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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Emiel Hamberlin Jr., Ph.D.; and
4    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin was born to Emile and Douglas
5(Olga) Hamberlin in Fayette, Mississippi on November 8, 1939;
6he began attending Alcorn State University in 1964, where he
7earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and became a member of
8Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; he married his wife, Minnie,
9in 1965; he moved to Chicago after graduating college; at the
10University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, he earned his Master
11of Education in Vocational Education in 1978 and his Doctor of
12Philosophy in Horticulture in 1982; he later received a degree
13in advanced studies at Northwestern University in 1993; and
14    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin valued education throughout his
1536-year teaching career at Jean Baptiste Point DuSable High
16School in Chicago; he believed education to be the key to
17upward mobility and should be fair and equitable; he
18encouraged his students to receive the best education possible
19and expanded their academic horizons where he was able, which
20included providing such opportunities as exploring nature,
21visiting museums, going on various field trips, and engaging
22in hands-on activities; he encouraged and assisted many of his
23students in attending and graduating from a number of esteemed



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1colleges and universities; and
2    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin received many academic and special
3recognition awards, including the Will/Cook County
4Conservation Award in 1978, the State of Illinois Master
5Teacher Award in 1980, an award for community service from the
6Ora Higgins Youth Foundation in 1985, the Citizen Schools
7Committee School Improvement Award in 1990, an award from the
8Kohl Family Foundation in 1992, the Golden Apple Teacher Award
9in 1996, and an award from the Harold Washington Cultural
10Center in 2022; he was named the 1971 City of Chicago Teacher
11of the Year, the 1974 Outstanding Secondary Educator of
12America, the 1975 Professional Personnel Director
13Environmental Educator, and the 1977 Teacher of the Year by
14the Illinois State Board of Education; he was also featured as
15an extraordinary instructor on ABC's 20/20 with Hugh Downs in
161977 and was mentioned in Who's Who Among Black Americans in
171988, Newsweek Magazine in 1986, and the 2004 book, America
18Behind the Colored Lines, by Henry Louis Gates; and
19    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin committed to his faith at an early
20age in Fayette, Mississippi; after moving to Chicago, he
21joined Liberty Baptist Church, where he became a very active
22member, a deacon, and a trustee; and
23    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin was a devoted husband, a loving and



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1nurturing father, a doting grandfather, and a dedicated
2educator affectionately known as "Doc" by many; he will be
3remembered for his wisdom, his commitment to education, and
4the impact he made on the lives of his students; and
5    WHEREAS, Dr. Hamberlin was the husband of Minnie for 59
6years; the father of Emiel Hamberlin III and Mark Hamberlin;
7the grandfather of Emiel IV, Kenneth, Angela, and Jordan; the
8brother of the late Jacqueline Brown Lowe, McKinley (Keith)
9Hamberlin, James (Julia) Hamberlin, the late Herman Hamberlin,
10and Lavern (Pastor Mary) Hamberlin; the cousin of James Brown;
11and the uncle of many; therefore, be it
13ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
14Emiel Hamberlin Jr., Ph.D., and extend our sincere condolences
15to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
16it further
17    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
18presented to the family of Dr. Hamberlin as an expression of
19our deepest sympathy.