended family,
20sending greeting cards and visiting whenever possible; she
21found time to be a friend to so many, helping however she
22could, always ready to listen and be present; and
23    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon was generous and philanthropic



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1and supported a wide range of causes, including civil rights
2organizations, museums, performing arts, veterans,
3environmental organizations, food pantries, and children in
4need; and
5    WHEREAS, Lynne Cleverdon is survived by her son, Joseph
6Cleverdon; her daughter, Carol (David) Booth; her
7grandchildren, Joshua, Naomi, and Maytal Booth; her siblings,
8Arne Larson, Kristen Carlson, Timothy Larson, and Elise
9Sprague and their families; and a large extended family of
10cousins, nieces, nephews, and their children; therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
13Mary Lynne Cleverdon and extend our sincere condolences to her
14family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to the family of Lynne Cleverdon as an expression of
18our deepest sympathy.